WH dumps some Benghazi Emails

They also expose Jay Carney's lies dozens of times. One can almost feel sorry for Carney. He should quit before he has to answer for what he has said.
What ever happened to the media's interest in White House recordings and the notorious missing 18 minutes of the Nixon tapes?
The first one in the link shows 1. stating we have already spoken to OPA who will be coordinating with the WH as well

That Forbes blogger is a serious left winger, self admitted. Update to his screaming lying headlines is this. Jonathan Karl basically telling Tapper to stick his accusation where the sun don't shine.

As for Karl, ... But he also says he was "quoting verbatim a source who reviewed the original documents and shared detailed notes. ... The source was not permitted to make copies of the original e-mails.

The White House has refused multiple requests — from journalists, including myself, and from Republican leaders in Congress — to release the full e-mail exchanges."

: "To gain or get (something) usually by effort."

Karl adds that:

"I asked my original source [Tuesday] to explain the different wording on the Ben Rhodes e-mail, and the fact that the words 'State Department' were not included in the e-mail provided to CNN's Tapper.

"This was my source's response, via e-mail: 'WH reply was after a long chain of email about State Dept concerns.

So when WH emailer says, take into account all equities, he is talking about the State equities, since that is what the email chain was about.' "

White House Releases Complete Benghazi Emails : The Two-Way : NPR

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