Do you know ANYTHING about Veselnitskaya or Simpson, WTP? You seem more ignorant about them than you are about most things...and that's saying something!
I know all about both of them. That is why this is so hilarious. To watch you make a total fool of yourself when you changed the story line, then couldn't link a real connection between the two. There was no real dinner. And I proved it with your absence of a link. You continue to expose lies, and you continue to get caught making up this manufactured story about the two of them having dinner together.

So, what authority did Trump Jr. have in authorizing a meeting with foreign nationals to get dirt on Clinton during a presidential campaign?
They met because Veselnitskaya hired a law firm which hired Fusion GPS to do their research. Technically, she was a client of Simpson’s.

And she had a meeting with Simpson...the founder of Fusion GPS...one night BEFORE the Trump Tower meeting and another meeting with him one night AFTER the Trump Tower meeting? Is that your story, Faun?
She did not have a “meeting” with Simpson the night before the “Trump Meeting.”

You just can’t stop lying, can you, ya lying con tool?

There was a dinner for some of the folks involved in the lawsuit she was defending. She was associated with that lawsuit in the capacity of an attorney. Years earlier, she had retained the services of an American law firm to help assist her with that case. That American law firm hired Fusion GPS to perform some of their research. It’s not uncommon for people associated with a lawsuit like that to hold s dinner for those involved.

What you falsely portray as them “meeting” was actually both of them being connected by a lawsuit she was defending and being at the same dinner. You can’t even show they spoke with each other (or at least through an interpreter since Simpson doesn’t speak Russian and Veselnitskaya doesn’t speak much English). All you have are the lies you make up.

They actually saw each other the night before...the day of...and the day AFTER the Trump Tower meeting! But since they don't speak the other's language they must have been doing a whole lot of smiling and nodding...huh, Faun? (eye roll)
OM friggin G! Are you full of shit, or are you full of shit? You got caught with your pants down with no link, and admitting to us that there was no meeting. What a friggin liar.

What are you even babbling about now? No meeting? There were THREE meetings between Simpson and Veselnitskaya over three days! The day before...the day of...and the day after! Amazing how two people that Faun claims couldn't even talk to each other because of a language barrier somehow kept having meeting after meeting and it's all centered around one thing...the Trump Tower meeting!
Link of confirmed formal meeting between the two of them about the Trump Tower meeting, or you continue to be a liar?
They met because Veselnitskaya hired a law firm which hired Fusion GPS to do their research. Technically, she was a client of Simpson’s.

And she had a meeting with Simpson...the founder of Fusion GPS...one night BEFORE the Trump Tower meeting and another meeting with him one night AFTER the Trump Tower meeting? Is that your story, Faun?
She did not have a “meeting” with Simpson the night before the “Trump Meeting.”

You just can’t stop lying, can you, ya lying con tool?

There was a dinner for some of the folks involved in the lawsuit she was defending. She was associated with that lawsuit in the capacity of an attorney. Years earlier, she had retained the services of an American law firm to help assist her with that case. That American law firm hired Fusion GPS to perform some of their research. It’s not uncommon for people associated with a lawsuit like that to hold s dinner for those involved.

What you falsely portray as them “meeting” was actually both of them being connected by a lawsuit she was defending and being at the same dinner. You can’t even show they spoke with each other (or at least through an interpreter since Simpson doesn’t speak Russian and Veselnitskaya doesn’t speak much English). All you have are the lies you make up.

They actually saw each other the night before...the day of...and the day AFTER the Trump Tower meeting! But since they don't speak the other's language they must have been doing a whole lot of smiling and nodding...huh, Faun? (eye roll)
So what if they saw each on each of those 3 days? She was here because of the lawsuit she was defending. She held a client dinner the first night. The second day they saw each other in court during a proceeding of said lawsuit. And the third night was another dinner.

You have zero evidence they spoke at either dinner and merely exchanged pleasantries in court where they actually did have an exchange.

Anything and everything else you added beyond that is nothing but you doing what you always do — lie.

What does Glenn Simpson DO, Faun? How does he make his money? That's all you have to know about why he and Veselnitskaya were having meetings! It wasn't to exchange "pleasantries"! It was to do what Simpson does...political dirty tricks for money! Neither he nor Veselnitskaya are the exchange pleasantries type of people. They are the back channel sleazes who play politics for profit!
Do you understand how easy this is to catch you lying?

"Well, the first one was just an obligatory client dinner which, you know, when you work on a legal case you get invited to dinner with the clients. The one in D.C. was more of a social thing. It wasn't -- she was at it, but it wasn't really about the case. It was just a bunch of Mark Cymrot's friends." (Cymrot is a partner at Baker Hostetler, which did business with Fusion GPS.)
They met because Veselnitskaya hired a law firm which hired Fusion GPS to do their research. Technically, she was a client of Simpson’s.

And she had a meeting with Simpson...the founder of Fusion GPS...one night BEFORE the Trump Tower meeting and another meeting with him one night AFTER the Trump Tower meeting? Is that your story, Faun?
She did not have a “meeting” with Simpson the night before the “Trump Meeting.”

You just can’t stop lying, can you, ya lying con tool?

There was a dinner for some of the folks involved in the lawsuit she was defending. She was associated with that lawsuit in the capacity of an attorney. Years earlier, she had retained the services of an American law firm to help assist her with that case. That American law firm hired Fusion GPS to perform some of their research. It’s not uncommon for people associated with a lawsuit like that to hold s dinner for those involved.

What you falsely portray as them “meeting” was actually both of them being connected by a lawsuit she was defending and being at the same dinner. You can’t even show they spoke with each other (or at least through an interpreter since Simpson doesn’t speak Russian and Veselnitskaya doesn’t speak much English). All you have are the lies you make up.

They actually saw each other the night before...the day of...and the day AFTER the Trump Tower meeting! But since they don't speak the other's language they must have been doing a whole lot of smiling and nodding...huh, Faun? (eye roll)
OM friggin G! Are you full of shit, or are you full of shit? You got caught with your pants down with no link, and admitting to us that there was no meeting. What a friggin liar.

What are you even babbling about now? No meeting? There were THREE meetings between Simpson and Veselnitskaya over three days! The day before...the day of...and the day after! Amazing how two people that Faun claims couldn't even talk to each other because of a language barrier somehow kept having meeting after meeting and it's all centered around one thing...the Trump Tower meeting!
This is what you are talking about. They weren't even meetings; "Well, the first one was just an obligatory client dinner which, you know, when you work on a legal case you get invited to dinner with the clients. The one in D.C. was more of a social thing. It wasn't -- she was at it, but it wasn't really about the case. It was just a bunch of Mark Cymrot's friends." (Cymrot is a partner at Baker Hostetler, which did business with Fusion GPS.) "Clients," meaning people. Which means plural. Get it?
They met because Veselnitskaya hired a law firm which hired Fusion GPS to do their research. Technically, she was a client of Simpson’s.

And she had a meeting with Simpson...the founder of Fusion GPS...one night BEFORE the Trump Tower meeting and another meeting with him one night AFTER the Trump Tower meeting? Is that your story, Faun?
She did not have a “meeting” with Simpson the night before the “Trump Meeting.”

You just can’t stop lying, can you, ya lying con tool?

There was a dinner for some of the folks involved in the lawsuit she was defending. She was associated with that lawsuit in the capacity of an attorney. Years earlier, she had retained the services of an American law firm to help assist her with that case. That American law firm hired Fusion GPS to perform some of their research. It’s not uncommon for people associated with a lawsuit like that to hold s dinner for those involved.

What you falsely portray as them “meeting” was actually both of them being connected by a lawsuit she was defending and being at the same dinner. You can’t even show they spoke with each other (or at least through an interpreter since Simpson doesn’t speak Russian and Veselnitskaya doesn’t speak much English). All you have are the lies you make up.

They actually saw each other the night before...the day of...and the day AFTER the Trump Tower meeting! But since they don't speak the other's language they must have been doing a whole lot of smiling and nodding...huh, Faun? (eye roll)
So what if they saw each on each of those 3 days? She was here because of the lawsuit she was defending. She held a client dinner the first night. The second day they saw each other in court during a proceeding of said lawsuit. And the third night was another dinner.

You have zero evidence they spoke at either dinner and merely exchanged pleasantries in court where they actually did have an exchange.

Anything and everything else you added beyond that is nothing but you doing what you always do — lie.

What does Glenn Simpson DO, Faun? How does he make his money? That's all you have to know about why he and Veselnitskaya were having meetings! It wasn't to exchange "pleasantries"! It was to do what Simpson does...political dirty tricks for money! Neither he nor Veselnitskaya are the exchange pleasantries type of people. They are the back channel sleazes who play politics for profit!
You are such a liar. And not even a good one. Links to all these interactions?
Scathing OP-ED from an anon source. Kinda like the dossier.

Either expose who you are, or the whole thing is made up.
They met because Veselnitskaya hired a law firm which hired Fusion GPS to do their research. Technically, she was a client of Simpson’s.

And she had a meeting with Simpson...the founder of Fusion GPS...one night BEFORE the Trump Tower meeting and another meeting with him one night AFTER the Trump Tower meeting? Is that your story, Faun?
She did not have a “meeting” with Simpson the night before the “Trump Meeting.”

You just can’t stop lying, can you, ya lying con tool?

There was a dinner for some of the folks involved in the lawsuit she was defending. She was associated with that lawsuit in the capacity of an attorney. Years earlier, she had retained the services of an American law firm to help assist her with that case. That American law firm hired Fusion GPS to perform some of their research. It’s not uncommon for people associated with a lawsuit like that to hold s dinner for those involved.

What you falsely portray as them “meeting” was actually both of them being connected by a lawsuit she was defending and being at the same dinner. You can’t even show they spoke with each other (or at least through an interpreter since Simpson doesn’t speak Russian and Veselnitskaya doesn’t speak much English). All you have are the lies you make up.

They actually saw each other the night before...the day of...and the day AFTER the Trump Tower meeting! But since they don't speak the other's language they must have been doing a whole lot of smiling and nodding...huh, Faun? (eye roll)
OM friggin G! Are you full of shit, or are you full of shit? You got caught with your pants down with no link, and admitting to us that there was no meeting. What a friggin liar.

What are you even babbling about now? No meeting? There were THREE meetings between Simpson and Veselnitskaya over three days! The day before...the day of...and the day after! Amazing how two people that Faun claims couldn't even talk to each other because of a language barrier somehow kept having meeting after meeting and it's all centered around one thing...the Trump Tower meeting!
They held no meetings. There were two dinners and a courtroom proceeding.

And most salient, you have zero evidence they even communicated with each other at either of those dinners.

As always, all you have to confirm your bullshit are the lies you make up in order to prop up your bullshit.
They met because Veselnitskaya hired a law firm which hired Fusion GPS to do their research. Technically, she was a client of Simpson’s.

And she had a meeting with Simpson...the founder of Fusion GPS...one night BEFORE the Trump Tower meeting and another meeting with him one night AFTER the Trump Tower meeting? Is that your story, Faun?
She did not have a “meeting” with Simpson the night before the “Trump Meeting.”

You just can’t stop lying, can you, ya lying con tool?

There was a dinner for some of the folks involved in the lawsuit she was defending. She was associated with that lawsuit in the capacity of an attorney. Years earlier, she had retained the services of an American law firm to help assist her with that case. That American law firm hired Fusion GPS to perform some of their research. It’s not uncommon for people associated with a lawsuit like that to hold s dinner for those involved.

What you falsely portray as them “meeting” was actually both of them being connected by a lawsuit she was defending and being at the same dinner. You can’t even show they spoke with each other (or at least through an interpreter since Simpson doesn’t speak Russian and Veselnitskaya doesn’t speak much English). All you have are the lies you make up.

They actually saw each other the night before...the day of...and the day AFTER the Trump Tower meeting! But since they don't speak the other's language they must have been doing a whole lot of smiling and nodding...huh, Faun? (eye roll)
So what if they saw each on each of those 3 days? She was here because of the lawsuit she was defending. She held a client dinner the first night. The second day they saw each other in court during a proceeding of said lawsuit. And the third night was another dinner.

You have zero evidence they spoke at either dinner and merely exchanged pleasantries in court where they actually did have an exchange.

Anything and everything else you added beyond that is nothing but you doing what you always do — lie.

What does Glenn Simpson DO, Faun? How does he make his money? That's all you have to know about why he and Veselnitskaya were having meetings! It wasn't to exchange "pleasantries"! It was to do what Simpson does...political dirty tricks for money! Neither he nor Veselnitskaya are the exchange pleasantries type of people. They are the back channel sleazes who play politics for profit!
Lying con tool, you can’t prove a word you’re saying. I know it. You know it. Everyone reading this knows it.
And she had a meeting with Simpson...the founder of Fusion GPS...one night BEFORE the Trump Tower meeting and another meeting with him one night AFTER the Trump Tower meeting? Is that your story, Faun?
She did not have a “meeting” with Simpson the night before the “Trump Meeting.”

You just can’t stop lying, can you, ya lying con tool?

There was a dinner for some of the folks involved in the lawsuit she was defending. She was associated with that lawsuit in the capacity of an attorney. Years earlier, she had retained the services of an American law firm to help assist her with that case. That American law firm hired Fusion GPS to perform some of their research. It’s not uncommon for people associated with a lawsuit like that to hold s dinner for those involved.

What you falsely portray as them “meeting” was actually both of them being connected by a lawsuit she was defending and being at the same dinner. You can’t even show they spoke with each other (or at least through an interpreter since Simpson doesn’t speak Russian and Veselnitskaya doesn’t speak much English). All you have are the lies you make up.

They actually saw each other the night before...the day of...and the day AFTER the Trump Tower meeting! But since they don't speak the other's language they must have been doing a whole lot of smiling and nodding...huh, Faun? (eye roll)
OM friggin G! Are you full of shit, or are you full of shit? You got caught with your pants down with no link, and admitting to us that there was no meeting. What a friggin liar.

What are you even babbling about now? No meeting? There were THREE meetings between Simpson and Veselnitskaya over three days! The day before...the day of...and the day after! Amazing how two people that Faun claims couldn't even talk to each other because of a language barrier somehow kept having meeting after meeting and it's all centered around one thing...the Trump Tower meeting!
Link of confirmed formal meeting between the two of them about the Trump Tower meeting, or you continue to be a liar?
There will be no such link forthcoming since no such link exists. And no such link exists because he’s making it all up. He can’t even prove they spoke to each other, with or without an interpreter, at either dinner. Instead, you will get nothing but more lies he employs to provide cover for his past lies.
Do you know ANYTHING about Veselnitskaya or Simpson, WTP? You seem more ignorant about them than you are about most things...and that's saying something!
I know all about both of them. That is why this is so hilarious. To watch you make a total fool of yourself when you changed the story line, then couldn't link a real connection between the two. There was no real dinner. And I proved it with your absence of a link. You continue to expose lies, and you continue to get caught making up this manufactured story about the two of them having dinner together.

So, what authority did Trump Jr. have in authorizing a meeting with foreign nationals to get dirt on Clinton during a presidential campaign?

Would that be the same foreign national that had 3 meetings with the man that Hillary Clinton was paying huge bucks to smear Donald Trump? The same foreign national that was hired by the man Hillary Clinton was employing to play political dirty tricks? The same foreign national that lied to the Trump campaign about having dirt on Hillary Clinton?

I have no idea why you think Trump Jr. needed to have "authorization" to have a meeting to discuss dirt on Clinton! I also have no idea who you think would GIVE such authorization!
And she had a meeting with Simpson...the founder of Fusion GPS...one night BEFORE the Trump Tower meeting and another meeting with him one night AFTER the Trump Tower meeting? Is that your story, Faun?
She did not have a “meeting” with Simpson the night before the “Trump Meeting.”

You just can’t stop lying, can you, ya lying con tool?

There was a dinner for some of the folks involved in the lawsuit she was defending. She was associated with that lawsuit in the capacity of an attorney. Years earlier, she had retained the services of an American law firm to help assist her with that case. That American law firm hired Fusion GPS to perform some of their research. It’s not uncommon for people associated with a lawsuit like that to hold s dinner for those involved.

What you falsely portray as them “meeting” was actually both of them being connected by a lawsuit she was defending and being at the same dinner. You can’t even show they spoke with each other (or at least through an interpreter since Simpson doesn’t speak Russian and Veselnitskaya doesn’t speak much English). All you have are the lies you make up.

They actually saw each other the night before...the day of...and the day AFTER the Trump Tower meeting! But since they don't speak the other's language they must have been doing a whole lot of smiling and nodding...huh, Faun? (eye roll)
OM friggin G! Are you full of shit, or are you full of shit? You got caught with your pants down with no link, and admitting to us that there was no meeting. What a friggin liar.

What are you even babbling about now? No meeting? There were THREE meetings between Simpson and Veselnitskaya over three days! The day before...the day of...and the day after! Amazing how two people that Faun claims couldn't even talk to each other because of a language barrier somehow kept having meeting after meeting and it's all centered around one thing...the Trump Tower meeting!
They held no meetings. There were two dinners and a courtroom proceeding.

And most salient, you have zero evidence they even communicated with each other at either of those dinners.

As always, all you have to confirm your bullshit are the lies you make up in order to prop up your bullshit.

Which is more logical...that they DID speak to each other at those three meetings...or that they didn't? The fact that all three meetings happened RIGHT when this scam of a meeting was being arranged at Trump Tower makes your claim that they had no meetings completely laughable!
Scathing OP-ED from an anon source. Kinda like the dossier.

Either expose who you are, or the whole thing is made up.
That’s all it is
Made up
Fake News

Indeed, just more innuendo and noise until some other stupid meme is put out for the scum to parrot. It is having zero effect on the elections, which make these gimps all the more silly and retarded for running around repeating the nonsense. The 'source' of the OP will never be revealed, of course, and the story will be dropped as soon as the Hive sends out a new one.
Scathing OP-ED from an anon source. Kinda like the dossier.

Either expose who you are, or the whole thing is made up.
Says who? So, if they expose them self, it's not made up?

That's right. If they expose themselves they can be vetted by independent sources. Verify that they even work in the white house, verify that they said what the article says they did, etc. Without it, you have anon words from an anon source. i.e. the shit is fake and made up. Unverified bullshit.

It's funny, if its against Trump it's ok to be totally anon, totally unverified, etc. If it's something Trump says it has to be verified 5 ways from Tuesday and its still called bullshit by the media.

The double standard is unbelievable.
Last edited:
She did not have a “meeting” with Simpson the night before the “Trump Meeting.”

You just can’t stop lying, can you, ya lying con tool?

There was a dinner for some of the folks involved in the lawsuit she was defending. She was associated with that lawsuit in the capacity of an attorney. Years earlier, she had retained the services of an American law firm to help assist her with that case. That American law firm hired Fusion GPS to perform some of their research. It’s not uncommon for people associated with a lawsuit like that to hold s dinner for those involved.

What you falsely portray as them “meeting” was actually both of them being connected by a lawsuit she was defending and being at the same dinner. You can’t even show they spoke with each other (or at least through an interpreter since Simpson doesn’t speak Russian and Veselnitskaya doesn’t speak much English). All you have are the lies you make up.

They actually saw each other the night before...the day of...and the day AFTER the Trump Tower meeting! But since they don't speak the other's language they must have been doing a whole lot of smiling and nodding...huh, Faun? (eye roll)
OM friggin G! Are you full of shit, or are you full of shit? You got caught with your pants down with no link, and admitting to us that there was no meeting. What a friggin liar.

What are you even babbling about now? No meeting? There were THREE meetings between Simpson and Veselnitskaya over three days! The day before...the day of...and the day after! Amazing how two people that Faun claims couldn't even talk to each other because of a language barrier somehow kept having meeting after meeting and it's all centered around one thing...the Trump Tower meeting!
They held no meetings. There were two dinners and a courtroom proceeding.

And most salient, you have zero evidence they even communicated with each other at either of those dinners.

As always, all you have to confirm your bullshit are the lies you make up in order to prop up your bullshit.

Which is more logical...that they DID speak to each other at those three meetings...or that they didn't? The fact that all three meetings happened RIGHT when this scam of a meeting was being arranged at Trump Tower makes your claim that they had no meetings completely laughable!
They were at the same client dinners. You can’t even show they sat at the same table, no less spoke with each other.

Meaning anything you say about their actions at those 2 dinners stems from your imagination. And you’re a proven lying con tool.
Scathing OP-ED from an anon source. Kinda like the dossier.

Either expose who you are, or the whole thing is made up.
Says who? So, if they expose them self, it's not made up?

That's right. If they expose themselves they can be vetted by independent sources. Verify that they even work in the white house, verify that they said what the article says they did, etc. Without it, you have anon words from an anon source. i.e. the shit is fake and made up. Unverified bullshit.

It's funny, if its against Trump it's ok to be totally anon, totally unverified, etc. If it's something Trump says it has to be verified 5 ways from Tuesday and its still called bullshit by the media.

The double standard is unbelievable.

It's just a waste of time attempting to have any serious discussions with the vermin, that's all. Fake news is the agenda of DA Resistance parrots and their scumbag traitor masters, and that is all there is to them, shallow little vermin and racists who hope to tear the whole country down, shit on it, and then get butchered in turn by their imaginary 'oppressed minorities' and assorted sociopath deviants like good little commies, or 'useful idiots' as Lenin called them. too stupid to be let alive in The New World Order, which will look like every other totally corrupt murdering regime. One can almost hope they succeed if one can be around to laugh at them.
They actually saw each other the night before...the day of...and the day AFTER the Trump Tower meeting! But since they don't speak the other's language they must have been doing a whole lot of smiling and nodding...huh, Faun? (eye roll)
OM friggin G! Are you full of shit, or are you full of shit? You got caught with your pants down with no link, and admitting to us that there was no meeting. What a friggin liar.

What are you even babbling about now? No meeting? There were THREE meetings between Simpson and Veselnitskaya over three days! The day before...the day of...and the day after! Amazing how two people that Faun claims couldn't even talk to each other because of a language barrier somehow kept having meeting after meeting and it's all centered around one thing...the Trump Tower meeting!
They held no meetings. There were two dinners and a courtroom proceeding.

And most salient, you have zero evidence they even communicated with each other at either of those dinners.

As always, all you have to confirm your bullshit are the lies you make up in order to prop up your bullshit.

Which is more logical...that they DID speak to each other at those three meetings...or that they didn't? The fact that all three meetings happened RIGHT when this scam of a meeting was being arranged at Trump Tower makes your claim that they had no meetings completely laughable!
They were at the same client dinners. You can’t even show they sat at the same table, no less spoke with each other.

Meaning anything you say about their actions at those 2 dinners stems from your imagination. And you’re a proven lying con tool.

lol you have nothing, just your silly infantile I Touched You Last!!! trolling. You're a ridiculous joke poster. At least try and come up with some facts once in while, just to make it less obvious.
OM friggin G! Are you full of shit, or are you full of shit? You got caught with your pants down with no link, and admitting to us that there was no meeting. What a friggin liar.

What are you even babbling about now? No meeting? There were THREE meetings between Simpson and Veselnitskaya over three days! The day before...the day of...and the day after! Amazing how two people that Faun claims couldn't even talk to each other because of a language barrier somehow kept having meeting after meeting and it's all centered around one thing...the Trump Tower meeting!
They held no meetings. There were two dinners and a courtroom proceeding.

And most salient, you have zero evidence they even communicated with each other at either of those dinners.

As always, all you have to confirm your bullshit are the lies you make up in order to prop up your bullshit.

Which is more logical...that they DID speak to each other at those three meetings...or that they didn't? The fact that all three meetings happened RIGHT when this scam of a meeting was being arranged at Trump Tower makes your claim that they had no meetings completely laughable!
They were at the same client dinners. You can’t even show they sat at the same table, no less spoke with each other.

Meaning anything you say about their actions at those 2 dinners stems from your imagination. And you’re a proven lying con tool.

lol you have nothing, just your silly infantile I Touched You Last!!! trolling. You're a ridiculous joke poster. At least try and come up with some facts once in while, just to make it less obvious.
Great, so this means you must have some proof that Simpson and Veselnitskaya conspired together to get Trump — let’s see it. :badgrin:
What are you even babbling about now? No meeting? There were THREE meetings between Simpson and Veselnitskaya over three days! The day before...the day of...and the day after! Amazing how two people that Faun claims couldn't even talk to each other because of a language barrier somehow kept having meeting after meeting and it's all centered around one thing...the Trump Tower meeting!
They held no meetings. There were two dinners and a courtroom proceeding.

And most salient, you have zero evidence they even communicated with each other at either of those dinners.

As always, all you have to confirm your bullshit are the lies you make up in order to prop up your bullshit.

Which is more logical...that they DID speak to each other at those three meetings...or that they didn't? The fact that all three meetings happened RIGHT when this scam of a meeting was being arranged at Trump Tower makes your claim that they had no meetings completely laughable!
They were at the same client dinners. You can’t even show they sat at the same table, no less spoke with each other.

Meaning anything you say about their actions at those 2 dinners stems from your imagination. And you’re a proven lying con tool.

lol you have nothing, just your silly infantile I Touched You Last!!! trolling. You're a ridiculous joke poster. At least try and come up with some facts once in while, just to make it less obvious.
Great, so this means you must have some proof that Simpson and Veselnitskaya conspired together to get Trump — let’s see it. :badgrin:

Your strawmen are even more silly and stupid than usual. All that has already been handed to you several times, and you're too stupid to rebut it, so your 'demands' only rate a 'lol go away idiot'. You and the other cosplay faggots have only posted spam here in this thread from first to last.

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