WH responds to Cheney

"I'm very disappointed in the vice president's comments," declared John Brennan, assistant to the President for homeland security and counterterrorism, on NBC's "Meet the Press."

"Either the vice president is willfully mischaracterizing this president's position -- both in terms of language he uses, and the actions he's taken -- or he's ignorant of the fact," he said. "In either case, it doesn't speak well of what the vice president's doing."


Let me get this straight. You are quoting one of Obama's henchmen response to Cheney's comments as it has some sort of merit or that it proves anything? :cuckoo:
The man worked in five administrations as national security. Want to name them? Be very, very sure.

You are loser, son.
once agin repignicans just spout erroneous talking points. To begin with bush blew it prior to 911 -he had the warnings and ignored them while he golfed and dreamed of invading Iraq. Then after 911 He failed to find the anthrax killer, then according to repigs put in place the system that has kept us safe for 7 years- evidently this was the same system clinton used to keep us safe for 7 years unless of course you cvonsider the shoe bomber a failure of this bush system- an almost identical situation to what we now have- I don't remember the repigs being up in arms over that guy-and it took bush 6 days to respond to that attack. No repigs are just into whining and crying about all things Obama. Very weak and childish.

1993 WTC
Tanzania Embassy
Kenya Embassy

Yeah, Clinton kept us really safe, huh? Seems the writing was on the wall when Clinton was chasing the skirts. He had his priorities with terrorism somewhere down the list....maybe after Monica.. Why after the 93 WTC bombing we didn't get a anti terrorism security package passed? Why only after 9-11-2001 did we? As for the shoe bomber that you mentioned, it happened only 3 months after 9-11. Security was still getting ramped up, The security that was in place for 8 years sure didn't work when it really was suppose to. There were failures that this country dropped the ball on. I'm not blaming obama on this, but there are people in this country that should be blamed. This kid had red flags flying, and no one was even looking. So please stop with your partisan crap, because it doesn't fly. This is an issue with politicians that come in all shapes, sizes and parties.
One, Bush's national security team blew the warning leading up to 9-11.

Two, Bush's team failed to find the anthrax killer.

Three, thank heavens shoebomber was skilled personally as Bush or Cheney.

Four, Bush's national security team had eight months to protect the U.S. It failed.

What isn't true about all of that, Sinatra.

Please tell us about the warnings given to Bush...there wasn't enough intel left to give solid leads to the attack. But, you know this jackie and still try to drivel your lies....just like a fool.
Finding a terrorist from a piece of mail .....well give it your best shot, jackie. Tell us where he went wrong.
The shoe bomber was just 3 months after 9-11-2001, jackie, the security policies were still getting passed through the House.
Again, your boy Clinton screwed the intel up to where the rright hand couldn't even find the left hand....That stuff doesn't happen over night, again I say you knew that jackie.
Your an epic fail because of your lying and dishonesty. Go home to mommy sonny boy, past your bed time.
John Brennan's defense of Obama lacks substance... so it's not quite the butt-whooping some of you are trying to pretend it is. :rolleyes:
He's been unable to give ANY cogent explanation of Obama's actions.

Here's part of the transcript with Chris Wallace over the weekend:
WALLACE: Perhaps the most controversial step that President Obama took after the Christmas day terror attack was to charge Abdulmutallab as a criminal defendant.

He was cooperating with authorities. He was giving information about his links to Al Qaeda. But after he got a criminal lawyer, he reportedly stopped cooperating, stopped talking.

Why not treat him as an enemy combatant, put him in a secret prison, use the interrogation techniques that President Obama has specifically approved, and try to get more information out of him?

BRENNAN: Well, we have an array of tools that we will use, and we want to make sure we maintain flexibility as far as how we deal with these individuals.

Now, let's get the facts on the table. He was arrested on U.S. soil on a plane on — in the Detroit airplane. He was, in fact, talking to people who were detaining him.

There were people who were arrested during the previous administration — Richard Reid, the shoe bomber; Zacarias Moussaoui; Padilla; Iyman Faris; others — all were charged and tried in criminal court and sentenced, some cases to life imprisonment.

Just because somebody is going to be put into the criminal legal process does not mean that they're — we don't have other opportunities to get information from them.

WALLACE: But wait, wait. Let me ask you specifically. After Abdulmutallab got lawyered up, did he stop cooperating with authorities? Did he stop talking?

BRENNAN: I'm not going to address exactly what he did before or after he was — talked with his lawyer. We got information. We continue to have opportunities to do that.

As you talk with the lawyers and you talk with the individuals, as they recognize what they're facing as far as the charges, conviction and possible sentence, there are opportunities to continue to talk about it.

FBI has some of the best interrogators and debriefers in the world, and so I'm confident that we're going to continue to be able to work this system and see whether or not...

WALLACE: But once he gets his Miranda rights, he doesn't have to speak at all.

BRENNAN: He doesn't have to, but he knows that there are certain things that are on the table, and if he wants to, in fact, engage with us in a productive manner, there are ways that he can do that.

WALLACE: But why not treat him — you certainly had the right — have — had — still have the right to treat him as an enemy combatant. Why not do that?

If he has more actionable intelligence about future attacks, and you say there's a real possibility of that, doesn't the president have a responsibility to do everything legal he can to get that information?

BRENNAN: And the president has that responsibility, and the Department of Justice makes these determinations about what's the best tool to use. And in this instance, we felt as though it was the best way to address Mr. Abdulmutallab's case.

We'll continue to look at each of the cases individually and proceed accordingly.

WALLACE: Just briefly, what's the downside of treating him as an enemy combatant?

BRENNAN: There's — there are no downsides or upsides in particular cases. What we're trying to do is to make sure we apply the right tool in the right instance. In this case, we made a determination that he should be tried in U.S. criminal court.

Transcript: John Brennan on 'FNS' - FOX News Sunday | Chris Wallace - FOXNews.com

I have yet to see even ONE of Obama's foot soldiers give us a REAL reason why a military venue for trying foreign enemy combatants would be inappropriate or illegal.
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once agin repignicans just spout erroneous talking points. To begin with bush blew it prior to 911 -he had the warnings and ignored them while he golfed and dreamed of invading Iraq. Then after 911 He failed to find the anthrax killer, then according to repigs put in place the system that has kept us safe for 7 years- evidently this was the same system clinton used to keep us safe for 7 years unless of course you cvonsider the shoe bomber a failure of this bush system- an almost identical situation to what we now have- I don't remember the repigs being up in arms over that guy-and it took bush 6 days to respond to that attack. No repigs are just into whining and crying about all things Obama. Very weak and childish.

1993 WTC
Tanzania Embassy
Kenya Embassy

Yeah, Clinton kept us really safe, huh? Seems the writing was on the wall when Clinton was chasing the skirts. He had his priorities with terrorism somewhere down the list....maybe after Monica.. Why after the 93 WTC bombing we didn't get a anti terrorism security package passed? Why only after 9-11-2001 did we? As for the shoe bomber that you mentioned, it happened only 3 months after 9-11. Security was still getting ramped up, The security that was in place for 8 years sure didn't work when it really was suppose to. There were failures that this country dropped the ball on. I'm not blaming obama on this, but there are people in this country that should be blamed. This kid had red flags flying, and no one was even looking. So please stop with your partisan crap, because it doesn't fly. This is an issue with politicians that come in all shapes, sizes and parties.

May I add
to it please?
Why Do The Multiple Terrorist Attacks Under Clinton Mean Nothing? | The Oklahoma City 10 - Top Ten Lists of the Best Restaurants, Businesses, Services, and Everything Else You Can Imagine in Oklahoma City, OK

List of terrorist attacks under Clinton’s watch.

Oct. 12, 2000 – A terrorist bomb damages the destroyer USS Cole in the port of Aden, Yemen, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39.
Aug. 7, 1998 – Terrorist bombs destroy the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In Nairobi, 12 Americans are among the 291 killed, and over 5,000 are wounded, including 6 Americans. In Dar es Salaam, one U.S. citizen is wounded among the 10 killed and 77 injured.
In response, on August 20 the United States attacked targets in Afghanistan and Sudan with over 75 cruise missiles fired from Navy ships in the Arabian and Red seas. About 60 Tomahawk cruise missiles were fired from warships in the Arabian Sea. Most struck six separate targets in a camp near Khost, Afghanistan. Simultaneously, about 20 cruise missiles were fired from U.S. ships in the Red Sea striking a factory in Khartoum, Sudan, which was suspected of producing components for making chemical weapons.
June 21, 1998 – Rocket-propelled grenades explode near the U.S. embassy in Beirut.
July 27, 1996 – A pipe bomb explodes during the Olympic games in Atlanta, killing one person and wounding 111.
June 25, 1996 – A bomb aboard a fuel truck explodes outside a U.S. air force installation in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. 19 U.S. military personnel are killed in the Khubar Towers housing facility, and 515 are wounded, including 240 Americans.
Nov. 13, 1995 – A car-bomb in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia kills seven people, five of them American military and civilian advisers for National Guard training. The “Tigers of the Gulf,” “Islamist Movement for Change,” and “Fighting Advocates of God” claim responsibility.
April 19, 1995 – A car bomb destroys the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people and wounding over 600.
February 1993 – A bomb in a van explodes in the underground parking garage in New York’s World Trade Center, killing six people and wounding 1,042.
Doesn’t that prove that Bush did more than Clinton when it came to protecting us. No matter how small the attacks were under Clinton, they were still attacks regardless.
once agin repignicans just spout erroneous talking points. To begin with bush blew it prior to 911 -he had the warnings and ignored them while he golfed and dreamed of invading Iraq. Then after 911 He failed to find the anthrax killer, then according to repigs put in place the system that has kept us safe for 7 years- evidently this was the same system clinton used to keep us safe for 7 years unless of course you cvonsider the shoe bomber a failure of this bush system- an almost identical situation to what we now have- I don't remember the repigs being up in arms over that guy-and it took bush 6 days to respond to that attack. No repigs are just into whining and crying about all things Obama. Very weak and childish.

1993 WTC
Tanzania Embassy
Kenya Embassy

Yeah, Clinton kept us really safe, huh? Seems the writing was on the wall when Clinton was chasing the skirts. He had his priorities with terrorism somewhere down the list....maybe after Monica.. Why after the 93 WTC bombing we didn't get a anti terrorism security package passed? Why only after 9-11-2001 did we? As for the shoe bomber that you mentioned, it happened only 3 months after 9-11. Security was still getting ramped up, The security that was in place for 8 years sure didn't work when it really was suppose to. There were failures that this country dropped the ball on. I'm not blaming obama on this, but there are people in this country that should be blamed. This kid had red flags flying, and no one was even looking. So please stop with your partisan crap, because it doesn't fly. This is an issue with politicians that come in all shapes, sizes and parties.

May I add
to it please?
Why Do The Multiple Terrorist Attacks Under Clinton Mean Nothing? | The Oklahoma City 10 - Top Ten Lists of the Best Restaurants, Businesses, Services, and Everything Else You Can Imagine in Oklahoma City, OK

List of terrorist attacks under Clinton’s watch.

Oct. 12, 2000 – A terrorist bomb damages the destroyer USS Cole in the port of Aden, Yemen, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39.
Aug. 7, 1998 – Terrorist bombs destroy the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In Nairobi, 12 Americans are among the 291 killed, and over 5,000 are wounded, including 6 Americans. In Dar es Salaam, one U.S. citizen is wounded among the 10 killed and 77 injured.
In response, on August 20 the United States attacked targets in Afghanistan and Sudan with over 75 cruise missiles fired from Navy ships in the Arabian and Red seas. About 60 Tomahawk cruise missiles were fired from warships in the Arabian Sea. Most struck six separate targets in a camp near Khost, Afghanistan. Simultaneously, about 20 cruise missiles were fired from U.S. ships in the Red Sea striking a factory in Khartoum, Sudan, which was suspected of producing components for making chemical weapons.
June 21, 1998 – Rocket-propelled grenades explode near the U.S. embassy in Beirut.
July 27, 1996 – A pipe bomb explodes during the Olympic games in Atlanta, killing one person and wounding 111.
June 25, 1996 – A bomb aboard a fuel truck explodes outside a U.S. air force installation in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. 19 U.S. military personnel are killed in the Khubar Towers housing facility, and 515 are wounded, including 240 Americans.
Nov. 13, 1995 – A car-bomb in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia kills seven people, five of them American military and civilian advisers for National Guard training. The “Tigers of the Gulf,” “Islamist Movement for Change,” and “Fighting Advocates of God” claim responsibility.
April 19, 1995 – A car bomb destroys the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people and wounding over 600.
February 1993 – A bomb in a van explodes in the underground parking garage in New York’s World Trade Center, killing six people and wounding 1,042.
Doesn’t that prove that Bush did more than Clinton when it came to protecting us. No matter how small the attacks were under Clinton, they were still attacks regardless.

and Clintons response??? im outta cigars
The anthrax was likely prepared in a Soviet mobile bioweapons lab in Baghdad. Bush correctly didn't pursue it as it would have meant nuclear with the Russians.
1993 WTC
Tanzania Embassy
Kenya Embassy

Yeah, Clinton kept us really safe, huh? Seems the writing was on the wall when Clinton was chasing the skirts. He had his priorities with terrorism somewhere down the list....maybe after Monica.. Why after the 93 WTC bombing we didn't get a anti terrorism security package passed? Why only after 9-11-2001 did we? As for the shoe bomber that you mentioned, it happened only 3 months after 9-11. Security was still getting ramped up, The security that was in place for 8 years sure didn't work when it really was suppose to. There were failures that this country dropped the ball on. I'm not blaming obama on this, but there are people in this country that should be blamed. This kid had red flags flying, and no one was even looking. So please stop with your partisan crap, because it doesn't fly. This is an issue with politicians that come in all shapes, sizes and parties.

May I add
to it please?
Why Do The Multiple Terrorist Attacks Under Clinton Mean Nothing? | The Oklahoma City 10 - Top Ten Lists of the Best Restaurants, Businesses, Services, and Everything Else You Can Imagine in Oklahoma City, OK

List of terrorist attacks under Clinton’s watch.

Oct. 12, 2000 – A terrorist bomb damages the destroyer USS Cole in the port of Aden, Yemen, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39.
Aug. 7, 1998 – Terrorist bombs destroy the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In Nairobi, 12 Americans are among the 291 killed, and over 5,000 are wounded, including 6 Americans. In Dar es Salaam, one U.S. citizen is wounded among the 10 killed and 77 injured.
In response, on August 20 the United States attacked targets in Afghanistan and Sudan with over 75 cruise missiles fired from Navy ships in the Arabian and Red seas. About 60 Tomahawk cruise missiles were fired from warships in the Arabian Sea. Most struck six separate targets in a camp near Khost, Afghanistan. Simultaneously, about 20 cruise missiles were fired from U.S. ships in the Red Sea striking a factory in Khartoum, Sudan, which was suspected of producing components for making chemical weapons.
June 21, 1998 – Rocket-propelled grenades explode near the U.S. embassy in Beirut.
July 27, 1996 – A pipe bomb explodes during the Olympic games in Atlanta, killing one person and wounding 111.
June 25, 1996 – A bomb aboard a fuel truck explodes outside a U.S. air force installation in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. 19 U.S. military personnel are killed in the Khubar Towers housing facility, and 515 are wounded, including 240 Americans.
Nov. 13, 1995 – A car-bomb in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia kills seven people, five of them American military and civilian advisers for National Guard training. The “Tigers of the Gulf,” “Islamist Movement for Change,” and “Fighting Advocates of God” claim responsibility.
April 19, 1995 – A car bomb destroys the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people and wounding over 600.
February 1993 – A bomb in a van explodes in the underground parking garage in New York’s World Trade Center, killing six people and wounding 1,042.
Doesn’t that prove that Bush did more than Clinton when it came to protecting us. No matter how small the attacks were under Clinton, they were still attacks regardless.

and Clintons response??? im outta cigars


That bombing of the aspiran factory did wonders to deter further terrorist acts.
<snip> I have yet to see even ONE of Obama's foot soldiers give us a REAL reason why a military venue for trying foreign enemy combatants would be inappropriate or illegal.

They don't have to give you a reason, Murf, because it is this administration's call.

You don't like it, then, tough beans. We lost, remember?
once agin repignicans just spout erroneous talking points. To begin with bush blew it prior to 911 -he had the warnings and ignored them while he golfed and dreamed of invading Iraq. Then after 911 He failed to find the anthrax killer, then according to repigs put in place the system that has kept us safe for 7 years- evidently this was the same system clinton used to keep us safe for 7 years unless of course you cvonsider the shoe bomber a failure of this bush system- an almost identical situation to what we now have- I don't remember the repigs being up in arms over that guy-and it took bush 6 days to respond to that attack. No repigs are just into whining and crying about all things Obama. Very weak and childish.

1993 WTC
Tanzania Embassy
Kenya Embassy

Yeah, Clinton kept us really safe, huh? Seems the writing was on the wall when Clinton was chasing the skirts. He had his priorities with terrorism somewhere down the list....maybe after Monica.. Why after the 93 WTC bombing we didn't get a anti terrorism security package passed? Why only after 9-11-2001 did we? As for the shoe bomber that you mentioned, it happened only 3 months after 9-11. Security was still getting ramped up, The security that was in place for 8 years sure didn't work when it really was suppose to. There were failures that this country dropped the ball on. I'm not blaming obama on this, but there are people in this country that should be blamed. This kid had red flags flying, and no one was even looking. So please stop with your partisan crap, because it doesn't fly. This is an issue with politicians that come in all shapes, sizes and parties.

May I add
to it please?
Why Do The Multiple Terrorist Attacks Under Clinton Mean Nothing? | The Oklahoma City 10 - Top Ten Lists of the Best Restaurants, Businesses, Services, and Everything Else You Can Imagine in Oklahoma City, OK

List of terrorist attacks under Clinton’s watch.

Oct. 12, 2000 – A terrorist bomb damages the destroyer USS Cole in the port of Aden, Yemen, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39.
Aug. 7, 1998 – Terrorist bombs destroy the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In Nairobi, 12 Americans are among the 291 killed, and over 5,000 are wounded, including 6 Americans. In Dar es Salaam, one U.S. citizen is wounded among the 10 killed and 77 injured.
In response, on August 20 the United States attacked targets in Afghanistan and Sudan with over 75 cruise missiles fired from Navy ships in the Arabian and Red seas. About 60 Tomahawk cruise missiles were fired from warships in the Arabian Sea. Most struck six separate targets in a camp near Khost, Afghanistan. Simultaneously, about 20 cruise missiles were fired from U.S. ships in the Red Sea striking a factory in Khartoum, Sudan, which was suspected of producing components for making chemical weapons.
June 21, 1998 – Rocket-propelled grenades explode near the U.S. embassy in Beirut.
July 27, 1996 – A pipe bomb explodes during the Olympic games in Atlanta, killing one person and wounding 111.
June 25, 1996 – A bomb aboard a fuel truck explodes outside a U.S. air force installation in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. 19 U.S. military personnel are killed in the Khubar Towers housing facility, and 515 are wounded, including 240 Americans.
Nov. 13, 1995 – A car-bomb in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia kills seven people, five of them American military and civilian advisers for National Guard training. The “Tigers of the Gulf,” “Islamist Movement for Change,” and “Fighting Advocates of God” claim responsibility.
April 19, 1995 – A car bomb destroys the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people and wounding over 600.
February 1993 – A bomb in a van explodes in the underground parking garage in New York’s World Trade Center, killing six people and wounding 1,042.
Doesn’t that prove that Bush did more than Clinton when it came to protecting us. No matter how small the attacks were under Clinton, they were still attacks regardless.

Cmike, give us the death tolls for each administration for Americans killed by terrorists.
Cmike has failed this discussion. We are safer under Obama in his first year, and far safer now than under Bush. The numbers tell the story.
"I'm very disappointed in the vice president's comments," declared John Brennan, assistant to the President for homeland security and counterterrorism, on NBC's "Meet the Press."

"Either the vice president is willfully mischaracterizing this president's position -- both in terms of language he uses, and the actions he's taken -- or he's ignorant of the fact," he said. "In either case, it doesn't speak well of what the vice president's doing."


Let me get this straight. You are quoting one of Obama's henchmen response to Cheney's comments as it has some sort of merit or that it proves anything? :cuckoo:

One of Obama's henchmen??? :lol: What?? Do you even know who John Brennan is, you dipstick??? He is Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Adviser for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism. He was interim director of the National Counterterrorism Center immediately after its creation in 2004 through 2005.

John Brennan stated on MTP that he's worked for the past five presidential administrations, and he's neither a Democrat nor a Republican. :lol: Don't you ever get tired of looking ridiculous???
"I'm very disappointed in the vice president's comments," declared John Brennan, assistant to the President for homeland security and counterterrorism, on NBC's "Meet the Press."

"Either the vice president is willfully mischaracterizing this president's position -- both in terms of language he uses, and the actions he's taken -- or he's ignorant of the fact," he said. "In either case, it doesn't speak well of what the vice president's doing."


Let me get this straight. You are quoting one of Obama's henchmen response to Cheney's comments as it has some sort of merit or that it proves anything? :cuckoo:

One of Obama's henchmen??? :lol: What?? Do you even know who John Brennan is, you dipstick??? He is Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Adviser for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism. He was interim director of the National Counterterrorism Center immediately after its creation in 2004 through 2005.

John Brennan stated on MTP that he's worked for the past five presidential administrations, and he's neither a Democrat nor a Republican. :lol: Don't you ever get tired of looking ridiculous???

Your right, Rinata, henchman was uncalled for. When it was one of obama's goons.
I have yet to see even ONE of Obama's foot soldiers give us a REAL reason why a military venue for trying foreign enemy combatants would be inappropriate or illegal.

Because justice served in secret is not justice.

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