WH Threatens to Veto Anti-Sanctuary City Bill

White House threatens to veto anti-sanctuary city bill, ahead of Senate test vote

The White House on Tuesday threatened to veto a Republican-backed bill that would crack down on so-called sanctuary cities by withholding funding to local governments that don't cooperate with federal immigration officials.

The veto threat comes ahead of a critical Senate test vote Tuesday afternoon.

GOP sponsors furiously are trying to peel off a few Democrats to advance the Stop Sanctuary Cities Act, whose consideration comes months after a young woman's murder in San Francisco allegedly at the hands of an illegal immigrant touched off a national debate over immigration law.

White House threatens to veto anti-sanctuary city bill, ahead of Senate test vote

So in essence, Obama is going to veto a bill that says the Sanctuary Cities need to follow the law. Did this president repeat in his Oath to the protect the laws of this land?
The op ed alludes to what "sanctuary cities" do, but it isn't explicit. I admit my ignorance. But what role in enforcing immigration law are cities even supposed to have? What do "sanctuary cities" do that is different from any city?
What do they need cops for? Hell, enforcing the law is the problem, isn't it?
Republicans need to counter his threatened veto. This is best done by expressing the need for the president to sign this bill to show his commitment to the bipartisanship he often states as his desire.
White House threatens to veto anti-sanctuary city bill, ahead of Senate test vote

The White House on Tuesday threatened to veto a Republican-backed bill that would crack down on so-called sanctuary cities by withholding funding to local governments that don't cooperate with federal immigration officials.

The veto threat comes ahead of a critical Senate test vote Tuesday afternoon.

GOP sponsors furiously are trying to peel off a few Democrats to advance the Stop Sanctuary Cities Act, whose consideration comes months after a young woman's murder in San Francisco allegedly at the hands of an illegal immigrant touched off a national debate over immigration law.

White House threatens to veto anti-sanctuary city bill, ahead of Senate test vote

So in essence, Obama is going to veto a bill that says the Sanctuary Cities need to follow the law. Did this president repeat in his Oath to the protect the laws of this land?
The op ed alludes to what "sanctuary cities" do, but it isn't explicit. I admit my ignorance. But what role in enforcing immigration law are cities even supposed to have? What do "sanctuary cities" do that is different from any city?

They hamper the apprehension and or deportation of illegals as many ways as they can.
Looks to me like they tell the feds they won't use city taxes to do the feds jobs for them.

Section 287(g) and relations between federal and lower levels of government[edit]
IIRIRA addressed the relationship between the federal government and local governments. Section 287(g) is a program of the act that permits the U.S. Attorney General to enter into agreements with state and local law enforcement agencies, permitting designated officers to perform immigration law enforcement functions, pursuant to a Memorandum of Agreement. This section does not simply deputize state and local law enforcement personnel to enforce immigration matters.[3]

This provision was implemented by local and state authorities in five states: California, Arizona, Alabama, Florida and North Carolina by the end of 2006.[4]
Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Funny thing the entire state of Texas is consider a sanctuary state for illegals, and I bet not many of you knew this...

It should not be a local officer job to find out if someone is here legally, and it should be the Federal Government job which they have failed to do countless of times before Obama and will keep on failing at after the nimrod is gone.

So passing a bill like that is just to punish liberal cities like Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin and so on for failing to do what the Federal Government should have been doing all this time...

Instead of passing a bill like that why don't they start cracking down on companies and individuals that hire the illegals instead?

Oh wait that would mean cracking down on the GOP base that enjoy the illegal and paying them little while complaining they are stealing American Jobs...

Enforce the laws we already have and stop passing stupid garbage that is not needed...

Use E-verify, enforce immigration laws that are on the books, and fund the INS with the proper amount of money to hire agents to track down the illegals...

Oh why bother to use commonsense when it is easier to pass a bill that will be veto and used as political fire against the left instead?

Also for those that want a list of cities and states here you go:

List of Sanctuary cities

sanctuary cities - - Yahoo Search Results
Here's an op-ed about "sanctuary cities" : http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/17/opinion/the-great-sanctuary-city-slander.html?_r=0

I know you won't really read it, but what the hell.

These laws are a false fix for a concocted problem. They are based on the lie, now infecting the Republican presidential campaign, that all unauthorized immigrants are dangerous criminals who must be subdued by extraordinary means.

As opposed to Dems who think no illegal ever breaks any law. Or should ever be sent back.
White House threatens to veto anti-sanctuary city bill, ahead of Senate test vote

The White House on Tuesday threatened to veto a Republican-backed bill that would crack down on so-called sanctuary cities by withholding funding to local governments that don't cooperate with federal immigration officials.

The veto threat comes ahead of a critical Senate test vote Tuesday afternoon.

GOP sponsors furiously are trying to peel off a few Democrats to advance the Stop Sanctuary Cities Act, whose consideration comes months after a young woman's murder in San Francisco allegedly at the hands of an illegal immigrant touched off a national debate over immigration law.

White House threatens to veto anti-sanctuary city bill, ahead of Senate test vote

So in essence, Obama is going to veto a bill that says the Sanctuary Cities need to follow the law. Did this president repeat in his Oath to the protect the laws of this land?
The article at the link states that the bill did not get out of the Senate. Nothing to veto.
And surprise surprise illegal-loving Senate Dims block bill:

Senate Dems block anti-sanctuary city bill

Senate Democrats on Tuesday blocked a Republican-backed bill that would crack down on so-called sanctuary cities by threatening to withhold funds to local governments that don't cooperate with federal immigration officials.

The bill failed on a 54-45 vote. It needed 60 to advance.

The Stop Sanctuary Cities Act became a lightning rod issue ahead of the vote, as GOP sponsors tried to peel off just a few Democrats to support it while Democratic leaders blasted the legislation as counterproductive. The White House issued a formal veto threat Tuesday morning, while the chamber's top Democrat tried to discredit the measure by calling it "The Donald Trump Act."

Senate Dems block anti-sanctuary city bill
White House threatens to veto anti-sanctuary city bill, ahead of Senate test vote

The White House on Tuesday threatened to veto a Republican-backed bill that would crack down on so-called sanctuary cities by withholding funding to local governments that don't cooperate with federal immigration officials.

The veto threat comes ahead of a critical Senate test vote Tuesday afternoon.

GOP sponsors furiously are trying to peel off a few Democrats to advance the Stop Sanctuary Cities Act, whose consideration comes months after a young woman's murder in San Francisco allegedly at the hands of an illegal immigrant touched off a national debate over immigration law.

White House threatens to veto anti-sanctuary city bill, ahead of Senate test vote

So in essence, Obama is going to veto a bill that says the Sanctuary Cities need to follow the law. Did this president repeat in his Oath to the protect the laws of this land?
You wrote in part;
"So in essence, Obama is going to veto a bill that says the Sanctuary Cities need to follow the law."

Perhaps you could cite the law from the US Code with the Title and Section from its codification, which would make that proposed bill constitutional and relinquish Federal powers to inferior jurisdictions! It must be very, very recent to have cleared the hurdles of the SCOTUS decision in Arizona v. United States (June 2012) forbidding State and local guv'mints to trample on the Supremacy Clause regarding Federal immigration laws.

Arizona tried that with their "Papers Please" law in 2010 and got smacked down! The decision clearly denies any entity other than the Federal from enforcing US immigration laws or supplanting same from inferior jurisdictions. But if you have an update in the law, present it or STFU! The President would have a responsibility to veto an unconstitutional piece of legislation that came to his desk!!!!

Curious folks can read the decision here: ARIZONA v. UNITED STATES | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
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Now if those cities had said they weren't going to enforce federal gun laws (let's call these Gun Sanctuary Cities), they'd be hailed as the most awesome cities EVAH by the Right.

If my Aunt had testicles, well.... that's the problem with IF.
Except we have had actual cases of the Right worshipping violators of federal law.

So how deep is your Aunt's voice?

Not very.. she's dead. I don't worship anyone's violation of the law.

But do tell, why is it ok for a city to refuse to enforce federal law? Will you be ok when a city refuses to issue same sex marriage licenses? F course not this admin would unleash a torrent of lawyers on any city that did that.... oh yeah, they did.
Did you read the op-ed I posted?

See? I knew you guys wouldn't read it.

Does it make sense to you to take away law enforcement money from these cities?
They don't enforce the law......so give it to somebody who does....
Funny thing the entire state of Texas is consider a sanctuary state for illegals, and I bet not many of you knew this...

It should not be a local officer job to find out if someone is here legally, and it should be the Federal Government job which they have failed to do countless of times before Obama and will keep on failing at after the nimrod is gone.

So passing a bill like that is just to punish liberal cities like Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin and so on for failing to do what the Federal Government should have been doing all this time...

Instead of passing a bill like that why don't they start cracking down on companies and individuals that hire the illegals instead?

Oh wait that would mean cracking down on the GOP base that enjoy the illegal and paying them little while complaining they are stealing American Jobs...

Enforce the laws we already have and stop passing stupid garbage that is not needed...

Use E-verify, enforce immigration laws that are on the books, and fund the INS with the proper amount of money to hire agents to track down the illegals...

Oh why bother to use commonsense when it is easier to pass a bill that will be veto and used as political fire against the left instead?

Also for those that want a list of cities and states here you go:

List of Sanctuary cities

sanctuary cities - - Yahoo Search Results

Cities are supposed to hold illegals until they can be picked up by the feds.
They refused and the feds refuse to enforce immigration laws.
So far nobody's put up what law the sanctuary cities aren't enforcing.

Sanctuary cities do NOT violate federal law.

The status usually means that the city has publicly let it be known that they will refuse to cooperate with immigration officials. Not illegal, but highly irresponsible.

This bill would have threatened to withhold federal funding to such cities.

Obviously these cities are controlled by Dims who can't until America is turned into the worlds largest third world nation.
Funny thing the entire state of Texas is consider a sanctuary state for illegals, and I bet not many of you knew this...

It should not be a local officer job to find out if someone is here legally, and it should be the Federal Government job which they have failed to do countless of times before Obama and will keep on failing at after the nimrod is gone.

So passing a bill like that is just to punish liberal cities like Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin and so on for failing to do what the Federal Government should have been doing all this time...

Instead of passing a bill like that why don't they start cracking down on companies and individuals that hire the illegals instead?

Oh wait that would mean cracking down on the GOP base that enjoy the illegal and paying them little while complaining they are stealing American Jobs...

Enforce the laws we already have and stop passing stupid garbage that is not needed...

Use E-verify, enforce immigration laws that are on the books, and fund the INS with the proper amount of money to hire agents to track down the illegals...

Oh why bother to use commonsense when it is easier to pass a bill that will be veto and used as political fire against the left instead?

Also for those that want a list of cities and states here you go:

List of Sanctuary cities

sanctuary cities - - Yahoo Search Results

Cities are supposed to hold illegals until they can be picked up by the feds.
They refused and the feds refuse to enforce immigration laws.

That is if they know the individual is illegal...

I knew someone that for years drove around with a legal drivers license with his actual name that was given to him by the state of California and then by the state of Texas and he even had a social security card issued to him with his actual name, and the guy was a illegal alien that overstayed his visa...

Now when the police pulled him over a few times how were they suppose to know he was illegal, and no he did not do anything illegal to obtain these ID's because there was a loophole in the laws back then that allowed him to fall through the cracks and he obtained his license to drive while on visa...

So how would a officer actually know if the person is illegal if they present legal documentation?

In the end it is the failure of the U.S. Government to enforce the laws on the books and putting any more burden on the local, county and state officers is just pure nonsense...

Now I do agree if the officer knows and let the person go then that is wrong too...

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