Whacky Trump Grand Jury Forechick Goes on TV to Talk about Deliberations


Damn, she is so hot.

Now we know for sure, folks. The fake Injun is a bot.
I always like to point out the hypocrisy on the left.

Had this been a grand jury foreman who said the exact same thing…but change the name from Trump to OBAMA….you motherfuckers would lose your goddamn minds.


You want the “WIN“ regardless of any laws.

Biased jurors are supposed to recuse themselves.
"On a grand jury, you hear one side."
Ummm, OK, if you insist.
After all, witnesses before the Grand Jury included: Mark Meadows, Ivanka Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Lindsey Graham, and host of others from the White House staff ....and they, seemingly, were from a side. Wonder if anyone testified from another side?

Biased jurors are supposed to recuse themselves.
Well, that may be poster Angus; however, if you are referring to this foreperson in the news lately, we need ask ourselves:

  1. Was she biased before she was empaneled and chosen by her peers to be the foreperson?
  2. Or did she become convinced only after she had heard many witnesses, with a number of them she and her 22 peers concluded were lying and should be indicted for perjury?

Good questions, that may be explored in the future.

The perjury development will likely inform us on the when and the how of any of the jurors 'bias'. I would conjecture. You too?
I always like to point out the hypocrisy on the left.

Had this been a grand jury foreman who said the exact same thing…but change the name from Trump to OBAMA….you motherfuckers would lose your goddamn minds.
Corollary: "If Hillary Clinton had not graciously, honorably, and promptly acknowledged electoral college defeat in 2016, but had spewed a blatant lie about having won in a "Landslide!" to incite goons to attack outnumbered police defending democracy, contrived fake elector schemes, and pressured governors and secretaries of state to change their states' certified electoral votes, Trumpers would be irked.

Hyper-partisan "Oh yeah! Well, what if...?" imaginative pretenses do not enhance the Trumpy fatwa directed at the Grand Jury's garrulous foreperson as a blatant attempt to allow their Cry Baby Loser to escape justice.

Kohrs pointedly declined to answer whether the special grand jury, in its still-secret report, recommended criminal charges against Trump. She did not name any defendants. She did not mention any specific charges that the special purpose grand jury may have referenced in their report as being involved with any particular cases.

The Trump bum kissers howl, but all that matters is whether his mouthpieces can use Ms Kohrs' candid comments as a pretext for springing the Cry Baby Loser if indicted.

Succinctly stated, "No."
Corollary: "If Hillary Clinton had not graciously, honorably, and promptly acknowledged electoral college defeat in 2016, but had spewed a blatant lie about having won in a "Landslide!" to incite goons to attack outnumbered police defending democracy, contrived fake elector schemes, and pressured governors and secretaries of state to change their states' certified electoral votes, Trumpers would be irked.

Hyper-partisan "Oh yeah! Well, what if...?" imaginative pretenses do not enhance the Trumpy fatwa directed at the Grand Jury's garrulous foreperson as a blatant attempt to allow their Cry Baby Loser to escape justice.

Kohrs pointedly declined to answer whether the special grand jury, in its still-secret report, recommended criminal charges against Trump. She did not name any defendants. She did not mention any specific charges that the special purpose grand jury may have referenced in their report as being involved with any particular cases.

The Trump bum kissers howl, but all that matters is whether his mouthpieces can use Ms Kohrs' candid comments as a pretext for springing the Cry Baby Loser if indicted.

Succinctly stated, "No."

Another loser obsessed with Trump's ass. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

We probably ought to start a GoFundMe for a good supply of K-Y.

But as usual, schmiddie, great post full of thought provoking inspiration.

In what world is this OK?
The real one.

In a Wednesday interview, Judge McBurney said he met with the special grand jurors at the end of their service to explain what they may legally discuss with anyone, not just the news media.

Judge Speaks Out After Trump Grand Jury Leader Hits Media Circuit | The Daily Wire

“They cannot discuss their deliberations,” McBurney said, alluding to the instructions he gave members of the grand jury about discussing their work with the media and others.

“So the question becomes what deliberations are, and I explained that would be the discussions they had amongst themselves when it was just the grand jurors in the room … when they were discussing what do we do with what we’ve learned,” he continued.

According to the report, McBurney said the grand jurors can talk about what transpired if a prosecutor or witness was in the grand jury room.

But if an assistant DA or a witness is in the grand jury room, they can talk about what happened then, the judge said. ”That’s not deliberations,” he said. “That’s presentation. And they’re not prohibited from talking about that, nor are they prohibited from talking about the fruit of their deliberations, which would be the final report.” In speaking to The AJC on Wednesday, McBurney noted it is OK for judges to discuss legal procedure.

My God, she exhibits the brand of vapid stupidity that is typical of Democrats and their voters.
I understand why you'd want to focus on character assassination (it's a feature of Trumpery) and not the possibility over 12 people perjured themselves in front of the grand jury.
Corollary: "If Hillary Clinton had not graciously, honorably, and promptly acknowledged electoral college defeat in 2016, but had spewed a blatant lie about having won in a "Landslide!" to incite goons to attack outnumbered police defending democracy, contrived fake elector schemes, and pressured governors and secretaries of state to change their states' certified electoral votes, Trumpers would be irked.

Hyper-partisan "Oh yeah! Well, what if...?" imaginative pretenses do not enhance the Trumpy fatwa directed at the Grand Jury's garrulous foreperson as a blatant attempt to allow their Cry Baby Loser to escape justice.

Kohrs pointedly declined to answer whether the special grand jury, in its still-secret report, recommended criminal charges against Trump. She did not name any defendants. She did not mention any specific charges that the special purpose grand jury may have referenced in their report as being involved with any particular cases.

The Trump bum kissers howl, but all that matters is whether his mouthpieces can use Ms Kohrs' candid comments as a pretext for springing the Cry Baby Loser if indicted.

Succinctly stated, "No."

You have to be one of the dumbest individuals to ever log onto the internet.

And the old Bat is still at it......
have you ever had experience with a grand jury stupid?

Yes, but not a Georgia grand jury. Georgia is different. The grand jury that Emily Kohrs was on did not have the authority to indict - they could only "recommend" indictments. If the district attorney decides to indict - it will have to go before another grand jury with the authority to indict. Google it...

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