Whacky Trump Grand Jury Forechick Goes on TV to Talk about Deliberations

She said of the investigation, that Trumps name came up a lot. WTF? They are investigating Trump, one would think it would come up a lot. My, My.

Go Emily!
Nope, not according to the judge.
So why did she shy away when asked about who was on the list? She was asked directly and couldn’t answer, if the judge gave her permission, she shouldn’t have tip toed around it.

Also, do we have a link to the instructions the judge gave her? As to what she is and isn’t allowed to say?
I think it is great that she's getting her 15 minutes of fame .. which will ultimately help the Trump defense with their claim it's a politically charged witch hunt. Fortunately for Trump, Willis' office has already been accused of misrepresenting individuals in the investigation initially saying they were witnesses right before making them part of the investigation -- not to mention the racketeering charges she was considering.

I hope she formally charges Trump and then has to prove guilt -- she'll make a fool of herself just like the Rittenhouse prosecutor.
Well, smartass, according to what the judge said today - she could have said whether Trump was going to be indicted. She could have named everyone who was going to be indicted. It was also discussed on Lawrence O'Donnell tonight.
Not correct .. Georgia law requires jurors to take an oath about keeping the deliberations quiet to protect the due process rights of individuals who .. haven't been charged with a crime. The judge redacted the public release for this very purpose, and the prosecutor will have to decide if charges will be made.
Not correct .. Georgia law requires jurors to take an oath about keeping the deliberations quiet to protect the due process rights of individuals who .. haven't been charged with a crime. The judge redacted the public release for this very purpose, and the prosecutor will have to decide if charges will be made.

She DID keep the "deliberations" quiet! However, she is allowed to discuss the "outcome" of those "deliberations".

They just need desperately to GET HIM!

Even if only in their own tiny minds.

She shouldn't have spoken out but in the end it won't ammount to anything except trigger you Trump asseaters in the hope it will get him off.

Have fun, genius.
A colleague pointed me toward the series of interviews this women gave, so I caught the video of them late last night and I marveled at what I beheld. In a series of edited interactions with media I immediately saw what likely most would miss sans mental health professionals, specifically her inappropriate affect, and eccentric expressions, such as stopping in a reply, looking up and away whilst rolling eyes, giggling, and seemingly momentarily lost in thought. Did you folks see any of that shit??? I am nearly convinced she is a schizophrenic, those inappropriate expressions being a hallmark of such, indeed at one point I was all but convinced she was actively listening to voices, another hallmark of the disease....
You have just explained exactly how Trump behaves.
My God, she exhibits the brand of vapid stupidity that is typical of Democrats and their voters. In what world is this OK? Moreover, in what world would an individual think this is OK?!? Forget that this involves Trump. This is just plain asinine. Truly, the local DA, and affirmative action lawyer, wasted a lot of taxpayer money going after Trump only to have this nitwit F- it up like this.

Fact: Trump's enemies are just one component in what makes him the luckiest man alive.

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