Whas up with this?


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
I have noticed for a little while these little statements that are added to the bottom of a post you make....often completely contradictory to what you are posting.

Extremely irritating....looks like someone is just trying to piss off everyone??
I have noticed for a little while these little statements that are added to the bottom of a post you make....often completely contradictory to what you are posting.

Extremely irritating....looks like someone is just trying to piss off everyone??
You aren't persuading anyone.
I have noticed for a little while these little statements that are added to the bottom of a post you make....often completely contradictory to what you are posting.

Extremely irritating....looks like someone is just trying to piss off everyone??
Damn good point. I have mottos or slogans at the bottom of my posts I never asked for or agree with.
So many liberals don't use adblockers yet they want to block certain forms of speech.

They are disordered. Liberalism is a disorder.
Let's see here we have a society under siege. A impeachment based on lies, Check . Race riots and civil unrest based on exaggerations or lies? Check. An economic/societal lockdown based on...a variant of the common
flu virus? Check. Enough of this.
I see now that these statements as I called them that pop up now under posts are in actuality links to other posts.

I am surprised most either have not noticed or do not care.

I find it very irritating....and I am wondering who is doing it....a computer I would think because it woud be a lot of work to do all that.
I have noticed for a little while these little statements that are added to the bottom of a post you make....often completely contradictory to what you are posting.

Extremely irritating....looks like someone is just trying to piss off everyone??

We hired casino consultants to boost your posting volume the way casinos boost your cash and keep you playing.. (only slighty snarky answer - LOL))

I THINK you're referring to the "next thread" and "last thread" links at the bottom of the posting area... Those are the listings directly before the current thread you're in -- and after..

Can you post a screen shot of this? Just put it in an attachment.

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