What 17 Republican Senators will vote to convict Trump?

Let's be calm and collect let our wits. Progiliberacrats terrorize cities for months. That being said, I voted for Trump. I haven't seen ANYTHING he has actually done that was unlawful or comes close to what Democrats endorsed and supported for over a year. Libprogdemocrats have actually done way more harm, physically and psychology than ANYTHING you can allege Trump did.
So, liberals burning down cities is a amusing? Are you laughing when all those businesses are burned down over media exaggeration and lies?

Fighting for racial equality and justice is not the same as a president inciting insurrection to overthrow a legally certified election because he lost. See the difference...?

Does burning down and looting minority business, is fighting for racial equality? And murdering blacks by blacks also is fighting for racial equality? Tell US we are waiting..
This thread is "theoretical" because the Impeachment articles expire when this congress does.
The new senate does NOT have any impeachment to vote on.
Zero chance at 17. It may be a political mistake to impeach but it’s the morally right thing to do.
No I don’t see the difference. Those fighting for racial equality and justice are saying the law is not on their side, which is exactly what Trump supporters have been saying. It is all a matter of perspective. You likely think the law is correct in the case of the election but it is incorrect in the case of cops not being convicted of crimes against minorities.

Um, yeah, here's the difference. In the case of cops who murder or maim black people, you can have video tape and dozens of witnesses showing them murdering a black person, and they still often aren't charged or in some cases when they are, they aren't convicted.

On the other hand, the people lying about so-called voter fraud have yet to find a SINGLE court to support them in their claims.

Trump lost by 7 million votes. It wasn't a fluke like Bush v. Gore, where the same principles applied.

Hey, if you guys really think it's unfair states made up rules that caused states to go a certain way, there's a simple enough solution.

Get rid of the Electoral College. Problem solved.
This thread is "theoretical" because the Impeachment articles expire when this congress does.
The new senate does NOT have any impeachment to vote on.

Actually, you'd be wrong again. The impeachment articles against Clinton were voted on by the 105th Congress and considered by the Senate in the 106th Congress.

The only question is, will the Senate allow a president to call a mob on them stand.

Consider this. It's 2028. President Harris is running for her second term. She wins the popular vote but slightly loses the electoral college. She calls a mob in Washington and demands her BLM and ANTIFA followers march on the Capitol....

You really want to set that precedent? I don't.
This thread is "theoretical" because the Impeachment articles expire when this congress does.
The new senate does NOT have any impeachment to vote on.

Actually, you'd be wrong again. The impeachment articles against Clinton were voted on by the 105th Congress and considered by the Senate in the 106th Congress.

The only question is, will the Senate allow a president to call a mob on them stand.

Consider this. It's 2028. President Harris is running for her second term. She wins the popular vote but slightly loses the electoral college. She calls a mob in Washington and demands her BLM and ANTIFA followers march on the Capitol....

You really want to set that precedent? I don't.
1. Clinton won re-election, Trump didn't
2. The senate will have president Biden not president Trump to remove.
3. In 2025 or 2029 if Kamala calls a mob to DC to take power and replace the elected president, they will be shot.
If they peacefully protest they won't be shot. How many US flags would you expect in the antifa/BLM protest?
4. 'You can’t just have a trial designed to disqualify him from running in 2024," Harvard Law professor emeritus says of Trump
Zero chance at 17. It may be a political mistake to impeach but it’s the morally right thing to do.
I gotta tell you. We will see your cities scorched into rubble. To start we warn no one about any of your own friends using WMD's on you. You keep laughing until it happens. There are many people who do not trust you. many of them had empathy for many of your planks.
1. Clinton won re-election, Trump didn't

Which wasn't the argument you were making. You argued that one congress can't complete an impeachment started in another. Clearly, that's not the case.

2. The senate will have president Biden not president Trump to remove.

Again, officials can be impeached after they leave office.

3. In 2025 or 2029 if Kamala calls a mob to DC to take power and replace the elected president, they will be shot.
If they peacefully protest they won't be shot. How many US flags would you expect in the antifa/BLM protest?

So why wasn't the mob who tried to seize power on Jan. 6 "shot"


Check your privilege, bitch!

Hey, I saw US flags, I also saw Confederate Flags, Trump Flags, the "Thin Blue Line" flag (which I find particularly obnoxious), and Gadsen flags...

4. 'You can’t just have a trial designed to disqualify him from running in 2024," Harvard Law professor emeritus says of Trump

Sure you can. Look, you guys impeached Clinton for getting a blow job, it's not time to have high standards now.
This is not a post on if they should convict him, rather it is which GOP senators will vote yes. They need 67 votes and there are 50 Demorat senators.

I see Romney, Collins, Murkowski, Sasse, Burr, Grassley, Ron Johnson, Portman, Thune and Toomey voting yes. I think McConnell will also to prevent Trump from running in 2024.

So I have 11. Would guys like Cruz, Graham, Rubio or Scott vote for it? They will all be running for the Presidency and they might not to feel the MAGA wrath.

I personally see a bunch of turncoats the minute McConnell formally endorses and Trump will be impeached.
The only way 17 Republicans would vote to convict is if it’s a secret ballot.
1. Clinton won re-election, Trump didn't

Which wasn't the argument you were making. You argued that one congress can't complete an impeachment started in another. Clearly, that's not the case.

2. The senate will have president Biden not president Trump to remove.

Again, officials can be impeached after they leave office.

3. In 2025 or 2029 if Kamala calls a mob to DC to take power and replace the elected president, they will be shot.
If they peacefully protest they won't be shot. How many US flags would you expect in the antifa/BLM protest?

So why wasn't the mob who tried to seize power on Jan. 6 "shot"


Check your privilege, bitch!

Hey, I saw US flags, I also saw Confederate Flags, Trump Flags, the "Thin Blue Line" flag (which I find particularly obnoxious), and Gadsen flags...

4. 'You can’t just have a trial designed to disqualify him from running in 2024," Harvard Law professor emeritus says of Trump

Sure you can. Look, you guys impeached Clinton for getting a blow job, it's not time to have high standards now.
1. ok, no issue
2. I provided a link from Dershowitz saying that the Constitution provides impeachment only to remove a sitting president for "high crimes". Belknap wasn't a president.
3. Privilege my ass, those are the new orders in DC. Cross the line get shot. No groups over 100 people. The mall is "closed" etc.
Riots will not be tolerated in DC, unless its antifa and BLM ripping statues down. Can you say "double standard" bitch?
4. The Law and Constitution be damned, we democrats can just do whatever we want, huh? Clinton's blow-job isn't the issue, interns are always fair game, especially pretty ones with nice racks. I think you conceded the point that the impeachment trial isn't going to happen?!
This thread is "theoretical" because the Impeachment articles expire when this congress does.
The new senate does NOT have any impeachment to vote on.
Legislation doesn’t expire just because a new senators. Neither do articles of impeachment. But we’ll see if Trumps defense team makes that SPECIFIC argument. Then we’ll see just how we’ll informed you are. Check back later this month.
This thread is "theoretical" because the Impeachment articles expire when this congress does.
The new senate does NOT have any impeachment to vote on.

BULLSHIT. Impeachment articles do not "expire", and number two, this Congress doesn't expire for another two years.

--- or did it sail right over your hood that Boebert and Greene and Tuber Pyle and Marshall ALL voted last week to subvert the Constitution exactly three days after swearing an Oath to uphold it?
Zero chance at 17. It may be a political mistake to impeach but it’s the morally right thing to do.
I gotta tell you. We will see your cities scorched into rubble. To start we warn no one about any of your own friends using WMD's on you. You keep laughing until it happens. There are many people who do not trust you. many of them had empathy for many of your planks.

"Your" cities?

Where are you sitting, Tovarich?
The same 17 GOP senators who voted to expel Pelosi and the Dem leadership when they refused to accept the CERTIFIED 2016 election results and claimed Trump was illegitimate and vowed to remove him from office...oh wait :eusa_think:
2. I provided a link from Dershowitz saying that the Constitution provides impeachment only to remove a sitting president for "high crimes". Belknap wasn't a president.
We’ll what would your expect Dershowitz to say. He’s on Trump’s team. Fact is there are arguments on both sides. as far as I can see, the Constitution doesn’t PROHIBIT the trial and it doesn’t say that removal from office is the only permissible punishment for the crime.
time will tell. Until then, your argument isn’t definitive.
The media n' the democrats are linked. Demoprolibocrats live fantasy world. And lies and fixations and delusions are their modus operand. As for the "Mains stream media"? The main stream media is like a broken clock . When they tell the truth, it's just coincidence.
Not coincidence, but a FAUX PAX...

"False peace"? :dunno:
Zero chance at 17. It may be a political mistake to impeach but it’s the morally right thing to do.
I gotta tell you. We will see your cities scorched into rubble. To start we warn no one about any of your own friends using WMD's on you. You keep laughing until it happens. There are many people who do not trust you. many of them had empathy for many of your planks.

"Your" cities?

Where are you sitting, Tovarich?
The cities are of one thought of politics. The semi rural areas and rural areas of another. Prog politicians did this. I grew up in a blue city. I believe in them to a point. The point was passed. Just like the civil rights era had a point. We are passed that. But do not like the failures. For the rules and the laws were made by what is now known as Progressive Socialists.
I gotta tell you. We will see your cities scorched into rubble. To start we warn no one about any of your own friends using WMD's on you. You keep laughing until it happens. There are many people who do not trust you. many of them had empathy for many of your planks.
I gotta tell you. I think you are overselling your reach a bit. Demonstrate some of your power. Blow up an uninhabited island in the pacific first. You do that and I’ll be back here to listen to you.
1. ok, no issue
2. I provided a link from Dershowitz saying that the Constitution provides impeachment only to remove a sitting president for "high crimes". Belknap wasn't a president.

No, but he was an official who was no longer in office.

Dershawitz never met a guilty man he didn't think should go free. I don't put much faith in anything he says, given his roster includes Claus Von Bulow, OJ Simpson and Clinton.

3. Privilege my ass, those are the new orders in DC. Cross the line get shot. No groups over 100 people. The mall is "closed" etc.
Riots will not be tolerated in DC, unless its antifa and BLM ripping statues down. Can you say "double standard" bitch?

Not sure why you keep babbling. Your point was that we shouldn't prosecute Trump for what he instigated last week. By that logic, Kamala could rile up a BLM/ANTIFA crowd to do the same thing..

Of course, they didn't shoot a bunch of MAGAts in Washington last week. We'll see what happens this weekend.

4. The Law and Constitution be damned, we democrats can just do whatever we want, huh? Clinton's blow-job isn't the issue, interns are always fair game, especially pretty ones with nice racks. I think you conceded the point that the impeachment trial isn't going to happen?!

Oh, it will happen... the only question is, will the REpublicans finally grow a spine and stand up to this guy. They should. Rip the bandage off now instead of letting this guy dominate your party for the next four years until he either decides not to run or is defeated again.
Let's be calm and collect let our wits. Progiliberacrats terrorize cities for months. That being said, I voted for Trump. I haven't seen ANYTHING he has actually done that was unlawful or comes close to what Democrats endorsed and supported for over a year. Libprogdemocrats have actually done way more harm, physically and psychology than ANYTHING you can allege Trump did.
I voted for Trump also... I am not stating I want him to be impeached (why do you people always run on pure knee jerk emotions), but asking if there will be enough votes to convict. I personally think they will, even if I don’t want it to happen!

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