What a bunch of haters, Chick Fil A

Emily ----""WHITES""???------are you trying to push the concept of "OPPRESSION OF WHITES"???

Oh dear, irosie91, is that not allowed here to discuss how white candidates for jobs were denied because of skin color/race, though they were more qualified than the "minorities" that had to be considered for quotas?

Affirmative action as a practice was partially upheld by the Supreme Court in Grutter v. Bollinger (2003), while the use of racial or gender quotas for college admissions was concurrently ruled unconstitutional by the Court in Gratz v. Bollinger (2003).

When I attended a student forum on AA in college admissions, the general consensus was that it would be more accurate to look at the economic and educational opportunities that were available to students coming from lower income levels and schools, so they weren't competing unfairly with students from better schools that offered more advanced programs. And that would indirectly address the race issue while focusing on underprivileged students of any race.
Yep, no surprise, due to the LEFTS erroneous misrepresentation of Chic fil a hating gays.
Those that want to make chic fil a's owners position as one of hating gays are full of it. They only supported traditional marriage- not hate against gays. Two totally different things.
The left pushed an agenda to make others think he hated gays, which he didn't. It worked I see.
Right. That's why we have multiple threads by RWNJs saying LOOK CHICFILA loves the gay!
Always blaming others you nits are.
Emily ----""WHITES""???------are you trying to push the concept of "OPPRESSION OF WHITES"???

Oh dear, irosie91, is that not allowed here to discuss how white candidates for jobs were denied because of skin color/race, though they were more qualified than the "minorities" that had to be considered for quotas?

Affirmative action as a practice was partially upheld by the Supreme Court in Grutter v. Bollinger (2003), while the use of racial or gender quotas for college admissions was concurrently ruled unconstitutional by the Court in Gratz v. Bollinger (2003).

I is old---Emily------I heard that argument when I was 14 years old
Emily ----""WHITES""???------are you trying to push the concept of "OPPRESSION OF WHITES"???

Oh dear, irosie91, is that not allowed here to discuss how white candidates for jobs were denied because of skin color/race, though they were more qualified than the "minorities" that had to be considered for quotas?

Affirmative action as a practice was partially upheld by the Supreme Court in Grutter v. Bollinger (2003), while the use of racial or gender quotas for college admissions was concurrently ruled unconstitutional by the Court in Gratz v. Bollinger (2003).

I is old---Emily------I heard that argument when I was 14 years old

Well, irosie91 my best friend's dad was a top engineer who missed a job opportunity that went to someone less qualified during the heydey of AA.

One of the historic feminist and justice activists in Houston explained that when she was on the local urban committee putting AA together, it started off as trying to equalize the opportunities, but went off in the wrong direction and focused on race in a way that was self-contradictory. So the intent was one thing, but the result was another.

Any logician can tell you it is equally "racist" to judge someone as privileged or not privileged by their skin color.

This is why the college students at the AA forum brought up the REAL issue was socioeconomic background,
where one student there who was a racial minority HAD the privileged background of a "white" person
and didn't NEED the AA applied to them.

irosie91 if a few college students sitting around a table can figure out there is a better
way to address the disparity by economic class instead of by race, surely others can acknowledge this.

When President Obama looked into reparations for Blacks, and there was no legal way to trace the wrongdoing of who owed which descendents that exceeds any statute of limitations we have anywhere,
it was clear this couldn't be done by race. He recommended addressing poverty in general, and that would naturally include the Blacks set behind due to aftermath of slavery and denial of equal rights to property owneship and opportunity. So he also found that addressing economic conditions was the key, not just race.
Chick-fil-A's always been a class act (for fast food) regardless of politics. Personally, I only eat fried catfish, chicken, and possibly oysters once per year each. And it's not there. But my wife and kid always liked it. I'd have a cup of tea. Nice people. Clean atmosphere (not counting the smell of the fryer, which is minimal for fast food)

Hate the sin love the sinner is big in the South. And no it doesn't apply to pedophiles or other people who leave victims in their wake. If people want to be civil to gays while maintaining their view of scripture, it's none of my biz.

I wonder...where would a pedophile fit in with your reasoning or lack of it? Maybe the victims could help you better reason?

Dear Windship the sexual addicts and rape victims, either abusers or abused, who have been healed in part or in whole of sickness related to these abuses, rely on methods of therapy based on deep rooted forgiveness.
(EX: see sources listed for further medical research at freespiritualhealing)

We cannot help these people seek treatment and/or lifetime detention and supervision
if they are running in fear of being punished for their insanity and sickness. We should require
dangerous cases to be reported, so I agree with Trump in holding people responsible.

I believe that people who harbor, enable, or fail to report dangerous people ought to be held responsible legally and financially for damages, if they knew this person posed such a threat that they were a danger to themselves and others. So we need to establish programs where such people can get help (such as with other deadly disease like cancer, AIDS, Ebola without punishing them for coming forward) and set up signed agreements for guardians to take legal and financial responsibility if someone is incompetent or criminally insane. If you can't find a sponsor then that's where the state can take a ward.
Chick-fil-A's always been a class act (for fast food) regardless of politics. Personally, I only eat fried catfish, chicken, and possibly oysters once per year each. And it's not there. But my wife and kid always liked it. I'd have a cup of tea. Nice people. Clean atmosphere (not counting the smell of the fryer, which is minimal for fast food)

Hate the sin love the sinner is big in the South. And no it doesn't apply to pedophiles or other people who leave victims in their wake. If people want to be civil to gays while maintaining their view of scripture, it's none of my biz.

Dear bendog Yes it does apply.
You still prosecute and punish people for crimes by secular laws, because of obedience to civil authority.
But the laws of forgiveness, healing, correction and restitution apply to all people who
invoke Restorative Justice. However, if you still live by Retributive Justice, you will not get this mercy that requires you to forgive as you ask to be forgiven; you get the justice you give.
Wishing retribution will limit your access to the peace and healing of all sickness, the correction and restitution for all wrongs, that comes with Restorative Justice that is the spirit and meaning of Christ Jesus.

Many people are called but few go all the way with this process, of fulfilling lasting peace and justice for all.
The more we forgive, the more we can correct and heal, even of the worst destruction, war and genocide
that humanity has committed against each other. The bigger the wrongs, the greater rewards
when these are brought to justice and the persecuted and oppressed are redeemed along with the oppressors.
Chick-fil-A's always been a class act (for fast food) regardless of politics. Personally, I only eat fried catfish, chicken, and possibly oysters once per year each. And it's not there. But my wife and kid always liked it. I'd have a cup of tea. Nice people. Clean atmosphere (not counting the smell of the fryer, which is minimal for fast food)

Hate the sin love the sinner is big in the South. And no it doesn't apply to pedophiles or other people who leave victims in their wake. If people want to be civil to gays while maintaining their view of scripture, it's none of my biz.

Dear bendog Yes it does apply.
You still prosecute and punish people for crimes by secular laws, because of obedience to civil authority.
But the laws of forgiveness, healing, correction and restitution apply to all people who
invoke Restorative Justice. However, if you still live by Retributive Justice, you will not get this mercy that requires you to forgive as you ask to be forgiven; you get the justice you give.
Wishing retribution will limit your access to the peace and healing of all sickness, the correction and restitution for all wrongs, that comes with Restorative Justice that is the spirit and meaning of Christ Jesus.

Many people are called but few go all the way with this process, of fulfilling lasting peace and justice for all.
The more we forgive, the more we can correct and heal, even of the worst destruction, war and genocide
that humanity has committed against each other. The bigger the wrongs, the greater rewards
when these are brought to justice and the persecuted and oppressed are redeemed along with the oppressors.
With respect, I have no idea where you're going with this.

It's not up to a Christian to forgive a sin on injustice unless the sin was directly against him or her, nor is God's forgiveness or punishment (not that I'm big on that) and issue for a Christian.

I don't think the folks at chick-fil-A have ever suggested retribution against any gay.
Chick-fil-A's always been a class act (for fast food) regardless of politics. Personally, I only eat fried catfish, chicken, and possibly oysters once per year each. And it's not there. But my wife and kid always liked it. I'd have a cup of tea. Nice people. Clean atmosphere (not counting the smell of the fryer, which is minimal for fast food)

Hate the sin love the sinner is big in the South. And no it doesn't apply to pedophiles or other people who leave victims in their wake. If people want to be civil to gays while maintaining their view of scripture, it's none of my biz.

Dear bendog Yes it does apply.
You still prosecute and punish people for crimes by secular laws, because of obedience to civil authority.
But the laws of forgiveness, healing, correction and restitution apply to all people who
invoke Restorative Justice. However, if you still live by Retributive Justice, you will not get this mercy that requires you to forgive as you ask to be forgiven; you get the justice you give.
Wishing retribution will limit your access to the peace and healing of all sickness, the correction and restitution for all wrongs, that comes with Restorative Justice that is the spirit and meaning of Christ Jesus.

Many people are called but few go all the way with this process, of fulfilling lasting peace and justice for all.
The more we forgive, the more we can correct and heal, even of the worst destruction, war and genocide
that humanity has committed against each other. The bigger the wrongs, the greater rewards
when these are brought to justice and the persecuted and oppressed are redeemed along with the oppressors.
With respect, I have no idea where you're going with this.

It's not up to a Christian to forgive a sin on injustice unless the sin was directly against him or her, nor is God's forgiveness or punishment (not that I'm big on that) and issue for a Christian.

I don't think the folks at chick-fil-A have ever suggested retribution against any gay.
Chick-fil-A's always been a class act (for fast food) regardless of politics. Personally, I only eat fried catfish, chicken, and possibly oysters once per year each. And it's not there. But my wife and kid always liked it. I'd have a cup of tea. Nice people. Clean atmosphere (not counting the smell of the fryer, which is minimal for fast food)

Hate the sin love the sinner is big in the South. And no it doesn't apply to pedophiles or other people who leave victims in their wake. If people want to be civil to gays while maintaining their view of scripture, it's none of my biz.

Dear bendog Yes it does apply.
You still prosecute and punish people for crimes by secular laws, because of obedience to civil authority.
But the laws of forgiveness, healing, correction and restitution apply to all people who
invoke Restorative Justice. However, if you still live by Retributive Justice, you will not get this mercy that requires you to forgive as you ask to be forgiven; you get the justice you give.
Wishing retribution will limit your access to the peace and healing of all sickness, the correction and restitution for all wrongs, that comes with Restorative Justice that is the spirit and meaning of Christ Jesus.

Many people are called but few go all the way with this process, of fulfilling lasting peace and justice for all.
The more we forgive, the more we can correct and heal, even of the worst destruction, war and genocide
that humanity has committed against each other. The bigger the wrongs, the greater rewards
when these are brought to justice and the persecuted and oppressed are redeemed along with the oppressors.
With respect, I have no idea where you're going with this.

It's not up to a Christian to forgive a sin on injustice unless the sin was directly against him or her, nor is God's forgiveness or punishment (not that I'm big on that) and issue for a Christian.

I don't think the folks at chick-fil-A have ever suggested retribution against any gay.
Dear bendog
If God calls you not to forgive something yet, then your timing is between you and God.

But technically any unforgiveness we hold onto is a barrier between us and God's love and will that is perfect.
That's why none of us is perfectly forgiving of all like God and Jesus.

We are called to be perfect, even as our heavenly Father is perfect, but only in Christ are we granted that grace. We receive this by forgiveness.

So bendog the more we forgive the more we receive.

If we cannot forgive something, we ask the Lords help. If we fail to ask, that is on us.
Those that want to make chic fil a's owners position as one of hating gays are full of it. They only supported traditional marriage- not hate against gays. Two totally different things.
The left pushed an agenda to make others think he hated gays, which he didn't. It worked I see.

Many don't see a difference between the two. They think one equates to the other.

That's how the left works. It's the M/O on all sorts of issues. With the free college tuition idea, they take someone not thinking it's their place to do for a kid with college what his/her own parent won't do as hating education.
Those that want to make chic fil a's owners position as one of hating gays are full of it. They only supported traditional marriage- not hate against gays. Two totally different things.
The left pushed an agenda to make others think he hated gays, which he didn't. It worked I see.

Many don't see a difference between the two. They think one equates to the other.

That's how the left works. It's the M/O on all sorts of issues. With the free college tuition idea, they take someone not thinking it's their place to do for a kid with college what his/her own parent won't do as hating education.
But when they reject religion and prayer in schools, that's not hate but separation of church and state. It's only when other ppl ask for separation of beliefs, suddenly that's hate again!
Chick-fil-A Brought Food, Water, and Helping Hands to Their Fellow Americans After Orlando Massacre


And all I've seen from the LeftProgs is whining about hypocrisy and it being nothing but a stunt to drum up business.


On Monday, the chain issued a statement saying: "Orlando is in our hearts and prayers."

From Chick-fil-A Brought Food, Water, and Helping Hands to Their Fellow Americans After Orlando Massacre | RedState w/links
Except for the ppl too busy eating yummy sandwiches to complain if it's hypocritical or not. Yum Yum!
Those that want to make chic fil a's owners position as one of hating gays are full of it. They only supported traditional marriage- not hate against gays. Two totally different things.
The left pushed an agenda to make others think he hated gays, which he didn't. It worked I see.
Right. That's why we have multiple threads by RWNJs saying LOOK CHICFILA loves the gay!

My point exactly.
Those that want to make chic fil a's owners position as one of hating gays are full of it. They only supported traditional marriage- not hate against gays. Two totally different things.
The left pushed an agenda to make others think he hated gays, which he didn't. It worked I see.

Many don't see a difference between the two. They think one equates to the other.

That's how the left works. It's the M/O on all sorts of issues. With the free college tuition idea, they take someone not thinking it's their place to do for a kid with college what his/her own parent won't do as hating education.
But when they reject religion and prayer in schools, that's not hate but separation of church and state. It's only when other ppl ask for separation of beliefs, suddenly that's hate again!
Could you explain what you mean? Who are they? Who are other people? What separation of beliefs are other people asking for?
Those that want to make chic fil a's owners position as one of hating gays are full of it. They only supported traditional marriage- not hate against gays. Two totally different things.
The left pushed an agenda to make others think he hated gays, which he didn't. It worked I see.

Many don't see a difference between the two. They think one equates to the other.

That's how the left works. It's the M/O on all sorts of issues. With the free college tuition idea, they take someone not thinking it's their place to do for a kid with college what his/her own parent won't do as hating education.
But when they reject religion and prayer in schools, that's not hate but separation of church and state. It's only when other ppl ask for separation of beliefs, suddenly that's hate again!
Could you explain what you mean? Who are they? Who are other people? What separation of beliefs are other people asking for?
1. I have friends who have different degrees of either hating and condemning Christians, or rejecting them, or just asking for separating the religious beliefs and practice from secular institutions. For some ppl they even want to abolish religion, they blame it so badly. Others want to fight against the right to life Christians by voting them out and not including them at all, because these beliefs are recognized as faith based.

2. However Ravi when it comes to secular sounding beliefs such as the right to choice, or health care through govt as a right (that other ppl equally consider a matter of free choice of business or charity voluntarily), or BELIEFS about marriage, same sex couples, or transgender orientaton, then these Faith-based beliefs are not treated like other creeds separated from govt. People have asked to keep these beliefs separated, such as Libertarians suggesting to keep all marriage out of govt to avoid imposing on private matters and beliefs. Or the Veteran Party declaring all social legislation including abortion laws are unconstitutional belonging to ppl not federal govt. And Christian business ppl who choose to decline from participating in gay weddings that are against their beliefs.

But if ppl ask to separate that way they are rejected as hateful for their beliefs. If they ask to separate funding and beliefs about abortion, this is seen as "war on women" to deprive women of access to abortion and birth control.

If ppl ask to separate funding on health care and provide this through free market and free choices, this is seen as "wanting to deprive ppl of health care so they die."

Both sides do this to each other! With gun rights, abortion rights, voting rights, immigration rights, women or workers rights. Accusing each other of wanting to deny rights to some other group. Just because one group seeks maximum regulation and the other seeks minimum, or vice versa.

That's why they should separate and fund their own private programs as they believe through their own parties districts or states as needed to resolve these conflicts in beliefs or creeds, so everyone can get their way without imposing on each other.
I am happy to see the chain embracing gay people. About time.

As usual, Raving misses the point.

Chick Fil A responded with Common (and Voluntary) Human Decency.

What would a Prog do? Push for taxes on The Rich to pay for some program.

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