What a difference a


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Week makes.Yeah,tell us all about it.Legacy Media.
How a week ago over the Memorial day weekend there were
53 people { Human beings } SHOT in Chi-town.Not a peep
out of Little Dickie Durbin { Senator } or Huge Fat ass
worthless rich punk Governor { J.B.Pritzker }.
Probably because the far majority of those " Shot " were
Black.Because Black Lives Matter ?.
Try again.Just a nutter in a long line of crap that We the
people must endure.If not outright Lies then outright Silence.
That Ain't America.
At least the America I knew as a kid growing up in
the 50's and 60's.There need be some sort of sugar cube
or shot like the Polio vaccine in order to prevent this sort
of outright crippling of the Ameican Populace.Or
" Man was like a fish,in the beginning "
{ Anaximander Of Miletus } Greek Philosopher
" There is nothing evil save that which perverts
the mind and shackles the conscience. "
St. Ambrose { Bishop of Milan } 340-397 A.C.

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