What A 'Great' Idea: Omar Believes Foreign Policy Should Be Based On 'Foreign Perspective'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Anti-Semitic Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who blames the current crisis in Venezuela on the United States, wants a "Green New Deal" style overhaul of U.S. foreign policy. Omar argues she is best suited to lead the charge for major foreign policy changes because she has "the perspective of a foreigner."

1. This is exactly what I have been saying for years now - the Foreign Policy of the United States should be based on 'Foreign Perspective'. (NOT!)

-- For example: 'WWHD?'
-- 'What Would Hamas Do?'
(If you don't know already you can always ask Omar / Tlaib...)

2. “When I think about foreign policy, we need something equivalent to the Green New Deal”

THAT should scare the cr@p out of just about everyone, considering the 'Green New Deal' was / is a comical fantasy where Climate Change - and the world's end in 11 years - is thwarted single-handedly by the United States by our rebuilding / up-grading EVERY building in the US, by eliminating the need for air travel due to production of new solar-powered high-speed trains, by outlawing the use of fossil fuels / nuclear energy / the internal combustion engine, and by waging and winning the war against 'bovine flatulence'....at a cost AOC stated is 'more money than we could ever rationally acquire / spend' (Ca proved this on a small scale, proving they could not build a 'high-speed rail between 2 cities without it costing an astronomical amount of money, if even then...)

I can only imagine what a Somali-influenced, pro-Hamas / terrorist, America-Hating, anti-Semitic-spewing 'Green New Deal' equivalent Foreign Policy would look like...and the images that come to mind are more 'nightmare' than anything else.

3. The most significant point I am sure the faux news media / snowflakes will ignore is the fact that Omar just admitted that she does NOT see herself as an 'American' / admits that her perspective remains one of being a 'foreigner'.
(That has been obvious through her terrorist sympathizing, lack of appreciation for the US after her family fled their own sh!thole country to come here, and all of her constant anti-Semitic comments...)

.....Barry wanted to 'fundamentally change' the United States, too...

Ilhan Omar Wants to Overhaul U.S. Foreign Policy From the 'Perspective of a Foreigner'

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