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What a hate filled man...who's supposedly a Christian.

Still no answer to the question; What did Santorum say that is hate-filled?
So do you favor "big gubmint" forcing itself in the private lives and decisions between doctors and patients via abortion?

No one who supports Obamacare has any right to be whining about big government forcing itself into the doctor-patient relationship. That's all Obamacare is about.
Yeah, Skippy.....I'm sure it says that......

When, exactly, did Christianity become the religion of flat out HATE?

After viewing some of Santorum's statements on numerous channels, all I can ask myself is "What the Hell is wrong with this guy?" He seems to be the most hate filled person I've ever seen running for president in my life, and yet he's apparently outpacing Romney and everyone else.

Is he trying to sell us on his own vision of the world, or does he have contempt for everyone that disagrees with him? There's a way to do things right, and there's a way to do things wrong. IMHO the guy does EVERYTHING wrong. I don't think I've ever been so unimpressed in my entire life by a politician. There's something SERIOUSLY wrong with this guy.

Isn't Christianity SUPPOSED to be the religion of tolerance, forgiving, and understanding? Whatever happened to that?

The one thing that I've figured out in life is that many CLAIM to be religious, because it allows them excuses to get away with whatever they want to get away with for whatever reasons. Perhaps they can con other radical and/or Tea Party Republicans into believing that God is some hate filled, vengeance filled entity, but with respect to the creator of the universe, I suspect he isn't buying it.

....call it a hunch!

awesome, another whackaloon spewing hate upon the USMB.

Welcome nutbar, be sure to "freind" Truthmatters. I'm sure you both will see I too I.

That is really something. "see I too I"

It doesn't get any better than that.

Some o' the magic o' texting, no doubt; the new English (no accuracy in spelling, required).​
i don't understand why democrats are attacking Santorum. they should be totally quite and secretly funding his campaign. then in the general, just play a bunch of commercials of what he's said in the past. it's a sure fire way to get obama re-elected. both sides can't help but attack, attack, attack.
"Thou shalt not murder."

It's a pretty popular scripture. Part of what we call the Ten commandments. I can't believe you are at all ignorant of it. But then considering how Biblically illiterate our society is, maybe you are. I suggest you read the Bible sometime. You won't have to ask such ridiculous questions.

Ok, so you can't do it. It's really not surprising because I do know you cannot find the word or any reference to abortion in the Bible, even though it was going on during Jesus's time on earth.

And really if you don't believe in abortion the answer is simple. Don't have one. But do not try and use "big gubmint" to force YOUR agenda and morals on everyone else.

Especially when you try and make people believe your against "big gubmint".

That's called hypocricy. :eusa_whistle:

One of the few legitimate roles of government is to protect life. If it's not doing that, then it shouldn't be doing anything else either.

Yeah......let's Hear It!! for Anarchy......



No one who supports Obamacare has any right to be whining about big government forcing itself into the doctor-patient relationship. That's all Obamacare is about.

And......No one who supports "big gubmint" controlling the private decisions of doctors and their patients in regards to abortion has any right to be whining about Obamacare, which actually promotes personal responsibility.

Promoting personal responsibility by abdicating it to some bureaucrat in Washington. Liberal logic.
Yeah.....abdicating to the Clerics (always) made....

"Thou shalt not murder."

It's a pretty popular scripture. Part of what we call the Ten commandments. I can't believe you are at all ignorant of it. But then considering how Biblically illiterate our society is, maybe you are. I suggest you read the Bible sometime. You won't have to ask such ridiculous questions.

Ok, so you can't do it. It's really not surprising because I do know you cannot find the word or any reference to abortion in the Bible, even though it was going on during Jesus's time on earth.

And really if you don't believe in abortion the answer is simple. Don't have one. But do not try and use "big gubmint" to force YOUR agenda and morals on everyone else.

Especially when you try and make people believe your against "big gubmint".

That's called hypocricy. :eusa_whistle:

One of the few legitimate roles of government is to protect life. If it's not doing that, then it shouldn't be doing anything else either.

You seriously think that those fighting for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are going to neglect defending that for those who cannot defend themselves? You somehow think that the government allows killing your children, but not choosing your own health care or whether you grow vegetables in your garden?

You have it backwards. The hypocrisy isn't mine, it's yours. But I think you know that. How do you honestly justify abandoning responsibility for your own decisions and killing your offspring for convenience sake?

Again.....you would have thought that Jesus would have spoken out against abortion. But he didn't, now did he? And again, I really get tired of supposed Christians putting words in Jesus's mouth, sitting in judgement of others and using abortion as a type of "litmus test" as to who is REALLY a Christian. :eusa_pray:

NOW........You said, "One of the few legitimate roles of government is to protect life". That's a very thought provoking statement. :eusa_think:

So taking YOUR argument wouldn't government provided healthcare be within the scope of the government since one could legitimately argue that by doing so it was "protecting life"? :confused:
Christians are supposed to hate and kill. Ever read the old testament?

Ohh wait that was Jews, Christians are supposed to be like Christ.
Who only lost his cool once running the money changers from the temple.
I wonder what he would do with the "temples" if he came back now?
Ok, so you can't do it. It's really not surprising because I do know you cannot find the word or any reference to abortion in the Bible, even though it was going on during Jesus's time on earth.

And really if you don't believe in abortion the answer is simple. Don't have one. But do not try and use "big gubmint" to force YOUR agenda and morals on everyone else.

Especially when you try and make people believe your against "big gubmint".

That's called hypocricy. :eusa_whistle:

One of the few legitimate roles of government is to protect life. If it's not doing that, then it shouldn't be doing anything else either.

Yeah......let's Hear It!! for Anarchy......




Thanks for posting the photo.
Christians are supposed to hate and kill. Ever read the old testament?

Ohh wait that was Jews, Christians are supposed to be like Christ.
Who only lost his cool once running the money changers from the temple.
I wonder what he would do with the "temples" if he came back now?
And, the violence in the Koran....*cringe and shudder*

I support equality in religion-bashing. ;)
So do you favor "big gubmint" forcing itself in the private lives and decisions between doctors and patients via abortion?

Or do you mean what you say when you posted "I'd much rather have newt as he is a much broader thinker and doesn't want to force big old government up our asses"?

You really can't have it both ways.

1# Should go back to the states like 90 percent of everything that is federally unconsitutional, 2# if you believe in god you shouldn't even consider it as a option.

About #2......show me where the Bible uses the word abortion.

You would think that the way some supposed Christians use it as a litmus test that Jesus would have said more about it, right?

I agree.

There are no verses in the Bible which deal specifically and directly with the subject of abortion. The only verses that equate abortion with murder are found in the extra-Biblical writings of Barnabas:

“Thou shalt not murder a child by abortion, nor again shalt thou kill it when it is born( (Epistle of Barnabas 19:21).

The Wesley Center Online: The Epistle Of Barnabus.

"Thou shalt not destroy thy conceptions before they are brought forth; nor kill them after they are born" (The General Epistle of Barnabas, 14:11, circa AD 125)

The General Epistle Of Barnabas

Some Christians attempt to use the following scripture to show that the Bible directly condemns abortion:

“If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life” (Exodus 21: 22-23, KJV)

However, in the quoted verses, it is the death of the pregnant woman and not her fetus which calls for the “life for life” penalty. It is assumed that the miscarriage of the fetus will result in its death and thus the verses would properly read: “If men strive and hurt a woman with child so that her fruit depart from her he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. But if the woman die as a result of the miscarriage, then thou shalt give life for life.”

There are a half dozen or so other verses which Christians claim prove abortion is murder; however, such verses lack specificity and clarity. If Christians wanted an unambiguous condemnation of abortion, they should have canonized the writings of Barnabas. However, although Barnabas was Paul's traveling companion and one of the most respected of Christ's ministers, his words remain unhallowed and irrelevant.
One of the few legitimate roles of government is to protect life. If it's not doing that, then it shouldn't be doing anything else either.

Yeah......let's Hear It!! for Anarchy......




Thanks for posting the photo.

funny sad time for that moron.

we got involved in WW2 b/c a {D} President couldn't get us out of the Depression.

so many people have died so liberals can call conservatives warmongers.
God HATES seeing his little children killed by the millions every years for nothing. Seriously, even a tolerant god hates it and "if theres a hell" they will go there for murdering his babies. If there ever was a reason to send someone here is the reason. He isn't likely to look at gays very favorably either, but not even on the same level as infanticide.

If theres a God you better think long and hard.

Personally, I'd much rather have newt as he is a much broader thinker and doesn't want to force big old government up our asses. Santorum is a big government social conservative.

You know something Matthew....I think you may need to read the whole Bible a little bit more, so that you can get to know God, on a personal level....so to say....and yes, this statement of mine may be a tad harsh, but please don't take it so....coming from a wise older lady, take my criticism for what its worth....and maybe it won't mean a darn thing today, but some day....some day it will....I have Faith in that....

One, ALL of the 10 commandments are equal....murder is no greater of a sin than adultery, or bearing false witness (lying), or not Honoring god, or just as bad as Coveting what your neighbor has....like a new car type thing, or coveting someone else's wife, and no worse than stealing....

SIN is SIN and ''we ALL fall short of the Glory of God'' according to the Bible....

Does God hate sin....sure He must, imo.... BUT He loves us, Matthew... more than He hates sin. How do I know this? Well, through reading the Bible....Moses was murderer, God still loved him, King David was also a murderer, but God still loved him....The adulteress about to be stoned to death for her sin by the local men....her sins were forgiven, before she was even asked to repent by Jesus....He said, "Your sins are forgiven, now go and sin no more...." why did he do that? Because He loved the adulteress.....the human being MORE than He hated sin.

And god sent us, His only begotten Son, to wipe away the sins of the world, with His sacrafice...His death on the cross....is that because God hates sin or was this because He loves us more? I choose to believe the latter.... all evidence in the Bible and all of its stories, parables and laws, especially in the Gospels, teaches us this....

So with all due respect, I think calling out only 2 sins out of the many sins we ALL take part in, in our daily lives is like the men trying to stone the adulteress for her sins, while having committed sins themselves....Christ told each one of them, that they could cast the first stone at this woman IF they were Free from Sin themselves....Why did Jesus do that Matthew? and then there is Christ also saying to someone like you who was pointing out the "sin" of OTHERS, " Take the Plank out of your own eye before you try to take the sawdust out of your neighbor's eye"....

You point out the sin of abortion, or homosexuality...while you don't point out what the Bible teaches about the situation that is the ROOT of why there are so many unwanted pregnancies in the FIRST PLACE.....why is that Matt? Fornication, having sex outside of marriage is the sin that is causing or leading to the other sins....

but no one in this day and age, nor my times of youth, wants to discuss this "sin"....WHY is that? there would be few unwanted pregnancies if everyone was hunky dory married before they did "the naughty"....Do you agree with what the Bible states about this.....? Or is this a sin that you are willing to forgive and forget because you have taken part in it? Yet you are willing to say that God hates the girl who has aborted or the same sex couple that are together forever....while implying that no sin of yours is also hated by God and not forgiven as you implied with the 2 sins you singled out.... shame on you Matthew....I say this in love, for a fellow believer in God the Almighty....not with malice...please believe this...

Christians are supposed to hate and kill. Ever read the old testament?

Ohh wait that was Jews, Christians are supposed to be like Christ.
Who only lost his cool once running the money changers from the temple.
There's one, small problem.

You're referring to the "revised" Bible.....after the naughty-bits were excised....

The Infancy Gospel of Thomas

"Dennis the Menace as God."


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