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What a hate filled man...who's supposedly a Christian.

When, exactly, did Christianity become the religion of flat out HATE?

After viewing some of Santorum's statements on numerous channels, all I can ask myself is "What the Hell is wrong with this guy?" He seems to be the most hate filled person I've ever seen running for president in my life, and yet he's apparently outpacing Romney and everyone else.

Is he trying to sell us on his own vision of the world, or does he have contempt for everyone that disagrees with him? There's a way to do things right, and there's a way to do things wrong. IMHO the guy does EVERYTHING wrong. I don't think I've ever been so unimpressed in my entire life by a politician. There's something SERIOUSLY wrong with this guy.

Isn't Christianity SUPPOSED to be the religion of tolerance, forgiving, and understanding? Whatever happened to that?

The one thing that I've figured out in life is that many CLAIM to be religious, because it allows them excuses to get away with whatever they want to get away with for whatever reasons. Perhaps they can con other radical and/or Tea Party Republicans into believing that God is some hate filled, vengeance filled entity, but with respect to the creator of the universe, I suspect he isn't buying it.

....call it a hunch!
The Bible teaches a Christian to love everyone and hate the sin. Just because I hate the sin of homosexuality doesn't mean I am intolerant of gays. It easy for people defending the sin of homosexuality to call Christians hate filled.

Exactly.... tolerance does not mean you must accept something that is wrong as normal and acceptable... any more than it means you want to heap harm on these very same people.
Every man is entitled to have his internal moral conflicts.

Yes. The issue here though is are they real or projected?

That is something the person with the internal moral conflicts will have to sort out for themselves in order to resolve the conflict.
Continued internal moral conflicts if unresolved become character flaws.
One question is what stage are Santorums's internal conflicts at?

Th premise that Santorum has internal moral conflicts demands some sort of evidence.. got any?
When, exactly, did Christianity become the religion of flat out HATE?

After viewing some of Santorum's statements on numerous channels, all I can ask myself is "What the Hell is wrong with this guy?" He seems to be the most hate filled person I've ever seen running for president in my life, and yet he's apparently outpacing Romney and everyone else.

Is he trying to sell us on his own vision of the world, or does he have contempt for everyone that disagrees with him? There's a way to do things right, and there's a way to do things wrong. IMHO the guy does EVERYTHING wrong. I don't think I've ever been so unimpressed in my entire life by a politician. There's something SERIOUSLY wrong with this guy.

Isn't Christianity SUPPOSED to be the religion of tolerance, forgiving, and understanding? Whatever happened to that?

The one thing that I've figured out in life is that many CLAIM to be religious, because it allows them excuses to get away with whatever they want to get away with for whatever reasons. Perhaps they can con other radical and/or Tea Party Republicans into believing that God is some hate filled, vengeance filled entity, but with respect to the creator of the universe, I suspect he isn't buying it.

....call it a hunch!
The Bible teaches a Christian to love everyone and hate the sin. Just because I hate the sin of homosexuality doesn't mean I am intolerant of gays. It easy for people defending the sin of homosexuality to call Christians hate filled.

Exactly.... tolerance does not mean you must accept something that is wrong as normal and acceptable... any more than it means you want to heap harm on these very same people.

And those of us who DON'T see homosexuality as a sin as well as a number of other things promoted as sin by some, don't have to hate or even disrespect those who do. There is a real disconnect in 'hatng' or disrespecting or accusing or attacking those who see things differently. Those who see things differently are accused of intolerance. But is it not intolerant to disallow others their point of view?

I will continue to denounce and disrespect anybody who would deny gay people or anybody else their unalienable rights or who picket funerals or who disrupt civil debate or ceremony. I think we all should condemn those who behave badly toward their fellow Americans and would deny them their rights. But we should not condemn anybody because of expressed opinions just because we don't share them. Opinions don't deny people anything.
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You have nitwits that worship a gawd that(supposedly) repeatedly slaughters innocents, including animals, for entertainment.
Sanitarium probably jerks off every time he reads the fairytale about a big flood and prays nightly for the world to be destroyed by fire.

I bet you keep your Therapist Really, Really , busy. :)
About #2......show me where the Bible uses the word abortion.

You would think that the way some supposed Christians use it as a litmus test that Jesus would have said more about it, right?

"Thou shalt not murder."

It's a pretty popular scripture. Part of what we call the Ten commandments. I can't believe you are at all ignorant of it. But then considering how Biblically illiterate our society is, maybe you are. I suggest you read the Bible sometime. You won't have to ask such ridiculous questions.

yes, it says do not "murder". and murder has very specific legal definitions.

it does not say "do not kill" and in fact, we terminate life of one type or another all the time.

it's so cute that it's largely men pushing this nutbar agenda.

how bout you leave it to women to make their own decisions? hmmmmmmmmm

you're barely in touch enough with reality to make your own.


13 Thou shalt not kill.

Ten Commandments - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It says NOTHING about murder, it speaks of KILLING, and yes those are two different legal terms, but the Bible is speaking about morality, not legality.

And "my body, my choice" is a freaking joke.. Some of you women act like a fetus is nothing more than a foreign object in your body that you alone have created and if you want to expel it like it's nothing more than a turd, then so be it, no one by God should be able to stand in your way.

Frankly, I abhor abortion, but I recognize that that is on a religious level, and I don't have the right to push my religious views on anyone, and knowing that i KNOW that some women will always seek out abortions, so I prefer we keep it legal so that they will at least be able to get them done as safely and humanely as possible.

What I can't , and won't , abide is these women who think that the guy who took part in creating said "fetus" should have no say so , but should be responsible should the woman decide to keep said "fetus."

That reeks of wanting it both ways, and only a truly selfish person would believe that is right.
God HATES seeing his little children killed by the millions every years for nothing. Seriously, even a tolerant god hates it and "if theres a hell" they will go there for murdering his babies. If there ever was a reason to send someone here is the reason. He isn't likely to look at gays very favorably either, but not even on the same level as infanticide.

If theres a God you better think long and hard.

Personally, I'd much rather have newt as he is a much broader thinker and doesn't want to force big old government up our asses. Santorum is a big government social conservative.

You point out the sin of abortion, or homosexuality...while you don't point out what the Bible teaches about the situation that is the ROOT of why there are so many unwanted pregnancies in the FIRST PLACE.....why is that Matt? Fornication, having sex outside of marriage is the sin that is causing or leading to the other sins....


Ah, yes.......let's Hear It!!! for

Traditional Marriage!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFkeKKszXTw]Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage to Everyone Else - YouTube[/ame]​
Every man is entitled to have his internal moral conflicts.

Yes. The issue here though is are they real or projected?

That is something the person with the internal moral conflicts will have to sort out for themselves in order to resolve the conflict.
Continued internal moral conflicts if unresolved become character flaws.
One question is what stage are Santorums's internal conflicts at?

Yes Doctor, I concur. In your Imagination, and in the Imagination of Others, you have succeeded in Constructing a Fabrication, Substitution that fabrication for the genuine Article is only a matter of time, right? If you repeat it enough, enough People will be fooled by your counterfeit construct, enough to effect the outcome of an Election, the only factor of course, that could change that, is questioning and challenging the truth and value of what you present. Raining on your parade, so to speak, which is where, myself, and those like minded and those just as fed up with your propaganda come in.
When, exactly, did Christianity become the religion of flat out HATE?

After viewing some of Santorum's statements on numerous channels, all I can ask myself is "What the Hell is wrong with this guy?" He seems to be the most hate filled person I've ever seen running for president in my life, and yet he's apparently outpacing Romney and everyone else.

Is he trying to sell us on his own vision of the world, or does he have contempt for everyone that disagrees with him? There's a way to do things right, and there's a way to do things wrong. IMHO the guy does EVERYTHING wrong. I don't think I've ever been so unimpressed in my entire life by a politician. There's something SERIOUSLY wrong with this guy.

Isn't Christianity SUPPOSED to be the religion of tolerance, forgiving, and understanding? Whatever happened to that?

The one thing that I've figured out in life is that many CLAIM to be religious, because it allows them excuses to get away with whatever they want to get away with for whatever reasons. Perhaps they can con other radical and/or Tea Party Republicans into believing that God is some hate filled, vengeance filled entity, but with respect to the creator of the universe, I suspect he isn't buying it.

....call it a hunch!

No. A hate filled so called Christian is a man like Obama who calls up his Christian Card when he feels like it but when it came to Obama voting for the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in Illinois he couldn't bring himself to do so.

Could you imagine such a cold and heartless human who truly felt that if an abortion was "botched" and the baby was born alive that it would be a "burden" to treat that baby?

Now that's cold. That's hate filled for the most innocent and defenseless among us.

That's President Barack Obama. That's pure evil.


Again......show me where the Bible uses the word abortion.

You would think that the way some supposed Christians use it as a litmus test that Jesus would have said more about it, right?

Let's get real. That's the most lamo excuse the left uses to justify abortion. There are many words that aren't in the Bible.

Here's just a few new ones recognized by Merriam Webster:

boomerang child
continuous positive airway pressure
fist bump
helicopter parent
social media

Now to biblical references to the sanctity of life inside the womb, here you go:

"Then the word of the LORD came to me, saying: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:4-5).


"What then shall I do when God rises up? When He punishes, how shall I answer Him?
Did not He who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same One fashion us in the womb?" (Job 31:14-15)


"For You formed my inward parts; you covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well." (Psalm 139:13-14)


Luke 1:15 states that John the Baptist will be "filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother's womb", which means that the baby in the womb has a soul for the Holy Spirit to fill


Amen He has loved us even in the womb.
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Let's get a bucket full of rocks and go stone him...

There you go with Jewish solutions to christian problems.
Oops, wrong religions.

Stoned for adultery

STILL, no answer to the question of what Santorum said that was "hate-filled".
When, exactly, did Christianity become the religion of flat out HATE?

After viewing some of Santorum's statements on numerous channels, all I can ask myself is "What the Hell is wrong with this guy?" He seems to be the most hate filled person I've ever seen running for president in my life, and yet he's apparently outpacing Romney and everyone else.

Is he trying to sell us on his own vision of the world, or does he have contempt for everyone that disagrees with him? There's a way to do things right, and there's a way to do things wrong. IMHO the guy does EVERYTHING wrong. I don't think I've ever been so unimpressed in my entire life by a politician. There's something SERIOUSLY wrong with this guy.

Isn't Christianity SUPPOSED to be the religion of tolerance, forgiving, and understanding? Whatever happened to that?
The one thing that I've figured out in life is that many CLAIM to be religious, because it allows them excuses to get away with whatever they want to get away with for whatever reasons. Perhaps they can con other radical and/or Tea Party Republicans into believing that God is some hate filled, vengeance filled entity, but with respect to the creator of the universe, I suspect he isn't buying it.

....call it a hunch!

Nothing in Christianity calls for tolerating reprobate behavior..... that's for libs....

Quite the opposite. We are supposed to call, exhort, invite, etc people to repent and change their lives. Not tolerate. We are taught to love people enough to help them to change.
Well, I guess the Dem platform for 2012 is "Santorum's Evil"?

I guess it beats running on Obama's record.

Well, that's just it. The fact that they are looking for anything to run on but Obama's record tells me that they realize it's as weak as we know it is.
STILL, no answer to the question of what Santorum said that was "hate-filled".

Don't hold your breath friend. They can't answer such questions because it screws up the assigned talking points intended to destroy somebody, fairly or unfairly, honestly or dishonestly.

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