What a Horrible orator

The speech was awful. Almost like he was drugged. The impressive part is he actually managed to stick to the script for once.
Trump. He should sharpen his skills. It's like he forgets there is a microphone.
Trump is one the worst public speakers I have ever heard. He needs to pretend he's at a Rally. He's fun to watch. He babels off all kinds of nonsense, kind of chain of consciousness.
A bad speaker that loves America is preferable to a Democrat that speaks well.
MAGA> More Anal Gas Again

He he he he


Not one I, me or my.
You know democrats are going to curl their toes. Should we put them on suicide watch?:thewave:
I noticed that too. Everything was about honoring OTHERS and not himself like the Obama constantly did.

OMG Trump may be something of a narcissist... But Obama's mouth was always on his own dick 24/7. I'm surprised the asshole didn't carry a hand mirror around with him. The entirety of his rhetoric concerned himself and himself alone.
All of his interactions with other people were/are seen through the filter of his own personal needs, wants and desires. Trump isn't even close to that level of self-involvement and that's saying something.

OMG Trump may be something of a narcissist... But Obama's mouth was always on his own dick 24/7. I'm surprised the asshole didn't carry a hand mirror around with him. The entirety of his rhetoric concerned himself and himself alone.
All of his interactions with other people were/are seen through the filter of his own personal needs, wants and desires. Trump isn't even close to that level of self-involvement and that's saying something.


Case in point, Obama's gift to Queen Elizabeth was an iPod pre-loaded with his speeches. That is some Grade A narcissism right there. I wonder what she did with it after he walked away. LOL.
OMG Trump may be something of a narcissist... But Obama's mouth was always on his own dick 24/7. I'm surprised the asshole didn't carry a hand mirror around with him. The entirety of his rhetoric concerned himself and himself alone.
All of his interactions with other people were/are seen through the filter of his own personal needs, wants and desires. Trump isn't even close to that level of self-involvement and that's saying something.


Case in point, Obama's gift to Queen Elizabeth was an iPod pre-loaded with his speeches. That is some Grade A narcissism right there. I wonder what she did with it after he walked away. LOL.

Yeah think about cheeky....

I was impressed with the part of Trump's speech that I heard. Sure his delivery was that of a 5th grader, but at least he didn't make it totally about him. That's quite an accomplishment for the obese orange fool. I doubt he will ever be able to do that again, though.
I was impressed with the part of Trump's speech that I heard. Sure his delivery was that of a 5th grader, but at least he didn't make it totally about him. That's quite an accomplishment for the obese orange fool. I doubt he will ever be able to do that again, though.

He has his faults ...
No one will deny that.

I was impressed with the part of Trump's speech that I heard. Sure his delivery was that of a 5th grader, but at least he didn't make it totally about him. That's quite an accomplishment for the obese orange fool. I doubt he will ever be able to do that again, though.

He has his faults ...
No one will deny that.


He's still total fool. He just wasn't quite as foolish as usual this time. I'm sure he will work hard to change that back to his normal with his next speech.

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