What About Terrorist Sympathizers?

Well you certainly write like a well educated person..
willmunny is one of those filth extremists whom LEO will deal with soon.

Will somebody just stick a muslim cock in this asshole's asshole already? He's verbally spreading his heavy-traffic ass cheeks for it! I'm not surprised that a liberal, crybully, motherfucking cum-stain in the fabric of humanity itself, is sooooo obsessed with silencing ANY opinion you liberal Nazi-pigs don't like. I swear, the best part of you Obama fellatrices squirted down the legs of the jackals which vomited you, and then got lapped up by those same jackals.
Alright, more intelligent discussion..

Isn't it easy to imagine this little leftist bitch in a muslim, goat-fucking-porn theater, lapping up jizz puddles when his muslim whoremasters are finished jacking off?
For you it seems to be, yet I see no need for it....But it all depends what type of person you are, or want to be...

OF COURSE you have need for licking up muslim jizz puddles; I'm not the one defending that genocidal, child-fucking, society-destroying Pisslam filth, YOU ARE you self-hating-Westerner nightcrawling imitation of a real lifeform. You Pisslam human glory hole.
willmunny is one of those filth extremists whom LEO will deal with soon.

Will somebody just stick a muslim cock in this asshole's asshole already? He's verbally spreading his heavy-traffic ass cheeks for it! I'm not surprised that a liberal, crybully, motherfucking cum-stain in the fabric of humanity itself, is sooooo obsessed with silencing ANY opinion you liberal Nazi-pigs don't like. I swear, the best part of you Obama fellatrices squirted down the legs of the jackals which vomited you, and then got lapped up by those same jackals.
Alright, more intelligent discussion..

Isn't it easy to imagine this little leftist bitch in a muslim, goat-fucking-porn theater, lapping up jizz puddles when his muslim whoremasters are finished jacking off?
For you it seems to be, yet I see no need for it....But it all depends what type of person you are, or want to be...

OF COURSE you have need for licking up muslim jizz puddles; I'm not the one defending that genocidal, child-fucking, society-destroying Pisslam filth, YOU ARE you self-hating-Westerner nightcrawling imitation of a real lifeform. You Pisslam human glory hole.
My you are well versed in being ghey...
Sil ----you are quoting the same Islamic propaganda that I heard from muslims 50 years ago. .
Well that's quite a coincidence because about 50 years ago was the late 1960s when the Gay Agenda was just starting to ram its way into popular Western culture with its favorite vehicle: film tv and the media...the same stuff Islamics started having access to at the same time. Wonder if the two could have anything to do with one another?

I'm just calling stuff as I see it. If you want to play ostrich with your head in the sand, go ahead.

yes----the correlation that you have managed to invent is all in your head and NOT CAUSATION. There is nothing puritanical about ISLAMIC SOCIETY----it stinks to high heaven----more sexual perversion than in any other society on the face of the planet (and they drink <gasp> alcohol) One of the really interesting aspects of Islamic society is that the girls PLAY DUMB----and they are even more perverted than are the boys
Sil ----you are quoting the same Islamic propaganda that I heard from muslims 50 years ago. .
Well that's quite a coincidence because about 50 years ago was the late 1960s when the Gay Agenda was just starting to ram its way into popular Western culture with its favorite vehicle: film tv and the media...the same stuff Islamics started having access to at the same time. Wonder if the two could have anything to do with one another?

I'm just calling stuff as I see it. If you want to play ostrich with your head in the sand, go ahead.

yes----the correlation that you have managed to invent is all in your head and NOT CAUSATION. There is nothing puritanical about ISLAMIC SOCIETY----it stinks to high heaven----more sexual perversion than in any other society on the face of the planet (and they drink <gasp> alcohol) One of the really interesting aspects of Islamic society is that the girls PLAY DUMB----and they are even more perverted than are the boys

Now, you got my attention......hmmmm..........
Sil ----you are quoting the same Islamic propaganda that I heard from muslims 50 years ago. .
Well that's quite a coincidence because about 50 years ago was the late 1960s when the Gay Agenda was just starting to ram its way into popular Western culture with its favorite vehicle: film tv and the media...the same stuff Islamics started having access to at the same time. Wonder if the two could have anything to do with one another?

I'm just calling stuff as I see it. If you want to play ostrich with your head in the sand, go ahead.

yes----the correlation that you have managed to invent is all in your head and NOT CAUSATION. There is nothing puritanical about ISLAMIC SOCIETY----it stinks to high heaven----more sexual perversion than in any other society on the face of the planet (and they drink <gasp> alcohol) One of the really interesting aspects of Islamic society is that the girls PLAY DUMB----and they are even more perverted than are the boys

Now, you got my attention......hmmmm..........

what part?? the perverted girls?
Sil ----you are quoting the same Islamic propaganda that I heard from muslims 50 years ago. .
Well that's quite a coincidence because about 50 years ago was the late 1960s when the Gay Agenda was just starting to ram its way into popular Western culture with its favorite vehicle: film tv and the media...the same stuff Islamics started having access to at the same time. Wonder if the two could have anything to do with one another?

I'm just calling stuff as I see it. If you want to play ostrich with your head in the sand, go ahead.

yes----the correlation that you have managed to invent is all in your head and NOT CAUSATION. There is nothing puritanical about ISLAMIC SOCIETY----it stinks to high heaven----more sexual perversion than in any other society on the face of the planet (and they drink <gasp> alcohol) One of the really interesting aspects of Islamic society is that the girls PLAY DUMB----and they are even more perverted than are the boys

Now, you got my attention......hmmmm..........

what part?? the perverted girls?

Sil ----you are quoting the same Islamic propaganda that I heard from muslims 50 years ago. .
Well that's quite a coincidence because about 50 years ago was the late 1960s when the Gay Agenda was just starting to ram its way into popular Western culture with its favorite vehicle: film tv and the media...the same stuff Islamics started having access to at the same time. Wonder if the two could have anything to do with one another?

I'm just calling stuff as I see it. If you want to play ostrich with your head in the sand, go ahead.

yes----the correlation that you have managed to invent is all in your head and NOT CAUSATION. There is nothing puritanical about ISLAMIC SOCIETY----it stinks to high heaven----more sexual perversion than in any other society on the face of the planet (and they drink <gasp> alcohol) One of the really interesting aspects of Islamic society is that the girls PLAY DUMB----and they are even more perverted than are the boys

Now, you got my attention......hmmmm..........

what part?? the perverted girls?


how old are you------I do not like to discuss this issue with children----are you over 40?
I am a right of center Republican who will not put up with filth like willmunny, who is a coward and hides behind a silly screen name.
Translation: I'm a terrorist sympathizing leftist commie posing as a Republican even though everyone knows I'm a fucking liar.
I am a right of center Republican who will not put up with filth like willmunny, who is a coward and hides behind a silly screen name.
Translation: I'm a terrorist sympathizing leftist commie posing as a Republican even though everyone knows I'm a fucking liar.
Translation: S. J. is filth just like willmunny and will be treated accordingly if he ever puts his filth into action. But . . . S. J. is every bit as cowardly as willmunny. :)
I know this is a politically incorrect subject, but how are Muslims going to integrate into countries they emigrate to if they continue to hold views which are antithetical to the basic values of those countries? Compared with the public outrage expressed by Christians over the Atlanta church murders, the Muslim silence over the Orlando murders is deafening. The problem is that many (most?) Muslims sympathize with their terrorist brethren in their goals of worldwide conversion to Islam and elimination of the Jewish State, even if they find their methods distasteful.

How are secular democracies ever going to root out domestic terrorists if large segments of their populations continue to view them as sincere, even if misguided, religious warriors for Allah?

The Muslim silence you hear is nothing but your ignorance. There is no 'silence'- but there are lies promoted by anti-Muslim bigots like you.

Or is it that you are intentionally lying?
A quick Google search shows that you are either ignorant- or intentionally lying- which is it?

We can't identify the real problems when you intentionally spread misinformation.
The answer is to keep them out of the country altogether. Some of them may come here to enjoy freedom and escape tyranny but they still are unable to assimilate because of their religious beliefs and they turn a blind eye to the terrorism committed by their own kind. We don't need them.

Here is who S.J. says are unable to assimilate
I am a right of center Republican who will not put up with filth like willmunny, who is a coward and hides behind a silly screen name.
Translation: I'm a terrorist sympathizing leftist commie posing as a Republican even though everyone knows I'm a fucking liar.

Finally SJ admits he is a terrorist sympathizing leftist commie and a fucking liar.

I am glad he is finally being open about it.
I've been studying that Pisslam filth in detail for years and that ass-lifting religion is a vile bag of garbage that is sooo loathsome, sooo odious, that only a clinical psychopath could support it. That's why I LOVE it when Islam-apologist traitor filth get killed by their pet savages, it's beautiful! Yes, if you support the most praised-by-Hitler, Jew-exterminating, child-fucking, beheading fetish human rights atrocity hate ideology of all time, I really, seriously wish you to die in agony.......while I watch and jack off.
Well you certainly write like a well educated person..
willmunny is one of those filth extremists whom LEO will deal with soon.

Will somebody just stick a muslim cock in this asshole's asshole already? He's verbally spreading his heavy-traffic ass cheeks for it! I'm not surprised that a liberal, crybully, motherfucking cum-stain in the fabric of humanity itself, is sooooo obsessed with silencing ANY opinion you liberal Nazi-pigs don't like. I swear, the best part of you Obama fellatrices squirted down the legs of the jackals which vomited you, and then got lapped up by those same jackals.
Alright, more intelligent discussion..

Isn't it easy to imagine this little leftist bitch in a muslim, goat-fucking-porn theater, lapping up jizz puddles when his muslim whoremasters are finished jacking off?

Who let the 12 year old boys onto USMB?
Sil ----you are quoting the same Islamic propaganda that I heard from muslims 50 years ago. .
Well that's quite a coincidence because about 50 years ago was the late 1960s when the Gay Agenda was just starting to ram its way into popular Western culture with its favorite vehicle: film tv and the media...the same stuff Islamics started having access to at the same time. Wonder if the two could have anything to do with one another?

I'm just calling stuff as I see it. If you want to play ostrich with your head in the sand, go ahead.

Silhouette is just doing what the voices in her head command her to do- she cannot be held responsible for her delusions.
Sil ----you are quoting the same Islamic propaganda that I heard from muslims 50 years ago. .
Well that's quite a coincidence because about 50 years ago was the late 1960s when the Gay Agenda was just starting to ram its way into popular Western culture with its favorite vehicle: film tv and the media...the same stuff Islamics started having access to at the same time. Wonder if the two could have anything to do with one another?

I'm just calling stuff as I see it. If you want to play ostrich with your head in the sand, go ahead.

Silhouette is just doing what the voices in her head command her to do- she cannot be held responsible for her delusions.
She's certainly obsessed with gheys..
Sil ----you are quoting the same Islamic propaganda that I heard from muslims 50 years ago. .
Well that's quite a coincidence because about 50 years ago was the late 1960s when the Gay Agenda was just starting to ram its way into popular Western culture with its favorite vehicle: film tv and the media...the same stuff Islamics started having access to at the same time. Wonder if the two could have anything to do with one another?

I'm just calling stuff as I see it. If you want to play ostrich with your head in the sand, go ahead.

Silhouette is just doing what the voices in her head command her to do- she cannot be held responsible for her delusions.
She's certainly obsessed with gheys..
So is willmunny.

His experiences with them damaged his head badly.

If you think you did wrong, will, forgive yourself and move on.
The answer is to keep them out of the country altogether. Some of them may come here to enjoy freedom and escape tyranny but they still are unable to assimilate because of their religious beliefs and they turn a blind eye to the terrorism committed by their own kind. We don't need them.

Here is who S.J. says are unable to assimilate
View attachment 78611View attachment 78612View attachment 78613
I'm quite certain we can survive without them.
Well you certainly write like a well educated person..
willmunny is one of those filth extremists whom LEO will deal with soon.

Will somebody just stick a muslim cock in this asshole's asshole already? He's verbally spreading his heavy-traffic ass cheeks for it! I'm not surprised that a liberal, crybully, motherfucking cum-stain in the fabric of humanity itself, is sooooo obsessed with silencing ANY opinion you liberal Nazi-pigs don't like. I swear, the best part of you Obama fellatrices squirted down the legs of the jackals which vomited you, and then got lapped up by those same jackals.
Alright, more intelligent discussion..

Isn't it easy to imagine this little leftist bitch in a muslim, goat-fucking-porn theater, lapping up jizz puddles when his muslim whoremasters are finished jacking off?

Who let the 12 year old boys onto USMB?
I give up, how did you and Jake get in here?
I know this is a politically incorrect subject, but how are Muslims going to integrate into countries they emigrate to if they continue to hold views which are antithetical to the basic values of those countries? Compared with the public outrage expressed by Christians over the Atlanta church murders, the Muslim silence over the Orlando murders is deafening. The problem is that many (most?) Muslims sympathize with their terrorist brethren in their goals of worldwide conversion to Islam and elimination of the Jewish State, even if they find their methods distasteful.

How are secular democracies ever going to root out domestic terrorists if large segments of their populations continue to view them as sincere, even if misguided, religious warriors for Allah?

I just want to point out- I have yet to see a post by jwoodie expressing sympathy for the victims of the Orlando shooting.

Is jwoodie a terrorist sympathizer? Does he sympathize with his terrorist brethren?

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