What? Alvin Bragg Wants Trump To Stay Under Gag Order Even After Conviction!!

Taking the witness stand is an admission that the state has a case against him and that was not true. They had nothing. The whole case was a lie.
12 jurors say you are full of shit and should stop listening to your lying propagandists.

You don't even know the facts of the case. You're just a blanked out parrot.
We've always known Trump is stupid. I mean, REALLY stupid.

But slandering the judge who is going to be sentencing you in a few weeks? That's a whole new level of stupidity!

Trump is making it clear that this judge is totally corrupt. They all are. Not one honest judge in america.
Trump is making it clear that this judge is totally corrupt. They all are. Not one honest judge in america.

How to say you're gullible and stupid without using those exact words.

Trump is totally corrupt, that's for sure, but the judge was very fair and impartial throughout the trial.

Why do you believe everyone is lying except Trump, when the overwhelming body of evidence is that Trump is the liar and everyone else is telling the truth?
These are MAGA thugs, not some criminal geniuses. They use email, Facebook and voice mail to make their threats. They even leave their names and phone numbers after the tone.
Publish those emails or STFU.
When the FBI searched Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in 2022, a Trump supporter who had been at the Capitol on Jan. 6 sent angry posts about the search and then attacked an FBI field office. When Trump made a social media post last June that included former President Barack Obama’s home address, a Jan. 6 rioter reposted it and then showed up at the residence. When Trump was indicted in Georgia in August, his supporters posted the purported names and addresses of members of the grand jury. Special counsel Jack Smith, who is overseeing Trump’s federal election interference case in Washington, was the target of an attempted swatting on Christmas Day. So too was U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan, who will oversee that trial, if the Supreme Court allows it to go forward (though that could change if Trump wins in November). When Michael Fanone — the former police officer nearly killed on Jan. 6 by Trump supporters who believed the former president’s lies about the 2020 election — criticized Trump at a press conference outside the hush money trial earlier this week, his mother was swatted. When Trump and conservative media outlets spread false information about the jury instructions in the hush money case this week, threats against Merchan rolled in.

Like I said. Trump is weaponizing the weak-minded and he needs his fat mouth zip-tied.

A deluge of violent messages: How a surge in threats to public officials could disrupt American democracy

By the time the FBI first showed up at Kevin Patrick Smith’s home in early February, he’d already left dozens of threatening voice messages for US Senator Jon Tester.

“You stand toe to toe with me, I rip your head off. You die.”

FBI agents admonished Smith – who lived about a mile from the Montana Democrat’s office in Kalispell – to stop the threats, which were making the senator’s staff members afraid to come to work. But the middle-aged contractor couldn’t bring himself to stop. After 10 days, he resumed the calls in ramped-up fashion, leaving messages that now alluded to guns.
Trump's weak-minded supporters are incredibly stupid.

When FBI agents returned to arrest Smith in late February, they confiscated four shotguns, five rifles, eight pistols, a home-made silencer and nearly 1,200 rounds of ammunition. Smith pleaded guilty to threatening to injure and murder a US Senator and was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison.


In 2021 – a peak year for the activity – more than 9,600 direct threats and “concerning statements” were leveled against members of Congress, according to the Capitol Police. Another 4,500-plus that year were hurled at judges, attorneys, jurors, and others who are protected by the US Marshals Service.
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In court, Trump supporter faces election official he violently threatened

Rissi called Hickman’s office and left a voice mail.

“Hello, Mr. Hickman, I am glad that you are standing up for democracy and want to place your hand on the Bible and say that the election was honest and fair,” Rissi said, according to court records and an audio of the recording obtained by The Washington Post. “I really appreciate that.”

Rissi spoke slowly and calmly, giving the initial impression that his message was one of support. Then his voice quickly changed.

“When we come to lynch your stupid lying commie a--, you’ll remember that you lied on the f---ing Bible, you piece of s---,” Rissi angrily said. “You’re going to die, you piece of s---. We’re going to hang you. We’re going to hang you.”

Weeks later, on Dec. 8, 2021, Rissi left a message for the attorney general. Rissi said he and his family members were victims of a crime — “the theft of the 2020 election,” court records said.

“Do your job, Brnovich, or you will hang with those son-of-a-b----es in the end,” Rissi said. “We will see to it, torches and pitchforks. That’s your future. … Do your job.

You know what this tard's defense was?

It was his propagandists' fault. Probably the same propagandists the Trumptards in this topic listen to.

Rissi’s attorney, Anthony James Knowles, told the judge that at the time of the calls, there was “a lot of misinformation being promulgated” by Rissi’s family and the media.
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'No Blame?' ABC News finds 54 cases invoking 'Trump' in connection with violence, threats, alleged assaults.​

The 54 cases identified by ABC News are remarkable in that a link to the president is captured in court documents and police statements, under the penalty of perjury or contempt. These links are not speculative – they are documented in official records. And in the majority of cases identified by ABC News, it was perpetrators themselves who invoked the president in connection with their case, not anyone else.
so one guy has to shut up but everyone else on the case can say whatever they want,right?...
He doesn't have to "shut up."
The gag order is very specific and does not say that.
It only limits his ability to spread lies and hatred toward jurors and witnesses and the whole judicial system in general.
For good reason.
Convicted felon Trump's psycho MAGAt minions are out there listening carefully for his little, coded dog whistles that will set them in motion to commit violence on his part against anybody he rails against.
And besides what is it convicted felon Trump wishes to say that he couldn't say in court under oath?
When he had a chance to speak when it actually would have mattered the limp wristed crybaby wouldn't even take the stand in his own defense.
Just crickets.
So now he wants the freedom to run around shooting off his mouth trying to refute SWORN testimony in the court of public opinion without being sworn to truth humself, all the while instigating violence that he will once again weasel out of by claiming he "never actually SAID to dox jurors, prosecutors, and witnesses for retribution."
No, he should not be allowed to do that.
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12 jurors say you are full of shit and should stop listening to your lying propagandists.

You don't even know the facts of the case. You're just a blanked out parrot.
Commie jurors who live high off the hog in capitalist ways. Time to condemn a percentage of Manhattan and build a hundred thousand low-income housing homes.
There's a voicemail of a Trumptard threatening to kill an official's children somewhere. I can't find it right now but I'll keep looking.

In the meantime:

Philadelphia Republican Al Schmidt says MAGAworld threatened to murder his children after Trump blasted him on Twitter for not embracing election fraud claims

Committee member Zoe Lofgren of California showed screenshots of some of the messages Schmidt shared with investigators, including text messages and emails that mentioned his kids being "fatally shot," assailing him for betraying his country, and calling for "heads on spikes" for the "treasonous Schmidts."


"After the president tweeted at me, by name, calling me out the way that he did, the threats became much more specific. Much more graphic. And included not just me, by name, but included members of my family, by name, their ages, our address, pictures of our home. Just every bit of detail that you could imagine," Schmidt said. "That was what changed with that tweet."
Meanwhile, not one Republican calls for Trump's supporters to calm the fuck down.

They are all going to have blood on their hands.

U.S. election workers get little help from law enforcement as terror threats mount

The first call came at 8:07 a.m. on Jan. 7, hours after Congress certified Donald Trump’s loss to Joe Biden in the November 2020 presidential vote. The caller accused McElyea of “stealing” the election, echoing Trump’s false claims of voter fraud. “I hope you all go to jail for treason. I hope your children get molested. You’re all going to f------ die,” he told her.

He called back three times over the next 15 minutes, each time telling her she was “going to die.”

Real classy people, Trump supporters.
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Man Who Threatened Arizona Election Officials Gets More Than 3 Years in Prison​

In November 2022, shortly after the midterms, Mr. Goltz posted threats to poll election workers on Patriots.win under the name “FreeSpeechMaster,” according to a criminal complaint. That month, he also posted Mr. Liddy’s home address, telephone number and commented that “it would be a shame if someone got to” his children, the complaint states.

On Nov. 23, 2022, Mr. Goltz noted in a post that Mr. Richer had a wife but wasn’t sure if he had children, the complaint states.

“Kids are off limits,” one user replied.

“No,” Mr. Goltz replied, according to court documents. “NOTHING is off limits.”

He then said that he wished someone would “send a message” to Arizona by going after Mr. Richer’s children.
One crazy woman and you pee your pants, a sure sing of an advanced case of TDS.
I just posted several more examples, dipshit.

Would ya like some MORE?

Why is your MAGA media not informing you?


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