What? Alvin Bragg Wants Trump To Stay Under Gag Order Even After Conviction!!

I truly hope you suffer a real 'attack' someday, so you learn to know the difference. Altho, you're incapable of learning anything, so I'm sure it would be a wasted opportunity. 🤡
Hoping someone get's attacked.

What a MAGA thing to do.
Hoping someone get's attacked.

What a MAGA thing to do.

To other interested parties, you'll also observe in the clown's comments back to me that he's placed a whole new (for him), and correct I might add, definition of 'attack'. Now all of a sudden it means what it's supposed to mean, amazing isn't it??

Poor Creepitus, according to your earlier definition of the word, I've been 'attacking' you throughout the entire thread. 🤡
Gag orders are always unconstitutional esp when applied to defendants, but now that the trial is over, they must end. Democrats say no. Trump is BELOW the law.

Trump isn't allowed to defend himself before the trial, during the trial, or after the trial. But the left say Trump wants to take democracy away.
When running for office…there are many more.

So, yeah, you are right, we got two standards of justice. Harvey Weinstein. Jeffrey Epstein. Being a rich old white man has allowed you to evade accountability in Manhattan. That includes Trump and his children…

Harvey Weinstein Appealed had a mistrial declared. He will be being retried for his crimes. Jeffrey Epstein died in the jail. How did these rich old men "evade accountability in Manhattan". Weinstein is in jail in California, and will be brought back to New York and retried.

Trump has been evading accountability in Manhattan because he runs a closely held private corporation, and nobody has ever filed charges against him. Without "probable cause", the DA's can't get a search warrant to go on a fishing expedition looking to see if the company is being run honestly, just because the owner is publically bragging about how much money he personally made going bankrupt and stiffing the banks. There has to be a real evidence of wrong doing to ask for a search warrant.

The prosecution of Michael Cohen provided that "probable cause" and all manner of criminal activity was exposed. Furthermore, at the same time, the State was able to access Trump's tax records going back decades, which proved the frauds and scams he's been running all of his working life.

The Court Appointed oversight officer for the Trump Corporation Fraud case has filed a damning report on the slipshod manner in which the company deals with moving funds to Trump's personal accounts, federal reporting requirements, and filing deadlines.

While Trump's lenders were quick to point out that, from time to time, they had concerns about the value of Trump's assets which he had pledged as security, but when given margin calls, Trump always made the capital injections requested, to bring those security margins into line.

As a former banker, I wouldn't lend to a guy like him either. If you're lending someone money, and trusting that he will deal with you honestly and repay you as per the Agreement, honesty and character matter. If I can't trust you to tell me the truth, I don't care what your balance sheet looks like, the answer is a hard "No", unless you give me liquid security for the full amount of the loan.
Trump should not legally be allowed to say his conviction is BS?

Look at these communists.
The case is NOT OVER. The threats against the Judge and the prosecutors have only increased since the verdict.

As long as the case is under Appeal, it's not over, and Trump doesn't get to slander the court staff.
It seems there is a civil war going on. Only it is near totally one sided.
Trump isn't allowed to defend himself before the trial, during the trial, or after the trial. But the left say Trump wants to take democracy away.

Polly want a cracker????

Trump has been given every opportunity at every one of his trials, to:
  • face his accusers;
  • cross examine all of the prosecution's witnesses;
  • question/refute all of the prosecution's physical evidence and documents;
  • present their own witnesses to refute the prosecution's evidence;
  • testify in his own defense.
Instead of doing any of the above, Trump has attempted to:
  • falsely claim that the Biden Administration is orchestrating all of these prosecutions in every jurisdiction
  • claim that those accusing Trump are "lying", despite all evidence to the contrary
  • ignore the physical evidence as if it doesn't exist - forcing 2 days of devastating testimony about Trump's obsessive attention to every invoice and every dollar going out the door, because Trump refused to stipulate that he signed the checks, thereby blowing the Defense's argument that Cohen went "rogue" and Trump had no idea what he was doing
  • confirm the "Cohen went rogue" story by putting Corbett on the stand. Corbett confirmed that Gulliani sent him to be Cohen's lawyer, but he was really working ffor Trump to keep Cohen quiet, and Cohen was right not to trust him. Corbett's testimony was further confirmation of the origin "catch and kill" conspiracy.
  • lie to the public about why he's afraid to testify. They can bring up all of the other stuff he's already been found guilty of - fraud, tax evasion, libel and slander, the bankruptcies, Trump U - everything but the sexual assault.
Trump has lost every one of his trials. Maybe he should STOP telling his lawyers what to do, and start listening to what they're tellling him not to do - like confessing on national television
So when does Trump get to doxx the jurors and send his crazy Cult members out to get "retribution" for holding him responsible for his crimes???? When would it be fair to let Trump go after the court workers, prosecutors, witnesses and judges who worked on the trial which lead to his conviction.

At what point, is Trump free to unleash his thugs on these people???
Never, and he never has and he never will
Gag orders are always unconstitutional esp when applied to defendants, but now that the trial is over, they must end. Democrats say no. Trump is BELOW the law.
We've always known Trump is stupid. I mean, REALLY stupid.

But slandering the judge who is going to be sentencing you in a few weeks? That's a whole new level of stupidity!

The gag order should stay in effect at least until sentencing. To protect Trump from his own idiot self, if nothing else.

His attorneys must be the most frustrated people in the world.
Anyone can say they are receiving threats. No way to prove it.
Well, Trumptards aren't exactly smart. They are sending letters and leaving voicemails.

You know. Evidence.

And before you give the usual Trumptard response along the lines of "false flag" or whatnot, some of those assholes have already been tracked down and arrested by the FBI.

They are diehard Trump cult members.

Like the January 6 terrorists.

Trump inspires nothing but hate. He is weaponizing the weak-minded to attack anyone who pisses him off for holding him accountable for his crimes.

And that's why the judge in New York has imposed a gag order.

So Trump can whine his fat ass off all he wants, his bullshit will NOT be tolerated any longer.

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