What are democrats running on

Sure, Bub. Beto is running on tearing down the border wall and allowing millions of illegals to flood our country.
So what's Trump running on? Fear of illegals, that's all. Absolutely forgotten are all his promises to be the friend of the working class. He has now defaulted back to the republican line that doing anything for a poor person is evil socialism and you Trumpbots do not even feel betrayed.
The best thing anyone can do for a poor person is give them the opportunity for a job. Once they get a job, it's up to them to move up the ladder. Unemployment is at the lowest point ever for minorities in this nation.
Every household has mandatory spending. Energy, food, rent/mortgage, medical, payment on debt, education etc that has been steadily going up while wages remain flat. No one on the right is even talking about this yet it is the most damaging and intractable problem that faces America.
Then taxes need to be lowered considerably so people have more money to spend on their needs. Obviously.
Since the lion's share of any tax cut goes to the super-wealthy I fail to see how republican's goto solution to everything would do anything for the working class they have not already done the last several times. The longer republicans ignore the plight of the working class means they will have less input when someone actually does something about it.
The "super wealthy" pay most of the tax. If you pay more, you get more back. That's FAIR. Everyone that paid taxes got a tax cut, according to how much they paid, which is FAIR. If you were honestly for the "working class", you would support lower taxes. Lower taxes means more money in the working class pocket.
From Politifact

The economy added 196,000 manufacturing jobs last year — the most in any year since 2014, when the economy added 208,000 manufacturing jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But the manufacturing sector has yet to fully recover from the Great Recession.

As of December 2017, there were 12.5 million manufacturing jobs – 1.2 million fewer than there were in December 2007, when the recession started, BLS data show. At last year’s growth rate, it would take until nearly 2023 just to recover the jobs lost during the recession.
Sorry nogood

During the State of the Union address on Tuesday, President Donald Trump tried to persuade Americans that the US economy is booming — and that it’s all thanks to him.

“In just over two years since the election, we have launched an unprecedented economic boom, a boom that has rarely been seen before. There has been nothing like it,” Trump said at the beginning of his speech. “An economic miracle is taking place in the United States.”

By the end of his speech, he’ll likely point to the low unemployment rate and robust job growth as evidence of his business skills. He’ll probably remind Americans that the US stock market had a great month in January — even though 2018 was the worst year for stocks in a decade. (He’ll also definitely leave out the fact that manufacturing jobs are far from “roaring back to life” as a result of his new trade deals.)

Here’s the truth: The US economy under Trump is doing just fine. The president has overseen a slow but steady economic expansion, albeit one that started under President Barack Obama.

There is one major problem, though — that growth has mostly benefited the wealthiest Americans, while average workers have barely seen their paychecks grow.

Taking that into account, it’s no surprise that many Americans are concerned. Nearly half —48 percent — of Americans say they believe economic conditions are worsening, up from 45 percent in December and 36 percent in November, according to a January poll by Gallup, a Washington, DC-based consulting firm.

Businesses have mostly welcomed the president’s hands-off approach to government regulation, but not all of them are benefiting from his agenda. The US steel industry is making handsome profits from steep tariffs his administration placed on imported steel and aluminum last year. So are aluminum factories. Yet Trump’s obsession with taxing foreign goods has inadvertently hurt farmers and US automakers that export their products overseas.

Even the GOP’s signature economic policy achievement, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, did little to boost wages and business investment.

However, the economy isn’t contracting, so things could be a lot worse. And it’s possible they might get that way. Wall Street banks are already preparing for the US economy to slow down in 2019. The International Monetary Fund also expects the global economy to cool down this year, partly because of the trade dispute between the world’s two largest economies: the United States and China.

So, sure, Trump can take credit for overseeing steady economic growth during his first two years in the White House. But the story is more complicated than that. And warning signs are flashing.

Here are five things to know about the state of the US economy.

The GOP’s tax cuts are ... meh
If there’s one economic policy Trump and his fellow Republicans in Congress oversold, it was the idea that cutting taxes would propel US economic growth into outer space.

In November 2017, the president assured Americans that slashing taxes on corporations and private businesses would provide the “rocket fuel our economy needs to soar higher than ever before.” And when Trump signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on December 22, 2017, in the Oval Office, he also promised that businesses would invest those tax savings in their businesses and give “billions and billions of dollars away to their workers.” He pointed to a handful of big companies that promised to raise wages and give employees $1,000 cash bonuses — among them Walmart, Bank of America, and Comcast.

More than a year later, economic data shows that the tax bill’s benefit to workers was largely a mirage.

The left-leaning Economic Policy Institute recently crunched compensation data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, showing that the much-touted bonuses did little to boost workers’ paychecks. In the past 12 months, cash bonuses only gave workers an extra 2 cents in average hourly compensation, adjusted for inflation. (This does not include bonuses tied to productivity goals.)

Instead, US companies have spent a record amount of money this year buying back shares of company stock, an effort to inflate their value for shareholders. US corporations have announced spending $1 trillion on stock buybacks so far this year. That’s a 64 percent increase from 2017, according to CNN Business. So it’s no mystery why the savings from the GOP tax bill didn’t trickle down to workers. Only a handful of companies (34 from the Fortune 500) said they are using the tax savings to invest in US operations.

Economists do believe the tax bill helped boost overall economic growth — for a little while, at least. The economy was growing at about 2.2 percent a year since the end of the recession in 2009, and then hit 4.2 percent in the second quarter of 2018, right after the tax cuts went into effect. The third quarter was also strong, with a 3.5 percent increase. By the end of 2018, however, annual economic growth fell to 2.6 percent. Economists expect growth to slow even more in 2019 and fall even further in 2020.

Congressional Budget Office
So to recap, instead of rocket fuel, the tax cuts were more like a sugar high. They gave the US economy a brief jolt while triggering an $800 billion hole in the federal budget.

The stock market is ... yikes
Trump’s favorite measure of US economic health, the stock market, has been wildly unstable in recent months. The president loves to take credit when the stock market is roaring, but stays silent when it falls.

That’s exactly what happened in 2018.

Trump bragged as the major stock indices reached record highs early in the year, insisting that the market was “smashing one record after another.” But in the last few months of 2018, things went downhill, fast. It was, in fact, the worst year for stocks since 2008 — the year the country sank into the Great Recession.

As Vox’s Emily Stewart explained, some of the factors behind the slide had to do with Trump, and some didn’t:

The current economic expansion and stock market run (until recently) has been going on for so long — and so much longer than many economists expected — that investors have been wondering for quite some time when that luck would run out. It looks like a combination of global and domestic events are starting to convince Wall Street that time is now.

Trump’s trade war with China is causing a variety of concerns, ranging from its impact on US farmers to its potential to raise consumer prices to its economic effects in both China and the US. Economic growth has slowed in Europe and is expected to slowin China next year. Drama over Brexit is also causing ripples, as are signals from the US Fed that it will continue to hike interest rates, potentially dampening the stock market and economy.

As the market plummeted from October through December, Trump was silent.

But he inadvertently showed what a bad year 2018 was for US investors in a tweet he posted last week, celebrating that the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit 25,000 points.

Nice try holmes. Every economic measure Trump has effect on is headed straight up good from the manchurian muslim doldrums of 2015 2016. Regulation and Tax reforms are kicking in. Best economy in a long time.
He has kept almost all his campaign promises. If it wasn't for the democrats he would've kept them all.
He has not done a damned thing for the working class. He has not done anything of note other than give the billionaires a big fat tax cut. The things the working class really needs to make their lives better are never mentioned by Trump anymore.
Everyone got a tax cut. The economy is booming, if you don't have a job. You don't want one. I noticed grocery prices are coming down. We are doing great. Trump will be YOUR president till 2024, get over it.
My Trump tax cut amounted to a few hundred dollars and made no appreciable impact on my life. No tax cut alone is of any help to the same problems that haunt the working class.
So you would rather pay a few hundred more?

2 charts knowit

Chuck Jones
Senior Contributor
MarketsI cover technology companies, worldwide economies and the stock marketTrump can reach his 25 million job growth goal even if the economy continued to grow at the pace under Obama

There has been a fair amount of rhetoric about the job growth and lower unemployment rate seen since President Trump took office. Candidate Trump touted that there would be 25 million jobs created over 10 years if he was elected. In January 2017, I wrote that this was a fairly easy campaign promise when you analyze the data and realize that it will only take 2% annual growth of the workforce to hit this target.

This is a review of Trump’s Economic Scorecard before the midterm elections.

President Trump started with a distinct advantage with a workforce of 145.7 million, 9% larger than when President Obama took office. If the workforce were to only grow by 2%, that would add just over 2.9 million jobs a year or 243,000 per month. Over the course of 10 years, there would be over 29 million jobs added.

Additionally, over President Obama’s last six and five years in office after the economy had recovered from the Great Recession, the average employment gains were 2.42 and 2.48 million jobs per year. Pretty much on track to add 25 million over 10 years. So it appears that Trump can reach his 25 million job growth goal even if the economy continued to grow at the pace under Obama .

To provide a monthly comparison, the average employment gain in Obama’s last six years in office (after getting out of the recession's impact) was 201 thousand. And the average for his last five years was 207 thousand, essentially the same as the 208 thousand for the first nine months this year.

Again, dead cat bounce is easier. Trying to improve an 88 win team takes skill.
So you would rather pay a few hundred more?

A few hundred and all it cost was 1.5 trillion added to the debt?

Or in cases like me in states that have higher property taxes and income taxes...COSTING taxpayers a couple grand

Like ears told russia, After his re-election he will downsize, have garage sales, sell national parks and old military bases, cut pensions, means test.....art of deal. Then you wont complain?
What are Democrats running on?

Healthcare for starters...and education and jobs. Green jobs. That's the future

You and you ilk would not know a green job from a V8 Pontiac. Govt has no business picking winners and losers in hi-tech. The market will pick.
What's really unbelievable, is that the dimwit's are being taken seriously.

Which should tell you something.
Yeah, that the dimwit's are a bunch of opportunistic, socialist, communist, propagandist, for whom by years and years of acting like these poor helpless victim's to our government, they infact were these evil human beings wanting to take over government in order to someday rule the world with the same ideology a Stalin etc had.

Of course they (these compromised American's) want to take over the best most powerful country in the world after they had been infiltrated by the communist of the world. Mcarthy was right all along, but they (the left at the time), convinced this nation otherwise that it was all just Hocus pocus, and now Trump's having to deal with it all.

Senator Joseph McCarthy sent a telegram to President Truman two days after claiming that he had identified "205 card-carrying" members of the Communist party working in the U.S. State Department. At a speech in Wheeling, West Virginia, on February 9, 1950, McCarthy launched his first salvo.
Good question. What are the Democrats running on?
Maybe this will help:

So you would rather pay a few hundred more?

A few hundred and all it cost was 1.5 trillion added to the debt?

Or in cases like me in states that have higher property taxes and income taxes...COSTING taxpayers a couple grand

Like ears told russia, After his re-election he will downsize, have garage sales, sell national parks and old military bases, cut pensions, means test.....art of deal. Then you wont complain?
Obama could've made Putin vice president and he would support him.
I can tell you something that Republicans aren’t going to run on. And that’s values and morals.

So you would rather pay a few hundred more?

A few hundred and all it cost was 1.5 trillion added to the debt?

Or in cases like me in states that have higher property taxes and income taxes...COSTING taxpayers a couple grand

Like ears told russia, After his re-election he will downsize, have garage sales, sell national parks and old military bases, cut pensions, means test.....art of deal. Then you wont complain?
Obama could've made Putin vice president and he would support him.
Obama couldn’t make Putin vice president because Putin wasn’t born here. Besides Putin supported Trump. He didn’t even like Obama.
Besides, Putin already answered that question.

So you would rather pay a few hundred more?

A few hundred and all it cost was 1.5 trillion added to the debt?

Or in cases like me in states that have higher property taxes and income taxes...COSTING taxpayers a couple grand

Like ears told russia, After his re-election he will downsize, have garage sales, sell national parks and old military bases, cut pensions, means test.....art of deal. Then you wont complain?
Obama could've made Putin vice president and he would support him.
Obama couldn’t make Putin vice president because Putin wasn’t born here. Besides Putin supported Trump. He didn’t even like Obama.
Besides, Putin already answered that question.

Obama told Putin to wait till after the election so he could work for him better. I'm sure Putin didn't like the fact that a president would sell out his country. Just like Hillary did when she made the uranium deal.
Right now demonrats aren't running on anything. They are looking for the woke person with the most intersectionality.

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