What are the most important things for starting a successful business?


Adequate Market Evaluation
Realistic Expectations
Ability to Identify and Act On Growth Opportunities.
Adaptation Skills
Qualified Risk Assessment

A Decent Doctor​

If there are employees, conduct business as if everyone worked together, not that they worked for 'you'.
People who I employed always found it pleasant and were very loyal and reliable.
People who I employed always found it pleasant and were very loyal and reliable.

I found that if you give employees the proper tools, appropriate direction, and adequate incentive for their own personal investment ...
They have no problem meeting your standards ... But then again, I am not running a daycare facility.


Be born to a successful buisiness person or Marry into the family.

I laughed at a guy who told me what a great business man and reflected that the only real win he had in business was saying “I do”
A product/service that is in demand.
The ability to pitch that product/service to anyone.
Hard work & determination
Provide honest value for money people give you. I'd read up on books about how people interact in society regarding their experience when going to a business.

For instance, a well known salesman that wrote a number of books said if you give a customer value and they have a good experience they tell three other people. If you screw them or they have a bad experience they tell ten other people. Word of mouth can hurt you three times as much as it can help you, and this is also why it takes time to build a business. Read books by people successful in the field you'd like to enter. Be sure they are honest people, don't get a Bernie Maddoff book on stock or finances! See.
If you take advice from a liberal, you will end up in the poor farm and be like them, poor and miserable. Be totally capitalistic, provide a product or service the people WANT, underpay your employees, or go offshore with your accounts, you will be the next Bill Gates, or Jeff Bezos..

Ah, the cheaters way. Lying Donald uses the cheaters way. Just look at his fake 'university' that defrauded people out of thousands.

As I said provide people with value, honest value, treat people well, and word of mouth will carry the business forward. Ignore these morons that think there is a short cut by screwing people, the way Trump did. They are hollow people. Of no consequence. Avoid people that try to infuse their bizarre politics into their business. Or worse, their religion. Just provide value to the customer for what they pay you.

Think of the businesses you go to that you are loyal to. What puts them on your A list.
Not being an idiot is paramount. I've seen so many peoples businesses go under because they were morons

Lots of extremely successful businessmen wouldn't know honesty it it bit them on the ass.
It will in the end. Eyes of needles and Camels and shit. Lets just say tRump and JC won't be playing Chinese checkers together in the end.
Dubya and Satan will be trying to figure out how to pronounce Astopikalipticalse.
Klinton will be forced to have sex with Hilarity ......constantly...forever and ever.
Bill Gates will be forced to spent all eternity on Windoze 98. FIRST edition.
Be honest. Tell the customer you'll give it your best and If you can't do it, or do it right, admit it.
DO NOT OVERLOAD YOUR DUMB ASS.This is the first and most important business commandment. Amen.
I've been self employed for a long time, if i had to pick one attribute that qualifies necessity above all else, it would have to say 'patience'

A good network of other business's that will refer you work.
I'll second this one.. my business operates almost entirely on referrals. I don't even need to advertise. Although in lieu of spending money on advertising I spend my labor helping out my referral network with their projects whenever I can
First and foremost, before you spend one penny, is a Business Plan.

A Business Plan forces you to look at your financial resources, your access to capital, your marketing, your costs, your cash flow, your competition, your industry, your threats and your opportunities.

And, critically, a good Business Plan may tell you that you should not start the business in the first place.

You'd rather know that now than later, when you've loaded up your credit cards.
Amen! It should always begin with a well thought out, critiqued, and fine tuned Business Plan. Without it odds are you're likely planning to fail.

And as Mac noted the best thing a good plan might tell you is not to proceed with it. Move on to the next idea instead.
I was thinking once I moved to Florida of opening up a couple of fast food restaurants of the Franchise sort. The area I am moving to, would be perfect as there aren't any of the chain there yet. But after seeing the shit from the liberals at StarFucks, I realize it isn't worth the time or effort to bring JOBS to that area, even if they are minimum wage jobs. College kids and elderly who would want to be employed can find some other sucker to work for. I will continue to play the stock market, increasing my fortune that way, and not deal with the bullshit the left continues to bring.

God, Gold and Guns will be needed in the near future as the promises of the liberal politicians and union leaders are leading the US into a war..

U.S. Pension Fund Collapse Isn't a Distant Prospect. It Could Come in 5 Years.
8 Also, although most of the problem is created by politicians and union leaders cutting deals to promise future unfunded benefits to keep voters happy.
I don't think voters are going to be happy when they no longer have a promised income. And what is worse, is that the dumbass liberals will believe it is the Republicans fault, not their own party... Stupid is as stupid votes and they vote Democrat.

It really depends on a certain type of it that you want to start. Creating a successful business is possible for many people in fact but it demands really much patientce, time and energy from you. As I said for various type of it there are different tips, however in general the most important things are :

- defining and evaluating your goals carefully and being ready for hard and long work
- having start capital for opening and developing your company
- choosing the right sphere for you where general compatition won't make your company to collapse fast
- having good network for your possible clients and partners
- finding good, well-experienced work team
- knowlege about general business tools and your certain sphere
- using of innovations in technology for accounting, documentary, inventory marketplace.magento.com/amasty-module-multi-warehouse-inventory.html and project management etc. for making your functioning more productive and organized
- right strategies for advertising

Also for startup it's necessary to be careful with your costs for the first time in order to avoid collapsing fast, this thing happens rather often with many new companies :eusa_silenced:

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