What are the top 10 sh*tholes that nobody wants to visit?

There are places in L.A. that are such shitholes that it's acknowledged that a White person would be risking his life if he ventured into the neighborhood. Likewise Chicago. If a White kid is found dead in any one of those neighborhoods the first thing Cops ask is "what the hell was he doing there". I saw an article in the Phoenix paper of a college kid found dead in a "known crack house". At the time the Phoenix cops were cracking down on jaywalking.

And yet, DeadHorse.....

he 3 most populated AND safest cities in the U.S. (are they red or blue?)

  • 3. Bellevue, Washington. ...
  • 2. Honolulu, Hawaii. ...
  • 1. Sunnyvale, California. ...
Data & Methodology. SmartAsset. To determine which U.S. cities are safest for residents, SmartAsset look at data on the largest 200 cities in the country.
Since when does population size determine quality of life or the country?

Why did an idiot like you SHIFT from "safest cities"......to "quality of life"....

Sure, quality of life is ONE determinant of "safety", BUT NOT THE ONLY ONE.

If you want to gauge "quality of life"....you have to go overseas in one of those so-called "socialist countries."
here is a great article from a conservative blog - is anyone surprised that TWO American cities that are fully in Democrat control made the list?

I know that I'm not

anybody disagree with this list? it looks pretty solid to me...

Top 10 Shi*holes Nobody Wants to Visit

1. Haiti
2. Anywhere ending in "-stan" (or Iran)
3. Tecoman, Mexico
4. Somalia
5. North Korea
6. Venezuela

7. Detroit
8. New Orleans
9. India
10. Anywhere in Africa where you have to walk somewhere to get water

Is that the list of countries no one wants to visit or the list of leftist utopias?
Is that the list of countries no one wants to visit or the list of leftist utopias?

You're always available to prove you're a fucking idiot.........Amusing.

Hit too close to home?

Of course, not... the leftist are always the furthest people from their own creations. Those are for other people to live in.

Although if you do want a one way ticket to one of those countries or Detroit I am sure that we can arrange that as a very helpful community. The utopia can be all yours.
Since when does population size determine quality of life or the country?

Why did an idiot like you SHIFT from "safest cities"......to "quality of life"....

Sure, quality of life is ONE determinant of "safety", BUT NOT THE ONLY ONE.

If you want to gauge "quality of life"....you have to go overseas in one of those so-called "socialist countries."
I know India is a shithole without going there. WTF are you trying to say here? India is a great place to live? You’ve gone full retard trying to oppose a basic truth because Trump said it. Those countries are shitholes and you look like an idiot trying to claim they aren’t.
here is a great article from a conservative blog - is anyone surprised that TWO American cities that are fully in Democrat control made the list?

I know that I'm not

anybody disagree with this list? it looks pretty solid to me...

Top 10 Shi*holes Nobody Wants to Visit

1. Haiti
2. Anywhere ending in "-stan" (or Iran)
3. Tecoman, Mexico
4. Somalia
5. North Korea
6. Venezuela

7. Detroit
8. New Orleans
9. India
10. Anywhere in Africa where you have to walk somewhere to get water

Mexico City
Burkina Faso

And any super busy super crowded Asian city
Detroit is on the comeback trail thanks to Dan Gilbert (white), the Ilitch family (white), and Governor Synder (white). Most of the dilapidated housing has been torn down and the car plants are reopening....and this was BEFORE Trump was elected. It was once a hell of a town....I grew up there and believe it will be again with whites back in control.
here is a great article from a conservative blog - is anyone surprised that TWO American cities that are fully in Democrat control made the list?

I know that I'm not

anybody disagree with this list? it looks pretty solid to me...

Top 10 Shi*holes Nobody Wants to Visit

1. Haiti
2. Anywhere ending in "-stan" (or Iran)
3. Tecoman, Mexico
4. Somalia
5. North Korea
6. Venezuela

7. Detroit
8. New Orleans
9. India
10. Anywhere in Africa where you have to walk somewhere to get water
West Virginia
If the people of Detroit woke up and started following solid conservative principles of self reliance and personal responsibility, free market entrepreneurship, and sound ethical practices, I'd consider helping them as well.

Since they won't do any of that, they'll continue to look and act like the shithole they are.

Since Detroit is 82% black, the label of shit hole confirms EXACTLY the criticism cascading on Trump and his merry band of Trump cultists on blatant RACISM.

The criticism is about their governments that keep them in shitholes.
It has nothing to do with race.
If the people of Detroit woke up and started following solid conservative principles of self reliance and personal responsibility, free market entrepreneurship, and sound ethical practices, I'd consider helping them as well.

Since they won't do any of that, they'll continue to look and act like the shithole they are.

Since Detroit is 82% black, the label of shit hole confirms EXACTLY the criticism cascading on Trump and his merry band of Trump cultists on blatant RACISM.

The criticism is about their governments that keep them in shitholes.
It has nothing to do with race.
They know it. They can't win the arguments, hence the race card.
Solid conservative principles made Detroit what it is today. A failed capitalist experiment.
My list - Top Ten Shitholes:

#1 - the entire middle-east
#2 - Africa
#3 - South Carolina
#4 - Alabama
#5 - Mississippi
#6 - Georgia
#7 - Chicongo
#8 - Tennessee
#9 - Chicongo
#10 - Donald trump’s mouth

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