What are the top 10 sh*tholes that nobody wants to visit?

here is a great article from a conservative blog - is anyone surprised that TWO American cities that are fully in Democrat control made the list?

I know that I'm not

anybody disagree with this list? it looks pretty solid to me...

Top 10 Shi*holes Nobody Wants to Visit

1. Haiti
2. Anywhere ending in "-stan" (or Iran)
3. Tecoman, Mexico
4. Somalia
5. North Korea
6. Venezuela

7. Detroit
8. New Orleans
9. India
10. Anywhere in Africa where you have to walk somewhere to get water

I'm going to India next month.

Places I wouldn't go are places where the threat to my life is too high.

Africa, I've been to quite a few countries in Africa and never had to walk anywhere to get water.
here is a great article from a conservative blog - is anyone surprised that TWO American cities that are fully in Democrat control made the list?

I know that I'm not

anybody disagree with this list? it looks pretty solid to me...

Top 10 Shi*holes Nobody Wants to Visit

1. Haiti
2. Anywhere ending in "-stan" (or Iran)
3. Tecoman, Mexico
4. Somalia
5. North Korea
6. Venezuela

7. Detroit
8. New Orleans
9. India
10. Anywhere in Africa where you have to walk somewhere to get water
You left out Appalachia.
India also #1 telemarketing phone calls.
They call and say "Hi, my name is Bob" LOL
They are fun to mess with.
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Yeah. Lots of large US cities have places in them you wouldn't want to go.
Truth - I should be dead because of places I foolishly decided to go to...

And it's every major city in the US that has places you are better off staying away from
Yeah. Lots of large US cities have places in them you wouldn't want to go.
Truth - I should be dead because of places I foolishly decided to go to...

And it's every major city in the US that has places you are better off staying away from

Yes. When I was much younger I went on my first proper trip. I wasn't prepared for it. I got to NY city and bought a travel guide in a shop in Penn Station, and it was one for rich people. I had my wages from the summer working in a theme park in cash, I had bags that weren't suited for traveling at all.
I'd bought an Amtrack ticket that got me around the East Coast, anything East of, and including, Chicago and New Orleans.
So first stop was Chicago. I bought a hostel book, a list of hostels in the US and Canada, at the hostel in Chicago which was at Loyola University, in a nice enough area.
I got to New Orleans. I chose the hostel that had a little map. Walked from the train station down to the main road that'd take me up. That road took like 10 minutes. The map showed it would be like 15 minutes or so up from the river. A taxi driver asked where I was going, I said, he said you'd probably want to take a taxi. I thought he was trying to con me. So I walked. I walked under the highway. I walked through areas that looked dodgy. There were a gang of kids on the other side of the road, a cop on my side. I got to the hostel, they said "never walk though that area between the river and here, you'll get killed". Then the hostel was overrun by ants, I had to sleep with my bags on the top bunk. I got a racially abused in Jackson Square by a tramp while having a conversation with other tramps, accused of being part of the slave trade because I wouldn't give up 4 hours wages to a guy who said in a thick southern black accent "Blah, blah, blah (I didn't understand) I bet I can spell your name" "Er.. okay" "Y-O-U-R-N-A-M-E" then jumped down on the floor and started to clean my walking boots, that don't do well with cleaning stuff.

I survived. Luckily.

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