What are you Thankful for on this Thanksgiving day?


May 10, 2010
What are you Thankful for on this thanksgiving day?

I am thankful for a husband i love and cherish, and who loves and cherishes me. I am thankful for our best friend neighbor who drives me crazy but we love dearly. I am thankful for his parents...who are really good parents. I am thankful for the family that i like. I am thankful for being lucky enough to have a good life, live a fine home and have adorable 10 cats. I am thankful for everything in life we have worked very hard for giving us the ability to do what we enjoy doing.

that is just a start....

What will or are you thankful for this coming thanksgiving day?
I'm happy to be back in my hometown for good. I'm thankful for my family, my good life, to have quit that awful job that was killing me slowly.

I'm grateful to be here in this cute little house that we haven't decorated yet for Christmas but will get to it soon. I'm grateful to always have enough. I'm so happy to be spending the holidays here.

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone. Make it the best holiday season ever!
If you are grateful for what you have, try to find time to volunteer at a shelter or food bank or private charity. You will come away even more grateful, and you will have done some real good in the world.
What are you Thankful for on this thanksgiving day?

I am thankful for a husband i love and cherish, and who loves and cherishes me. I am thankful for our best friend neighbor who drives me crazy but we love dearly. I am thankful for his parents...who are really good parents. I am thankful for the family that i like. I am thankful for being lucky enough to have a good life, live a fine home and have adorable 10 cats. I am thankful for everything in life we have worked very hard for giving us the ability to do what we enjoy doing.

that is just a start....

What will or are you thankful for this coming thanksgiving day?

There is a line in Legends of the Fall by old Cree Indian: "Time goes by and we feel safe too soon."

I am thankful for many things, but sometimes feel like I have allowed myself to feel safe too soon. I am thankful for my children's good health. My son as been alive on the earth now one year longer than his father was. They and my SIL all have good jobs. They are all college educated, a minor miracle for someone originally from Kentucky. And they all did OK during 0's recession.

And this may sound odd, but I am thankful for the disease I have. I loved my job so much I would have worked it until I slumped over at my desk. This disease has called my hand, so I'm doing what few things I had put off over the years, and which I likely would not have done had I kept on working. I'm not in pain. And I feel good. Those two things go a long way. In the grand scheme of things, it could have been cancer, the one thing I feared most, and the one thing that would rob my final days of any joy whatsoever.

A man I know once said, that God can make you thankful for your problems. That has been borne out in my career many times over. I saw so many who are in such desperate straights that I, somewhere around year 2 of my nursing career, started giving thanks for my problems.
I'm thankful for a God who gave his son so that I can live eternally...with God. That's an amazing thing.

I'm thankful for the beauty that surrounds me every single day of my life...and for the fact that there are so many things to enjoy...good food, freedom, safety, warmth. I'm thankful that all four of my children are healthy and happy. I'm EXTREMELY thankful for the wonderful daughters-in-law I have been blessed with...for my sweet pups and the rest of my family as well...and my darling granddaughter, and my impending grandson.

I'm also very thankful for my own abilities that allow me to support my family, and I'm thankful for my friends. At heart I am and always have been a loner; I prefer to spend time by myself, reading books, watching movies or working on some project or another. Silent, silent, with nobody making any demands.

But I'm thankful that my family and my friends don't allow me to live that life (sigh).

I'm really thankful that my younger children are doing well in school...not off the charts fantastic, but they are making it through with not too many traumas. I'm thankful that I live where I do, and I'm very, very, very thankful that the chance I took in moving here has paid off for the kids.

And I'm thankful for internet friends, too! Some of them here I've known for years!
I had to think about it first before answering the given question because I didn't want my answer to be the things that are always said.

What is on my mind right now are the memories that I have of the good things that I have been blessed to experience. My Thanksgivings now are not how they used to be when I was a kid, but at least I got to live the really good ones at some point in my life because that is better than never at all. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. The sad thing is that good experiences are what give you something to miss once they are not here anymore. May my grandmother (December 18, 1921-April 10, 2013) rest in peace. :( :( :(

I am sorry that my message ended on such a sad note. Maybe I can get a better one up here tomorrow, Lord willing and all. :) :) :)
If you are grateful for what you have, try to find time to volunteer at a shelter or food bank or private charity. You will come away even more grateful, and you will have done some real good in the world.

I just love Thanksgiving, particularly when my entire family work the kitchen or serve food the Union Gospel Mission. My wife and I do volunteer to drive elderly/handicapped people to shop, go to church, to doctor/dentist appointment: etc. You're right, it's a win-win. You've helped someone out and you feel good. :smiliehug:

I'm thankful that your such a jokester rdean, and don't really intend to derail this nice thread. Given that you're basically a decent dude, and are likely stressed out from comtemplating the complex mathamatics of turkey roasting timetables, 101 ways to make a green bean casserole and how to prevent the cat from taking a faceplant in your pumpkin pie right in front of the inlaws...well what do you think rdean?

I'm thankful that Thanksgiving is one time I don't give a hoot about politics, weightwatchers or fleas. Howzboutyou?
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I am thankful for my friends and family, who've helped me out in many small ways during difficult times. I'm thankful that, though I've no children, I've the fortune to be a "second mother" and good friend to a wonderful young woman. I'm thankful I'm healthy and can run, and that I am able to spend another Thanksgiving with my almost 80 year old Mom. :)
I'm thankful that your such a jokester rdean, and don't really intend to derail this nice thread. Given that you're basically a decent dude, and are likely stressed out from comtemplating the complex mathamatics of turkey roasting timetables, 101 ways to make a green bean casserole and how to prevent the cat from taking a faceplant in your pumpkin pie right in front of the inlaws...well what do you think rdean?

I'm thankful that Thanksgiving is one time I don't give a hoot about politics, weightwatchers or fleas. Howzboutyou?

I am thankful that your baby is still with you to enjoy the day!!!!

I am thankful for those who have given me opportunities in life, who have seen more in me than I see in myself.

I am thankful that I have the ability to give back, through charity, to those who need the things I am thankful for.

I'm thankful that I was raised a poor white child. Always hungry and filled with hopelessness. Left fatherless at 12, the male head of household at 14, serving as caregiver to my 3 younger siblings while my 45 year old widowed mother struggled to keep her deceased husband's business afloat...

yeah... shit like that.

I am my kind of Republican. The kind that is thankful for the pain and suffering that we endured without help from anyone, any thing, or any government.

Character is watching your own mother shit on the floor, in an alcoholic stupor, cleaning it up and never saying a word to your siblings.

Gut it out you sorry ass pussy Liberals. You think you know strife? You think you speak for the downtrodden? Your voice isn't spit in the can I once shit in.
I am thankful for my family and friends.

I'm thankful I can still flip people the bird. :eusa_angel:

I'm thankful that my teeth are holding up. :lol:

I'm thankful that my older children are endeavoring to persevere in this world which is much different than the one I grew up in.

This is going to be a very different Thanksgiving Day in more ways than one.
Might have some stories to tell. :eusa_whistle:
I am thankful for my family and friends.

I'm thankful I can still flip people the bird. :eusa_angel:

I'm thankful that my teeth are holding up. :lol:

I'm thankful that my older children are endeavoring to persevere in this world which is much different than the one I grew up in.

This is going to be a very different Thanksgiving Day in more ways than one.
Might have some stories to tell. :eusa_whistle:

stories...????? we are always thankful for stories!!!!

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