What are Your Predictions for Iowa Caucuses?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I think Iowa will finish with ...
Cruz winning with about 30%,
Rubio and Trump tied for second with about 25%
and the rest of the field a mixed bag, though I suspect that Carson and Jeb will finish in the top five.

On the Democrat side I think Bernie Sanders will upset Hillary Clinton by something like 52% to 45%

The heroes will be large precinct vans with snow tires and/or snow chains and determined young peoplewilling to use them, lol.
I think Iowa will finish with ...
Cruz winning with about 30%,
Rubio and Trump tied for second with about 25%
and the rest of the field a mixed bag, though I suspect that Carson and Jeb will finish in the top five.

On the Democrat side I think Bernie Sanders will upset Hillary Clinton by something like 52% to 45%

The heroes will be large precinct vans with snow tires and/or snow chains and determined young peoplewilling to use them, lol.

Rubio win Iowa and Trump finishes behind Cruz in third place is my GOP prediction.

Sanders win Iowa with 51% and Clinton get 47% and O'Malley with 2% of the vote...

South Carolina will be the do or die state for Trump and Clinton and could be their last stand...
I think Iowa will finish with ...
Cruz winning with about 30%,
Rubio and Trump tied for second with about 25%o mallet will get
and the rest of the field a mixed bag, though I suspect that Carson and Jeb will finish in the top five.

On the Democrat side I think Bernie Sanders will upset Hillary Clinton by something like 52% to 45%

The heroes will be large precinct vans with snow tires and/or snow chains and determined young peoplewilling to use them, lol.

Rubio win Iowa and Trump finishes behind Cruz in third place is my GOP prediction.

Sanders win Iowa with 51% and Clinton get 47% and O'Malley with 2% of the vote...

South Carolina will be the do or die state for Trump and Clinton and could be their last stand...
. Omalley will only get 0% of the vote. You need 15% in the room or your people have to stand with another candidate. It's unlikely he'll have enough in any precinct. Republicans are different, we get to vote for the candidate we want and it must be counted that way.
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I think Iowa will finish with ...
Cruz winning with about 30%,
Rubio and Trump tied for second with about 25%o mallet will get
and the rest of the field a mixed bag, though I suspect that Carson and Jeb will finish in the top five.

On the Democrat side I think Bernie Sanders will upset Hillary Clinton by something like 52% to 45%

The heroes will be large precinct vans with snow tires and/or snow chains and determined young peoplewilling to use them, lol.

Rubio win Iowa and Trump finishes behind Cruz in third place is my GOP prediction.

Sanders win Iowa with 51% and Clinton get 47% and O'Malley with 2% of the vote...

South Carolina will be the do or die state for Trump and Clinton and could be their last stand...
. Omalley will only get 0% of the vote. You need 15% in the room or your people have to stand with another candidate. It's unlikely he'll have enough in any precinct.

If O'Malley doesn't drop out this week, he will next week after NH
Sanders will get 59% and Hillary will go into a panic. Cruz with 32% and Trump will explode in anger and blame the Fox debate. Rubio and Bush will be close and come in second and third.
I think Iowa will finish with ...
Cruz winning with about 30%,
Rubio and Trump tied for second with about 25%o mallet will get
and the rest of the field a mixed bag, though I suspect that Carson and Jeb will finish in the top five.

On the Democrat side I think Bernie Sanders will upset Hillary Clinton by something like 52% to 45%

The heroes will be large precinct vans with snow tires and/or snow chains and determined young peoplewilling to use them, lol.

Rubio win Iowa and Trump finishes behind Cruz in third place is my GOP prediction.

Sanders win Iowa with 51% and Clinton get 47% and O'Malley with 2% of the vote...

South Carolina will be the do or die state for Trump and Clinton and could be their last stand...
. Omalley will only get 0% of the vote. You need 15% in the room or your people have to stand with another candidate. It's unlikely he'll have enough in any precinct. Republicans are different, we get to vote for the candidate we want and it must be counted that way.

The I stand corrected and it will be 53% Sanders then and 47% for Clinton.
Hillary will lose and go crazy while Obama blows her on stage.
I think Iowa will finish with ...
Cruz winning with about 30%,
Rubio and Trump tied for second with about 25%o mallet will get
and the rest of the field a mixed bag, though I suspect that Carson and Jeb will finish in the top five.

On the Democrat side I think Bernie Sanders will upset Hillary Clinton by something like 52% to 45%

The heroes will be large precinct vans with snow tires and/or snow chains and determined young peoplewilling to use them, lol.

Rubio win Iowa and Trump finishes behind Cruz in third place is my GOP prediction.

Sanders win Iowa with 51% and Clinton get 47% and O'Malley with 2% of the vote...

South Carolina will be the do or die state for Trump and Clinton and could be their last stand...
. Omalley will only get 0% of the vote. You need 15% in the room or your people have to stand with another candidate. It's unlikely he'll have enough in any precinct. Republicans are different, we get to vote for the candidate we want and it must be counted that way.

Democrats even use communism in voting.

You say you want D or E. No. You'll get A or B or nothing because we said so.
I think weather might actually be more a deterrent to the older population this time.

Sanders by a neck

Trump, but not by such a wide margin, then Rubio and Cruz with Rubio by a hair

I expect things will change dramatically as the year goes on.

Horse race is on
I think weather might actually be more a deterrent to the older population this time.

Sanders by a neck

Trump, but not by such a wide margin, then Rubio and Cruz with Rubio by a hair

I expect things will change dramatically as the year goes on.

Horse race is on
Sanders base is younger so bad weather hurts Hillary.

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