What Are Your Religious Beliefs?

1 We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

2 We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.

3 We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, allmankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

4 We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second,Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remissionof sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

5 We believe that a man must be called of God, byprophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in theordinances thereof.

6 We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors,teachers, evangelists, and so forth.

7 We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation,visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.

8 We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormonto be the word of God.

9 We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.

10 We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.

11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

12 We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining thelaw.

13 We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.
So a legion of personalities occupy your sole body? You sound like a committee.
Legion? Is that 'we are many' bastard still around? I thought 'they' joined a herd of swine that threw themselves off a cliff a very long time ago.
You've made us angry. Prepare thy soul!

What are ya'll gonna do? set yourselves on fire?
We shall wipeth the smirketh off thy haughty face!

Oh jeez, now I've done it.

woe is me!

I am prepared to make a sizable offering to avoid your wrath.

Ching a ling a ling, I've got some spare change!

What do ya'll say?
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Not a church going Christian but I respect their Religion as I consider myself one whether I'm a practitioner or not.

I believe, but hate the church atmosphere. Just not feelin' the love.
There's no shortage of phonies in church.

It's interesting, I go to church just to support my husband (I'm VERY ready to quit) - but anyway, the last sermon we heard he was talking about "not forsaking the gathering of the saints" - and I'm like well how many people here are ACTUALLY Christians? 10%? How would I know which 10%. How do I even know if I am one?
Not a church going Christian but I respect their Religion as I consider myself one whether I'm a practitioner or not.

I believe, but hate the church atmosphere. Just not feelin' the love.
There's no shortage of phonies in church.

It's interesting, I go to church just to support my husband (I'm VERY ready to quit) - but anyway, the last sermon we heard he was talking about "not forsaking the gathering of the saints" - and I'm like well how many people here are ACTUALLY Christians? 10%? How would I know which 10%. How do I even know if I am one?

Instead of staying in the church to 'support' your husband you would leave the church to be true to yourself. That would actually support him in a much better way if he, like you, was secretly struggling with doubt.
Not a church going Christian but I respect their Religion as I consider myself one whether I'm a practitioner or not.

I believe, but hate the church atmosphere. Just not feelin' the love.
There's no shortage of phonies in church.

It's interesting, I go to church just to support my husband (I'm VERY ready to quit) - but anyway, the last sermon we heard he was talking about "not forsaking the gathering of the saints" - and I'm like well how many people here are ACTUALLY Christians? 10%? How would I know which 10%. How do I even know if I am one?
The translation to the sermon was, we need your ass to show up and put something in the damn plate.
..... I'm looking to go in the Bull Ring with someone regarding Christianity and their Religious beliefs.

So tell me, which of the following do you believe (and, if it's not listed, please specify)

1. Atheist
2. Agnostic
3. Believes in a Supreme Being, but not the God of the Bible
4. Believes in something, not necessarily a person, but a force
5. Believes there is no one thing or person that rules, but, more of a cosmic chain of events.

Again, there are many options, but, I'd like to hear what you believe, even if you aren't sure or don't care.


Atheist, Agnostic.

Everything on the planet has a life, flourishes then dies. Religion is man made horse shit devised for his own gain. SELAH
It's interesting, I go to church just to support my husband (I'm VERY ready to quit) - but anyway, the last sermon we heard he was talking about "not forsaking the gathering of the saints" - and I'm like well how many people here are ACTUALLY Christians? 10%? How would I know which 10%. How do I even know if I am one?

What are the expectations you have of church that you are not receiving?
..... I'm looking to go in the Bull Ring with someone regarding Christianity and their Religious beliefs.

So tell me, which of the following do you believe (and, if it's not listed, please specify)

1. Atheist
2. Agnostic
3. Believes in a Supreme Being, but not the God of the Bible
4. Believes in something, not necessarily a person, but a force
5. Believes there is no one thing or person that rules, but, more of a cosmic chain of events.

Again, there are many options, but, I'd like to hear what you believe, even if you aren't sure or don't care.


Atheist, Agnostic.

Everything on the planet has a life, flourishes then dies. Religion is man made horse shit devised for his own gain. SELAH

Oh yeah!

If you don't go to church every Sunday and apologize to God for being human how can you ever be forgiven unless you give his humble servants some cash?
The translation to the sermon was, we need your ass to show up and put something in the damn plate.
Too cynical. Are you sure you are not expecting everyone else to be exactly like you? You don't get anything from church/worship, so if you don't get anything, you are sure no one else does either?
Oh yeah!

If you don't go to church every Sunday and apologize to God for being human how can you ever be forgiven unless you give his humble servants some cash?

That's all you got from religion? That you need to apologize to God for being human?
The translation to the sermon was, we need your ass to show up and put something in the damn plate.
Too cynical. Are you sure you are not expecting everyone else to be exactly like you? You don't get anything from church/worship, so if you don't get anything, you are sure no one else does either?

Well I'm sure they get their brains removed and their pockets picked if they eat a lifeless matzoh for spiritual life.
..... I'm looking to go in the Bull Ring with someone regarding Christianity and their Religious beliefs.

So tell me, which of the following do you believe (and, if it's not listed, please specify)

1. Atheist
2. Agnostic
3. Believes in a Supreme Being, but not the God of the Bible
4. Believes in something, not necessarily a person, but a force
5. Believes there is no one thing or person that rules, but, more of a cosmic chain of events.

Again, there are many options, but, I'd like to hear what you believe, even if you aren't sure or don't care.


Atheist, Agnostic.

Everything on the planet has a life, flourishes then dies. Religion is man made horse shit devised for his own gain. SELAH

Do you think there is any meaning in living?
Oh yeah!

If you don't go to church every Sunday and apologize to God for being human how can you ever be forgiven unless you give his humble servants some cash?

That's all you got from religion? That you need to apologize to God for being human?

No. I inspected the dimensions and the smell of the tomb and decided it just wasn't for me.

I also found out that there is no darkness greater than the darkness in the mind of the person whose only light in life is a lie.
The translation to the sermon was, we need your ass to show up and put something in the damn plate.
Too cynical. Are you sure you are not expecting everyone else to be exactly like you? You don't get anything from church/worship, so if you don't get anything, you are sure no one else does either?
Oh, I got plenty of brain washing but the primary job of the pastor/priest is to bring home the bacon. No bodies, no bacon. Sure there were good moral teachings but I already knew not to rape, steal, murder, etc. Most of it is to groom your mind to not only accept the teachings but to consider any lack of solidarity as evil, impure or lost.
..... I'm looking to go in the Bull Ring with someone regarding Christianity and their Religious beliefs.

So tell me, which of the following do you believe (and, if it's not listed, please specify)

1. Atheist
2. Agnostic
3. Believes in a Supreme Being, but not the God of the Bible
4. Believes in something, not necessarily a person, but a force
5. Believes there is no one thing or person that rules, but, more of a cosmic chain of events.

Again, there are many options, but, I'd like to hear what you believe, even if you aren't sure or don't care.


Atheist, Agnostic.

Everything on the planet has a life, flourishes then dies. Religion is man made horse shit devised for his own gain. SELAH

Do you think there is any meaning in living?

It depends.

Birth and death are real. If you do not waste your life in between dicking around with what is not real and what you do not believe then living will have more than meaning, you will rise from the dust of the earth and become a living being...

Be true to yourself. pretending to support something that you do not believe in isn't doing anyone any favors, especially you.
No. I inspected the dimensions and the smell of the tomb and decided it just wasn't for me.

I also found out that there is no darkness greater than the darkness in the mind of the person whose only light in life is a lie.

Sounds like not being able to see the forest for the trees.
..... I'm looking to go in the Bull Ring with someone regarding Christianity and their Religious beliefs.

So tell me, which of the following do you believe (and, if it's not listed, please specify)

1. Atheist
2. Agnostic
3. Believes in a Supreme Being, but not the God of the Bible
4. Believes in something, not necessarily a person, but a force
5. Believes there is no one thing or person that rules, but, more of a cosmic chain of events.

Again, there are many options, but, I'd like to hear what you believe, even if you aren't sure or don't care.


Atheist, Agnostic.

Everything on the planet has a life, flourishes then dies. Religion is man made horse shit devised for his own gain. SELAH

Do you think there is any meaning in living?

It depends.

Birth and death are real. If you do not waste your life in between dicking around with what is not real and what you do not believe then living will have more than meaning, you will rise from the dust of the earth and become a living being...

Be true to yourself. pretending to support something that you do not believe in isn't doing anyone any favors, especially you.

But if we just live and die, the the planet likely as well, in the end, nothing of it really mattered.
Oh, I got plenty of brain washing but the primary job of the pastor/priest is to bring home the bacon. No bodies, no bacon. Sure there were good moral teachings but I already knew not to rape, steal, murder, etc. Most of it is to groom your mind to not only accept the teachings but to consider any lack of solidarity as evil, impure or lost.

Do artists create, doctors heal, teachers teach, or scientists research, solely for the money? Or are the truly great, in each of these professions, offering something greater than riches?
No. I inspected the dimensions and the smell of the tomb and decided it just wasn't for me.

I also found out that there is no darkness greater than the darkness in the mind of the person whose only light in life is a lie.

Sounds like not being able to see the forest for the trees.

lol....You worship a lifeless matzo made by human hands as if it was a god that could grant eternal life to those who eat it..

You are either blind or a deliberate deceiver. Thats what I see.

I hear what you say and see what you do and know that tombs were not made for the living.
..... I'm looking to go in the Bull Ring with someone regarding Christianity and their Religious beliefs.

So tell me, which of the following do you believe (and, if it's not listed, please specify)

1. Atheist
2. Agnostic
3. Believes in a Supreme Being, but not the God of the Bible
4. Believes in something, not necessarily a person, but a force
5. Believes there is no one thing or person that rules, but, more of a cosmic chain of events.

Again, there are many options, but, I'd like to hear what you believe, even if you aren't sure or don't care.


Atheist, Agnostic.

Everything on the planet has a life, flourishes then dies. Religion is man made horse shit devised for his own gain. SELAH

Do you think there is any meaning in living?

Yes....live every day to the fullest and don't knock a man down unless he tries to knock you down. I'm 82 years old and when I think about my past and my wonderful family I wouldn't change a thing.

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