"What Bannon in the White House means..."

EVIDENCE of antisemitism by Bannon?
Yes, giving a forum to and profiting from antisemites is evidence enough. You can scream all day that you are not racist. But if you let racists put up 1000 racist signs in your front yard and then profit by charging people to look at them...sorry, but your words mean jack shit, and your actions show you are racist.
Bullshit. You anti American crapheads always say that.."freedom of speech is bad because people we don't like say stuff!"
What simpletons you are.

Totalitarians have been the same since man was created. You always claim you have a good reason for eliminating the human rights of others.
I am not suggesting that a racist not be allowed to put racist signs in his front yard, or that Breitbart be shut down by force, so your overwrought whining about free speech is irrelevant garbage. Furthermore, along with free speech comes the freedom of others to point at that free speech and call it what is it....racist, stupid, smart, whatever.

So, in reality, your whiny little display of trying to be a human shield for bigots represents more of an example of trying to stifle free speech than anything I have said or done.

Also, your entire, hilariously dumb defense is to say, "he's not racist, he just intentionally gives a forum for racists to broadcast their racism"....as if that somehow exonerates him. No, in some ways that is even worse. If he is racist, then he's racist. If he is not, then he is an intellectual fraud that is profiting from the very thing he condemns. Either way, he is human excrement. Enjoy sucking on it, i I will leave you to it.

That's nice, fucking liar.

But what you are doing is engaging in a logical fallacy of fait accompli. You post an unsupported claim of "racist signs" and then comment on them as if they were established fact.

There are no racist signs, you're just a filthy fucking liar, as you Nazi shits tend to be.
EVIDENCE of antisemitism by Bannon?
Yes, giving a forum to and profiting from antisemites is evidence enough. You can scream all day that you are not racist. But if you let racists put up 1000 racist signs in your front yard and then profit by charging people to look at them...sorry, but your words mean jack shit, and your actions show you are racist.
Bullshit. You anti American crapheads always say that.."freedom of speech is bad because people we don't like say stuff!"
What simpletons you are.

Totalitarians have been the same since man was created. You always claim you have a good reason for eliminating the human rights of others.
I am not suggesting that a racist not be allowed to put racist signs in his front yard, or that Breitbart be shut down by force, so your overwrought whining about free speech is irrelevant garbage. Furthermore, along with free speech comes the freedom of others to point at that free speech and call it what is it....racist, stupid, smart, whatever.

So, in reality, your whiny little display of trying to be a human shield for bigots represents more of an example of trying to stifle free speech than anything I have said or done.

Also, your entire, hilariously dumb defense is to say, "he's not racist, he just intentionally gives a forum for racists to broadcast their racism"....as if that somehow exonerates him. No, in some ways that is even worse. If he is racist, then he's racist. If he is not, then he is an intellectual fraud that is profiting from the very thing he condemns. Either way, he is human excrement. Enjoy sucking on it, i I will leave you to it.

That's nice, fucking liar.

But what you are doing is engaging in a logical fallacy of fait accompli. You post an unsupported claim of "racist signs" and then comment on them as if they were established fact.

There are no racist signs, you're just a filthy fucking liar, as you Nazi shits tend to be.
It is, indeed, established fact that Breitbart is a welcoming forum for bigots of all stripes. I'm not sure why you are whining...that's exactly why you like Breitbart.
EVIDENCE of antisemitism by Bannon?
Yes, giving a forum to and profiting from antisemites is evidence enough. You can scream all day that you are not racist. But if you let racists put up 1000 racist signs in your front yard and then profit by charging people to look at them...sorry, but your words mean jack shit, and your actions show you are racist.

Again, you're a fucking liar, and we all know it.

What "forum" did Banon give you Nazis? What "racist signs" Herr Goebbels? You spew all kinds of slander and libel, but NEVER do you back your fucking lies up with anything approaching facts.
Not one single counterpoint. Just typical, snowflake White supremacist whining like a little bitch.

Counter point to what?

You've not made a single point.

Should we discuss the boys Obama infected with AIDS?

Why do you support Obama infecting boys with AIDS? You can scream all day that you don't support spreading HIV, but if you let Obama infect 1000 boys then sorry, your words mean jack shit.
You've not made a single point.
Right...except for the ones you are whining like a little bitch about.

Again, you spew outrageous lies and then expect others to discuss them as fact.

Look, you're a fucking Nazi, I get it. You're using Heinreich Himmler techniques, the BIG LIE to try to get people to accept your false premise.

Thing is, you failed - you're a fucking liar and everyone here knows it.

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