"What Bannon in the White House means..."

Links on this page won't work but they do here:
Hatewatch Headlines 11/16/2016

""What Bannon in the White House means; We really know little about hate crimes; Church keeps its ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti; and more."""

The New York Times: What it means to have Steve ‘Turn On the Hate’ Bannon in the White House.

CNN: Why Steve Bannon’s white nationalism should scare America.

Media Matters: Conservative media attempt to sanitize Bannon’s ties to white nationalism and anti-Semitism.

The Hill: Breitbart News planning lawsuit against ‘major media company’ over its description as ‘white nationalist.’

Right Wing Watch: Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver predicts that Trump’s high-court picks will overturn marriage equality.

The Independent (UK): Alt-right vs. white supremacists: What’s the difference? Nothing.

Vox: Is there a rise in hate crimes in America? The unsettling truth is that we have no idea.

Washington Post: An Indiana church was defaced with ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti – and is keeping it as a reminder.

Think Progress: Pittsburgh-area school tells transgender students that it’s ‘irrefutable’ that you’re unnatural.

Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA): Dozens gather to support Spokane MLK Center after building hit with racist graffiti.

KOIN-TV (Portland, OR): Black woman recounts racist attack in grocery-store parking lot with a brick, slurs, and Trump references.

Raw Story: Seattle councilwoman threatened with swastika tattoo for encouraging anti-Trump protests.

CBS News: New Balance has to distance itself from alt-right website after company exec announces his support for Trump.

Huffington Post: Los Angeles Police Department says it wants nothing to do with Trump’s proposed immigration enforcement.

Mic: Columbia University suspends its wrestling team over bigoted text messages.

ABC/Fox Montana: Missoula rabbi asks for police protection after white-supremacist fliers surface.

Yes...bob craemer and scott foval have been busy.....the DNC is in over drive inciting hate and violence...
Links on this page won't work but they do here:
Hatewatch Headlines 11/16/2016

""What Bannon in the White House means; We really know little about hate crimes; Church keeps its ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti; and more."""

The New York Times: What it means to have Steve ‘Turn On the Hate’ Bannon in the White House.

CNN: Why Steve Bannon’s white nationalism should scare America.

Media Matters: Conservative media attempt to sanitize Bannon’s ties to white nationalism and anti-Semitism.

The Hill: Breitbart News planning lawsuit against ‘major media company’ over its description as ‘white nationalist.’

Right Wing Watch: Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver predicts that Trump’s high-court picks will overturn marriage equality.

The Independent (UK): Alt-right vs. white supremacists: What’s the difference? Nothing.

Vox: Is there a rise in hate crimes in America? The unsettling truth is that we have no idea.

Washington Post: An Indiana church was defaced with ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti – and is keeping it as a reminder.

Think Progress: Pittsburgh-area school tells transgender students that it’s ‘irrefutable’ that you’re unnatural.

Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA): Dozens gather to support Spokane MLK Center after building hit with racist graffiti.

KOIN-TV (Portland, OR): Black woman recounts racist attack in grocery-store parking lot with a brick, slurs, and Trump references.

Raw Story: Seattle councilwoman threatened with swastika tattoo for encouraging anti-Trump protests.

CBS News: New Balance has to distance itself from alt-right website after company exec announces his support for Trump.

Huffington Post: Los Angeles Police Department says it wants nothing to do with Trump’s proposed immigration enforcement.

Mic: Columbia University suspends its wrestling team over bigoted text messages.

ABC/Fox Montana: Missoula rabbi asks for police protection after white-supremacist fliers surface.

This is how Trump won, people who can only post cartoons and memes because they're too fucking stupid to have an original thought or an iota of curiosity.

The key is TRUMP WON. YOU LOST. You can bitch all you want but you will change nothing. You are only making your own self look like a juvinile.

He won the election. We all have lost and will pay dearly in privacy, safety, lives and treasure.

I didn't lose anything. I voted for Trump. I voted along with the vast majority of the active duty military, the majority of the veterans, as wel as the majority of the police and law enforcement, the 5,000 man ICE union, and the Border Patrol Union. I cast my vote alongside American patriots not alongside the BLM, Planned Parenthood, and the LGBT freaks. Suck it up. The nation won.
Links on this page won't work but they do here:
Hatewatch Headlines 11/16/2016

""What Bannon in the White House means; We really know little about hate crimes; Church keeps its ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti; and more."""

The New York Times: What it means to have Steve ‘Turn On the Hate’ Bannon in the White House.

CNN: Why Steve Bannon’s white nationalism should scare America.

Media Matters: Conservative media attempt to sanitize Bannon’s ties to white nationalism and anti-Semitism.

The Hill: Breitbart News planning lawsuit against ‘major media company’ over its description as ‘white nationalist.’

Right Wing Watch: Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver predicts that Trump’s high-court picks will overturn marriage equality.

The Independent (UK): Alt-right vs. white supremacists: What’s the difference? Nothing.

Vox: Is there a rise in hate crimes in America? The unsettling truth is that we have no idea.

Washington Post: An Indiana church was defaced with ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti – and is keeping it as a reminder.

Think Progress: Pittsburgh-area school tells transgender students that it’s ‘irrefutable’ that you’re unnatural.

Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA): Dozens gather to support Spokane MLK Center after building hit with racist graffiti.

KOIN-TV (Portland, OR): Black woman recounts racist attack in grocery-store parking lot with a brick, slurs, and Trump references.

Raw Story: Seattle councilwoman threatened with swastika tattoo for encouraging anti-Trump protests.

CBS News: New Balance has to distance itself from alt-right website after company exec announces his support for Trump.

Huffington Post: Los Angeles Police Department says it wants nothing to do with Trump’s proposed immigration enforcement.

Mic: Columbia University suspends its wrestling team over bigoted text messages.

ABC/Fox Montana: Missoula rabbi asks for police protection after white-supremacist fliers surface.

Excuse me....but I have a question....is this the same lamestream media that ignored Project Veritas, the same lamestream media that ignored the Wikileaks revelations? The same lamestream media that claimed that Hitlery was waaaaaay out in front for the election???? THAT lamestream media?????/ And they have credibility because of what exactly? I should give pause for thought because of what exactly???? Work with me here.......

You are too stupid to breathe and talk at the same time AND TOO LAZY TO GO TO THE LINK.
You have to have everything done for you. You are a mental welfare recipient.

No, this is the Southern Poverty Law Center founded by Morris Dees:

""In his 1991 autobiography[10] Dees wrote that in 1962 he represented Ku Klux Klan member Claude Henley who faced Federal charges for attacking Freedom Riders in an incident documented by a Life magazine photographer. When Dees learned that another lawyer had asked for $15,000 to represent Henley, Dees offered to do the job for $5,000, roughly the median household salary in America at the time. Dees's defense helped Henley earn an acquittal. But Dees said he later experienced an "epiphany" and regretted his defense of Henley.""
A decade later, in 1991, Dees obtained a judgment of $12 million against Tom Metzger's White Aryan Resistance.[12] He was also instrumental in securing a $6.5 million judgment against the Aryan Nations in 2001. Dees's most famous cases have involved landmark damage awards that have driven several prominent neo-Nazi groups into bankruptcy, effectively causing them to disband and re-organize under different names and different leaders."""
Links on this page won't work but they do here:
Hatewatch Headlines 11/16/2016

""What Bannon in the White House means; We really know little about hate crimes; Church keeps its ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti; and more."""

The New York Times: What it means to have Steve ‘Turn On the Hate’ Bannon in the White House.

CNN: Why Steve Bannon’s white nationalism should scare America.

Media Matters: Conservative media attempt to sanitize Bannon’s ties to white nationalism and anti-Semitism.

The Hill: Breitbart News planning lawsuit against ‘major media company’ over its description as ‘white nationalist.’

Right Wing Watch: Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver predicts that Trump’s high-court picks will overturn marriage equality.

The Independent (UK): Alt-right vs. white supremacists: What’s the difference? Nothing.

Vox: Is there a rise in hate crimes in America? The unsettling truth is that we have no idea.

Washington Post: An Indiana church was defaced with ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti – and is keeping it as a reminder.

Think Progress: Pittsburgh-area school tells transgender students that it’s ‘irrefutable’ that you’re unnatural.

Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA): Dozens gather to support Spokane MLK Center after building hit with racist graffiti.

KOIN-TV (Portland, OR): Black woman recounts racist attack in grocery-store parking lot with a brick, slurs, and Trump references.

Raw Story: Seattle councilwoman threatened with swastika tattoo for encouraging anti-Trump protests.

CBS News: New Balance has to distance itself from alt-right website after company exec announces his support for Trump.

Huffington Post: Los Angeles Police Department says it wants nothing to do with Trump’s proposed immigration enforcement.

Mic: Columbia University suspends its wrestling team over bigoted text messages.

ABC/Fox Montana: Missoula rabbi asks for police protection after white-supremacist fliers surface.

Excuse me....but I have a question....is this the same lamestream media that ignored Project Veritas, the same lamestream media that ignored the Wikileaks revelations? The same lamestream media that claimed that Hitlery was waaaaaay out in front for the election???? THAT lamestream media?????/ And they have credibility because of what exactly? I should give pause for thought because of what exactly???? Work with me here.......

You are too stupid to breathe and talk at the same time AND TOO LAZY TO GO TO THE LINK.
You have to have everything done for you. You are a mental welfare recipient.

No, this is the Southern Poverty Law Center founded by Morris Dees:

""In his 1991 autobiography[10] Dees wrote that in 1962 he represented Ku Klux Klan member Claude Henley who faced Federal charges for attacking Freedom Riders in an incident documented by a Life magazine photographer. When Dees learned that another lawyer had asked for $15,000 to represent Henley, Dees offered to do the job for $5,000, roughly the median household salary in America at the time. Dees's defense helped Henley earn an acquittal. But Dees said he later experienced an "epiphany" and regretted his defense of Henley.""
A decade later, in 1991, Dees obtained a judgment of $12 million against Tom Metzger's White Aryan Resistance.[12] He was also instrumental in securing a $6.5 million judgment against the Aryan Nations in 2001. Dees's most famous cases have involved landmark damage awards that have driven several prominent neo-Nazi groups into bankruptcy, effectively causing them to disband and re-organize under different names and different leaders."""

The SPLC is a commie backed minion piece of the NWO and the huge award that they got from the Metzger case? Very little of it was passed down to the wife of the victim. The SPLC are poverty pimping commies that view anyone that voices dissent against this corporate federal "gubermint" as a traitor. I spit on those disgusting pieces of shit and I would LOVE to get one of their attorneys to agree to a live debate. I would have them turning and twisting. Don't fuck with the bull (me) because I will gouge the ever loving shit out of ya....word to the wise and enter at your own risk......
Links on this page won't work but they do here:
Hatewatch Headlines 11/16/2016

""What Bannon in the White House means; We really know little about hate crimes; Church keeps its ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti; and more."""

The New York Times: What it means to have Steve ‘Turn On the Hate’ Bannon in the White House.

CNN: Why Steve Bannon’s white nationalism should scare America.

Media Matters: Conservative media attempt to sanitize Bannon’s ties to white nationalism and anti-Semitism.

The Hill: Breitbart News planning lawsuit against ‘major media company’ over its description as ‘white nationalist.’

Right Wing Watch: Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver predicts that Trump’s high-court picks will overturn marriage equality.

The Independent (UK): Alt-right vs. white supremacists: What’s the difference? Nothing.

Vox: Is there a rise in hate crimes in America? The unsettling truth is that we have no idea.

Washington Post: An Indiana church was defaced with ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti – and is keeping it as a reminder.

Think Progress: Pittsburgh-area school tells transgender students that it’s ‘irrefutable’ that you’re unnatural.

Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA): Dozens gather to support Spokane MLK Center after building hit with racist graffiti.

KOIN-TV (Portland, OR): Black woman recounts racist attack in grocery-store parking lot with a brick, slurs, and Trump references.

Raw Story: Seattle councilwoman threatened with swastika tattoo for encouraging anti-Trump protests.

CBS News: New Balance has to distance itself from alt-right website after company exec announces his support for Trump.

Huffington Post: Los Angeles Police Department says it wants nothing to do with Trump’s proposed immigration enforcement.

Mic: Columbia University suspends its wrestling team over bigoted text messages.

ABC/Fox Montana: Missoula rabbi asks for police protection after white-supremacist fliers surface.
I've been on DailyKOS and it's an Adolph Hitler loving site.
Links on this page won't work but they do here:
Hatewatch Headlines 11/16/2016

""What Bannon in the White House means; We really know little about hate crimes; Church keeps its ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti; and more."""

The New York Times: What it means to have Steve ‘Turn On the Hate’ Bannon in the White House.

CNN: Why Steve Bannon’s white nationalism should scare America.

Media Matters: Conservative media attempt to sanitize Bannon’s ties to white nationalism and anti-Semitism.

The Hill: Breitbart News planning lawsuit against ‘major media company’ over its description as ‘white nationalist.’

Right Wing Watch: Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver predicts that Trump’s high-court picks will overturn marriage equality.

The Independent (UK): Alt-right vs. white supremacists: What’s the difference? Nothing.

Vox: Is there a rise in hate crimes in America? The unsettling truth is that we have no idea.

Washington Post: An Indiana church was defaced with ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti – and is keeping it as a reminder.

Think Progress: Pittsburgh-area school tells transgender students that it’s ‘irrefutable’ that you’re unnatural.

Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA): Dozens gather to support Spokane MLK Center after building hit with racist graffiti.

KOIN-TV (Portland, OR): Black woman recounts racist attack in grocery-store parking lot with a brick, slurs, and Trump references.

Raw Story: Seattle councilwoman threatened with swastika tattoo for encouraging anti-Trump protests.

CBS News: New Balance has to distance itself from alt-right website after company exec announces his support for Trump.

Huffington Post: Los Angeles Police Department says it wants nothing to do with Trump’s proposed immigration enforcement.

Mic: Columbia University suspends its wrestling team over bigoted text messages.

ABC/Fox Montana: Missoula rabbi asks for police protection after white-supremacist fliers surface.

This is how Trump won, people who can only post cartoons and memes because they're too fucking stupid to have an original thought or an iota of curiosity.

You posted Links, not an original thought.
The media has declared "veritas" provides "fake news".

They really do think the American people are stupid.

And in the matter of their defenders..they are correct.
Links on this page won't work but they do here:
Hatewatch Headlines 11/16/2016

""What Bannon in the White House means; We really know little about hate crimes; Church keeps its ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti; and more."""

The New York Times: What it means to have Steve ‘Turn On the Hate’ Bannon in the White House.

CNN: Why Steve Bannon’s white nationalism should scare America.

Media Matters: Conservative media attempt to sanitize Bannon’s ties to white nationalism and anti-Semitism.

The Hill: Breitbart News planning lawsuit against ‘major media company’ over its description as ‘white nationalist.’

Right Wing Watch: Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver predicts that Trump’s high-court picks will overturn marriage equality.

The Independent (UK): Alt-right vs. white supremacists: What’s the difference? Nothing.

Vox: Is there a rise in hate crimes in America? The unsettling truth is that we have no idea.

Washington Post: An Indiana church was defaced with ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti – and is keeping it as a reminder.

Think Progress: Pittsburgh-area school tells transgender students that it’s ‘irrefutable’ that you’re unnatural.

Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA): Dozens gather to support Spokane MLK Center after building hit with racist graffiti.

KOIN-TV (Portland, OR): Black woman recounts racist attack in grocery-store parking lot with a brick, slurs, and Trump references.

Raw Story: Seattle councilwoman threatened with swastika tattoo for encouraging anti-Trump protests.

CBS News: New Balance has to distance itself from alt-right website after company exec announces his support for Trump.

Huffington Post: Los Angeles Police Department says it wants nothing to do with Trump’s proposed immigration enforcement.

Mic: Columbia University suspends its wrestling team over bigoted text messages.

ABC/Fox Montana: Missoula rabbi asks for police protection after white-supremacist fliers surface.

Excuse me....but I have a question....is this the same lamestream media that ignored Project Veritas, the same lamestream media that ignored the Wikileaks revelations? The same lamestream media that claimed that Hitlery was waaaaaay out in front for the election???? THAT lamestream media?????/ And they have credibility because of what exactly? I should give pause for thought because of what exactly???? Work with me here.......

You are too stupid to breathe and talk at the same time AND TOO LAZY TO GO TO THE LINK.
You have to have everything done for you. You are a mental welfare recipient.

No, this is the Southern Poverty Law Center founded by Morris Dees:

""In his 1991 autobiography[10] Dees wrote that in 1962 he represented Ku Klux Klan member Claude Henley who faced Federal charges for attacking Freedom Riders in an incident documented by a Life magazine photographer. When Dees learned that another lawyer had asked for $15,000 to represent Henley, Dees offered to do the job for $5,000, roughly the median household salary in America at the time. Dees's defense helped Henley earn an acquittal. But Dees said he later experienced an "epiphany" and regretted his defense of Henley.""
A decade later, in 1991, Dees obtained a judgment of $12 million against Tom Metzger's White Aryan Resistance.[12] He was also instrumental in securing a $6.5 million judgment against the Aryan Nations in 2001. Dees's most famous cases have involved landmark damage awards that have driven several prominent neo-Nazi groups into bankruptcy, effectively causing them to disband and re-organize under different names and different leaders."""
SPLC!? That's a fucking hate group all its own... Thanks for clearing that up for the class, for a moment I considered possibly taking future posts from you seriously. You've saved us all a lot of time by clearing that up.
Links on this page won't work but they do here:
Hatewatch Headlines 11/16/2016

""What Bannon in the White House means; We really know little about hate crimes; Church keeps its ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti; and more."""

The New York Times: What it means to have Steve ‘Turn On the Hate’ Bannon in the White House.

CNN: Why Steve Bannon’s white nationalism should scare America.

Media Matters: Conservative media attempt to sanitize Bannon’s ties to white nationalism and anti-Semitism.

The Hill: Breitbart News planning lawsuit against ‘major media company’ over its description as ‘white nationalist.’

Right Wing Watch: Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver predicts that Trump’s high-court picks will overturn marriage equality.

The Independent (UK): Alt-right vs. white supremacists: What’s the difference? Nothing.

Vox: Is there a rise in hate crimes in America? The unsettling truth is that we have no idea.

Washington Post: An Indiana church was defaced with ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti – and is keeping it as a reminder.

Think Progress: Pittsburgh-area school tells transgender students that it’s ‘irrefutable’ that you’re unnatural.

Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA): Dozens gather to support Spokane MLK Center after building hit with racist graffiti.

KOIN-TV (Portland, OR): Black woman recounts racist attack in grocery-store parking lot with a brick, slurs, and Trump references.

Raw Story: Seattle councilwoman threatened with swastika tattoo for encouraging anti-Trump protests.

CBS News: New Balance has to distance itself from alt-right website after company exec announces his support for Trump.

Huffington Post: Los Angeles Police Department says it wants nothing to do with Trump’s proposed immigration enforcement.

Mic: Columbia University suspends its wrestling team over bigoted text messages.

ABC/Fox Montana: Missoula rabbi asks for police protection after white-supremacist fliers surface.

It means the political establishment, you know, the assholes who have been raping the middle class, that the shrilary claimed to be all for, except she took millions and millions and millions of dollars from the establishment, will be reduced in power. And that is a good thing.
If these Grannie-Bolsheviks have got their jimmies rustled by a counselor in the White House....wait till they get a name for the Supreme Court.

The hissy fits will be spectacular.
Links on this page won't work but they do here:
Hatewatch Headlines 11/16/2016

""What Bannon in the White House means; We really know little about hate crimes; Church keeps its ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti; and more."""

The New York Times: What it means to have Steve ‘Turn On the Hate’ Bannon in the White House.

CNN: Why Steve Bannon’s white nationalism should scare America.

Media Matters: Conservative media attempt to sanitize Bannon’s ties to white nationalism and anti-Semitism.

The Hill: Breitbart News planning lawsuit against ‘major media company’ over its description as ‘white nationalist.’

Right Wing Watch: Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver predicts that Trump’s high-court picks will overturn marriage equality.

The Independent (UK): Alt-right vs. white supremacists: What’s the difference? Nothing.

Vox: Is there a rise in hate crimes in America? The unsettling truth is that we have no idea.

Washington Post: An Indiana church was defaced with ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti – and is keeping it as a reminder.

Think Progress: Pittsburgh-area school tells transgender students that it’s ‘irrefutable’ that you’re unnatural.

Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA): Dozens gather to support Spokane MLK Center after building hit with racist graffiti.

KOIN-TV (Portland, OR): Black woman recounts racist attack in grocery-store parking lot with a brick, slurs, and Trump references.

Raw Story: Seattle councilwoman threatened with swastika tattoo for encouraging anti-Trump protests.

CBS News: New Balance has to distance itself from alt-right website after company exec announces his support for Trump.

Huffington Post: Los Angeles Police Department says it wants nothing to do with Trump’s proposed immigration enforcement.

Mic: Columbia University suspends its wrestling team over bigoted text messages.

ABC/Fox Montana: Missoula rabbi asks for police protection after white-supremacist fliers surface.

Excuse me....but I have a question....is this the same lamestream media that ignored Project Veritas, the same lamestream media that ignored the Wikileaks revelations? The same lamestream media that claimed that Hitlery was waaaaaay out in front for the election???? THAT lamestream media?????/ And they have credibility because of what exactly? I should give pause for thought because of what exactly???? Work with me here.......

You are too stupid to breathe and talk at the same time AND TOO LAZY TO GO TO THE LINK.
You have to have everything done for you. You are a mental welfare recipient.

No, this is the Southern Poverty Law Center founded by Morris Dees:

""In his 1991 autobiography[10] Dees wrote that in 1962 he represented Ku Klux Klan member Claude Henley who faced Federal charges for attacking Freedom Riders in an incident documented by a Life magazine photographer. When Dees learned that another lawyer had asked for $15,000 to represent Henley, Dees offered to do the job for $5,000, roughly the median household salary in America at the time. Dees's defense helped Henley earn an acquittal. But Dees said he later experienced an "epiphany" and regretted his defense of Henley.""
A decade later, in 1991, Dees obtained a judgment of $12 million against Tom Metzger's White Aryan Resistance.[12] He was also instrumental in securing a $6.5 million judgment against the Aryan Nations in 2001. Dees's most famous cases have involved landmark damage awards that have driven several prominent neo-Nazi groups into bankruptcy, effectively causing them to disband and re-organize under different names and different leaders."""
Got anything besides copy and paste word walls?
If these Grannie-Bolsheviks have got their jimmies rustled by a counselor in the White House....wait till they get a name for the Supreme Court.

The hissy fits will be spectacular.
Ted Cruz.
Bank on it.
MSNBC has been bawling and screaming their radical LIB heads off.
A rumor was floated by the Trump transition team that Bugs Bunny might be the job of The Carrot Czar' and Madcow literally soiled her 'man-pants'.
I can't wait until they get Ted's name as the nomination!
It hilarious to watch them with spittle dripping off their chins.
Links on this page won't work but they do here:
Hatewatch Headlines 11/16/2016

""What Bannon in the White House means; We really know little about hate crimes; Church keeps its ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti; and more."""

The New York Times: What it means to have Steve ‘Turn On the Hate’ Bannon in the White House.

CNN: Why Steve Bannon’s white nationalism should scare America.

Media Matters: Conservative media attempt to sanitize Bannon’s ties to white nationalism and anti-Semitism.

The Hill: Breitbart News planning lawsuit against ‘major media company’ over its description as ‘white nationalist.’

Right Wing Watch: Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver predicts that Trump’s high-court picks will overturn marriage equality.

The Independent (UK): Alt-right vs. white supremacists: What’s the difference? Nothing.

Vox: Is there a rise in hate crimes in America? The unsettling truth is that we have no idea.

Washington Post: An Indiana church was defaced with ‘Heil Trump’ graffiti – and is keeping it as a reminder.

Think Progress: Pittsburgh-area school tells transgender students that it’s ‘irrefutable’ that you’re unnatural.

Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA): Dozens gather to support Spokane MLK Center after building hit with racist graffiti.

KOIN-TV (Portland, OR): Black woman recounts racist attack in grocery-store parking lot with a brick, slurs, and Trump references.

Raw Story: Seattle councilwoman threatened with swastika tattoo for encouraging anti-Trump protests.

CBS News: New Balance has to distance itself from alt-right website after company exec announces his support for Trump.

Huffington Post: Los Angeles Police Department says it wants nothing to do with Trump’s proposed immigration enforcement.

Mic: Columbia University suspends its wrestling team over bigoted text messages.

ABC/Fox Montana: Missoula rabbi asks for police protection after white-supremacist fliers surface.

Excuse me....but I have a question....is this the same lamestream media that ignored Project Veritas, the same lamestream media that ignored the Wikileaks revelations? The same lamestream media that claimed that Hitlery was waaaaaay out in front for the election???? THAT lamestream media?????/ And they have credibility because of what exactly? I should give pause for thought because of what exactly???? Work with me here.......

You are too stupid to breathe and talk at the same time AND TOO LAZY TO GO TO THE LINK.
You have to have everything done for you. You are a mental welfare recipient.

No, this is the Southern Poverty Law Center founded by Morris Dees:

""In his 1991 autobiography[10] Dees wrote that in 1962 he represented Ku Klux Klan member Claude Henley who faced Federal charges for attacking Freedom Riders in an incident documented by a Life magazine photographer. When Dees learned that another lawyer had asked for $15,000 to represent Henley, Dees offered to do the job for $5,000, roughly the median household salary in America at the time. Dees's defense helped Henley earn an acquittal. But Dees said he later experienced an "epiphany" and regretted his defense of Henley.""
A decade later, in 1991, Dees obtained a judgment of $12 million against Tom Metzger's White Aryan Resistance.[12] He was also instrumental in securing a $6.5 million judgment against the Aryan Nations in 2001. Dees's most famous cases have involved landmark damage awards that have driven several prominent neo-Nazi groups into bankruptcy, effectively causing them to disband and re-organize under different names and different leaders."""

The SPLC has, for the past two decades or so, expanded its definition of a hate group to include any group that doesn't toe the progressive line. They went from a noble service to a lap dog for the progressive intolerant left.
Trump, whether by accident or design, I'm not sure, continues to out the crazyiness of the leftists. Bannon ran a successful campaign against unbelievable odds. What him in the White House means is something that knows how to get results.
It will be a wonderful sight to see that radical muslim lunatic Keith Ellison become head of the DNC.
Therefore 100% guaranteeing a second REP Presidency.

america is, that's enough for today.

Given that there isn't even a hint or a shred of evidence supporting the contention that Stephen Bannon is an anti-Semite, does the coordinated and calculated attack on his character by the leftist press bother you? How does the New York Times and Washington Post differ from Josef Goebbels? Their methods of vicious slander and libel are the same. Bannon has said he will sue, which is good news, I hope he ends the SPLC hate group and NBC, but still the question is, what does this sort of coordinate attack tell you about the hatestream media in this country?

Bannon is on his own as far as I'm concerned, I'm confident his attitude toward me is pretty much the same, so fuck him if he has the same tactics he's employed on others folded back onto him. Nothing bothers me about the media in america because I understand what it is and what it is for. It is a wholly owned corporate state media machine pushing a perceptual reality that concentrated corporate power leverages to indoctrinate, agitate, and confuse the masses so that the societal wealth extraction can continue with as little public notice as possible under the circumstances.

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