What Biden, Calif, liberals, all in favor of electric vehicles (EVs) don't tell you!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Now before my unworthy critics cringe at my math...(Mia Culpa,mia culpa.. regarding Trump/Obama!!!)... please review the following and tell me where my math is wrong.
I am assuming Calif's Newsome's 2035 target of ONLY electric cars sold in California becomes real and possibly other ignorant states and the Federal government, i.e. Biden et.al. follow the same questionable activities.

Just consider that these statistics are half off though... The US uses 4.116 Trillion kHws today...and that's just consumers/businesses/goverments,etc.

What happens if gas is total replaced by EVs?
And I've not even calculated the COST of diminishing petroleum, raising gas/diesel prices as exploration will stop! But ignorant people don't think beyond their biased and ignorant MSM as well as many stupid politicians! Let the markets decide folks NOT the governments! Let EVs stand on their own and definitely LOWER costs than gasoline... I mean 0.25kWH/mile at 12.80 cents/kWh, versus a 25mpg or 15 cents per gallon gas! But let competition decide! Lower repair costs ..no spark plugs, etc. just replace a $15,000 battery system...that's it!
But again... let' the market not governments!

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I'm not sure why this is not publicized because the FACT is if the USA car/truck vehicles become EVs, there will be a massive electricity shortage.
Even today Calif announced:

California Faces Summer Blackouts from Climate Extremes​

Energy planners are working to increase the grid’s reliability to keep the power on during droughts, wildfires and heat waves
And yet they and their minions are plunging ahead for EVs to replace gas.
Evidently they aren't aware of this startling enormous number 8.3 trillion kWh shortage in the USA with EVs.

Sources of electricity
Yep, that's what I've been saying. This is going to be cataclysmic to the nations power grids. Democrats think they can make Kws fall out of the sky like stimulus checks. We have got to get these envirowhackos out of office PRONTO.
MarathonMike in 1920: "building these cars is going to be a disaster. If you drive somewhere, where are you going to find more gasoline? How are we going to supply gas for all these cars? Damned Liberals!!1!"
MarathonMike in 1920: "building these cars is going to be a disaster. If you drive somewhere, where are you going to find more gasoline? How are we going to supply gas for all these cars? Damned Liberals!!1!"
This is not 1920. This is a massively over corrupted fat government who kneels to the globalist leaders in Europe. Who has neglected infrastructure for far too long and repairs it as needed. So, all of a sudden, we are going to get all of this new infrastructure built within a decade.

Cool, is the solar powering the rides and stuff in the park? Honestly when you think about it should we really be wasting energy of amusement rides, while people can't heat/cool their homes? How much other damage to the environment is done by Disney, I can only imagine how much trash is produced each day to further enrich the Disney family...
Yep, that's what I've been saying. This is going to be cataclysmic to the nations power grids
As an electric utility worker, who it’s gonna be disastrous for are the rate payers.

If the State mandates updates to the grid they are forced to allow the utility providers to increase rates based on the cost to make those upgrades. Considering what the average cost is for even small Distributed Generation site, that’s a huge amount of investment.
As an electric utility worker, who it’s gonna be disastrous for are the rate payers.

If the State mandates updates to the grid they are forced to allow the utility providers to increase rates based on the cost to make those upgrades. Considering what the average cost is for even small Distributed Generation site, that’s a huge amount of investment.yes
True. Also as these cars age, no one knows what to do with 1,000 POUND!!!! EV batteries. There are multiple problems with the "Green EV" campaign that is being pushed by Team China.
This is not 1920. This is a massively over corrupted fat government who kneels to the globalist leaders in Europe. Who has neglected infrastructure for far too long and repairs it as needed. So, all of a sudden, we are going to get all of this new infrastructure built within a decade.

The ones who are pushing this green mother earth crap know it's all a fraud. This is about total control and to do that they must wrest it away from oil.

OK... more facts for you:
It will require $37.734 TRILLION and 287,060 acres of solar panels to generate electricity to make up the 8.3 trillion kWh shortage.
I just don't know why it is so difficult to comprehend this cost of EVs is really more than just the cars!

True. Also as these cars age, no one knows what to do with 1,000 POUND!!!! EV batteries. There are multiple problems with the "Green EV" campaign that is being pushed by Team China.
You are so right! Again I don't think most people are aware that .....

The Rise and Precarious Reign of China’s Battery King​

Zeng Yuqun is China’s most prolific battery billionaire. His ascent has major implications for a world increasingly reliant on electric vehicles.
China produced 44 percent of the world's EVs in the last decade and around 80 percent of the world's lithium-ion batteries.
MarathonMike in 1920: "building these cars is going to be a disaster. If you drive somewhere, where are you going to find more gasoline? How are we going to supply gas for all these cars? Damned Liberals!!1!"
Total F...king LIE! Where is your source? Why is it so difficult to substantiate your comments unless you are LYING!!!
Wind, solar, nuclear, and new innovations to produce energy.

But much more important is the reduction of the need for such a large amount of energy.

Some ideas: Less cars containing 1 or 2 people, much higher occupancy under one roof, mass transit, staying close to home attitudes, online shopping from home, ....................................

Nobody is going to like it all that much to start with, but they'll come to accept it and like it even more than the present.
EV's won't replace gas powered cars, mass transit will, but the need will be drastically reduced due to modified life styles.
Wind, solar, nuclear, and new innovations to produce energy.

But much more important is the reduction of the need for such a large amount of energy.

Some ideas: Less cars containing 1 or 2 people, much higher occupancy under one roof, mass transit, staying close to home attitudes, online shopping from home, ....................................

Nobody is going to like it all that much to start with, but they'll come to accept it and like it even more than the present.
Spoken like a true, died in the wool, Marxist or Marxist tool.

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