What Biden Left Out When He Blamed Afghans for the Taliban’s Swift Victory


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Biden lied, no one should be surprised.


In particular, Biden emphasized that the United States provided the Afghans with “the maintenance of their air force” and “close air support”:

“We gave them every tool they could need. We paid their salaries, provided for the maintenance of their air force—something the Taliban doesn’t have. Taliban does not have an air force. We provided close air support. We gave them every chance to determine their own future. [What] we could not provide them was the will to fight for that future.”

But as the Wall Street Journal reported this weekend, the “U.S. pulled its air support,” and after that occurred, “the Afghan military simply couldn’t operate anymore.”

From the Journal’s August 14 report:

The Afghan army fighting alongside American troops was molded to match the way the Americans operate. The U.S. military, the world’s most advanced, relies heavily on combining ground operations with air power, using aircraft to resupply outposts, strike targets, ferry the wounded, and collect reconnaissance and intelligence.
In the wake of President Biden’s withdrawal decision, the U.S. pulled its air support, intelligence and contractors servicing Afghanistan’s planes and helicopters. That meant the Afghan military simply couldn’t operate anymore. The same happened with another failed American effort, the South Vietnamese army in the 1970s, said retired Lt. Gen. Daniel Bolger, who commanded the U.S.-led coalition’s mission to train Afghan forces in 2011-2013.

As National Review‘s editors argue in the latest editorial on Afghanistan: “Even if Biden insisted on pulling out, there was no reason to do it this heedlessly and incompetently — in the middle of fighting season and a gathering Taliban offensive, without any alternative U.S. base in the region, without any substitute for U.S. air support or the Americans contractors who kept Afghan planes in the sky, without an orderly process to get out vulnerable Afghans who helped us over the years, and without a plan to secure the airport in Kabul.”

I thought the greatest military in the world had decimated those nasty Taliban after 20 years of combat?? One old tin foil hat even claimed Trump had the entire country under control with just 2,500 troops.
s National Review‘s editors argue in the latest editorial on Afghanistan: “Even if Biden insisted on pulling out, there was no reason to do it this heedlessly and incompetently — in the middle of fighting season and a gathering Taliban offensive, without any alternative U.S. base in the region, without any substitute for U.S. air support or the Americans contractors who kept Afghan planes in the sky, without an orderly process to get out vulnerable Afghans who helped us over the years, and without a plan to secure the airport in Kabul.”

The Afghan Army had a four to one numerical advantage over the Taliban without air power... and they still got rolled in a couple of weeks.

The idea that we could bomb out way to victory when the ground troops were dropping their rifles is silly.
The Afghan Army had a four to one numerical advantage over the Taliban without air power... and they still got rolled in a couple of weeks.

The idea that we could bomb out way to victory when the ground troops were dropping their rifles is silly.

The Afghan army fighting alongside American troops was molded to match the way the Americans operate. The U.S. military, the world’s most advanced, relies heavily on combining ground operations with air power, using aircraft to resupply outposts, strike targets, ferry the wounded, and collect reconnaissance and intelligence.
If after 20 years and billions of dollars all the military could do is turn tail and run there was never going to be any hope they could stand on their own.

If they don't want it bad enough to even put up a little fight, what are we supposed to do? Stay there forever?
If after 20 years and billions of dollars all the military could do is turn tail and run there was never going to be any hope they could stand on their own.

If they don't want it bad enough to even put up a little fight, what are we supposed to do? Stay there forever?
Hell yes!! - right wing chicken hawks
Man, if you think these tin foil hats are going crazy now over leaving Afghanistan wait until the end of the year when Biden pulls the last of our troops out of Iraq.
The Afghan army fighting alongside American troops was molded to match the way the Americans operate. The U.S. military, the world’s most advanced, relies heavily on combining ground operations with air power, using aircraft to resupply outposts, strike targets, ferry the wounded, and collect reconnaissance and intelligence.

So they went full retard and forgot how to fight in their own country?

Hey, maybe them getting wiped out is Darwinian.
The Afghans never intended on fighting anyone. The US paid well, especially if you are a subsistence sheep herder. The US was stupid for staying 15 years too long IMO.
Biden lied, no one should be surprised.

In particular, Biden emphasized that the United States provided the Afghans with “the maintenance of their air force” and “close air support”:
But as the Wall Street Journal reported this weekend, the “U.S. pulled its air support,” and after that occurred, “the Afghan military simply couldn’t operate anymore.”
From the Journal’s August 14 report:
As National Review‘s editors argue in the latest editorial on Afghanistan: “Even if Biden insisted on pulling out, there was no reason to do it this heedlessly and incompetently — in the middle of fighting season and a gathering Taliban offensive, without any alternative U.S. base in the region, without any substitute for U.S. air support or the Americans contractors who kept Afghan planes in the sky, without an orderly process to get out vulnerable Afghans who helped us over the years, and without a plan to secure the airport in Kabul.”

You know, the Taliban already controlled about 70% of Afghanistan a month ago. He wasn't just talking about this past week or weeks. He is referring to the past many years.
Biden lied, no one should be surprised.

In particular, Biden emphasized that the United States provided the Afghans with “the maintenance of their air force” and “close air support”:
But as the Wall Street Journal reported this weekend, the “U.S. pulled its air support,” and after that occurred, “the Afghan military simply couldn’t operate anymore.”
From the Journal’s August 14 report:
As National Review‘s editors argue in the latest editorial on Afghanistan: “Even if Biden insisted on pulling out, there was no reason to do it this heedlessly and incompetently — in the middle of fighting season and a gathering Taliban offensive, without any alternative U.S. base in the region, without any substitute for U.S. air support or the Americans contractors who kept Afghan planes in the sky, without an orderly process to get out vulnerable Afghans who helped us over the years, and without a plan to secure the airport in Kabul.”

Fucking Crimes against Humanity Biden
Man, if you think these tin foil hats are going crazy now over leaving Afghanistan wait until the end of the year when Biden pulls the last of our troops out of Iraq.
Do you see how fucking impossibly stupid these animals are, like psychopath it toe-sucks, its sense of reality is so warped it can only manage these revolting displays of public schooled imbecility.

Hey dumb fuck, Biden will not be in office by end of September, suck those toes you vile deviant animal.... :fu:
Biden lied, no one should be surprised.


In particular, Biden emphasized that the United States provided the Afghans with “the maintenance of their air force” and “close air support”:

But as the Wall Street Journal reported this weekend, the “U.S. pulled its air support,” and after that occurred, “the Afghan military simply couldn’t operate anymore.”

From the Journal’s August 14 report:

As National Review‘s editors argue in the latest editorial on Afghanistan: “Even if Biden insisted on pulling out, there was no reason to do it this heedlessly and incompetently — in the middle of fighting season and a gathering Taliban offensive, without any alternative U.S. base in the region, without any substitute for U.S. air support or the Americans contractors who kept Afghan planes in the sky, without an orderly process to get out vulnerable Afghans who helped us over the years, and without a plan to secure the airport in Kabul.”

Sorry to rain on your parade but he is 100% correct.
Biden lied, no one should be surprised.


In particular, Biden emphasized that the United States provided the Afghans with “the maintenance of their air force” and “close air support”:

But as the Wall Street Journal reported this weekend, the “U.S. pulled its air support,” and after that occurred, “the Afghan military simply couldn’t operate anymore.”

From the Journal’s August 14 report:

As National Review‘s editors argue in the latest editorial on Afghanistan: “Even if Biden insisted on pulling out, there was no reason to do it this heedlessly and incompetently — in the middle of fighting season and a gathering Taliban offensive, without any alternative U.S. base in the region, without any substitute for U.S. air support or the Americans contractors who kept Afghan planes in the sky, without an orderly process to get out vulnerable Afghans who helped us over the years, and without a plan to secure the airport in Kabul.”

The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers
Do you see how fucking impossibly stupid these animals are, like psychopath it toe-sucks, its sense of reality is so warped it can only manage these revolting displays of public schooled imbecility.

Hey dumb fuck, Biden will not be in office by end of September, suck those toes you vile deviant animal.... :fu:

Trump drew down from 13,000 US troops to 2500 troops and released 5,000 Taliban from prison.
The Democrats always blame somebody else for their failures. That is how the assholes roll.

Afghanistan was always going to revert to tribal after the US left. That is a given. They never were and never will be a national entity.

That does not excuse President Potatohead's fucks up of the withdrawal of US forces.

He withdrew American military forces before he withdrew assets and civilians and that is a tremendous screw up. He just did it wrong and he has nobody to blame but himself.
The Afghan Army had a four to one numerical advantage over the Taliban without air power... and they still got rolled in a couple of weeks.

The idea that we could bomb out way to victory when the ground troops were dropping their rifles is silly.
So lets just run away and leave them right Dimmer?

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