What???? Black Support For Trump Jumps To 20%

:lol: It's just so damn funny reading republicans claiming black support for Trump and/or the Republican Party.


August 10, 2016

Trump is currently in fourth place among black voters. You read that correctly: He’s trailing Hillary Clinton, Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein. Any one national poll typically has only about 100 African-American respondents — too small a sample to make much of the results. So here’s an average of the four live-interview surveys taken since the conventions, from ABC News/Washington Post, Fox News, Marist, andNBC News/Wall Street Journal:

Trump is in fourth place among black voters .. averaging less than 2%

Fox News did not include Jill Stein in its horse-race question.

Trump’s 2 percent is just flat-out awful. And it doesn’t seem like a statistical fluke: Trump’s lack of appeal among black voters is pretty consistent, at 1 percent to 2 percent across the polls, and he trails Stein in the three post-convention surveys that included her.


Trump Is In Fourth Place Among Black Voters

:lol: It's never going to happen. Blacks WERE republicans .. you traded us in for racists.


Since Civil Rights passed Blacks gave placed their trust and loyalty in Democrats.

LBJ started the 'economic slavery' program, addicting blacks to hand-outs in exchange for the power they gained through the passage of Civil Rights. LBJ even said of the program, "I'll have those ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years'. Approx 60 years later Blacks have made extremely little progress.

Under President Obama not only was progress NOT made, the status of Blacks DECLINED (I posted the links to the #s yesterday). Black unemployment is almost double that of whites, dependence on Food Stamps exploded, ean income / home ownershop the worst in decades...and in and on with NO programs started to help them - just the promise of more free stuff.

They have followed Saul Alynski's plan of keeping the nation divided to the point we are at a near racial civil war. The party that is engaged in race-baiting, division - are supporting racist terrorist and militant groups that call for the murder of all whites and cops and vow to overthrow the govt! The party that just got publicly BUSTED through their own e-mails being anti-Semitic, RACIST, sexist homophobes is the one declaring the OTHER party is a bunch of racists!

Sorry, I just don't get it. The self-identified racists in whom blacks have placed their trust have not done anything to help improve the status or plight of blacks since after the passage of Civil Rights...but remain loyal to them and buy into the hate for Conservatives the Democrats are pushing in order to keep blacks 'in the fold'.

'Insanity' is said to be 'continuing to do the same failing thing over and over while expecting different results'.

So, again, WHY?

(Please no talking points or liberal propaganda like 'GOP hates blacks' because that's false. Serious answers, please.)
Devastating (for Trump) state polls just came out.

Yep, he's not improving.

Also, here is a map from 538 that should scare the shit out of every Trump supporter. It's not where the states line up today, it demonstrates that Clinton doesn't need Nevada, Iowa, Florida and Ohio to win, she only needs in addition to traditional blue states, New Hampshire, Colorado and Virginia. These are states she has a comfortable lead in.


That map is actually pro-Trump baloney. I prefer the realclear 'no tossup' map:

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House

The map isn't intended to be predictive or show where we are today. It's there simply to demonstrate the strength of Clinton's base support in the electoral college. She is running the board so high in already blue states that Trump could literally win every existing battleground state and still lose.
:lol: It's just so damn funny reading republicans claiming black support for Trump and/or the Republican Party.


August 10, 2016

Trump is currently in fourth place among black voters. You read that correctly: He’s trailing Hillary Clinton, Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein. Any one national poll typically has only about 100 African-American respondents — too small a sample to make much of the results. So here’s an average of the four live-interview surveys taken since the conventions, from ABC News/Washington Post, Fox News, Marist, andNBC News/Wall Street Journal:

Trump is in fourth place among black voters .. averaging less than 2%

Fox News did not include Jill Stein in its horse-race question.

Trump’s 2 percent is just flat-out awful. And it doesn’t seem like a statistical fluke: Trump’s lack of appeal among black voters is pretty consistent, at 1 percent to 2 percent across the polls, and he trails Stein in the three post-convention surveys that included her.


Trump Is In Fourth Place Among Black Voters

:lol: It's never going to happen. Blacks WERE republicans .. you traded us in for racists.


Since Civil Rights passed Blacks gave placed their trust and loyalty in Democrats.

LBJ started the 'economic slavery' program, addicting blacks to hand-outs in exchange for the power they gained through the passage of Civil Rights. LBJ even said of the program, "I'll have those ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years'. Approx 60 years later Blacks have made extremely little progress.

Under President Obama not only was progress NOT made, the status of Blacks DECLINED (I posted the links to the #s yesterday). Black unemployment is almost double that of whites, dependence on Food Stamps exploded, ean income / home ownershop the worst in decades...and in and on with NO programs started to help them - just the promise of more free stuff.

They have followed Saul Alynski's plan of keeping the nation divided to the point we are at a near racial civil war. The party that is engaged in race-baiting, division - are supporting racist terrorist and militant groups that call for the murder of all whites and cops and vow to overthrow the govt! The party that just got publicly BUSTED through their own e-mails being anti-Semitic, RACIST, sexist homophobes is the one declaring the OTHER party is a bunch of racists!

Sorry, I just don't get it. The self-identified racists in whom blacks have placed their trust have not done anything to help improve the status or plight of blacks since after the passage of Civil Rights...but remain loyal to them and buy into the hate for Conservatives the Democrats are pushing in order to keep blacks 'in the fold'.

'Insanity' is said to be 'continuing to do the same failing thing over and over while expecting different results'.

So, again, WHY?

(Please no talking points or liberal propaganda like 'GOP hates blacks' because that's false. Serious answers, please.)

Let's start here ..


Republican interns on the left .. Democrat interns on the right.

Republicans have no understanding of the power of diversity. Your party is virtually all white. I'd like to hear your argument before I point out more of why we will never vote for republicans.
:lol: It's just so damn funny reading republicans claiming black support for Trump and/or the Republican Party.


August 10, 2016

Trump is currently in fourth place among black voters. You read that correctly: He’s trailing Hillary Clinton, Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein. Any one national poll typically has only about 100 African-American respondents — too small a sample to make much of the results. So here’s an average of the four live-interview surveys taken since the conventions, from ABC News/Washington Post, Fox News, Marist, andNBC News/Wall Street Journal:

Trump is in fourth place among black voters .. averaging less than 2%

Fox News did not include Jill Stein in its horse-race question.

Trump’s 2 percent is just flat-out awful. And it doesn’t seem like a statistical fluke: Trump’s lack of appeal among black voters is pretty consistent, at 1 percent to 2 percent across the polls, and he trails Stein in the three post-convention surveys that included her.


Trump Is In Fourth Place Among Black Voters

:lol: It's never going to happen. Blacks WERE republicans .. you traded us in for racists.


Since Civil Rights passed Blacks gave placed their trust and loyalty in Democrats.

LBJ started the 'economic slavery' program, addicting blacks to hand-outs in exchange for the power they gained through the passage of Civil Rights. LBJ even said of the program, "I'll have those ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years'. Approx 60 years later Blacks have made extremely little progress.

Under President Obama not only was progress NOT made, the status of Blacks DECLINED (I posted the links to the #s yesterday). Black unemployment is almost double that of whites, dependence on Food Stamps exploded, ean income / home ownershop the worst in decades...and in and on with NO programs started to help them - just the promise of more free stuff.

They have followed Saul Alynski's plan of keeping the nation divided to the point we are at a near racial civil war. The party that is engaged in race-baiting, division - are supporting racist terrorist and militant groups that call for the murder of all whites and cops and vow to overthrow the govt! The party that just got publicly BUSTED through their own e-mails being anti-Semitic, RACIST, sexist homophobes is the one declaring the OTHER party is a bunch of racists!

Sorry, I just don't get it. The self-identified racists in whom blacks have placed their trust have not done anything to help improve the status or plight of blacks since after the passage of Civil Rights...but remain loyal to them and buy into the hate for Conservatives the Democrats are pushing in order to keep blacks 'in the fold'.

'Insanity' is said to be 'continuing to do the same failing thing over and over while expecting different results'.

So, again, WHY?

(Please no talking points or liberal propaganda like 'GOP hates blacks' because that's false. Serious answers, please.)

Let's start here ..


Republican interns on the left .. Democrat interns on the right.

Republicans have no understanding of the power of diversity. Your party is virtually all white. I'd like to hear your argument before I point out more of why we will never vote for republicans.
We don't expect you janitors on the democrat plantation to ever leave....
:lol: It's just so damn funny reading republicans claiming black support for Trump and/or the Republican Party.


August 10, 2016

Trump is currently in fourth place among black voters. You read that correctly: He’s trailing Hillary Clinton, Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein. Any one national poll typically has only about 100 African-American respondents — too small a sample to make much of the results. So here’s an average of the four live-interview surveys taken since the conventions, from ABC News/Washington Post, Fox News, Marist, andNBC News/Wall Street Journal:

Trump is in fourth place among black voters .. averaging less than 2%

Fox News did not include Jill Stein in its horse-race question.

Trump’s 2 percent is just flat-out awful. And it doesn’t seem like a statistical fluke: Trump’s lack of appeal among black voters is pretty consistent, at 1 percent to 2 percent across the polls, and he trails Stein in the three post-convention surveys that included her.


Trump Is In Fourth Place Among Black Voters

:lol: It's never going to happen. Blacks WERE republicans .. you traded us in for racists.


Since Civil Rights passed Blacks gave placed their trust and loyalty in Democrats.

LBJ started the 'economic slavery' program, addicting blacks to hand-outs in exchange for the power they gained through the passage of Civil Rights. LBJ even said of the program, "I'll have those ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years'. Approx 60 years later Blacks have made extremely little progress.

Under President Obama not only was progress NOT made, the status of Blacks DECLINED (I posted the links to the #s yesterday). Black unemployment is almost double that of whites, dependence on Food Stamps exploded, ean income / home ownershop the worst in decades...and in and on with NO programs started to help them - just the promise of more free stuff.

They have followed Saul Alynski's plan of keeping the nation divided to the point we are at a near racial civil war. The party that is engaged in race-baiting, division - are supporting racist terrorist and militant groups that call for the murder of all whites and cops and vow to overthrow the govt! The party that just got publicly BUSTED through their own e-mails being anti-Semitic, RACIST, sexist homophobes is the one declaring the OTHER party is a bunch of racists!

Sorry, I just don't get it. The self-identified racists in whom blacks have placed their trust have not done anything to help improve the status or plight of blacks since after the passage of Civil Rights...but remain loyal to them and buy into the hate for Conservatives the Democrats are pushing in order to keep blacks 'in the fold'.

'Insanity' is said to be 'continuing to do the same failing thing over and over while expecting different results'.

So, again, WHY?

(Please no talking points or liberal propaganda like 'GOP hates blacks' because that's false. Serious answers, please.)

Let's start here ..


Republican interns on the left .. Democrat interns on the right.

Republicans have no understanding of the power of diversity. Your party is virtually all white. I'd like to hear your argument before I point out more of why we will never vote for republicans.

So one of the 'pillars' of your argument against the GOP is 1 (ONE) cherry-picked photo?

If the rest of your argument is this 'strong', if this is any indication of what is to be expected as we continue, then there is no reason to continue.
OMG, the shine is coming off the Queen faster than the wrapper off of one of Bildo's cigars when an intern comes into a room he's in.

Not good, fawning flowers

Rasmussen polling out today has Hillary with only a 3 point lead over Trump, 6% for Johnson and 3% for Stein.
Inside the margin of error. Independents breaking 5% more for Trump over Hillary

And say it isn't so, 20% of Blacks are supporting Trump.

Not looking so good, petunias.
20% of what? The whole population?
:lol: It's just so damn funny reading republicans claiming black support for Trump and/or the Republican Party.


August 10, 2016

Trump is currently in fourth place among black voters. You read that correctly: He’s trailing Hillary Clinton, Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein. Any one national poll typically has only about 100 African-American respondents — too small a sample to make much of the results. So here’s an average of the four live-interview surveys taken since the conventions, from ABC News/Washington Post, Fox News, Marist, andNBC News/Wall Street Journal:

Trump is in fourth place among black voters .. averaging less than 2%

Fox News did not include Jill Stein in its horse-race question.

Trump’s 2 percent is just flat-out awful. And it doesn’t seem like a statistical fluke: Trump’s lack of appeal among black voters is pretty consistent, at 1 percent to 2 percent across the polls, and he trails Stein in the three post-convention surveys that included her.


Trump Is In Fourth Place Among Black Voters

:lol: It's never going to happen. Blacks WERE republicans .. you traded us in for racists.


Since Civil Rights passed Blacks gave placed their trust and loyalty in Democrats.

LBJ started the 'economic slavery' program, addicting blacks to hand-outs in exchange for the power they gained through the passage of Civil Rights. LBJ even said of the program, "I'll have those ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years'. Approx 60 years later Blacks have made extremely little progress.

Under President Obama not only was progress NOT made, the status of Blacks DECLINED (I posted the links to the #s yesterday). Black unemployment is almost double that of whites, dependence on Food Stamps exploded, ean income / home ownershop the worst in decades...and in and on with NO programs started to help them - just the promise of more free stuff.

They have followed Saul Alynski's plan of keeping the nation divided to the point we are at a near racial civil war. The party that is engaged in race-baiting, division - are supporting racist terrorist and militant groups that call for the murder of all whites and cops and vow to overthrow the govt! The party that just got publicly BUSTED through their own e-mails being anti-Semitic, RACIST, sexist homophobes is the one declaring the OTHER party is a bunch of racists!

Sorry, I just don't get it. The self-identified racists in whom blacks have placed their trust have not done anything to help improve the status or plight of blacks since after the passage of Civil Rights...but remain loyal to them and buy into the hate for Conservatives the Democrats are pushing in order to keep blacks 'in the fold'.

'Insanity' is said to be 'continuing to do the same failing thing over and over while expecting different results'.

So, again, WHY?

(Please no talking points or liberal propaganda like 'GOP hates blacks' because that's false. Serious answers, please.)

Let's start here ..


Republican interns on the left .. Democrat interns on the right.

Republicans have no understanding of the power of diversity. Your party is virtually all white. I'd like to hear your argument before I point out more of why we will never vote for republicans.

So one of the 'pillars' of your argument against the GOP is 1 (ONE) cherry-picked photo?

If the rest of your argument is this 'strong', if this is any indication of what is to be expected as we continue, then there is no reason to continue.

That's the one photo I posted .. but it's hardly the basis for the argument.

I asked for your argument about the Republican Party being virtually all white .. and instead you choose to run away. :0)

Then just run away dude. .. run, run away. :lol:
Nobody cares.
Just summarize it for me; are you going to continue to embrace the racists threads of your fellow Trump enablers or distance yourself.

What nobody cares about is YOU, dear. You are trying to act like you are the judge and jury on who is racist, falsely accusing people of racism, and giving childish ultimatums like a child throwing a tantrum beside the adults' table.

I gave you an answer. If you can't or won't read it that's not my problem. No one cares? Then why do YOU care so much and keep asking. I'm flattered.

Summarize? Ok, here yo go...

Fuck Off, gnat. You're bothering me...and take your race-baiting ultimatums with you.

Again, nobody cares.

Just summarize it for me; are you going to continue to embrace the racists threads of your fellow Trump enablers or distance yourself.

Here is an example of a Trump supporter like yourself:

Things you'll never hear a black man say

"are you hiring?"
" I'm gonna spend the evening playing with my kids"
"I don't like fat white women"
"welfare? Nah, I believe in working for mine"
"spinners look ridiculous"
"all that fried food is gonna make you fat"
"education is the most important thing in the world"
“obey the police when they give you a lawful order"

Feel free to applaud….you know you want to.
Nobody cares.
Just summarize it for me; are you going to continue to embrace the racists threads of your fellow Trump enablers or distance yourself.

What nobody cares about is YOU, dear. You are trying to act like you are the judge and jury on who is racist, falsely accusing people of racism, and giving childish ultimatums like a child throwing a tantrum beside the adults' table.

I gave you an answer. If you can't or won't read it that's not my problem. No one cares? Then why do YOU care so much and keep asking. I'm flattered.

Summarize? Ok, here yo go...

Fuck Off, gnat. You're bothering me...and take your race-baiting ultimatums with you.

Again, nobody cares.

Just summarize it for me; are you going to continue to embrace the racists threads of your fellow Trump enablers or distance yourself.

Here is an example of a Trump supporter like yourself:

Things you'll never hear a black man say

"are you hiring?"
" I'm gonna spend the evening playing with my kids"
"I don't like fat white women"
"welfare? Nah, I believe in working for mine"
"spinners look ridiculous"
"all that fried food is gonna make you fat"
"education is the most important thing in the world"
“obey the police when they give you a lawful order"

Feel free to applaud….you know you want to.

I'm not a Trump supporter AND you need to get a fucking sense of humor. Making jokes based on stereotypes is hilarious. ClosedCaption is in both threads posting hilarious shit about both blacks and whites. Is he a racist? Or are funny jokes sometimes just funny jokes?
:lol: It's just so damn funny reading republicans claiming black support for Trump and/or the Republican Party.


August 10, 2016

Trump is currently in fourth place among black voters. You read that correctly: He’s trailing Hillary Clinton, Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein. Any one national poll typically has only about 100 African-American respondents — too small a sample to make much of the results. So here’s an average of the four live-interview surveys taken since the conventions, from ABC News/Washington Post, Fox News, Marist, andNBC News/Wall Street Journal:

Trump is in fourth place among black voters .. averaging less than 2%

Fox News did not include Jill Stein in its horse-race question.

Trump’s 2 percent is just flat-out awful. And it doesn’t seem like a statistical fluke: Trump’s lack of appeal among black voters is pretty consistent, at 1 percent to 2 percent across the polls, and he trails Stein in the three post-convention surveys that included her.


Trump Is In Fourth Place Among Black Voters

:lol: It's never going to happen. Blacks WERE republicans .. you traded us in for racists.


Since Civil Rights passed Blacks gave placed their trust and loyalty in Democrats.

LBJ started the 'economic slavery' program, addicting blacks to hand-outs in exchange for the power they gained through the passage of Civil Rights. LBJ even said of the program, "I'll have those ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years'. Approx 60 years later Blacks have made extremely little progress.

Under President Obama not only was progress NOT made, the status of Blacks DECLINED (I posted the links to the #s yesterday). Black unemployment is almost double that of whites, dependence on Food Stamps exploded, ean income / home ownershop the worst in decades...and in and on with NO programs started to help them - just the promise of more free stuff.

They have followed Saul Alynski's plan of keeping the nation divided to the point we are at a near racial civil war. The party that is engaged in race-baiting, division - are supporting racist terrorist and militant groups that call for the murder of all whites and cops and vow to overthrow the govt! The party that just got publicly BUSTED through their own e-mails being anti-Semitic, RACIST, sexist homophobes is the one declaring the OTHER party is a bunch of racists!

Sorry, I just don't get it. The self-identified racists in whom blacks have placed their trust have not done anything to help improve the status or plight of blacks since after the passage of Civil Rights...but remain loyal to them and buy into the hate for Conservatives the Democrats are pushing in order to keep blacks 'in the fold'.

'Insanity' is said to be 'continuing to do the same failing thing over and over while expecting different results'.

So, again, WHY?

(Please no talking points or liberal propaganda like 'GOP hates blacks' because that's false. Serious answers, please.)

Let's start here ..


Republican interns on the left .. Democrat interns on the right.

Republicans have no understanding of the power of diversity. Your party is virtually all white. I'd like to hear your argument before I point out more of why we will never vote for republicans.

So one of the 'pillars' of your argument against the GOP is 1 (ONE) cherry-picked photo?

If the rest of your argument is this 'strong', if this is any indication of what is to be expected as we continue, then there is no reason to continue.

That's the one photo I posted .. but it's hardly the basis for the argument.

I asked for your argument about the Republican Party being virtually all white .. and instead you choose to run away. :0)

Then just run away dude. .. run, run away. :lol:
Good, I'm glad the basis of your argument isn't 1 cherry-picked meaningless photo.

You didn't ask me to argue against a false accusation that the GOP is 'all white' due to 1 photo. You just made the accusation...

...in order to prevent / distract from answering my original question...and I am still waiting for REAL answers.
Nobody cares.
Just summarize it for me; are you going to continue to embrace the racists threads of your fellow Trump enablers or distance yourself.

What nobody cares about is YOU, dear. You are trying to act like you are the judge and jury on who is racist, falsely accusing people of racism, and giving childish ultimatums like a child throwing a tantrum beside the adults' table.

I gave you an answer. If you can't or won't read it that's not my problem. No one cares? Then why do YOU care so much and keep asking. I'm flattered.

Summarize? Ok, here yo go...

Fuck Off, gnat. You're bothering me...and take your race-baiting ultimatums with you.

Again, nobody cares.

Just summarize it for me; are you going to continue to embrace the racists threads of your fellow Trump enablers or distance yourself.

Here is an example of a Trump supporter like yourself:

Things you'll never hear a black man say

"are you hiring?"
" I'm gonna spend the evening playing with my kids"
"I don't like fat white women"
"welfare? Nah, I believe in working for mine"
"spinners look ridiculous"
"all that fried food is gonna make you fat"
"education is the most important thing in the world"
“obey the police when they give you a lawful order"

Feel free to applaud….you know you want to.
I typed it slower this time because it is evident you are a little SLOW


"What nobody cares about is YOU, dear. You are trying to act like you are the judge and jury on who is racist, falsely accusing people of racism, and giving CHILDish ultimatums like a CHILD throwing a tantrum beside the adults' table.

I gave you an answer. If you can't or won't read it that's not my problem. No one cares? Then why do YOU care so much and keep asking. I'm flattered.

Summarize? Ok, here yo go...

FUCK OFF, gnat. You're bothering me...and take your RACE-BAITING ULTIMATUMS / DEMANDS with you."
Even though clinton is not well liked and a lot of the bernie voters won't show up for her, she will probably win due to the electoral vote. If this happens, here comes the muslim invasion full force, as she has said she will even outdo obama's wreckless refugee program. A lot of liberals here think this will be a good thing. I think it is the major reason to vote for Trump. Without name calling, I would like one of the resident liberals here to explain how bringing so many muslims here is good for America.
I wonder if anyone is keeping score on the accuracy of the dire predictions that the Right made about what is going to happen under the Obama administration.
FEMA camps?
Not stepping down after two terms?
Taking away guns?
Floods of Muslim 10 year old terrorists?
Petrol prices through the roof?

I never did those dire predictions. The muslim threat is dire though. Four or eight years of clinton will be a disaster for America.
Even though clinton is not well liked and a lot of the bernie voters won't show up for her, she will probably win due to the electoral vote. If this happens, here comes the muslim invasion full force, as she has said she will even outdo obama's wreckless refugee program. A lot of liberals here think this will be a good thing. I think it is the major reason to vote for Trump. Without name calling, I would like one of the resident liberals here to explain how bringing so many muslims here is good for America.
I wonder if anyone is keeping score on the accuracy of the dire predictions that the Right made about what is going to happen under the Obama administration.
FEMA camps?
Not stepping down after two terms?
Taking away guns?
Floods of Muslim 10 year old terrorists?
Petrol prices through the roof?

I never did those dire predictions. The muslim threat is dire though. Four or eight years of clinton will be a disaster for America.
Which stocks should I buy for the next 4-8 years? Winners only are wanted...
African Americans especially, have been hurt by massive Illegal Immigration. They've seen their Party and Unions coldly sell them out. Many want change.

I looked on AFL-CIO website a few years ago and saw they were for unionizing illegals. Big sellout, and labor unfriendly clinton/kain will do nothing for blacks but suck up to them at election time. Maybe a republican Trump will be good for labor due to his opposition to TPP.

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