What???? Black Support For Trump Jumps To 20%

Why did you put a link to SJ's personal info? And are you suggesting SJ speaks for the 'average Trump supporter'? Can you provide proof of that? If not, according to libs on the board, you lie!

Feel free to distance yourself from him….unless he does speak for you that is.

If you look at the disgusting thread that characterizes black people in a very poor light, most of the hurtful comments on the thread come from your fellow trump worshipers or those with advanced state ODS.
Why did you put a link to SJ's personal info? And are you suggesting SJ speaks for the 'average Trump supporter'? Can you provide proof of that? If not, according to libs on the board, you lie!

Feel free to distance yourself from him….unless he does speak for you that is.

If you look at the disgusting thread that characterizes black people in a very poor light, most of the hurtful comments on the thread come from your fellow trump worshipers or those with advanced state ODS.
What's disgusting is white elitist millionaiee politicians pretending to care what happens to minorities and claiming to 'feel their pain' then being exposed as anti-Semitic, racist, sexist homophobes...almost as disgusting as the 1st black President doing nothing to help minorities while joining the ranks of the millionaire elitist globalists.

Since Civil Rights was passed neither party has done a tremendous job helping minorities. Instead both have been lining their pockets and worried about profit.

Bringing in millions of illegals, danaging trade seals, making it easy for fat cats to send jobs abroad for cheaper labor...

NO party can claim any moral hogh-grpund here, least of all the Democrats with their exposed e-mails fresh in everyone's minds.
Even though clinton is not well liked and a lot of the bernie voters won't show up for her, she will probably win due to the electoral vote. If this happens, here comes the muslim invasion full force, as she has said she will even outdo obama's wreckless refugee program. A lot of liberals here think this will be a good thing. I think it is the major reason to vote for Trump. Without name calling, I would like one of the resident liberals here to explain how bringing so many muslims here is good for America.
I wonder if anyone is keeping score on the accuracy of the dire predictions that the Right made about what is going to happen under the Obama administration.
FEMA camps?
Not stepping down after two terms?
Taking away guns?
Floods of Muslim 10 year old terrorists?
Petrol prices through the roof?
Economic collapse?
Michelle will write your children's lunch menu?
Why did you put a link to SJ's personal info? And are you suggesting SJ speaks for the 'average Trump supporter'? Can you provide proof of that? If not, according to libs on the board, you lie!

Feel free to distance yourself from him….unless he does speak for you that is.

If you look at the disgusting thread that characterizes black people in a very poor light, most of the hurtful comments on the thread come from your fellow trump worshipers or those with advanced state ODS.
What's disgusting is white elitist millionaiee politicians pretending to care what happens to minorities and claiming to 'feel their pain' then being exposed as anti-Semitic, racist, sexist homophobes...almost as disgusting as the 1st black President doing nothing to help minorities while joining the ranks of the millionaire elitist globalists.

Since Civil Rights was passed neither party has done a tremendous job helping minorities. Instead both have been lining their pockets and worried about profit.

Bringing in millions of illegals, danaging trade seals, making it easy for fat cats to send jobs abroad for cheaper labor...

NO party can claim any moral hogh-grpund here, least of all the Democrats with their exposed e-mails fresh in everyone's minds.

Nobody cares.

Just summarize it for me; are you going to continue to embrace the racists threads of your fellow Trump enablers or distance yourself.
Why did you put a link to SJ's personal info? And are you suggesting SJ speaks for the 'average Trump supporter'? Can you provide proof of that? If not, according to libs on the board, you lie!

Feel free to distance yourself from him….unless he does speak for you that is.

If you look at the disgusting thread that characterizes black people in a very poor light, most of the hurtful comments on the thread come from your fellow trump worshipers or those with advanced state ODS.
What's disgusting is white elitist millionaiee politicians pretending to care what happens to minorities and claiming to 'feel their pain' then being exposed as anti-Semitic, racist, sexist homophobes...almost as disgusting as the 1st black President doing nothing to help minorities while joining the ranks of the millionaire elitist globalists.

Since Civil Rights was passed neither party has done a tremendous job helping minorities. Instead both have been lining their pockets and worried about profit.

Bringing in millions of illegals, danaging trade seals, making it easy for fat cats to send jobs abroad for cheaper labor...

NO party can claim any moral hogh-grpund here, least of all the Democrats with their exposed e-mails fresh in everyone's minds.

Nobody cares.

Just summarize it for me; are you going to continue to embrace the racists threads of your fellow Trump enablers or distance yourself.
What a stupid question:

1. I haven't embraced racist threads so how could I possibly 'continue', silly girl?

2. What anyone else says in this board does not effect me - it's not as if some homophobic taliban supporter endorsed me personally; threfore, I do not have to put my rubber stamp on every little comment I find 'wrong'.
*Racism and racist comments, if you are confused about that, ARE wrong.

3. I certainly do not have to respond to some false accusation of supporting racism posed to me as an ultimatum by some liberal troll. Who the hell do you thing you are? Go away, grow up, and come back when you do.

Apparently, based on the DNC's leaked e-mails, the only ones embracing racism at a party level is tge DNC.
And say it isn't so, 20% of Blacks are supporting Trump.

Not looking so good, petunias.

Why did you put a link to SJ's personal info? And are you suggesting SJ speaks for the 'average Trump supporter'? Can you provide proof of that? If not, according to libs on the board, you lie!

Feel free to distance yourself from him….unless he does speak for you that is.

If you look at the disgusting thread that characterizes black people in a very poor light, most of the hurtful comments on the thread come from your fellow trump worshipers or those with advanced state ODS.
What's disgusting is white elitist millionaiee politicians pretending to care what happens to minorities and claiming to 'feel their pain' then being exposed as anti-Semitic, racist, sexist homophobes...almost as disgusting as the 1st black President doing nothing to help minorities while joining the ranks of the millionaire elitist globalists.

Since Civil Rights was passed neither party has done a tremendous job helping minorities. Instead both have been lining their pockets and worried about profit.

Bringing in millions of illegals, danaging trade seals, making it easy for fat cats to send jobs abroad for cheaper labor...

NO party can claim any moral hogh-grpund here, least of all the Democrats with their exposed e-mails fresh in everyone's minds.

Nobody cares.

Just summarize it for me; are you going to continue to embrace the racists threads of your fellow Trump enablers or distance yourself.
What a stupid question:

1. I haven't embraced racist threads so how could I possibly 'continue', silly girl?

2. What anyone else says in this board does not effect me - it's not as if some homophobic taliban supporter endorsed me personally; threfore, I do not have to put my rubber stamp on every little comment I find 'wrong'.
*Racism and racist comments, if you are confused about that, ARE wrong.

3. I certainly do not have to respond to some false accusation of supporting racism posed to me as an ultimatum by some liberal troll. Who the hell do you thing you are? Go away, grow up, and come back when you do.

Apparently, based on the DNC's leaked e-mails, the only ones embracing racism at a party level is tge DNC.

Again, nobody cares.

Just summarize it for me; are you going to continue to embrace the racists threads of your fellow Trump enablers or distance yourself.
Why did you put a link to SJ's personal info? And are you suggesting SJ speaks for the 'average Trump supporter'? Can you provide proof of that? If not, according to libs on the board, you lie!

Feel free to distance yourself from him….unless he does speak for you that is.

If you look at the disgusting thread that characterizes black people in a very poor light, most of the hurtful comments on the thread come from your fellow trump worshipers or those with advanced state ODS.

The reason for that is they vote for social programs and always have. It explains why they voted for democrats in 1930s, when they were still for segregation, unless you think they liked the Civil rights policies of the democrats?
African Americans especially, have been hurt by massive Illegal Immigration. They've seen their Party and Unions coldly sell them out. Many want change.
What I find funny is how liberals minimize the importance of polls and talk of how they are not accurate when they are negative regarding liberals, tout them and stick them in your face as fact when they reflect positively for liberals, and they absolutely lose their minds when one says any percentage of minorities / blacks prefer the GOP...as demonstrated by this thread and others.

Nobody cares.
Just summarize it for me; are you going to continue to embrace the racists threads of your fellow Trump enablers or distance yourself.

What nobody cares about is YOU, dear. You are trying to act like you are the judge and jury on who is racist, falsely accusing people of racism, and giving childish ultimatums like a child throwing a tantrum beside the adults' table.

I gave you an answer. If you can't or won't read it that's not my problem. No one cares? Then why do YOU care so much and keep asking. I'm flattered.

Summarize? Ok, here yo go...

Fuck Off, gnat. You're bothering me...and take your race-baiting ultimatums with you.
:lol: It's just so damn funny reading republicans claiming black support for Trump and/or the Republican Party.


August 10, 2016

Trump is currently in fourth place among black voters. You read that correctly: He’s trailing Hillary Clinton, Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein. Any one national poll typically has only about 100 African-American respondents — too small a sample to make much of the results. So here’s an average of the four live-interview surveys taken since the conventions, from ABC News/Washington Post, Fox News, Marist, andNBC News/Wall Street Journal:

Trump is in fourth place among black voters .. averaging less than 2%

Fox News did not include Jill Stein in its horse-race question.

Trump’s 2 percent is just flat-out awful. And it doesn’t seem like a statistical fluke: Trump’s lack of appeal among black voters is pretty consistent, at 1 percent to 2 percent across the polls, and he trails Stein in the three post-convention surveys that included her.


Trump Is In Fourth Place Among Black Voters

:lol: It's never going to happen. Blacks WERE republicans .. you traded us in for racists.

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You libtards with your science and facts. Can't you see Trump is winning?


hat tip - Ariel Edwards-Levy @ huffingtonpost
Devastating (for Trump) state polls just came out.

Yep, he's not improving.

Also, here is a map from 538 that should scare the shit out of every Trump supporter. It's not where the states line up today, it demonstrates that Clinton doesn't need Nevada, Iowa, Florida and Ohio to win, she only needs in addition to traditional blue states, New Hampshire, Colorado and Virginia. These are states she has a comfortable lead in.


However, she is leading in Florida, Ohio, Nevada and Iowa. Add to that North Carolina, nudging ahead in Georgia and has a real chance at Arizona and competitive in South Carolina. Utah with that other guy who just entered could also give the state to her.

Trump is fucked for the time being.
Devastating (for Trump) state polls just came out.

Yep, he's not improving.

Also, here is a map from 538 that should scare the shit out of every Trump supporter. It's not where the states line up today, it demonstrates that Clinton doesn't need Nevada, Iowa, Florida and Ohio to win, she only needs in addition to traditional blue states, New Hampshire, Colorado and Virginia. These are states she has a comfortable lead in.


That map is actually pro-Trump baloney. I prefer the realclear 'no tossup' map:

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House

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