What Can Be Done About Violent Crime You Ask?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
See if you can find a common theme and possible action to reduce violent crime based upon these events over the past year:

Violent And Serious Acts Eligible For Early Release Under Proposition 57

California releases some inmates doing time for murder. Advocates push to free more

Inmates charged with violent crimes poised for release

Violent criminals and sex offenders released early due to 'First Step Act' legislation

Violent felons released early

The problem is the inadequate organization of the government, and subsequent society. The system was designed two hundred years ago for a less diverse, and much more reserved society.
I believe that drug legalization would significantly reduce violence in America, particularly in America's ghettos.
I believe that drug legalization would significantly reduce violence in America, particularly in America's ghettos.
Yes, millions trying to buy drugs they desperately need with no money because in their drug induced lives they can’t hold down a job.

Perfect formula for violent crime to skyrocket.
In short, society has the rate of crime it is willing to tolerate. The solution is to stop tolerating it. End paroles and re-instate the death penalty - REALLY re-instate it. A life sentence is really more like 10 - 30 years depending on state law regarding parole eligibility.

For example, a parole-eligible felon in Georgia serving a life sentence for a serious violent felony, like murder or rape, that happened before July 1, 2006, are considered for parole after serving 14 years. Felons committed for serious violent felonies on or after July 1, 2006, must serve 30 years before they are eligible for parole. Most of those with life sentences for violent felonies before 1995 were eligible for parole after seven years. Felons serving life sentences for drug offenses can apply for parole consideration after seven years. Many exceptions apply, so even these complex rules cannot be said to be set in stone.
I believe that drug legalization would significantly reduce violence in America, particularly in America's ghettos.

I disagee entirely. Its unlikely that legalization of drugs will reduce the illegal drug trade as the taxes on legal grass are exhorbinate. However, even if the drug trade provided cheap highs, violent gangs will find other rackets to make money with. Like when booze was legalized in 1933, gangsters entered the union rackets and gambling, as well as drugs.
If you're soft on crime, you get more of it. Defund the police = more crime, especially more violent crime and it's not even debatable. Look at the crime statistics between democrat-run cities and those run by Repubs, the difference is stark. The democrats believe we should ban assault weapons, but the truth is that won't make a bit of difference. I've got a 9mm S&W semi-auto handgun at home that carries 16 bullets in it. I could walk into a crowd somewhere and start pulling the trigger and inside of one minute empty the clip, reload another clip with another clip (16 more bullets), and resume firing. It takes about 2 seconds to eject the empty clip and stick in the new one. And I could probably do it a 2nd or 3rd time, maybe 50 bullets in 60 seconds. This ain't no assault weapon.


If you want to reduce violent crime, then go after the criminals. Make it known in your state or jurisdiction that you're going away for a very long time if you commit a crime with a gun.
See if you can find a common theme and possible action to reduce violent crime based upon these events over the past year:

Violent And Serious Acts Eligible For Early Release Under Proposition 57

California releases some inmates doing time for murder. Advocates push to free more

Inmates charged with violent crimes poised for release

Violent criminals and sex offenders released early due to 'First Step Act' legislation

Violent felons released early

Ever hear of Judge Roy Bean?
Two things, one, the larger the population grows, the more crime we'll have, and two, the more democrat control we see, the more crime will grow. Toilet crime ridden democrat controlled hell holes like Chicago and Washington D.C. are perfect examples.
Stop letting these hardcore felons out of prison when they are serving long sentences. No reason to be letting them out for "good behavior". Most of those so-called "good behavior" felons go out and do the exact opposite. Meaning, they were not good folks at all. It was just a poor excuse to let them out in the first place. If they are serving life sentences, make sure they serve them as is.
Of course, if there was some loophole in the system that cause for an overturn, that is on the state or Federal level to fix it.

Humans are not inherently criminal.
Crime is artificially created, and we know what the causes are.
They are poverty, injustice, lack of opportunity, lack of education, lack of health care, lack of food, lack of reasonable housing, etc.

Obviously we can easily reduce crime to almost nil levels, just by providing some essential resources and opportunities we took away when we took the land that used to be common and started calling it private.
Which is inherently unjust because no one created the land, so then no one really has the right to claim exclusive ownership of any land.

All we have to do is ensure a minimal guarantees housing, food, jobs, etc., and crime will almost disappear.
Things like the War on Drugs obviously also has to stop, as that is not based on justice or real law, and is totally corrupt and unfair.
There is no "answer" to our violent society.

It would help if more violent criminals were jailed. But that is not the current zeitgeist.

Even conservatives would balk at the idea of mass incarceration, for that would entail jailing millions of young gentlemen of two ethnicities (no need to be specific).

A family, an organization, a nation are only as good as their members.

And, with all due respect, many Americans are of very low character.

Therefore, there is no hope for this nation, which I feel will implode sometime in the next century -- if not earlier.
Stop letting these hardcore felons out of prison when they are serving long sentences. No reason to be letting them out for "good behavior". Most of those so-called "good behavior" felons go out and do the exact opposite. Meaning, they were not good folks at all. It was just a poor excuse to let them out in the first place. If they are serving life sentences, make sure they serve them as is.
Of course, if there was some loophole in the system that cause for an overturn, that is on the state or Federal level to fix it.

I disagree, and think prisons should likely not exist at all.
If people had fair access to the means of gainful employment, then almost all crime would disappear.
The few psychotics who are dangerous should be in mental hospitals and not prisons.
The main source of crime and prison populations currently is the War on Drugs, and that is not even remotely legal.
With the War on Drugs, the main criminals are the police, judges, lawyers, legislators, etc.,. who are responsible for illegal drug laws and enforcement, like asset forfeiture.
There is no "answer" to our violent society.

It would help if more violent criminals were jailed. But that is not the current zeitgeist.

Even conservatives would balk at the idea of mass incarceration, for that would entail jailing millions of young gentlemen of two ethnicities (no need to be specific).

A family, an organization, a nation are only as good as their members.

And, with all due respect, many Americans are of very low character.

Therefore, there is no hope for this nation, which I feel will implode sometime in the next century -- if not earlier.

No it would not at all help to imprison even more people.
Not only is imprisonment usually wrong, but creates such resentment that you turn the majority of the society against the government. And one day the Bastille will be stormed once again. Those who built prisons are the only ones who should be imprisoned.
Two things, one, the larger the population grows, the more crime we'll have, and two, the more democrat control we see, the more crime will grow. Toilet crime ridden democrat controlled hell holes like Chicago and Washington D.C. are perfect examples.

There is a solution to population growth causing crime.
That is to build more local government and influence.
When cities get too big, then have smaller districts, more local meetings, opportunities for people to be heard, more local programs like food gardens, vocational programs, aid for family disasters, etc.
See if you can find a common theme and possible action to reduce violent crime based upon these events over the past year:

Violent And Serious Acts Eligible For Early Release Under Proposition 57

California releases some inmates doing time for murder. Advocates push to free more

Inmates charged with violent crimes poised for release

Violent criminals and sex offenders released early due to 'First Step Act' legislation

Violent felons released early

Ever hear of Judge Roy Bean?
A very effective jurist and rarely had any repeat offenders.
Yes, millions trying to buy drugs they desperately need with no money because in their drug induced lives they can’t hold down a job.

Perfect formula for violent crime to skyrocket.

I posit that a different approach is necessary.
See if you can find a common theme and possible action to reduce violent crime based upon these events over the past year:

Violent And Serious Acts Eligible For Early Release Under Proposition 57

California releases some inmates doing time for murder. Advocates push to free more

Inmates charged with violent crimes poised for release

Violent criminals and sex offenders released early due to 'First Step Act' legislation

Violent felons released early

Ever hear of Judge Roy Bean?
A very effective jurist and rarely had any repeat offenders.

I disagree.
When you have ruthless government, then you just end up with no living witnesses.
Yes, millions trying to buy drugs they desperately need with no money because in their drug induced lives they can’t hold down a job.

Perfect formula for violent crime to skyrocket.

I posit that a different approach is necessary.

Before drugs were criminalized, there was much less problem.
When drugs are legal, then government is more credible and you can get medical help.

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