what can hillary use against Trump ?

Trump isn't being investigated by the FBI.

Also, if Hillary is their nominee, do the Democrats really think that every myriad Clinton scandal of the last 40 years will not be revisited ad infinitum? Or that her significant lack of personal accomplishments will not be discussed? Or her pathological need to lie?

Sheesh ... :cuckoo:
I keep laughing every time these lists of "super secret weapons against Trump" come out, because thus far, every single one of them has been used against Trump already, and he keeps getting stronger.

What is really funny about it is, there are DOZENS of things about Hillary that should be coming out, that Hillary hasn't been hit with yet, and the few things that have, have damaged her.

So my humble opinion is, I think Hillary is in far more danger than Trump.
should be interesting, because having bill as her husband is like taking an anchor swimming.

they both have so much baggage, i think people are tired of the endless clinton lying machine.

this is going really well, Trump is slaying the mainstream media monster along the way to the white house. that's the part i like best. all the snakes who are flakking now, will beg like a romney for an interview with the new president.
Hillary won't have to do much.
She won't have to do anything. trump will sink himself. Just not enough crazies out there --- and I do mean OUT THERE --- to vote for him in the general election.
True dat...one thing is to be popular with a group that has 20 percent believing that Slavery for Blacks is good ...another thing is normal people ...
Abraham Lincoln Shouldn't Have Freed Slaves

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Thank you for the entertainment.
should be interesting, because having bill as her husband is like taking an anchor swimming.

they both have so much baggage, i think people are tired of the endless clinton lying machine.

this is going really well, Trump is slaying the mainstream media monster along the way to the white house. that's the part i like best. all the snakes who are flakking now, will beg like a romney for an interview with the new president.
Hillary won't have to do much.
She won't have to do anything. trump will sink himself. Just not enough crazies out there --- and I do mean OUT THERE --- to vote for him in the general election.
True dat...one thing is to be popular with a group that has 20 percent believing that Slavery for Blacks is good ...another thing is normal people ...
Abraham Lincoln Shouldn't Have Freed Slaves

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Thank you for the entertainment.
Thank you...I am betting you think "those Negroes" shoudda remained slaves
should be interesting, because having bill as her husband is like taking an anchor swimming.

they both have so much baggage, i think people are tired of the endless clinton lying machine.

this is going really well, Trump is slaying the mainstream media monster along the way to the white house. that's the part i like best. all the snakes who are flakking now, will beg like a romney for an interview with the new president.
Hillary won't have to do much.
She won't have to do anything. trump will sink himself. Just not enough crazies out there --- and I do mean OUT THERE --- to vote for him in the general election.
True dat...one thing is to be popular with a group that has 20 percent believing that Slavery for Blacks is good ...another thing is normal people ...
Abraham Lincoln Shouldn't Have Freed Slaves

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Thank you for the entertainment.
Thank you...I am betting you think "those Negroes" shoudda remained slaves

Au contraire, I am working to finally free them from the Democrats.
should be interesting, because having bill as her husband is like taking an anchor swimming.

they both have so much baggage, i think people are tired of the endless clinton lying machine.

this is going really well, Trump is slaying the mainstream media monster along the way to the white house. that's the part i like best. all the snakes who are flakking now, will beg like a romney for an interview with the new president.
Hillary won't have to do much.

There will be such a flood of damaging material released from opposition researchers and PACs that there may not be enough bandwidth on the internet or TV time to handle it.
Over 53 million bucks were spent on anti-Trump ads last week in Tuesday's Primary/caucuses States.
Trump won Mich./Miss./Hawaii.
Any questions?
That's 53 million LIB bucks down the shitter.
If I had written a cheque to a SP for 100K last week or to the DNC/Hillary's campaign, today I would have a VERY bad headache! And my cheque book would have disappeared somewhere.
should be interesting, because having bill as her husband is like taking an anchor swimming.

they both have so much baggage, i think people are tired of the endless clinton lying machine.

this is going really well, Trump is slaying the mainstream media monster along the way to the white house. that's the part i like best. all the snakes who are flakking now, will beg like a romney for an interview with the new president.
Hillary won't have to do much.

There will be such a flood of damaging material released from opposition researchers and PACs that there may not be enough bandwidth on the internet or TV time to handle it.
Over 53 million bucks were spent on anti-Trump ads last week in Tuesday's Primary/caucuses States.
Trump won Mich./Miss./Hawaii.
Any questions?
That's 53 million LIB bucks down the shitter.
If I had written a cheque to a SP for 100K last week or to the DNC/Hillary's campaign, today I would have a VERY bad headache! And my cheque book would have disappeared somewhere.
I think there will be ton of stories about Trump coming out during the general that haven't come out yet.

Could be wrong, of course, but I doubt it.
should be interesting, because having bill as her husband is like taking an anchor swimming.

they both have so much baggage, i think people are tired of the endless clinton lying machine.

this is going really well, Trump is slaying the mainstream media monster along the way to the white house. that's the part i like best. all the snakes who are flakking now, will beg like a romney for an interview with the new president.
Hillary won't have to do much.
She won't have to do anything. trump will sink himself. Just not enough crazies out there --- and I do mean OUT THERE --- to vote for him in the general election.
Of this you can be sure.
All the "crazies" who keep turning out for Trump in the Primaries/Caucuses will 100% turn out for Trump in the General.
he'll cream her with every disgusting and unlawful thing she has done. From Beghazi, lying to protect her and Obama's ass. and then he can Throw at her how, she and her serial adulterer hubby tried to RUIN a young woman's life because she got swept into that snakes den all the while he was President.

and then ask. IS that we really want again? and you all can say: hell no
should be interesting, because having bill as her husband is like taking an anchor swimming.

they both have so much baggage, i think people are tired of the endless clinton lying machine.

this is going really well, Trump is slaying the mainstream media monster along the way to the white house. that's the part i like best. all the snakes who are flakking now, will beg like a romney for an interview with the new president.
Hillary won't have to do much.

There will be such a flood of damaging material released from opposition researchers and PACs that there may not be enough bandwidth on the internet or TV time to handle it.
Over 53 million bucks were spent on anti-Trump ads last week in Tuesday's Primary/caucuses States.
Trump won Mich./Miss./Hawaii.
Any questions?
That's 53 million LIB bucks down the shitter.
If I had written a cheque to a SP for 100K last week or to the DNC/Hillary's campaign, today I would have a VERY bad headache! And my cheque book would have disappeared somewhere.
I think there will be ton of stories about Trump coming out during the general that haven't come out yet.

Could be wrong, of course, but I doubt it.
Hillary is such a rich target.
Watch Trump put a billion dollars of ads running 24/7 showing how corrupt Hillary has been for decades.
Trump will have a dozen women who were victims of Bill who will straight up tell the voter that Hillary threatened them if they went to the press.
Watch Trump ask Paula Jones how much money the Clintons paid Jones to 'settled' out of court.
Trump will buy time on hundreds of TV stations and play this video over and over.

When Trump finishes with Hillary she and Bill will have to leave the country. They can live on their close friend's 'Lotita Island'.
That will suit both Clintons fine.
should be interesting, because having bill as her husband is like taking an anchor swimming.

they both have so much baggage, i think people are tired of the endless clinton lying machine.

this is going really well, Trump is slaying the mainstream media monster along the way to the white house. that's the part i like best. all the snakes who are flakking now, will beg like a romney for an interview with the new president.
bernie got called a sexist in the last debate

so what do you think the left will use against anyone that runs against hillary?
should be interesting, because having bill as her husband is like taking an anchor swimming.

they both have so much baggage, i think people are tired of the endless clinton lying machine.

this is going really well, Trump is slaying the mainstream media monster along the way to the white house. that's the part i like best. all the snakes who are flakking now, will beg like a romney for an interview with the new president.
Hillary won't have to do much.
She won't have to do anything. trump will sink himself. Just not enough crazies out there --- and I do mean OUT THERE --- to vote for him in the general election.
right, cause he's already tanked.

he looks and sounds so presidential at these new transparent pressers.

others will learn from the master. he knows America. :):)
Well in my opinion from all the posts on this site that have been debunked, you've told MORE LIES about the Clintons than both Clintons combined have lied....so what's that say about you all?
should be interesting, because having bill as her husband is like taking an anchor swimming.

they both have so much baggage, i think people are tired of the endless clinton lying machine.

this is going really well, Trump is slaying the mainstream media monster along the way to the white house. that's the part i like best. all the snakes who are flakking now, will beg like a romney for an interview with the new president.
Hillary won't have to do much.
She won't have to do anything. trump will sink himself. Just not enough crazies out there --- and I do mean OUT THERE --- to vote for him in the general election.
True dat...one thing is to be popular with a group that has 20 percent believing that Slavery for Blacks is good ...another thing is normal people ...
Abraham Lincoln Shouldn't Have Freed Slaves
specifically what group ?? link please.
should be interesting, because having bill as her husband is like taking an anchor swimming.

they both have so much baggage, i think people are tired of the endless clinton lying machine.

this is going really well, Trump is slaying the mainstream media monster along the way to the white house. that's the part i like best. all the snakes who are flakking now, will beg like a romney for an interview with the new president.
Hillary won't have to do much.
She won't have to do anything. trump will sink himself. Just not enough crazies out there --- and I do mean OUT THERE --- to vote for him in the general election.
True dat...one thing is to be popular with a group that has 20 percent believing that Slavery for Blacks is good ...another thing is normal people ...
Abraham Lincoln Shouldn't Have Freed Slaves

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Web-based interviews

Thank you for the entertainment.
Thank you...I am betting you think "those Negroes" shoudda remained slaves
nobody's taken your race bait. heh... stick around trotsky, you might learn something here.
It won't be from SNIPER FIRE, but Hillary will be too busy running, ducking, covering, and defending herself from the continuous shots taken at her consisting of her complete resume of lies, failures, incompetence, scandals, and crime to do anything against Trump.

Hillary will use the GENDER Card to try to shut down the barrage of attacks, but Trump isn't your typical opponent....he's coming after her jugular.

Hillary may have been good friends with and had a mad crush on Saul Alynski, but Trump does 'Alynski' better than Alynski did 'Alynski'. The guy is a master of deflecting and attacking. Rubio learned the hard way - he was convinced that he was being to nice and had to go 'medieval' on Trump...and Trump swatted him like a fly. Rubio began his slow gradual descent after that.

The worst thing hurting Hillary, though, IS HILLARY! 60% of Americans still believe she is the least trustworthy candidate in this entire race. Many Millennials believe she is part of the old guard who has buried them in debt and F*ed up their future. MANY women see Hillary as 'the enemy' - a woman who NOW says all women claiming to have been sexually harassed / assaulted should be believed yet who spent most of her political career demonizing, bullying, threatening ,and attempting to silence the victims of her husband's sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, and occasional adultery.

She's going to have a hard enough time to convince all those people to change their minds WITHOUT Trump simultaneously attacking her.
Nothing used against Trump, and no doubt there will be a flood of material, will matter to his followers, no matter what it is.

But as for the middle? It's hard to imagine that there wouldn't be a group who simply hear enough and vote against him.

Hillary is a known commodity already. There's still more on Trump on the way.

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