What can we do?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Why do people justify poverty? What can we do to end it?

So people who justify poverty why shouldn't everyone have one of these?

Or one of these?
If you are able bodied, or not in charge of raising children, why are you not currently at work, in school, or out looking for a job?

If you are suffering from depression there is probably some free services in your area through the state. You would be amazed at how bloated our government has gotten.

After that, they can probably get you onto some regimen of Cognitive behavioral therapy.
Cognitive behavioral therapy - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Depending on the severity of your condition, they may even recommend medication, though I personally wouldn't recommend it, as all mass shooters have went down that road, and well, look where that got them and society.

It sounds like you are struggling with your role in society and you want material security and prosperity to just be given to you. At the same time, I get the feeling that you like to just lay around and just play video games and watch movies.

I am sure this sounds like a fulfilling life, but for an able bodied person this will lead to a life of sorrow and regret after a decade or two. You will never have respect or a sense of accomplishment, nor will you gain the esteem of your peers. It may mean nothing to you now, but someday you may wish to have the esteem of others. We live in a world where power and money, your ability to affect change upon the world determine your value.

Do you want humankind to stop killing each other? Well, do something about it. Make a billion dollars, find a way to employ thousands of workers in an industry that will stop other industries from employing the war profiteers from making drones, bullets, guns and missiles. IF you want the world to change, start with yourself.

Don't expect the government to tax the war industry to give you money to sit home and play video games and watch movies. Because with each passing year, you will need a cost of living increase for your phone bill, internet access, food, etc. Thus, more weapons will need to be manufactured, and more war will need to be declared. So you are either part of the problem, by sitting on your fat butt and doing nothing, or you are part of the solution, by getting out there and starting a company that feeds the world and creates jobs for peace. . . what's it going to be?

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