What can we expect for this election year?

Maybe we'll have to back to thinking for ourselves.
That started to come to an end when we no longer had to calculate math, spell or read a map. Most people can't solve simple problems unless it involves Wifi.
I'm still predicting the election won't conclude peacefully, or at all. Whichever side of the two shit-parties loses will go into hysterical denial
I'd wager you're right Dblack

they've become rivals to the point of litigation

That started to come to an end when we no longer had to calculate math, spell or read a map. Most people can't solve simple problems unless it involves Wifi.
Everyone is predicting that AI will destroy humanity. But it might save us, by teaching us not believe everything we see, or read.
Everyone is predicting that AI will destroy humanity. But it might save us, by teaching us not believe everything we see, or read.
I trust that as far as I can throw you. And I know you're 300 lbs. dude. JK
I can't speak for where you live, however, you're not getting a loaf of good bread here for $2.50, no way. Orwheat or what called whole grain is perhaps the cheapest of them, without looking it's $4.50+. This is perhaps the cheapest on-line. It's the same price as the local "cheap store". Walmart may be a pinch less. Regardless, I know I paid under $5 before the plandemic and into 2021. That's a 30% increase, minimum, and it's just gone up 50 cents plus.

Go buy a bread machine.
We can expect that when people see what their groceries cost, and still rising, they will vote for Trump.
Why do you hate the poor?

I do not hate the poor anymore than I hate the rich or the middle class or anyone else.

If someone cannot afforded 42 cents for a load of laundry there are less expensive alternatives.

One can use Gain for just 14 cents a load, or Arm and Hammer for just 10 cents a load and A&H is far better than Tide.

One can use Purex and do laundry for just 7 cents a load.

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