What can we expect for this election year?

Hold onto your hats, something is coming. I see my gas utility bill rose 57.4%, with more to come. And all of the sudden, packages I've ordered are mailed without containers if determined it can make it. Speak of, Amazon raised their prices and reduced services. Oh yeah, and food prices sure took a hike again, $6.50 for a decent loaf of bread. Are we really supposed to believe inflation is in check, BTW. Common experience calls BS, and that includes everyone I know.
Anyone who goes to the grocery or has to pay rent or a mortgage knows the truth, despite the sunshine blown up their asses by Democrats.
An election with the 2 worst choices of my lifetime. That's it. Unarguable.
..be careful what you wish for, it can always get worse...
Quit whining. This day was coming since 9/11 and all the poor choices in which both parties were complacent.

No one has to pay more than $6 a loaf. We can get it at 1.99 to 2.49 a loaf of good wheat and or other grain.

Due you do diligence.
Ohhh. You mean our choices should be limited. Priced out of the ordinary things we used to buy, get used to a reduction in your standards.

Yes that is the democrat way.
What can we expect this election year?

This year.
As more stores close due to rampant theft, the few that struggle to remain open will be bombarded with theft until they too close. Going shopping will be, place your order with an app and an armed clerk will bring it to your car.

Amazon, FedEx and UPS trucks will have armed guards.

Random attacks will become more vicious with people smashed in the head from behind or soaked with lighter fluid and set on fire.

Home invasion robberies will be by stolen car driven through a wall.

Drug use and homeless derelicts will infiltrate neighborhood and drive out everyone else. Buildings will be commandeered.

The invaders will form gangs that go to war with other gangs including American gangs. They will fight over turf and the sale of women and children.

Islam will declare an Intifada to bring the peace of Allah by suicide bombers.

And this
For the second time in a row.
It's not a good reflection on us, that these are our choices.

And now it's likely the GQP literally won't accept losses. The chaos & destruction that they and Steve Bannon want could be about ten months away.
wow, 42 cents a load, sucks that you cannot afford that. Maybe you should find a better job

Holy cow this thread reminds me of when Republicans were sure a recession was coming in 2023. Dude, Biden absolutely deserves a 2nd term.

Anyways, I wanted to repeat what I said the other day. It's an election year. Election years happen every 2 years and they are the only years politicans get shit done. Or next year. Like, whoever wins implements all their policies the first year. So the first year, then every midterm and general election.

So what to expect this year? Expect Biden and Republicans to get shit done. Assuming Trump doesn't tell Republicans to not give Biden any wins. Here's an example.

House Could Vote On Bill Expanding Child Tax​

Credit Refunds For Parents​

The bill has broad bipartisan support, so it’s basically up to Speaker Mike Johnson whether it passes the House.

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