What caused the 50F arctic Christmas Surge that never occurred?

What caused the 50F arctic Christmas Surge that never occurred?

  • Satellite Glitch, all those -F reading should have been +F, yeah that's the ticket

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Obama willed it

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • CO2. Trust us. No, really. Because we say so

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Denier! Why do you hate science? We have Consensus!

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • I can't wait until Trump stops the government funding people to post AWG Crap online

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters
The 50 degree arctic surge is just another failed agw prediction and a fine way for the clowns to exit.

Posts at USMB will likely plummet once the government is no longer funding cultists, but that will be worth it
The 50 degree arctic surge is just another failed agw prediction and a fine way for the clowns to exit.

Posts at USMB will likely plummet once the government is no longer funding cultists, but that will be worth it
I was just thinking the same thing while I was outside shoveling the snow off my car and letting it idle so that I don`t have to sit in a freezer when I am making my grocery run through knee high snow. Good thing is that I bought my van when I was living in the Yukon and it came with an engine block heater. The downside is that I get flagged down by motorists who don`t have one in shopping mall parking lots and ask me for a boost. By the time they get back to their car the battery is reduced to cold cranking currents that won`t do after the oil in the pan turned into jelly.
About this USMB forum, what you just said is quite true for most of us. But when I look here in the morning and see the entire right column for the latest posts filled with names like Crick etc. it`s clear that some people are by far too obsessed with their hair brained doomsday predictions.
The only way a person like that will stop doing this is when they froze to death after one of those brutal Manitoba maulers or Alberta clippers reaches out for them wherever they live.

Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

And, after all that brainless flapyap, we see that the ice in the arctic shows that there was, indeed, a melting event just before Christmas. But the truth is not an impediment for lying for the followers of the orange clown.
either way, as I have pointed out........this event has occurred many, many times over the past 5 or 6 decades. Actually, a typical Nor-Easter occurs less frequently!:oops-28:

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