What caused this Climate skepticism uptick ?

Do you means besides the fact that it proves Democrats crossed over and voted for Trump?

10,000 more repubs voted for Trump than Hillary in Michigan. You are right. What does that have to do with my assertion that more repubs voted for Romney and McCain than they did for Trump?
Do you means besides the fact that it proves Democrats crossed over and voted for Trump?

10,000 more repubs voted for Trump than Hillary in Michigan. You are right. What does that have to do with my assertion that more repubs voted for Romney and McCain than they did for Trump?
I already explained that. The total vote count was higher. Democrats switched over. If you and your party want to ignore this reality, that is your mistake to make. Keep doing exactly what you are doing and expect different results or mid-term election gains, but don't be surprised if they don't come. He has turned the model on it's head. We are outside of the bounds of normal now. He is a wildcard who will use his executive experience at solving problems. He will more than likely govern to the middle and Americans will respond to that. He has already defied the odds, sell him short at your own peril. Keep doing exactly what you have been doing. I'll bet the over.
I already explained that. The total vote count was higher. Democrats switched over. If you and your party want to ignore this reality, that is your mistake to make. Keep doing exactly what you are doing and expect different results or mid-term election gains, but don't be surprised if they don't come. He has turned the model on it's head. We are outside of the bounds of normal now. He is a wildcard who will use his executive experience at solving problems. He will more than likely govern to the middle and Americans will respond to that. He has already defied the odds, sell him short at your own peril. Keep doing exactly what you have been doing. I'll bet the over.

Couple of things. I'm not American so the Dems are not 'my party'. In my own country I have voted for the left, right, greens and almost everything in between. I vote on policy not party. The total vote count was higher in two states. And? He STILL didn't get as many votes as McCain and Romney. And she STILL got 2.8 million votes than him. It's an anomaly. I'm looking forward to his presidency. From the outside looking in, it is so beyond a clusterfuck it's amazing. What is even more amazing is that those who voted for him think he is on their side. And to double down, this time next year I'm guessing a whole screed of Trump voters will be baying for his blood. And yes, I'll be on here stomping on their faces, not saying "I told you so", but "sucked in you retards".
I already explainedi that. The total vote count was higher. Democrats switched over. If you and your party want to ignore this reality, that is your mistake to make. Keep doing exactly what you are doing and expect different results or mid-term election gains, but don't be surprised if they don't come. He has turned the model on it's head. We are outside of the bounds of normal now. He is a wildcard who will use his executive experience at solving problems. He will more than likely govern to the middle and Americans will respond to that. He has already defied the odds, sell him short at your own peril. Keep doing exactly what you have been doing. I'll bet the over.

Couple of things. I'm not American so the Dems are not 'my party'. In my own country I have voted for the left, right, greens and almost everything in between. I vote on policy not party. The total vote count was higher in two states. And? He STILL didn't get as many votes as McCain and Romney. And she STILL got 2.8 million votes than him. It's an anomaly. I'm looking forward to his presidency. From the outside looking in, it is so beyond a clusterfuck it's amazing. What is even more amazing is that those who voted for him think he is on their side. And to double down, this time next year I'm guessing a whole screed of Trump voters will be baying for his blood. And yes, I'll be on here stomping on their faces, not saying "I told you so", but "sucked in you retards".
Two key swing states and high turnout in the key Democrat precinct of the third key swing state. Given your avatar, It's kinda of hard not to believe you had a preference for an outcome. Be that as it may it was entirely predictable if you believe in the saeculum cycle. In good times we become liberal. In hard times we revert to conservatism. You can see the same thing happening in Europe. In fact, I would argue that Europe has always been the canary in the coal mine for those "turns." I suspect the far right will do the same as the far left, swallow what they don't like. Trump is not a stupid man, he didn't pull this off by accident. He divided and conquered. He was in the right place at the right time. He was a protectionist candidate at the time the country wanted a protectionist leader. I doubt he will start believing his rhetoric just now although complacency is always a risk and is usually the downfall. But if he is Darwinian as I suspect he is, then he will position himself and his party for gains at the midterm as this is the next major pitfall that I know he is aware of and should be planning for if he wants to get to his next big milestone in four years.
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Given your avatar, It's kinda of hard not to believe you had a preference for an outcome. Be that as it may it was entirely predictable if you believe in the saeculum cycle. In good times we become liberal. In hard times we revert to conservatism. You can see the same thing happening in Europe. In fact, I would argue that Europe has always been the canary in the coal mine for those "turns." I suspect the far right will do the same as the far left, swallow what they don't like. Trump is not a stupid man, he didn't pull this off by accident. He divided and conquered. He was in the right place at the right time. He was a protectionist candidate at the time the country wanted a protectionist leader. I doubt he will start believing his rhetoric just now although complacency is always a risk and is usually the downfall. But if he is Darwinian as I suspect he is, then he will position himself and his party for gains at the midterm as this is the next major pitfall that I know he is aware of and should be planning for if he wants to get to his next big milestone in four years.

I thought out of the two, she was infinitely more qualified. That being said, if she had won, and also a second term, that would have meant a Bush or Clinton in the WH 28 out of the 36 years between 1988 and 2024, which is just ridiculous.

That being said, don't mistake my avatar of Trump being a pro-Clinton stance. While she was/is much more qualified than him, that is not the reason for the pic. It is the amazement that somebody so vacuous, so stupid, so dumb could be voted into power by the most powerful nation on Earth. Sorry, Ding, he is not that smart. he has smart people around him (including his daughter), but Trump himself? No. He might read the winds of change, but he is going to be a disaster. Anybody who Tweets what he feels without thinking of consequences, is so thin-skinned he lets SNL get to him, and so openly lies to people (who are dumb enough to believe him) is not that bright. His university failed. He has been bankrupt four times. He was the main reason the USFL failed. He stiffs contractors. I could go on. And On. And On.... He's not even a RINO. He's a DINO....God I feel so sorry for you guys. And i'm not being a smartarse. I really do. I also think, What was bad about Hillary. Think about it. For a second. She gets sworn in on Jan 20. What was going to happen? The Red Guard marching down Pennsylvania Ave? I mean, really? America gets what it deserves. And in the case of Trump. Good luck.
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Given your avatar, It's kinda of hard not to believe you had a preference for an outcome. Be that as it may it was entirely predictable if you believe in the saeculum cycle. In good times we become liberal. In hard times we revert to conservatism. You can see the same thing happening in Europe. In fact, I would argue that Europe has always been the canary in the coal mine for those "turns." I suspect the far right will do the same as the far left, swallow what they don't like. Trump is not a stupid man, he didn't pull this off by accident. He divided and conquered. He was in the right place at the right time. He was a protectionist candidate at the time the country wanted a protectionist leader. I doubt he will start believing his rhetoric just now although complacency is always a risk and is usually the downfall. But if he is Darwinian as I suspect he is, then he will position himself and his party for gains at the midterm as this is the next major pitfall that I know he is aware of and should be planning for if he wants to get to his next big milestone in four years.

I thought out of the two, she was infinitely more qualified. That being said, if she had won, and also a second term, that would have meant a Bush or Clinton in the WH 28 out of the 36 years between 1988 and 2024, which is just ridiculous.
That being said, don't mistake my avatar of Trump being a pro-Clinton stance. While she was/is much more qualified than him, that is not the reason for the pic. It is the amazement that somebody so vacuous, so stupid, so dumb could be voted into power by the most powerful nation on Earth. Sorry, Ding, he is not that smart. he has smart people around him (including his daughter), but Trump himself? No. He might read the winds of change, but he is going to be a disaster. Anybody who Tweets what he feels without thinking of consequences, is so thin-skinned he lets SNL get to him, and so openly lies to people (who are dumb enough to believe him) is not that bright. His university failed. He has been bankrupt four times. He was the main reason the USFL failed. He stiffs contractors. I could go on. And On. And On.... He's not even a RINO. He's a DINO....God I feel so sorry for you guys. And i'm not being a smartarse. I really do. I also think, What was bad about Hillary. Think about it. For a second. She gets sworn in on Jan 20. What was going to happen? The Red Guard marching down Pennsylvania Ave? I mean, really? America gets what it deserves. And in the case of Trump. Good luck.
You don't do what he did by accident. His tweets are changing the communication dynamics and cutting out the middle man. A middle man that is biased. Time will tell if he will be a disaster. He has already accomplished what many believed he couldn't. Like I said, I think I'll take the over on this one. I don't know many Europeans, especially progressive leaning Europeans, who feel too bad for Americans. As for Hillary, she could not have been a worse candidate for this election cycle. They would have fared better running Bernie. At least he was honest about who he was.
What climate skepticism uptick?

For once I agree with this bozo..........there is no uptick. Its been a steady elevator up for the last 10 years in all quarters. Most importantly by far is the public perception of "global warming" in 2016 being a snoozefest which is so easily proven by looking at any poll on the subject and Ive posted up so many I cant count anymore.

But here is the poop........since Cap and Trade crashed and burned in spectacular fashion 8 years ago...........several items to point to empirical evidence that the climate change industry is becoming irrelevant........

  1. Climate change was a non-factor in all of the presidential debates
  2. Renewable energy continues to grow at a snails pace in the energy market ( solar just 1% of providing the US electricity......wind 3-4%. Laughable.
  3. Gallup, Rasmussen and Pew all conclude the same thing regarding voter concerns about climate change.....since 2010, they rank AT THE BOTTOM of the list of about 20 concerns.
  4. In 2015, CNN boss Zucker stated that the network doesn't run stories on climate change because "there is little interest".
  5. The public has learned in recent years about the level of rigging of the data that is going on amongst the organizations that provide the critical data ( NOAA / NASA ).
  6. The anger and misery amongst the climate crusaders on the internet has been off the hook since November 8th.
  7. Zero significant legislation passed on the climate during all 8 years of Obama's presidency. ( the biggest being light bulb legislation :lmao::lmao::lmao:)

So no "uptick"..........this has been building since at least 2010!!!!:boobies::boobies::2up:

And here is where we are publically in 2016 outside cult of the religion>>>>>>>>

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