What caused this Climate skepticism uptick ?

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Real physicists discussing physics, not silly political statements.
Sure there is a greenhouse effect of CO2 but there is a logarithmic relationship between CO2 level and associated temperature and the biggest impact is at very low concentrations. The problem with their models is not the radiative forcing aspect of CO2 it is with their ridiculous feedback amplifications which have been proven to be false by satellite measurements and their timing estimate of the associated temperature from radiative forcing of CO2. The oceans have a vast storage of heat capacity. It takes centuries for the radiative forcing of CO2 to have any effect on temperature. Radiative forcing of CO2 is not responsible for the myth of global warming.

What we are seeing today are natural variations that have always existed.The geologic record and the oxygen isotope curves prove that CO2 acts as a reinforcing agent to temperature change not as a driver for climate change. The world we live in today is classified as an icehouse world. It is characterized by bipolar glaciation and glacial-interglacial cycles. It is geologically rare and possibly unique. For most of earth's history we have been a greenhouse world. The transition to an icehouse world began about 5 million years ago and was driven by plate tectonics/land mass distribution and atmospheric CO2 of 400 ppm. Conditions which still exist today. We are in an interglacial cycle. Our present temperature is at least 1.4C to 2.4C below the peak temperature of three of the four last interglacials. We are well within the normal range of an interglacial cycle.

Our CO2 emissions could go to zero overnight and the rest of the world would replace it in 5 years. There isn't a problem and if it were, we are not the problem.
Starting with the release of the raw data Hansen, Mann etc refuse to disclose.

Fable. Who fed you that tall tale? All data is available.

I have better qualifications in the field than most of them. And that's a tiny slice of the world's scientists, with many of them not even being scientists. And most of them are just demonstrably wrong when they discuss climate science. Namedropping is meaningless when your names are babbling nonsense.
Lightweights Capable of Knowledge But Not of Understanding

If you're mentally incapable of learning educated English such as the fact that data is plural, you're also incapable of learning advanced science. Climatology is a minor-league science for those who couldn't do well in the more difficult, productive, and creative sciences. They can't connect the dots; they can only collect the dots.
excuse me but your argument about the electoral college has zero ground to stand on. the electoral college is there for no reason at all in modern times. it was put in place as a safety net so that were The People to elect an idiot, the electors could vote otherwise and choose someone competent. but as we all know, many of them do not have the freedom to do this because they are bound by state laws. this idea that the EC is there as a balance system is ludicrous considering the fact that the majority is being held hostage by a minority of people who voted for an utter fool. 50 years from now, this will go down as one of the most significant blunders in election history.

The electoral collage has important reference even today. It gives proportional representation to the rest of the US and stops city centered mob rule. The electoral college stops the population centers,who like to vote themselves the benefits of the labor of others, from enslaving the rest of us.

So you can do the same to them.


Cities are consumption centers... they consume... they produce very little and can not self sustain like the rest of us... tell me again what your motives are?
Crap, Silly Billy, your IQ does not even reach room temperature level. The rural areas provide us with the agricultural products we need. We supply them with the roads and infrastructure they need for a decent life. It is the taxes that we in the city that have the good jobs and manufacture nearly everything used in the rural areas pay that supplied them with electricity. No private company would have put the lines in, so the REA did. It is a two way street, we need each other, but today the rural areas are far more dependent on the cities than the cities are on them.
Well then, lets cut off your food, electricity, food and water, which us non city dwellers provide for you, and see how long you last...
Allowing a mob, from within a city, to demand and tell us all how we must give up the fruits of our labors, for a bunch of handout fucktards who think they have the right to tell us how we must live, is not going to go over well..

The founding fathers realized the problem and gave us the electoral college to stop this insanity.. Your IQ must be an empty space... 0


The northernmost mummified forest ever found in Canada is revealing how plants struggled to endure a long-ago global cooling.

Researchers believe the trees -- buried by a landslide and exquisitely preserved 2 to 8 million years ago -- will help them predict how today's Arctic will respond to global warming.

They also suspect that many more mummified forests could emerge across North America as Arctic ice continues to melt. As the wood is exposed and begins to rot, it could release significant amounts of methane and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere -- and actually boost global warming.

Joel Barker, a research scientist at Byrd Polar Research Center and the School of Earth Sciences at Ohio State University and leader of the team that is analyzing the remains, will describe early results at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco on Dec. 17.

Over the summer of 2010, the researchers retrieved samples from broken tree trunks, branches, roots, and even leaves -- all perfectly preserved -- from Ellesmere Island National Park in Canada.

"Mummified forests aren't so uncommon, but what makes this one unique is that it's so far north. When the climate began to cool 11 million years ago, these plants would have been the first to feel the effects," Barker said. "And because the trees' organic material is preserved, we can get a high-resolution view of how quickly the climate changed and how the plants responded to that change."

Barker found the deposit in 2009, when he was camping on Ellesmere Island for an unrelated research project. He followed a tip from a national park warden, who had noticed some wood sticking out of the mud next to a melting glacier. This summer, he returned with colleagues for a detailed study of the area.

Analysis of the remains has only just begun, but will include chemical and DNA testing.

I am quite sure that Dr. Mann, as well as Dr. Alley are quite cognizant of the wood on Ellsmere Island.
Now that`s really funny. You twist the fact that there were trees this far north into global warming "evidence" because they were supposedly "discovered" by that Bozo at the edge of a retreating glacier....which is why he would have been on Ellesmere Island , the part where it`s been warm way back when Nares and Greely were there almost 150 years ago...so that he can document some sort of alarming ice retreat.
Everybody in the military who was there knew about these trees long before Fort Conger became a national park with a park warden and when we tried to get climatologists interested in these trees it fell on deaf ears. The fact that these trees were deciduous (had leaves) , don`t do as well in the cold as evergreens and take hundreds of years to grow to the size that they were means that there is nothing unusual about ice melting where this guy was..It`s the other way around actually. One might make a case that it`s not the trees that are out of the ordinary there it`s all that ice which is still there and the cold temperatures that will not allow any trees to grow where they once thrived. This is a classic example of what a Rorschach test is all about.
Most normal people would see the significance of the trees that appeared from under the ice and for some strange reason the rest think that the ice that melted is more significant than the trees.
These people are so paranoid that they see a devil in every inkblot they look at.
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@ OldRocks
Let me ask you a question.
Suppose there are some white people who live on a land where they buried the Indians they killed who lived there before them.
In your mind who is out of place here the Indians or the white people?
And after that substitute the white people with ice and the Indians with trees.
Where is god's name do you get the idea that anyone or anything owns the place? The issue is what is and is not in our best interests. Radical change is not.
Where is god's name do you get the idea that anyone or anything owns the place? The issue is what is and is not in our best interests. Radical change is not.
So who "owns" the place where these trees were found? The trees or the ice?
The question you ask is absurd. We are not debating land ownership here and you damn well know that. But it`s no surprise you ran with the analogy I used, much like a fugitive runs out the back door to escape getting nailed for printing phony $ bills...or in this case distorted facts.
There, so now you got another analogy you can run with in order to avoid the original topic.
And why are you responding for OldRocks? If one of you is not comfortable with the question his proxy steps in and attempts to change the topic.
Typical !
Do you agree that radical environmental change is more harmful than conservative environmental change?
@ OldRocks
Let me ask you a question.
Suppose there are some white people who live on a land where they buried the Indians they killed who lived there before them.
In your mind who is out of place here the Indians or the white people?
And after that substitute the white people with ice and the Indians with trees.
Stone Age Criminal Fugitives From Siberia

The Indians should be ashamed of their ancestors for not building a prosperous, peaceful, and united nation. They got so little out of America's vast resources that they were forced to engage in perpetual tribal land-grabbing and genocide in order to keep from starving to death when the population increased. We need to hear more guilt at their own irresponsible behavior and less whining from these sore-loser aborigines.
@ OldRocks
Let me ask you a question.
Suppose there are some white people who live on a land where they buried the Indians they killed who lived there before them.
In your mind who is out of place here the Indians or the white people?
And after that substitute the white people with ice and the Indians with trees.
Stone Age Criminal Fugitives From Siberia

The Indians should be ashamed of their ancestors for not building a prosperous, peaceful, and united nation. They got so little out of America's vast resources that they were forced to engage in perpetual tribal land-grabbing and genocide in order to keep from starving to death when the population increased. We need to hear more guilt at their own irresponsible behavior and less whining from these sore-loser aborigines.
And you too. Seems as if these forests that were all over Ellesmere Island and Greenland put your and Crick's nose out of joint. Both of you rather dwell in the analogy I used as some sort of "safe space".
It was meant to highlight what is out of place this far north on Ellesmere Island, the trees or the ice that buried them. That`s what I was discussing with OldRocks. He is smart enough to answer for himself. Surely you can`t be so obtuse that you have no idea what this discussion is about, but you and Crick prefer to try some trolling to get away from that subject.
If you and Crick want to change the topic because the analogy included people and land to a discussion why and who has a right to live where and when then you should start another thread for that.
No matter what you think about Indians getting killed and by whom. Now you and the rest of the AGW freaks are getting clobbered by a new White house administration, the internet and current temperatures that make these idiotic predictions look utterly stupid yet again.

I`m pretty sure all these people did not google that and "global warming hoax" just then because it`s as warm as Al Gore said it would be by now.
excuse me but your argument about the electoral college has zero ground to stand on. the electoral college is there for no reason at all in modern times. it was put in place as a safety net so that were The People to elect an idiot, the electors could vote otherwise and choose someone competent. but as we all know, many of them do not have the freedom to do this because they are bound by state laws. this idea that the EC is there as a balance system is ludicrous considering the fact that the majority is being held hostage by a minority of people who voted for an utter fool. 50 years from now, this will go down as one of the most significant blunders in election history.

The electoral collage has important reference even today. It gives proportional representation to the rest of the US and stops city centered mob rule. The electoral college stops the population centers,who like to vote themselves the benefits of the labor of others, from enslaving the rest of us.

So you can do the same to them.


Cities are consumption centers... they consume... they produce very little and can not self sustain like the rest of us... tell me again what your motives are?

They seem to forget that if it wasnt for so called flyover part of the country they'd all starve to death and have to walk everywhere they went because the fuel would dry up.
If you're mentally incapable of learning educated English such as the fact that data is plural

It's always so cute when the cultists try to sound intelligent.

you're also incapable of learning advanced science. Climatology is a minor-league science for those who couldn't do well in the more difficult, productive, and creative sciences. They can't connect the dots; they can only collect the dots.

Child, the world disagrees with your very peculiar kook opinion. That would account for the laughter.

I bet it makes you feel all special, to proclaim that only your fringe political cult knows the real truth, and the rest of the planet is wrong. After all, you get to do nothing, stick your nose in the air and just proclaim yourself to be courageous and brilliant. That kind of emotional lure is irresistible to the intellectually lazy and weak-willed, thus you were easy prey for the cult.

Remember, when every specialist in the field says you're wrong, it's almost certain that you're wrong. If you're going to claim you're not, you damn well better be able to explain, in detail with supporting facts, why all those specialists are wrong. You obviously can't, being you can only parrot nonsense that your cult masters feed you.
If you're mentally incapable of learning educated English such as the fact that data is plural

It's always so cute when the cultists try to sound intelligent.

you're also incapable of learning advanced science. Climatology is a minor-league science for those who couldn't do well in the more difficult, productive, and creative sciences. They can't connect the dots; they can only collect the dots.

Child, the world disagrees with your very peculiar kook opinion. That would account for the laughter.

I bet it makes you feel all special, to proclaim that only your fringe political cult knows the real truth, and the rest of the planet is wrong. After all, you get to do nothing, stick your nose in the air and just proclaim yourself to be courageous and brilliant. That kind of emotional lure is irresistible to the intellectually lazy and weak-willed, thus you were easy prey for the cult.

Remember, when every specialist in the field says you're wrong, it's almost certain that you're wrong. If you're going to claim you're not, you damn well better be able to explain, in detail with supporting facts, why all those specialists are wrong. You obviously can't, being you can only parrot nonsense that your cult masters feed you.
I love how you credited AGW with averting an ice age, lol. You crack me up.

The best case a lay person can make against AGW
I love how you credited AGW with averting an ice age, lol. You crack me up.

I love how you're so damn stupid, you think we should roast the world now to avert an ice age in 50,000 years.

That's probably the dumbest thing you've said yet. Like most denier cultists, you're totally lacking in basic common sense. That's what makes it so easy for the cult to suck you denier rubes in.
I love how you credited AGW with averting an ice age, lol. You crack me up.

I love how you're so damn stupid, you think we should roast the world now to avert an ice age in 50,000 years.

That's probably the dumbest thing you've said yet. Like most denier cultists, you're totally lacking in basic common sense. That's what makes it so easy for the cult to suck you denier rubes in.
No. I think you are the one who is looking stupid. I think you are the one who is a cultist. I think you lack basic common sense. Is it your belief that absent man we would enjoy 50,000 years of gently falling temperatures? The world is not going to roast. This is you being irrational. I don't deny the radiative forcing of CO2. I deny the ridiculous amplifying feedbacks that have been proven to be false. I deny the timing for the radiative forcing of CO2 to cause an associated temperature change.
I love how you credited AGW with averting an ice age, lol. You crack me up.

I love how you're so damn stupid, you think we should roast the world now to avert an ice age in 50,000 years.

That's probably the dumbest thing you've said yet. Like most denier cultists, you're totally lacking in basic common sense. That's what makes it so easy for the cult to suck you denier rubes in.

Those stupid denier cultists..........they are so fringe!!!:2up:








ding said:
Is it your belief that absent man we would enjoy 50,000 years of gently falling temperatures?

Absent man, there wouldn't be a "we."

However, the science says temperature would slowly fall into the next ice age. There would be some noise on that trend, but the trend is slowly down.

The world is not going to roast. This is you being irrational.

No, that's me using a colloquialism. I'll try to keep things very simple and totally literal for you in the future.

I don't deny the radiative forcing of CO2. I deny the ridiculous amplifying feedbacks that have been proven to be false.

Proven by who?

Given that current temps match the models that use those feedbacks, it would appear the opposite is true.

If you have a theory that can explain the current data without using feedbacks, you should present it. So far, nobody has.

I deny the timing for the radiative forcing of CO2 to cause an associated temperature change.

That's nice. Some people deny the round earth. Doesn't make it flat.
If you're mentally incapable of learning educated English such as the fact that data is plural

It's always so cute when the cultists try to sound intelligent.

you're also incapable of learning advanced science. Climatology is a minor-league science for those who couldn't do well in the more difficult, productive, and creative sciences. They can't connect the dots; they can only collect the dots.

Child, the world disagrees with your very peculiar kook opinion. That would account for the laughter.

I bet it makes you feel all special, to proclaim that only your fringe political cult knows the real truth, and the rest of the planet is wrong. After all, you get to do nothing, stick your nose in the air and just proclaim yourself to be courageous and brilliant. That kind of emotional lure is irresistible to the intellectually lazy and weak-willed, thus you were easy prey for the cult.

Remember, when every specialist in the field says you're wrong, it's almost certain that you're wrong. If you're going to claim you're not, you damn well better be able to explain, in detail with supporting facts, why all those specialists are wrong. You obviously can't, being you can only parrot nonsense that your cult masters feed you.

"The world disagree's??"

Hmmmm..........how about showing us where s0n?:bye1::bye1::lmao:

Links please.......:link:......or we call bs and you look like a retard for about the 60th time this year.

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