What Constitutional Rights Apply to an Unborn Fetus: Judicial Interpretation as opposed to Legal/JudicialPhilosophy

So what of it's illegal it still is rampant.
No law magically prevents people from doing misdeeds. The point is having laws on the book and enforcing them.

You are effectively arguing for demographic selectiveness in enforcement: in essence, if black lesbians are being robbed, stop investigating all robberies where Indian men are the victim.

Whereas the law should not discriminate, and enforcement should not discriminate. You don't need some magical zero crime against group X (that will literally never happen) in order to protect group Y.

And FYI , Idiot, a zygote starts as a single cell so of course it consists of 2 cells right after the first cell division.

The zygote begins as a single cell but divides rapidly in the days following fertilization.
You raging fucktard.

The zygote stage of life lasts from fertilization until the first mitosis. That is it. Zygotes are one cell.

Read a book at some point in your life.
No law magically prevents people from doing misdeeds. The point is having laws on the book and enforcing them.

You are effectively arguing for demographic selectiveness in enforcement: in essence, if black lesbians are being robbed, stop investigating all robberies where Indian men are the victim.

Whereas the law should not discriminate, and enforcement should not discriminate. You don't need some magical zero crime against group X (that will literally never happen) in order to protect group Y.

You raging fucktard.

The zygote stage of life lasts from fertilization until the first mitosis. That is it. Zygotes are one cell.

Read a book at some point in your life.
and at the very beginning of that stage how many cells does the zygote consist of?

1 that's how many

how many cells constitute a zygote after the very first cell division?

2 that's how many

That is the reason I actually specified a particular number of cells because you want to tell me that a 2 celled zygote should have all the rights of a person.
Nonsensical question.

There is no zygote after the first division. Duh.
Nonsensical question.

There is no zygote after the first division. Duh.

The zygote phase is brief, lasting only about four days. Around the fifth day, the mass of cells becomes known as a blastocyst. The embryo develops from the blastocyst.

When a Zygote Becomes an Embryo​

Zygotes divide through a process known as mitosis, in which each cell doubles (one cell becomes two, two becomes four, and so on). This two-week stage is known as the germinal period of development and covers the time of fertilization (also called conception) to the implantation of the blastocyst in the uterus.
A blastocyst is a ball of cells that forms early in a pregnancy, about five to six days after a sperm fertilizes an egg. It implants in your uterine wall, eventually becoming the embryo and then the fetus.
And yet child abuse, child sex trafficking and all other sorts of horrors committed against children still exist so tell you what end ALL that shit before you worry about a 2 celled zygote.
Your answer, kill ‘em and they won’t suffer.

Got it Adolph.
Every innocent human being, born or unborn, have God given natural rights that are superior to any other rights, including the Constitution.

Murder is still murder even if the human isn't born yet.
Stop butchering babies & we will leave you lefties alone to continue with your non-violent delusions.
But no right to food or healthcare am I right MAGAs?
But no right to food or healthcare am I right MAGAs?

Correct. But we know your argument isn’t about children. It’s about entitled adults like you that don’t think you should have to work. You want shit handed to you.
I do. I just don’t want your type killing em before we can get to them.
If all you do is worry you are doing nothing
Just like you will do nothing for the unwanted kid you want to force a woman to have
If all you do is worry you are doing nothing
Just like you will do nothing for the unwanted kid you want to force a woman to have

I have, and continue to. I doubt you would though, not enough room in moms basement
No. I want kids and mother's to have health care.

If they are not, doesn't the State have a duty to them?

Why would that be the states responsibility. Don’t want kids? Can’t support them, don’t do the thing required to make them. It’s never been easier in the history of the world to NOT GET PREGNANT.
Why would that be the states responsibility. Don’t want kids? Can’t support them, don’t do the thing required to make them. It’s never been easier in the history of the world to NOT GET PREGNANT.
There we go. You don't care about the kid before he's born or after he's born. You just want the birth. The hypocrisy is impressive.
But no right to food or healthcare am I right MAGAs?
There is no such right.
There we go. You don't care about the kid before he's born or after he's born. You just want the birth. The hypocrisy is impressive.
We want it to be illegal to do violent harm to the unborn or born alike.

This is immaterial to whether or not we agree with your socialist bullshit, and I surely do not.

Consistency is not "hypocrisy."

So in conclusion, go fuck yourself, you retarded, lying, obvious troll. Flagrant dishonesty, and no excuse for it whatsoever.

You are yet another brainless pro-abort parroting this nonsense someone else said and you accepted with no critical thinking, and despite it standing plainly refuted, you still spew the same garbage.
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