What Could Possibly Go Wrong


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

  • Democrats think it's a good idea to let hundreds of thousands of convicts loose from prison during a period of high unemployment.
  • They also think it's a good idea to defund the police, but they wonder why there's a massive increase in murders and violence.
  • Democrats think that there should be a national mask mandate. Turns out they have no authority to enforce such a mandate.....so they use coercion and threats to make it happen.
  • They also think that only Black Lives Matter, but not the 98% of black lives that are lost from black murderers.
  • Democrats let a bunch of criminal illegals that hate America into this country and they wonder why there are so many fires starting all over the Western States. Must be Global-Warming, right?
  • Democrats support China and think that a virus created in labs in China is President Trump's fault.
  • Democrats are fighting to destroy businesses in their cities and states with their draconian lockdowns and refusing to negotiate in good faith in the House to help businesses that they caused to fail.
  • Democrats say they believe in vaccines but they don't want a vaccine to be approved before the election. Why is this?
  • Democrats are using every sport in America to push their agenda and prop up China and black supremacist Marxists....and fans are leaving in droves.
Just imagine how great life would be without the terrorist organization better known as The Democrat Party.
In every single case I mentioned....there was a Democrat organization involved. Who needs Islamic terrorists if you have the kind of people that are running the Democrat Party already in this country. They have done more damage to this country than the terrorists on 9/11, or natural disasters like Katrina.
If you look at the Minneapolis City Council....they seem to have more in common with BLM and ANTIFA than they do with normal Americans. They wear nose-rings and they have tattoos. Their sexuality is highly questionable. I was looking at a video conference-call with them on the massive murder-rate increase in their city, and I kept thinking, who in their right mind would elect these friggen freaks to public office. The same goes for just about every trouble spot in the country. How in the Hell did these weirdos get enough votes to become a city councilman or a mayor, much less a governor. Just how screwed up is their voting base in their cities?

If you think it's okay to vote for just about any butt-reaming asshole.....you deserve the kind of government it creates. But how did this happen?
I'll tell you how it happened......they replaced good public servants with these mutants by attacking office holders all over the country using the #Metoo movement. In just about every case some woman accused a person in government of some form of sexual misconduct, or some leftist lawyer launched investigations on misconduct on public servants using the most frivolous legal arguments imaginable. So, if you wonder how these freaks got on the city council, or won a mayoral election....it's because they trashed the person who was doing their job, and replaced them with a woke who doesn't know their head from their ass.

Nashville got rid of their mayor (a woman no less) with a sex scandal.....and since then we've had one degenerate Democrat after another holding that office......the latest one (Mayor Mini-Cooper) has instituted a outdoor mask mandate and a 34-37% property tax increase. The jerk before him got recalled because he ran the city into the ground. People are leaving Nashville in droves thanks to these jackass, and many are moving to surrounding areas causing massive congestion and a huge increase in traffic. The funny thing is all of these Democrats talk like they're Republicans to get elected, but then they revert back to being Democrats once they take office. Truth is.....if a Democrat is saying something.....it's alarming just how often the opposite is true.

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It truly is TDS. It is a derangement.
I have asked many times on this forum - SPECIFICALLY list the POLICIES and executive orders that Trump has done that makes him, in your mind, such a truly horrible President. Let's go.
And all you get is Crickets. Absolutely nothing.
The kangaroo congressional and senate hearings of ICE and others on immigration - those videos of the ICE director schooling and tearing the Democrats up should be shown 24 hours a day in a loop.
Sit and watch how finally the chairperson after repeatedly not allowing him to speak... ends the hearing and dismisses him. He wouldn't stop talking and reading off facts and statistics they ignored under Obama, specifically how he ejected more illegals than Trump in the same time period, how his administration are the ones that built the cages, how his administration started the practice of separating families. So they silenced him.
All the Democrats have on Trump is what he says. NOT what he has done.
The loved Obama because he spoke well, but he simply didn't tell the truth.... his policies and actions were completely opposite of what he portrayed.
Please everyone, vote Republican in November. I ask this not because the Republican party is so good, but because the Democrat party has become so dangerous. Let Trumpy finish his job with a friendly congress. MAGA

Yah, there must be some minority that Rump hasn't denigrated yet and he must find them and correct that flaw. And there must be some other Law that he can break and ignore. I have faith in him.
Apparently the runt they've got in there now has his own scandals to deal with.

COVID-19 emails from Nashville mayor's office show disturbing revelation

The last one resigned in disgrace, pleading guilty to fucking her security detail and stealing from the city. TDB, they call it..... Typical Democrat Behavior..... fucking scum
Bredesan was the last decent Mayer of Nashville and even he had his quirks. But this Cooper guy lied to get on office and went back on his word saying he wouldn't be a tax and spend Democrat. Now he's saying that life as we know it will end if he doesn't get his 34% tax increase.

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