What Democrat President said"I'll have those N....s voting Democratic..

“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One -
Some Of The Lost History In The Civil Rights Movement

Think of it. A president of the USA using the N-word and a Democrat president to boot!

And How was Johnson so confident the blacks would vote Democrat for next 200 years?

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”—LBJ

Amazing isn't it that Democrats are NOT held accountable for such disgusting comment from a Democrat and a President no less?
Where is the indignation?
Lyndon B. Johnson, the same war mongering potus who escalated the vietnam fiasco. The hypocritical lefts one of many black eyes.
None of them...that is an unsubstantiated myth created by a right winger who wrote a book saying he heard that lbj said this....

Well how about your biased MSNBC report?
Lyndon Johnson said the word “******” a lot.

In Senate cloakrooms and staff meetings, Johnson was practically a connoisseur of the word. According to Johnson biographer Robert Caro, Johnson would calibrate his pronunciations by region, using “nigra” with some southern legislators and “negra” with others. Discussing civil rights legislation with men like Mississippi Democrat James Eastland, who committed most of his life to defending white supremacy, he’d simply call it “the ****** bill.”

writes that Johnson explained his decision to nominate Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court rather than a less famous black judge by saying, “when I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everybody to know he’s a ******.”

Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racist. | MSNBC

Remember it was the left that created the KKK, but don't let that make the idiots look any worse than they already do.
Since the far righties here are cherry picking the stats, and inflating some of them, ask them what was the poverty rate in 1960 by race? What was it by 1970? Now?

Here is what the "poor" have today that "WE" (my dad in 1960 made $400/month and took care of a family of 4 kids and wife who didn't work)
Today this is what the family living in "poverty (as we did supposedly... in 1960 with NO aid...)

People in poverty in the USA get:

a) Free Cell phone (my cell phone I PAY is about $100/month)
if the poor person receives just one of the below FREE entitlements:
* Food stamps * Medicaid * Section 8 * Supplemental Security Income * National School Lunch Program

b) 40 million Americans on food stamps get $200/month in free food.

it cost $75.7 billion in 2011 compared to $35 billion in 2008; and enrollment has hit an all-time high of 46.7 million recipients.
Meanwhile, the number of children receiving free school lunches has inflated from 18 to 21 million — an unprecedented jump —
about 2.1 million households (6 million) use Section 8 the Housing Choice Voucher program, pays a large
c) portion of the rents and utilities of or the Housing Choice Voucher Program up to $1,000 /month in FREE housing...
So these people get:
=== $ 5,666 in Earned Income Credit i.e. a check from Uncle Sam instead of paying they get a check!!!
=== $12,000 free housing , Section 8 will pay up to $1,000/month
=== $ 2,400 free food,
=== $ 1,200 in free cell phone plus
=== $ 5,000 a year in free health care from Medicaid.
So this is about $26,000 a year in FREE MONEY, free goods and free services...

That compared to NOTHING in any support when I was in high school in 1960.... YEA things are far far better to be poor today!!!
Since the far righties here are cherry picking the stats, and inflating some of them, ask them what was the poverty rate in 1960 by race? What was it by 1970? Now?

Here is what the "poor" have today that "WE" (my dad in 1960 made $400/month and took care of a family of 4 kids and wife who didn't work)
Today this is what the family living in "poverty (as we did supposedly... in 1960 with NO aid...)

People in poverty in the USA get:

a) Free Cell phone (my cell phone I PAY is about $100/month)
if the poor person receives just one of the below FREE entitlements:
* Food stamps * Medicaid * Section 8 * Supplemental Security Income * National School Lunch Program

b) 40 million Americans on food stamps get $200/month in free food.

it cost $75.7 billion in 2011 compared to $35 billion in 2008; and enrollment has hit an all-time high of 46.7 million recipients.
Meanwhile, the number of children receiving free school lunches has inflated from 18 to 21 million — an unprecedented jump —
about 2.1 million households (6 million) use Section 8 the Housing Choice Voucher program, pays a large
c) portion of the rents and utilities of or the Housing Choice Voucher Program up to $1,000 /month in FREE housing...
So these people get:
=== $ 5,666 in Earned Income Credit i.e. a check from Uncle Sam instead of paying they get a check!!!
=== $12,000 free housing , Section 8 will pay up to $1,000/month
=== $ 2,400 free food,
=== $ 1,200 in free cell phone plus
=== $ 5,000 a year in free health care from Medicaid.
So this is about $26,000 a year in FREE MONEY, free goods and free services...

That compared to NOTHING in any support when I was in high school in 1960.... YEA things are far far better to be poor today!!!

In other words, you don't know. OK.
And it was Johnson who began the "Great Society" - a program that was going to end poverty in America. Again, his idea was that it would enslave blacks to democrats and, in reality, it did.

That sir is a lie

Funny. I remember sitting in our living room with my Mother and Father watching his speech. How about you? However, since you liberals don't believe people who were actually ALIVE in those days..Here's your link:

Great Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes that is a link. Too bad its not a link to back your bullshit tho because that link doesnt exist :lol:
And it was Johnson who began the "Great Society" - a program that was going to end poverty in America. Again, his idea was that it would enslave blacks to democrats and, in reality, it did.

That was 1964? 65? and since he signed that bill, we have spent an estimated 5 TRILLION dollars "ending poverty" in America.

Look around you. We have as many "poor" people in this country NOW than we had THEN. TRILLIONS of dollars just go *poof* and no one even notices. Proof absolute that Democrats are the sleaziest assholes on the planet.

"The War on Poverty created a number of important federal and state initiatives that remain in place today—from Head Start to nutrition assistance to Medicare and Medicaid. These initiatives, coupled with the civil rights advances of the era and the overall strong economy in the 1960s, led to a reduction in the number of people living in poverty from around 19 percent to a historic low of 11.1 percent by the early 1970s."

50 Years After LBJ?s War on Poverty | Center for American Progress

The right wing arguments against the War on Poverty always boil down to: See, these programs that we have underfunded or cut back or otherwise hobbled don't work now that we have broken them. So give more money to rich people!


Is that a fact?

So, since the bill was signed in the early 60s we have spent TRILLIONS for Headstart - Wow, now THERE is a return on an investment! TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

So Randall, do you agree with those people on the video? At approximately 1;02 in the video a guy stated that "Obama has passed legislation that helped those illegal aliens", what "legislation" was that? Since I'm sure a guy like you may believe in "states rights", don't you think it would be incumbent on the State of Illinois, Cook County, and the City of Chicago to deal with those local problems? Do you think that the Federal government should intervene in Chicago and spend money there?
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"The War on Poverty created a number of important federal and state initiatives that remain in place today—from Head Start to nutrition assistance to Medicare and Medicaid. These initiatives, coupled with the civil rights advances of the era and the overall strong economy in the 1960s, led to a reduction in the number of people living in poverty from around 19 percent to a historic low of 11.1 percent by the early 1970s."

50 Years After LBJ?s War on Poverty | Center for American Progress

The right wing arguments against the War on Poverty always boil down to: See, these programs that we have underfunded or cut back or otherwise hobbled don't work now that we have broken them. So give more money to rich people!


Is that a fact?

So, since the bill was signed in the early 60s we have spent TRILLIONS for Headstart - Wow, now THERE is a return on an investment! TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

So Randall, do you agree with those people on the video? At approximately 1;02 in the video a guy stated that "Obama has passed legislation that helped those illegal aliens", what "legislation" was that? Since I'm sure a guy like you may believe in "states rights", don't you think it would be incumbent on the State of Illinois, Cook County, and the City of Chicago to deal with those local problems? Do you think that the Federal government should intervene in Chicago and spend money there?

Semantics, Executive Order.
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Is that a fact?


So, since the bill was signed in the early 60s we have spent TRILLIONS for Headstart - Wow, now THERE is a return on an investment! TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

So Randall, do you agree with those people on the video? At approximately 1;02 in the video a guy stated that "Obama has passed legislation that helped those illegal aliens", what "legislation" was that? Since I'm sure a guy like you may believe in "states rights", don't you think it would be incumbent on the State of Illinois, Cook County, and the City of Chicago to deal with those local problems? Do you think that the Federal government should intervene in Chicago and spend money there?

Semantics, Executive Order.

Can you please expand on what you posted? What "semantics" are you referring to? What "Executive Order" are you referring to?
That sir is a lie

Funny. I remember sitting in our living room with my Mother and Father watching his speech. How about you? However, since you liberals don't believe people who were actually ALIVE in those days..Here's your link:

Great Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes that is a link. Too bad its not a link to back your bullshit tho because that link doesnt exist :lol:

You're a funny, funny little man. I just made you look stupid (really wasn't hard) and then you re-inforced it. Good for you! :D
"The War on Poverty created a number of important federal and state initiatives that remain in place today—from Head Start to nutrition assistance to Medicare and Medicaid. These initiatives, coupled with the civil rights advances of the era and the overall strong economy in the 1960s, led to a reduction in the number of people living in poverty from around 19 percent to a historic low of 11.1 percent by the early 1970s."

50 Years After LBJ?s War on Poverty | Center for American Progress

The right wing arguments against the War on Poverty always boil down to: See, these programs that we have underfunded or cut back or otherwise hobbled don't work now that we have broken them. So give more money to rich people!


Is that a fact?

So, since the bill was signed in the early 60s we have spent TRILLIONS for Headstart - Wow, now THERE is a return on an investment! TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

So Randall, do you agree with those people on the video? At approximately 1;02 in the video a guy stated that "Obama has passed legislation that helped those illegal aliens", what "legislation" was that? Since I'm sure a guy like you may believe in "states rights", don't you think it would be incumbent on the State of Illinois, Cook County, and the City of Chicago to deal with those local problems? Do you think that the Federal government should intervene in Chicago and spend money there?

How the hell would I know? Do YOU know what's in the hearts of those people? Can't you understand what complete and utter frustration is - with THEIR man from THEIR state who has all but ignored their suffering? More people are being killed each week in Chicago than in Afghanistan. Do you UNDERSTAND THAT?

How the hell do you expect these folks to feel?

You liberals amaze me. The POINT is that Chicago has been under the thumb of democrats for as long as anyone can remember. THIS is what they have to show for it. Absolute and abject FAILURE. Just like Detroit.

Yes sir! Your party is wonderful!!! :cuckoo:

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And it was Johnson who began the "Great Society" - a program that was going to end poverty in America. Again, his idea was that it would enslave blacks to democrats and, in reality, it did.

That was 1964? 65? and since he signed that bill, we have spent an estimated 5 TRILLION dollars "ending poverty" in America.

Look around you. We have as many "poor" people in this country NOW than we had THEN. TRILLIONS of dollars just go *poof* and no one even notices. Proof absolute that Democrats are the sleaziest assholes on the planet.

"The War on Poverty created a number of important federal and state initiatives that remain in place today—from Head Start to nutrition assistance to Medicare and Medicaid. These initiatives, coupled with the civil rights advances of the era and the overall strong economy in the 1960s, led to a reduction in the number of people living in poverty from around 19 percent to a historic low of 11.1 percent by the early 1970s."

50 Years After LBJ?s War on Poverty | Center for American Progress

The right wing arguments against the War on Poverty always boil down to: See, these programs that we have underfunded or cut back or otherwise hobbled don't work now that we have broken them. So give more money to rich people!


Is that a fact?

So, since the bill was signed in the early 60s we have spent TRILLIONS for Headstart - Wow, now THERE is a return on an investment! TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.


Trillions? SOURCE?
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Is that a fact?


So, since the bill was signed in the early 60s we have spent TRILLIONS for Headstart - Wow, now THERE is a return on an investment! TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

So Randall, do you agree with those people on the video? At approximately 1;02 in the video a guy stated that "Obama has passed legislation that helped those illegal aliens", what "legislation" was that? Since I'm sure a guy like you may believe in "states rights", don't you think it would be incumbent on the State of Illinois, Cook County, and the City of Chicago to deal with those local problems? Do you think that the Federal government should intervene in Chicago and spend money there?

Semantics, Executive Order.

Either or, Sunny Jim. What should it be?
In an election-year policy change, the Obama administration said Friday it will stop deporting young illegal immigrants who entered the United States as children if they meet certain requirements.
The shift on the politically volatile issue of immigration policy prompted immediate praise from Latino leaders who have criticized Congress and the White House for inaction, while Republicans reacted with outrage, saying the move amounts to amnesty -- a negative buzz word among conservatives -- and usurps congressional authority.

Obama administration to stop deporting some young illegal immigrants - CNN.com

It's no fucking accident these kids are showing up you idiots.
This is why the Gov of the Central American Countries are promoting this shit, even though these kids do NOT meet the requirements, which is the shit Obama has been hiding behind, they continue to come and the Boi KIng isn't sending ANYONE home.
So Randall, do you agree with those people on the video? At approximately 1;02 in the video a guy stated that "Obama has passed legislation that helped those illegal aliens", what "legislation" was that? Since I'm sure a guy like you may believe in "states rights", don't you think it would be incumbent on the State of Illinois, Cook County, and the City of Chicago to deal with those local problems? Do you think that the Federal government should intervene in Chicago and spend money there?

Semantics, Executive Order.

Either or, Sunny Jim. What should it be?

How many of these kids you taking in Jake?
How many you helping, Antares?

We donate our time and money to family and children causes here in the city.

How much time and money to you contribute?
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“I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One -
Some Of The Lost History In The Civil Rights Movement

Think of it. A president of the USA using the N-word and a Democrat president to boot!

And How was Johnson so confident the blacks would vote Democrat for next 200 years?

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”—LBJ

Amazing isn't it that Democrats are NOT held accountable for such disgusting comment from a Democrat and a President no less?
Where is the indignation?

Why would a guy who never made those quotes be held accountable for them?

Better question: Why would his political party be held accountable, even if he had said 'em?

Hey, aren't you working on an exposé about which hand Lyndon Johnson wiped his ass with?

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