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What did that Uber-Patriot Rush Limbaugh do to Commemorate 9-11?

I don't know. I'm asking.

You see, that Socialist, Marxist, unAmerican, Non-American, Kenyan-born Communist President Barack Obama actually went to all three sites where American hijacked planes were used as weapons against our fellow citizens. President Obama didn't make a big production of the event in order to draw attention to himself. He simply paid his respects to the victims, and their families, and the nation as a whole.

So, what did that Uber-Patriot, Rush Limbaugh do. I thought for SURE I would see that the mult-millionaire broadcaster would take some time out of his not so busy schedule to hold a vigil for the fallen Americans, or at least to participate in some event where he could honor the victims, their families, and the first responders and soldiers who have carried the burden of defending this nation. But I haven't seen or heard any news about Limbaugh's activities over the weekend.

What do you think? Do you think he just went out to play golf?
I did not know that Rush was a politician. Oh yeah, he is not. He can do what he wants. And you dont know what he did in the privacy of his own home.:cuckoo:
I know one thing he wasn't doing, he wasn't getting on a political message board wondering what you were doing.:lol::lol::lol: What was Bill Maher doing, taking a shit on Ground Zero or pissing on the Pentagon while praising the bravery of the murderous brainwashed chicken shits that piloted those planes into those buildings?
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This thread is soooooo stupid.

BSNBC alone has enough lunacy going on nightly we on the right could post threads hour by hour calling their personalities to task. BUT WE DONT

Judge him for his public statements then. His private life is out of bounds.

Oh I do.

In that very speech he mixed up the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. He also hilariously pointed out that when he looks out into an audience he sees Americans and not skin color. Then he goes on his show and blabbers it up about people of different skin colors he can't stand.


By the way..he's constantly attacking other people's private lives. Constantly.

Yea? Honestly I couldnt care less. He is no different than any other TV, movie or radio personality. They all do what they feel their fans want to hear or see to turn a profit as would you or I. Wheres the controversy?

Oh..he's very different then a good number of personalities. He has about as much power as Grover Norquist..another unelected leader of the Conservatives.
Oh I do.

In that very speech he mixed up the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. He also hilariously pointed out that when he looks out into an audience he sees Americans and not skin color. Then he goes on his show and blabbers it up about people of different skin colors he can't stand.


By the way..he's constantly attacking other people's private lives. Constantly.

Yea? Honestly I couldnt care less. He is no different than any other TV, movie or radio personality. They all do what they feel their fans want to hear or see to turn a profit as would you or I. Wheres the controversy?

Oh..he's very different then a good number of personalities. He has about as much power as Grover Norquist..another unelected leader of the Conservatives.

So your saying he is like George Sorros or the Union leaders or Acorn or Daily Kos or any other leftwing power house?

Give it a rest
Yea? Honestly I couldnt care less. He is no different than any other TV, movie or radio personality. They all do what they feel their fans want to hear or see to turn a profit as would you or I. Wheres the controversy?

Oh..he's very different then a good number of personalities. He has about as much power as Grover Norquist..another unelected leader of the Conservatives.

So your saying he is like George Sorros or the Union leaders or Acorn or Daily Kos or any other leftwing power house?

Give it a rest

No one signed a pledge with any of those people. Additionally, they are not the ones giving the orders.
Maybe Rush relaxed a bit.Watched some TV specials dealing with 9-11.Maybe he took some notes and did some show prep.You see that's what people who produce in this country might do.

The others just sit around and bitch that their lives suck and wait for government to take care of them.
Maybe Rush relaxed a bit.Watched some TV specials dealing with 9-11.Maybe he took some notes and did some show prep.You see that's what people who produce in this country might do.

The others just sit around and bitch that their lives suck and wait for government to take care of them.

I didn't realize Limbaugh was now considered one of the people who produce in this country.
Maybe Rush relaxed a bit.Watched some TV specials dealing with 9-11.Maybe he took some notes and did some show prep.You see that's what people who produce in this country might do.

The others just sit around and bitch that their lives suck and wait for government to take care of them.

I really wish I could give you tripple rep for this but im out damnit.
Maybe Rush relaxed a bit.Watched some TV specials dealing with 9-11.Maybe he took some notes and did some show prep.You see that's what people who produce in this country might do.

The others just sit around and bitch that their lives suck and wait for government to take care of them.

I didn't realize Limbaugh was now considered one of the people who produce in this country.

He has many employees. He also produces and sells his own Iced Tea brand which produces jobs and revenue. He is an outlet for many companies to sell their products, thus producing jobs and revenue.
What did Bill Clinton do on 9/11/11? ( He actually refused custody of U.B.L.........twice. )

What Did Nancy Pelosi do? (pimp for votes?)

What did Harry Reed Do? (see above)

What did John Kerry, the french looking candidate, do? ( deride more of his fellow army comrads?)

What did AlGore do? ( pimp his book/movie?)

The OPs question makes about as much sense as the above questions.

Who gives a fuck?
If you were like me, you avoided the whole thing. From the NFL to NASCAR, From the FNC's reliving, to MSNBC's rewriting of history. Just so they can sell more progressive insurance and tampons.

The whole subject makes me want to crawl into a corner and weep.
I don't know. I'm asking.

You see, that Socialist, Marxist, unAmerican, Non-American, Kenyan-born Communist President Barack Obama actually went to all three sites where American hijacked planes were used as weapons against our fellow citizens. President Obama didn't make a big production of the event in order to draw attention to himself. He simply paid his respects to the victims, and their families, and the nation as a whole.

So, what did that Uber-Patriot, Rush Limbaugh do. I thought for SURE I would see that the mult-millionaire broadcaster would take some time out of his not so busy schedule to hold a vigil for the fallen Americans, or at least to participate in some event where he could honor the victims, their families, and the first responders and soldiers who have carried the burden of defending this nation. But I haven't seen or heard any news about Limbaugh's activities over the weekend.

What do you think? Do you think he just went out to play golf?

If he didn't make a production out of it, and was trying to not draw attention to himself, then how do you know?

It couldn't be because it was in the media, could it?

But wouldn't that mean a production was made of it, and attention was drawn to himself?

Just asking here....
He's an entertainer and he was on would I would think to be his off day for the weekend... I had no idea he was a public servant or chief executive trying to make a political showing for his elected office... so personally I don't really give a shit if he showed up somewhere, if he spent it at home with family, or went to a damn strip club and drank 3 beers and a jager bomb

A person doesn't have to be a public servant or chief executive to take some time to pay his respects to the fallen on the 10th anniversay of 9-11. However, Rush IS a public figure. He pontificates on everything. Therefore, it is not out of line to judge Limbaugh's words vis-a-vis Limbaugh's actions.

Rush's actions: Every year he does a three hour lukemia curathon show during which he donates some large sum to that; last year I think it was $400,000, and the donations from listeners were sometimes comparable and reach into the millions. Each year he does that he increases his own donation by 50 or a hundred K.

He takes zero part of those funds from contributors for his own behalf.

He also does an event for the Marine Corps/Law enforcement charity (for survivors of Marine and Law Enforcement dead which includes the fallen of 9/11 that you're SO concerned for) for the education of their surviving children. He gives a similarly large donation for that and gets results from his listeners.

So what if he doesn't attempt to make 9/11 events somehow about him.

You do need to chill out, your RESENTFUL HEART.
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Say what? The left thinks a radio personality should hold a vigil on the 9-11 anniversary to prove he is a patriot? Is the left going nuts?
He may be "private" but he sure has the ear of most of the public Republican elected officials..

Rush Limbaugh CPAC 2009 part 1 of 11 - YouTube
May 13, 2010
RUSH: Conservatives remember that "we, the people" are the government. ... We do not divide people by groups. We do not see groups. We do not look at people and decide that they're not this or not that or not competent, based on how they look or how they dress.

Feb 25, 2008
RUSH: We are letting a bunch of long-haired, maggot-infested, dope-smoking, Birkenstock-wearing, linguine-spined liberals determine how this country grows or not, environmentalist numskulls who place a higher value on a kangaroo rat or a snail darter than your kids!
He may be "private" but he sure has the ear of most of the public Republican elected officials..

Rush Limbaugh CPAC 2009 part 1 of 11 - YouTube
May 13, 2010
RUSH: Conservatives remember that "we, the people" are the government. ... We do not divide people by groups. We do not see groups. We do not look at people and decide that they're not this or not that or not competent, based on how they look or how they dress.

Feb 25, 2008
RUSH: We are letting a bunch of long-haired, maggot-infested, dope-smoking, Birkenstock-wearing, linguine-spined liberals determine how this country grows or not, environmentalist numskulls who place a higher value on a kangaroo rat or a snail darter than your kids!

Oh boo-hoo. Lefties are offended by a voice on the radio. Get some perspective people.
If you libs stopped listening and caring about the man, he'd go broke...
I don't know. I'm asking.

You see, that Socialist, Marxist, unAmerican, Non-American, Kenyan-born Communist President Barack Obama actually went to all three sites where American hijacked planes were used as weapons against our fellow citizens. President Obama didn't make a big production of the event in order to draw attention to himself. He simply paid his respects to the victims, and their families, and the nation as a whole.

So, what did that Uber-Patriot, Rush Limbaugh do. I thought for SURE I would see that the mult-millionaire broadcaster would take some time out of his not so busy schedule to hold a vigil for the fallen Americans, or at least to participate in some event where he could honor the victims, their families, and the first responders and soldiers who have carried the burden of defending this nation. But I haven't seen or heard any news about Limbaugh's activities over the weekend.

What do you think? Do you think he just went out to play golf?

WTF? You people are downright whackjobs. By what possible stretch of demented imagination do you think Limbaugh somehow "owed" it to ANYONE to be doing ANYTHING public on 9/11? Seriously dude.

Let's see if you can grasp this one.

Obama -President of the United States. Your President, my President whether we voted for him or not. Ran for and won election and intends to run for re-election. His first duty to the nation as spelled out in the Constitution is to protect this nation from just this kind of attack. He has the force of GOVERNMENT behind him in order to use that power to fuck things up for everyone both in this country and abroad. What he says and does can make the economy worse and cause people to lose their jobs. What a President says and does can affect every single person in the nation -and beyond. And this guy wants to be re-elected in order to continue wielding that power. What the President does and says can change the course of history and he holds the very lives of people in his hands -whether he deserves to be trusted with them or not.

Limbaugh -PRIVATE CITIZEN with no power to affect your life whatsoever. As in NOT AT ALL. He can't make you do ANYTHING and he can't make anyone else do anything either. What he says won't cost you one dime or make you one dime. He shares his opinions about those who do have the power to make you do something. That's it buddy. Obviously something you find really, really scary to actually put this guy on the same par with the President of the United States and someone with the REAL power to affect your life! Which is actually very, very WEIRD -in case you really didn't know that. Its like demanding to know why that asshole Paul Krugman didn't do what Obama did yesterday and acting like his obligation as a private citizen is the same as a President's too. First of all I don't give a flying fuck what Krugman did -and I don't consider the fact he has opinions with which I wholeheartedly disagree to be "scary" and amounts to "power" and somehow obligates him to public service when he is no public servant whatsoever. And neither is Limbaugh. The power to persuade people your opinions have merit is still not real power. Even if you want to pretend it is. Nothing is going to happen to you AT ALL by ignoring what he says -which tells you whether its real power or not. Ignorance about what those in government have decided will be the law is rejected as an excuse for the failure to do what they told you. But its accepted as a reason for not knowing what Limbaugh had to say.

You don't like to listen to what he has to say -push the "off" button on your radio. Pushing the off button with Obama won't change his ability to personally affect my life though -that only works when its people who actually DON"T HAVE ANY POWER. The fact you don't like it that OTHER people choose to listen to him talk about his opinions is TOUGH SHIT and called "life" so deal with it already. Having an OPINION about what the people with the power are doing -does not amount to "power". Grasp this one already -he isn't elected to any office, he isn't running for office so HE can have that power and he never will. The fact he has a big mouth with strongly held opinions still doesn't amount to jackshit. Sorry to be the one to break that news to you. The fact you mention Obama and Limbaugh in the same context, essentially DEMANDING to know what a private citizen did that day as if one owes the nation some kind of public display on the same kind of level as a President is just BIZARRO WORLD! And it definitely works as yet one more example of just how totally demented the left gets about dissenting opinion. So much so they actually believe those who merely opine about those with the real power -are just as powerful as those with the REAL power to use the force of government to make you do exactly what they want. Wow. That is so sick as to be nearly unbelievable -except I know this is exactly how much the left FEARS and DESPISES and is INTOLERANT of difference in THOUGHT. Its a fundamental principle for them.

So to answer your really, really stupid question - Limbaugh was undoubtedly being a PRIVATE CITIZEN on 9/11 -just like you were dummy.

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