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Remembering 9/11/01: May this country never forget the events of 9/11/01 and pass it on to our kids

]Satellite Photo Shows 9/11 Was Demolition

Aerial view of WTC complex taken on September 23, 2001, before clean-up operations had begun. For largest detail photo go HERE.

Close up of steel debris

Larger area

For largest detail photo go HERE.

One of the first things Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who coordinated the destruction of the steel evidence at Ground Zero, did after the attack was prohibit almost all photography at the site. Police and FBI agents were ordered to confiscate cameras on the spot, although inevitably, there were simply too many people swarming the crime scene for such a stricture to be successfully enforced.

One key piece of photographic evidence that did survive the government's attempts to keep the public in the dark about what happened that day was an aerial photo taken on Sept. 23, 2001, long before major clean-up operations had begun. Rescue workers and firefighters were still primarily concerned with searching for human remains and even long-shot survivors. The clash between police and firefighters which took place as Giuliani hastened to the "scoop and dump" phase of the operation was Nov. 2.

The aerial photo shows what no other photo could in such clear and convincing detail: that the towers did not collapse down through the line of gravity, but were blown outwards in all directions for two or three times as far as the towers were wide, leaving a carpet of cleanly-cut steel beams and perimeter wall sections across the entire WTC complex. No force imaginable in a downward gravitational collapse can explain the lateral ejection of steel sections with the weight of bulldozers for up to two football fields, at clocked speeds of up to 70 MPH.

As can be seen in the aerial photo, the steel beam pieces are mostly straight as arrows, un-deformed by heat, and cut neatly at the ends. The steel beams do not wind up in a mound, as one would expect, with the center of the tower's bases as the high point, but rather scattered uniformly across the entire World Trade Center complex, which consisted of seven buildings. Perimeter sections, which consisted of 15-inch wide beam assemblies covered with aluminum cladding, can be seen lying thickly across WTC 6, nearly two football fields away. Each one of these pieces weighed up to 20 or more tons.

The official NIST report explained dust ejections (what are obviously demolition squibs) by saying "compressed air" forced the dust out of breaking windows. But no amount of compressed air can lift 20-ton steel assemblies and hurl them laterally for 400 feet, at 50 to 70 MPH.

Hence the reason for Giuliani's ban on photography at Ground Zero. No amount of instruction in physics or fire temperature calculations would be as dangerous to the official "collapse" theory as plain visual evidence of demolition. One need only to believe what your eyes are telling you . Steel falls down, not outward for 200 feet and more, at speeds of up to 80 MPH.

The below video narrated by David Chandler gives one of the best views of cut steel beam shooting upwards and outwards, not falling down through the line of gravity. Keeping in mind the massive scale of the towers (nearly a football field wide,) it must be remembered that what seem like tiny sticks are 10 foot long pieces of two-foot wide steel beam and larger, of which even the smallest would weigh nearly one ton.

Here is another view of multi-ton pieces of cut steel beams spinning away from the building as if they were toothpicks.

Circled sections of steel beam are approximately 10 feet long, the height of one story

This rarely seen photo shows the width of the debris field and lateral ejections of steel and pulverized concrete debris, which can be explained only by high explosives.

Perimeter wall sections under construction

Core Beam

(Note: in satellite photo piece of perimeter assembly is mistakenly identified as having landed outside of WTC 4, shown leaning against it.)

It didn't really explode. It turned to dust. Did not slam into the ground nor did it burn down, aside from the impact fires and they were localized.

I'm glad I saw your post before I closed outta the site, yours get moved quite a bit and I never see em again because when I click on new posts, it doesn't show the subby it gets moved to.

Dumb ass goat humpers think they are Engineers. The WTC was built with an outer shell that allowed it to be erected quickly. Unlike other buildings which required an extensive framework of internal girders, and beams, the WTC did not need as much of this. The building was built to be a bit flexible too, and was designed to be Earthquake resistant. This is all dependent on the External Skeleton. and every floor was attached to this external skeleton which was designed to share the building load with the internal framework.

The EVIL MASTERMINDS of the Cowardly 911 attacks studied The Engineering of the WTC and Pentagon. If you remember, they tried to detonate a huge van bomb a couple years earlier in an underground parking lot under the WTC. It did literally no damage because of the design of the building.

What they did in this instance was take a fully fueled 757 and turned it in to a 750,000 lb pair of scissors and sliced through the external skeleton and portions of the internal framework.

Again, the building survived even that. But what it was not designed to do was tolerate having it's external shell receive such massive damage and then have between 40,000 to 60,000 gallons of jet fuel ignited inside of the structure, which burns at 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. That is just the temp the fuel burns at. In an enclosed area like a building, the heat would have been much more than that as other materials like carpet and furniture would combust, and there were cross winds feeding a lot of oxygen in to the fire in an enclosed space

Essentially they turned the WTC in to a blazing hot oven, This deformed and weakened all the structure above the severed exoskeleton and damaged internal framework. Once that was weakened enough all the weight of the upper floors pressing down on the damaged sections of the building, caused the structure to fail and floor upon floor came crashing down one upon another from the top down.

Building demolitions are done from the bottom up, not the top down like this occurred!

People suggesting that the WTC was attacked by our own government are themselves allies of terrorists. They are ignorant savages and Evil People. I personally think they should be banned from THE USMB because the USMB is actually allowing terrorists and terrorist sympathizers to propagandize the readers of this forum with misinformation, & lies and this aides and abets the enemies of America.

Compare this building demo with what happened at the WTC. And then punch anyone who says the WTC was an inside job right in the nose. I hope your break their nose and eye sockets.

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and let us never forget who attacked us on 9/11 and why they did it.


Now, today, we have two radical muslim women in the US congress whose sole reason for being there is to help destroy this nation. The muslim jihad is a long term effort to put the entire world under muslim rule. their goal in the US is to infiltrate and destroy from within. These two women are but the nose of the trojan horse. We must remove them from congress and never let another muslim enter those halls.
and let us never forget who attacked us on 9/11 and why they did it.


Now, today, we have two radical muslim women in the US congress whose sole reason for being there is to help destroy this nation. The muslim jihad is a long term effort to put the entire world under muslim rule. their goal in the US is to infiltrate and destroy from within. These two women are but the nose of the trojan horse. We must remove them from congress and never let another muslim enter those halls.
That is because closet Mooslim, Obama Bin Lying, the great Jihadi Fellator, INTENTIONALLY targeted certain communities and flooded them with Fake Islamic Refugees and devoted America Haters forever destroying the natural demographics of those communities.

These effectively have become Islamic No Go Zones harboring our enemies right in our own back yard. This is how demons like Omar and Talib and other like minded assholes have gotten elected.

This is what Obama meant by Fundamentally Transforming America....through population replacement.
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Most peeps in Afghanistan have no internet... TV... and have no idea what's going on around the world. They're too busy trying not to starve, or get bombed.

The people of a nation are responsible for the acts of their government. Maybe not as much as the leaders actually making the decisions, but the support of people is what gives a government its power. If they don't want to get bombed they either need to get their house in order, or move.
So we killed a million (or so) people in Iraq because they couldn't control Saddam? Umm... No.

No. We killed a million people in Iraq because the neo-cons took advantage of the terrorist attacks to pursue their broader foreign policy agenda. Essentially they doubled down on the very thing that caused 9/11 in the first place.
So you're walking your previous statement back. Good for you.

No, I'm not walking anything back. What are you talking about?

Nothing? Taz. You wanna back up your claim, don't you? What is it you think I walked back? Clearly, you don't understand my position if you think I've walked something back.
Does anyone besides me recognize Muslim terrorist supporters when they lie or are muslim?

Bin Laden: Yes, I did it

By David Bamber

OSAMA BIN LADEN has for the first time admitted that his al-Qa'eda group carried out the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, the Telegraph can reveal.

In a previously undisclosed video which has been circulating for 14 days among his supporters, he confesses that "history should be a witness that we are terrorists. Yes, we kill their innocents".

In the footage, shot in the Afghan mountains at the end of October, a smiling bin Laden goes on to say that the World Trade Centre's twin towers were a "legitimate target" and the pilots who hijacked the planes were "blessed by Allah".

The killing of at least 4,537 people was justified, he claims, because they were "not civilians" but were working for the American system.

Bin Laden also makes a direct personal threat against Tony Blair, the Prime Minister, for the first time, and warns nations such as Australia, Germany and Japan to stay out of the conflict.

The video will form the centrepiece of Britain and America's new evidence against bin Laden, to be released this Wednesday.

The footage, to which the Telegraph obtained access in the Middle East yesterday, was not made for public release via the al-Jazeera television network used by bin Laden for propaganda purposes in the past. It is believed to be intended as a rallying call to al-Qa'eda members.

In the video, bin Laden says: "The Twin Towers were legitimate targets, they were supporting US economic power. These events were great by all measurement. What was destroyed were not only the towers, but the towers of morale in that country."

The hijackers were "blessed by Allah to destroy America's economic and military landmarks". He freely admits to being behind the attacks: "If avenging the killing of our people is terrorism then history should be a witness that we are terrorists. Yes, we kill their innocents and this is legal religiously and logically."

In a contradictory section, however, bin Laden justifies killing the occupants of the Twin Towers because they were not civilians - Islam forbids the killing of innocent civilians even in a holy war.

He says: "The towers were supposed to be filled with supporters of the economical powers of the United States who are abusing the world. Those who talk about civilians should change their stand and reconsider their position. We are treating them like they treated us."

Bin Laden goes on to justify his entire terror campaign. "There are two types of terror, good and bad. What we are practising is good terror. We will not stop killing them and whoever supports them."

He directly threatens the lives of President Bush and Mr Blair. "Bush and Blair don't understand anything but the power of force. Every time they kill us, we kill them, so the balance of terror can be achieved." He also calls on all Muslims to join him. "It is the duty of every Muslim to fight. Killing Jews is top priority."

Bin Laden warns other nations to keep out of the conflict, implying that they could face terror attacks if they do not.

In the video, he also claims responsibility for an unspecified terrorist outrage in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, which he claims was sparked by secret messages in one of his videos.

He admits for the first time using public pronouncements on video to whip up terrorism - a danger about which the British and American governments have warned broadcasters.

It is significant that throughout the video he uses the personal pronouns "I" and "we" to claim responsibility for the attacks. In the past, he has spoken of the attackers only in the third person.

Bin Laden has publicly issued four previous videos since September 11, always denying carrying out the atrocities.

He now claims to have access to nuclear and chemical weapons. Bin Laden made the claims on Friday night during an interview with the English language Pakistani newspaper Dawn.

He said: "If America used chemical or nuclear weapons against us, then we may retort with chemical and nuclear weapons. We have the weapons as deterrent."

Defence analysts dismissed these claims. They said that although bin Laden could have access to nuclear material through links with Pakistan or former Soviet republics, he was unlikely to have the technology to cause an explosion.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: "We know that he was looking for that capability. We believe he does not have it."

Emergency powers to imprison suspected international terrorists indefinitely using special closed courts will be announced this week. The measure, which will require exemption from human rights legislation, will be used to round up about 20 suspects hiding in Britain beyond the reach of existing laws.

Bin Laden: Yes, I did it

The muslim an ABNORMALS propaganda and lies never stop!

Don't tell me you fell for the fake "fatty bin Laden" "confession" video which US forces just happened to "find" in Kandahar. The surprise isn't that it is fake, it's not even a good one. Broader forehead, higher cheekbones, different nose. We have been through a few fake OBLs none of them good. In one his beard even gets darker as he aged, not grayer, even though it is strictly haram to dye your beard with anything but henna.






Bin Laden died at Tora Bora or soon after. He was a diabetic who needed regular dialysis and a very sick man.

LOL they dumped him into the ocean so no DNA, no positive ID.


I know,I was just about to comment on that myself how he fell for the obvious faked video of a man that looks NOTHING like Bin Laden but you beat me tpo the punch,i could not have said it better myself,as always,he ends up with egg on his face.:iyfyus.jpg:

Plus he conviently left out Dan Rather even reported the truth that he said he had nothing to do with the attacks. :iyfyus.jpg:

The 9/11 attacks were a product of U.S. foreign policy. Period.

That's what should be taught to future generations.

could not have said it better myself.:beer::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::thankusmile:
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and let us never forget who attacked us on 9/11 and why they did it.


Now, today, we have two radical muslim women in the US congress whose sole reason for being there is to help destroy this nation. The muslim jihad is a long term effort to put the entire world under muslim rule. their goal in the US is to infiltrate and destroy from within. These two women are but the nose of the trojan horse. We must remove them from congress and never let another muslim enter those halls.

yeah it was muslims thats WHY there were Israeli students arrested that were caught on film filming the event jumping up and down celebrating when the towers came down because it was Muslims that did it. it was muslims thats WHY you see these pics here of ISRAEL children mocking and laughing at americans who lost their lives from that fire that day.

miserable fail.:abgg2q.jpg:

Newly Released FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks

Israeli site shows photo of kids dressed as burning Twin Towers for Purim, upsets everyone - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

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I personally think we should just Nuke everything in The Middle East but Israel.

so you love a country that goes out and starts wars with other countrys and murders women and children all the time. wow that just says it all right there.
Why should we be any better than the Terrorists who want to murder us? I say, if they think we are The Great Satan, then we give them a taste of HELL and turn their entire region to glass.
and let us never forget who attacked us on 9/11 and why they did it.


Now, today, we have two radical muslim women in the US congress whose sole reason for being there is to help destroy this nation. The muslim jihad is a long term effort to put the entire world under muslim rule. their goal in the US is to infiltrate and destroy from within. These two women are but the nose of the trojan horse. We must remove them from congress and never let another muslim enter those halls.

yeah it was muslims thats WHY there were Israeli students arrested that were caught on film filming the event jumping up and down celebrating when the towers came down because it was Muslims that did it. it was muslims thats WHY you see these pics here of ISRAEL children mocking and laughing at americans who lost their lives from that fire that day.

miserable fail.:abgg2q.jpg:

Newly Released FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks

Israeli site shows photo of kids dressed as burning Twin Towers for Purim, upsets everyone - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

You do realize that this was the scum offspring of a Muslim who decided to taunt Israelis on Purin with this costume, correct? Do some research next time goat lover.

These people also dress up like Orthodox Jews and take pictures of themselves promoting a two state solution, and decrying The Evils of The Israeli Government for Propaganda Purposes just like you did here.
]Satellite Photo Shows 9/11 Was Demolition

Aerial view of WTC complex taken on September 23, 2001, before clean-up operations had begun. For largest detail photo go HERE.

Close up of steel debris

Larger area

For largest detail photo go HERE.

One of the first things Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who coordinated the destruction of the steel evidence at Ground Zero, did after the attack was prohibit almost all photography at the site. Police and FBI agents were ordered to confiscate cameras on the spot, although inevitably, there were simply too many people swarming the crime scene for such a stricture to be successfully enforced.

One key piece of photographic evidence that did survive the government's attempts to keep the public in the dark about what happened that day was an aerial photo taken on Sept. 23, 2001, long before major clean-up operations had begun. Rescue workers and firefighters were still primarily concerned with searching for human remains and even long-shot survivors. The clash between police and firefighters which took place as Giuliani hastened to the "scoop and dump" phase of the operation was Nov. 2.

The aerial photo shows what no other photo could in such clear and convincing detail: that the towers did not collapse down through the line of gravity, but were blown outwards in all directions for two or three times as far as the towers were wide, leaving a carpet of cleanly-cut steel beams and perimeter wall sections across the entire WTC complex. No force imaginable in a downward gravitational collapse can explain the lateral ejection of steel sections with the weight of bulldozers for up to two football fields, at clocked speeds of up to 70 MPH.

As can be seen in the aerial photo, the steel beam pieces are mostly straight as arrows, un-deformed by heat, and cut neatly at the ends. The steel beams do not wind up in a mound, as one would expect, with the center of the tower's bases as the high point, but rather scattered uniformly across the entire World Trade Center complex, which consisted of seven buildings. Perimeter sections, which consisted of 15-inch wide beam assemblies covered with aluminum cladding, can be seen lying thickly across WTC 6, nearly two football fields away. Each one of these pieces weighed up to 20 or more tons.

The official NIST report explained dust ejections (what are obviously demolition squibs) by saying "compressed air" forced the dust out of breaking windows. But no amount of compressed air can lift 20-ton steel assemblies and hurl them laterally for 400 feet, at 50 to 70 MPH.

Hence the reason for Giuliani's ban on photography at Ground Zero. No amount of instruction in physics or fire temperature calculations would be as dangerous to the official "collapse" theory as plain visual evidence of demolition. One need only to believe what your eyes are telling you . Steel falls down, not outward for 200 feet and more, at speeds of up to 80 MPH.

The below video narrated by David Chandler gives one of the best views of cut steel beam shooting upwards and outwards, not falling down through the line of gravity. Keeping in mind the massive scale of the towers (nearly a football field wide,) it must be remembered that what seem like tiny sticks are 10 foot long pieces of two-foot wide steel beam and larger, of which even the smallest would weigh nearly one ton.

Here is another view of multi-ton pieces of cut steel beams spinning away from the building as if they were toothpicks.

Circled sections of steel beam are approximately 10 feet long, the height of one story

This rarely seen photo shows the width of the debris field and lateral ejections of steel and pulverized concrete debris, which can be explained only by high explosives.

Perimeter wall sections under construction

Core Beam

(Note: in satellite photo piece of perimeter assembly is mistakenly identified as having landed outside of WTC 4, shown leaning against it.)

It didn't really explode. It turned to dust. Did not slam into the ground nor did it burn down, aside from the impact fires and they were localized.

I'm glad I saw your post before I closed outta the site, yours get moved quite a bit and I never see em again because when I click on new posts, it doesn't show the subby it gets moved to.

Dumb ass goat humpers think they are Engineers. The WTC was built with an outer shell that allowed it to be erected quickly. Unlike other buildings which required an extensive framework of internal girders, and beams, the WTC did not need as much of this. The building was built to be a bit flexible too, and was designed to be Earthquake resistant. This is all dependent on the External Skeleton. and every floor was attached to this external skeleton which was designed to share the building load with the internal framework.

The EVIL MASTERMINDS of the Cowardly 911 attacks studied The Engineering of the WTC and Pentagon. If you remember, they tried to detonate a huge van bomb a couple years earlier in an underground parking lot under the WTC. It did literally no damage because of the design of the building.

What they did in this instance was take a fully fueled 757 and turned it in to a 750,000 lb pair of scissors and sliced through the external skeleton and portions of the internal framework.

Again, the building survived even that. But what it was not designed to do was tolerate having it's external shell receive such massive damage and then have between 40,000 to 60,000 gallons of jet fuel ignited inside of the structure, which burns at 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. That is just the temp the fuel burns at. In an enclosed area like a building, the heat would have been much more than that as other materials like carpet and furniture would combust, and there were cross winds feeding a lot of oxygen in to the fire in an enclosed space

Essentially they turned the WTC in to a blazing hot oven, This deformed and weakened all the structure above the severed exoskeleton and damaged internal framework. Once that was weakened enough all the weight of the upper floors pressing down on the damaged sections of the building, caused the structure to fail and floor upon floor came crashing down one upon another from the top down.

Building demolitions are done from the bottom up, not the top down like this occurred!

People suggesting that the WTC was attacked by our own government are themselves allies of terrorists. They are ignorant savages and Evil People. I personally think they should be banned from THE USMB because the USMB is actually allowing terrorists and terrorist sympathizers to propagandize the readers of this forum with misinformation, & lies and this aides and abets the enemies of America.

Compare this building demo with what happened at the WTC. And then punch anyone who says the WTC was an inside job right in the nose. I hope your break their nose and eye sockets.

you have obviously not been reading ANY of the posts of what Munkie has posted because he took you to school that explosives brought the towers down in all his posts.Oh and bld 7 is the key that you or nobody ever have been able to debunk that explosives brought the fires down in the fact there other buildings MUCH closer to the towers that had far more extensive fires and FAR MORE extensive damage than bld 7 yet THOSE buildings all remained standing.:abgg2q.jpg:

any nobody has ever been able to debunk this book that exlplosives brought the fires down and that it was a joint CIA/mossad operation.

IF you had EVER done any research on this you would KNOW that thousands of patriotic architevts and engineers disagree with your ramblings and not only that,demolition experts as well.:rolleyes:

dont you EVER get tired of embarrassing yourself with egg on your face?:iyfyus.jpg:

so you want all people who have debunked the governments version of events that the fires caused the collapse and the lie that muslims were behind the attacks banned?:rolleyes: sorry charley,it doesnt work that way in your warped world you live in,:itsok:

correction, posts like this saying the fires caused the towers to fall which has been proven to be an outright bullshit lie,THOSE posters should be banned.:rolleyes:

the author of this book has challenged our corrupt congress to debate him in the open on this book,those cowards NEVER took him up on the challenge knowing he could not refute his evidence.


you really need to stop embarrassing yourself with the egg you keep ending up with on your face in all your asinine BS ramblings.:abgg2q.jpg:
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and let us never forget who attacked us on 9/11 and why they did it.


Now, today, we have two radical muslim women in the US congress whose sole reason for being there is to help destroy this nation. The muslim jihad is a long term effort to put the entire world under muslim rule. their goal in the US is to infiltrate and destroy from within. These two women are but the nose of the trojan horse. We must remove them from congress and never let another muslim enter those halls.

yeah it was muslims thats WHY there were Israeli students arrested that were caught on film filming the event jumping up and down celebrating when the towers came down because it was Muslims that did it. it was muslims thats WHY you see these pics here of ISRAEL children mocking and laughing at americans who lost their lives from that fire that day.

miserable fail.:abgg2q.jpg:

Newly Released FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks

Israeli site shows photo of kids dressed as burning Twin Towers for Purim, upsets everyone - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

You do realize that this was the scum offspring of a Muslim who decided to taunt Israelis on Purin with this costume, correct? Do some research next time goat lover.

These people also dress up like Orthodox Jews and take pictures of themselves promoting a two state solution, and decrying The Evils of The Israeli Government for Propaganda Purposes just like you did here.

the only one doing propaganda here is you that the fires caused the collapse as i just took you to school on with the help of munkie of course.:iyfyus.jpg:
and let us never forget who attacked us on 9/11 and why they did it.


Now, today, we have two radical muslim women in the US congress whose sole reason for being there is to help destroy this nation. The muslim jihad is a long term effort to put the entire world under muslim rule. their goal in the US is to infiltrate and destroy from within. These two women are but the nose of the trojan horse. We must remove them from congress and never let another muslim enter those halls.

We've got two men in the White House who are both dedicated to destroying the US from within, and they purport to be Christians. We must remove them.
It didn't really explode. It turned to dust. Did not slam into the ground nor did it burn down, aside from the impact fires and they were localized.

I'm glad I saw your post before I closed outta the site, yours get moved quite a bit and I never see em again because when I click on new posts, it doesn't show the subby it gets moved to.

They didn't really explode except in the way standard demolitions explode, with each floor popping out in rapid sequence keeping up with the acceleration of the falling floors. Funny how in 20 years the media has never once reported these firefighters saying "it was just like a demolition" or any close-up view of the destruction. You'd think it would be a scoop.

Absolutely not one contradictory squeak that tells another story can be allowed onto TV, or too many people would smarten up real fast. Just a handful of truthers dig for youtubes you never see, then when they show them they get shunted to the conspiracy theory section. But the truth is coming out anyway.

“To hijack four big airliners within a few minutes and fly them into targets within a single hour and doing so on complicated flight routes! That is unthinkable, without backing from the secret apparatuses of state and industry.” - German intelligence official and Defense Ministry Secretary of State, Andreas Von Bulow, who wrote the book “The CIA and September 11.”

“The deathly precision of the attacks and the magnitude of planning would have required years of planning. Such a sophisticated operation would require the fixed frame of a state intelligence organization, something not found in a loose group, like the one led by the student Mohammed Atta in Hamburg.” - Eckehardt Werthebach, former president of Germany’s domestic intelligence service.

“Terrorists could not have carried out such an operation with four hijacked planes without the support of a secret service.” - Horst Ehmke, former coordinator of the West German secret services.

you so much took took everyone to school that explosives brought the towers down in your posts.too bad they are too afraid to look at the truth only seeing what they want to see refusing to watch those videso you posted that took them to school.:2up:
]Satellite Photo Shows 9/11 Was Demolition

Aerial view of WTC complex taken on September 23, 2001, before clean-up operations had begun. For largest detail photo go HERE.

Close up of steel debris

Larger area

For largest detail photo go HERE.

One of the first things Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who coordinated the destruction of the steel evidence at Ground Zero, did after the attack was prohibit almost all photography at the site. Police and FBI agents were ordered to confiscate cameras on the spot, although inevitably, there were simply too many people swarming the crime scene for such a stricture to be successfully enforced.

One key piece of photographic evidence that did survive the government's attempts to keep the public in the dark about what happened that day was an aerial photo taken on Sept. 23, 2001, long before major clean-up operations had begun. Rescue workers and firefighters were still primarily concerned with searching for human remains and even long-shot survivors. The clash between police and firefighters which took place as Giuliani hastened to the "scoop and dump" phase of the operation was Nov. 2.

The aerial photo shows what no other photo could in such clear and convincing detail: that the towers did not collapse down through the line of gravity, but were blown outwards in all directions for two or three times as far as the towers were wide, leaving a carpet of cleanly-cut steel beams and perimeter wall sections across the entire WTC complex. No force imaginable in a downward gravitational collapse can explain the lateral ejection of steel sections with the weight of bulldozers for up to two football fields, at clocked speeds of up to 70 MPH.

As can be seen in the aerial photo, the steel beam pieces are mostly straight as arrows, un-deformed by heat, and cut neatly at the ends. The steel beams do not wind up in a mound, as one would expect, with the center of the tower's bases as the high point, but rather scattered uniformly across the entire World Trade Center complex, which consisted of seven buildings. Perimeter sections, which consisted of 15-inch wide beam assemblies covered with aluminum cladding, can be seen lying thickly across WTC 6, nearly two football fields away. Each one of these pieces weighed up to 20 or more tons.

The official NIST report explained dust ejections (what are obviously demolition squibs) by saying "compressed air" forced the dust out of breaking windows. But no amount of compressed air can lift 20-ton steel assemblies and hurl them laterally for 400 feet, at 50 to 70 MPH.

Hence the reason for Giuliani's ban on photography at Ground Zero. No amount of instruction in physics or fire temperature calculations would be as dangerous to the official "collapse" theory as plain visual evidence of demolition. One need only to believe what your eyes are telling you . Steel falls down, not outward for 200 feet and more, at speeds of up to 80 MPH.

The below video narrated by David Chandler gives one of the best views of cut steel beam shooting upwards and outwards, not falling down through the line of gravity. Keeping in mind the massive scale of the towers (nearly a football field wide,) it must be remembered that what seem like tiny sticks are 10 foot long pieces of two-foot wide steel beam and larger, of which even the smallest would weigh nearly one ton.

Here is another view of multi-ton pieces of cut steel beams spinning away from the building as if they were toothpicks.

Circled sections of steel beam are approximately 10 feet long, the height of one story

This rarely seen photo shows the width of the debris field and lateral ejections of steel and pulverized concrete debris, which can be explained only by high explosives.

Perimeter wall sections under construction

Core Beam

(Note: in satellite photo piece of perimeter assembly is mistakenly identified as having landed outside of WTC 4, shown leaning against it.)

It didn't really explode. It turned to dust. Did not slam into the ground nor did it burn down, aside from the impact fires and they were localized.

I'm glad I saw your post before I closed outta the site, yours get moved quite a bit and I never see em again because when I click on new posts, it doesn't show the subby it gets moved to.

Dumb ass goat humpers think they are Engineers. The WTC was built with an outer shell that allowed it to be erected quickly. Unlike other buildings which required an extensive framework of internal girders, and beams, the WTC did not need as much of this. The building was built to be a bit flexible too, and was designed to be Earthquake resistant. This is all dependent on the External Skeleton. and every floor was attached to this external skeleton which was designed to share the building load with the internal framework.

The EVIL MASTERMINDS of the Cowardly 911 attacks studied The Engineering of the WTC and Pentagon. If you remember, they tried to detonate a huge van bomb a couple years earlier in an underground parking lot under the WTC. It did literally no damage because of the design of the building.

What they did in this instance was take a fully fueled 757 and turned it in to a 750,000 lb pair of scissors and sliced through the external skeleton and portions of the internal framework.

Again, the building survived even that. But what it was not designed to do was tolerate having it's external shell receive such massive damage and then have between 40,000 to 60,000 gallons of jet fuel ignited inside of the structure, which burns at 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. That is just the temp the fuel burns at. In an enclosed area like a building, the heat would have been much more than that as other materials like carpet and furniture would combust, and there were cross winds feeding a lot of oxygen in to the fire in an enclosed space

Essentially they turned the WTC in to a blazing hot oven, This deformed and weakened all the structure above the severed exoskeleton and damaged internal framework. Once that was weakened enough all the weight of the upper floors pressing down on the damaged sections of the building, caused the structure to fail and floor upon floor came crashing down one upon another from the top down.

Building demolitions are done from the bottom up, not the top down like this occurred!

People suggesting that the WTC was attacked by our own government are themselves allies of terrorists. They are ignorant savages and Evil People. I personally think they should be banned from THE USMB because the USMB is actually allowing terrorists and terrorist sympathizers to propagandize the readers of this forum with misinformation, & lies and this aides and abets the enemies of America.

Compare this building demo with what happened at the WTC. And then punch anyone who says the WTC was an inside job right in the nose. I hope your break their nose and eye sockets.

you have obviously not been reading ANY of the posts of what Munkie has posted because he took you to school that explosives brought the towers down in all his posts.Oh and bld 7 is the key that you or nobody ever have been able to debunk that explosives brought the fires down in the fact there other buildings MUCH closer to the towers that had far more extensive fires and FAR MORE extensive damage than bld 7 yet THOSE buildings all remained standing.:abgg2q.jpg:

any nobody has ever been able to debunk this book that exlplosives brought the fires down and that it was a joint CIA/mossad operation.

IF you had EVER done any research on this you would KNOW that thousands of patriotic architevts and engineers disagree with your ramblings and not only that,demolition experts as well.:rolleyes:

dont you EVER get tired of embarrassing yourself with egg on your face?:iyfyus.jpg:

so you want all people who have debunked the governments version of events that the fires caused the collapse and the lie that muslims were behind the attacks banned?:rolleyes: sorry charley,it doesnt work that way in your warped world you live in,:itsok:

correction, posts like this saying the fires caused the towers to fall which has been proven to be an outright bullshit lie,THOSE posters should be banned.:rolleyes:

the author of this book has challenged our corrupt congress to debate him in the open on this book,those cowards NEVER took him up on the challenge knowing he could not refute his evidence.


you really need to stop embarrassing yourself with the egg you keep ending up with on your face in all your asinine BS ramblings.:abgg2q.jpg:

Munkle is an Illiterate Demon Worshiping Lying Asshole like you, and has Zero Credibility. Go spread your Filthy Jihadi Propaganda elsewhere.

Why does the fake god allah allow his people to live in shit holes and requires them to sacrifice their children on the altar of hate?

If allah was so great, he wouldn't need his followers to strap bombs to their children and blow themselves up in his putrid name.
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and let us never forget who attacked us on 9/11 and why they did it.


Now, today, we have two radical muslim women in the US congress whose sole reason for being there is to help destroy this nation. The muslim jihad is a long term effort to put the entire world under muslim rule. their goal in the US is to infiltrate and destroy from within. These two women are but the nose of the trojan horse. We must remove them from congress and never let another muslim enter those halls.

yeah it was muslims thats WHY there were Israeli students arrested that were caught on film filming the event jumping up and down celebrating when the towers came down because it was Muslims that did it. it was muslims thats WHY you see these pics here of ISRAEL children mocking and laughing at americans who lost their lives from that fire that day.

miserable fail.:abgg2q.jpg:

Newly Released FBI Docs Shed Light on Apparent Mossad Foreknowledge of 9/11 Attacks

Israeli site shows photo of kids dressed as burning Twin Towers for Purim, upsets everyone - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

You do realize that this was the scum offspring of a Muslim who decided to taunt Israelis on Purin with this costume, correct? Do some research next time goat lover.

These people also dress up like Orthodox Jews and take pictures of themselves promoting a two state solution, and decrying The Evils of The Israeli Government for Propaganda Purposes just like you did here.

the only one doing propaganda here is you that the fires caused the collapse as i just took you to school on with the help of munkie of course.:iyfyus.jpg:
When the gates of Hell open wide to welcome you and your allies, are you going to turn to allah-satan, and say. "you lied to me?'

Satan will laugh in your face and tell you that he was The Father of Lies, and you knew from the start that he was a liar, and that it was your own lust for lies, and your own delight in hearing them that sealed your fate, because you love darkness more than THE LIGHT.

When you see Muhammad having his balls roasted over an open fire, then reality is gong to sink in, because there is no escape from the dark Hell hole you are destined for.
It didn't really explode. It turned to dust. Did not slam into the ground nor did it burn down, aside from the impact fires and they were localized.

I'm glad I saw your post before I closed outta the site, yours get moved quite a bit and I never see em again because when I click on new posts, it doesn't show the subby it gets moved to.

They didn't really explode except in the way standard demolitions explode, with each floor popping out in rapid sequence keeping up with the acceleration of the falling floors. Funny how in 20 years the media has never once reported these firefighters saying "it was just like a demolition" or any close-up view of the destruction. You'd think it would be a scoop.

Absolutely not one contradictory squeak that tells another story can be allowed onto TV, or too many people would smarten up real fast. Just a handful of truthers dig for youtubes you never see, then when they show them they get shunted to the conspiracy theory section. But the truth is coming out anyway.

“To hijack four big airliners within a few minutes and fly them into targets within a single hour and doing so on complicated flight routes! That is unthinkable, without backing from the secret apparatuses of state and industry.” - German intelligence official and Defense Ministry Secretary of State, Andreas Von Bulow, who wrote the book “The CIA and September 11.”

“The deathly precision of the attacks and the magnitude of planning would have required years of planning. Such a sophisticated operation would require the fixed frame of a state intelligence organization, something not found in a loose group, like the one led by the student Mohammed Atta in Hamburg.” - Eckehardt Werthebach, former president of Germany’s domestic intelligence service.

“Terrorists could not have carried out such an operation with four hijacked planes without the support of a secret service.” - Horst Ehmke, former coordinator of the West German secret services.

you so much took took everyone to school that explosives brought the towers down in your posts.too bad they are too afraid to look at the truth only seeing what they want to see refusing to watch those videso you posted that took them to school.:2up:

Did he leave money on the table last night for the service you just gave him?
and let us never forget who attacked us on 9/11 and why they did it.


Now, today, we have two radical muslim women in the US congress whose sole reason for being there is to help destroy this nation. The muslim jihad is a long term effort to put the entire world under muslim rule. their goal in the US is to infiltrate and destroy from within. These two women are but the nose of the trojan horse. We must remove them from congress and never let another muslim enter those halls.

We've got two men in the White House who are both dedicated to destroying the US from within, and they purport to be Christians. We must remove them.
"Cuz allah says so"?

Yah, we know, you are afraid of President Trump. That is why we are going to re-elect him to punish you all some more.
I personally think we should just Nuke everything in The Middle East but Israel.

so you love a country that goes out and starts wars with other countrys and murders women and children all the time. wow that just says it all right there.
Why should we be any better than the Terrorists who want to murder us? I say, if they think we are The Great Satan, then we give them a taste of HELL and turn their entire region to glass.
I personally think we should just Nuke everything in The Middle East but Israel.

so you love a country that goes out and starts wars with other countrys and murders women and children all the time. wow that just says it all right there.
Why should we be any better than the Terrorists who want to murder us? I say, if they think we are The Great Satan, then we give them a taste of HELL and turn their entire region to glass.

okay now you have REALLY lost it in your ramblings. boy you are going into meltdown mode now after having your ass handed to you on a platter explosives brought the towers down and Israel was behind it all.:haha::iyfyus.jpg:

The terrrorists are Israel,the neocons in the Bush administration,Obama,Trump and congress who have covered up the evidence in this and YOU are aiding them major big time.:rolleyes: got news for you,politicians in washington have ALWAYS been criminals,you might try and stop listening to what the corporate controlled media and our corrupt school system taught you and look at the evidence from independent media not controlled by them.:rolleyes:

since you are incapable of looking at evidence and facts and go into meltodown mode when you cant counter them,i am done with you. not interested in debating with someone who only sees what they WANT to see and wont look at the evidence like that one troll who keeps postings smileys in everybodys posts when he cant counter the evidence. get someone else to play your game.Im done.

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