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Remembering 9/11/01: May this country never forget the events of 9/11/01 and pass it on to our kids

I personally think we should just Nuke everything in The Middle East but Israel.
The horror of this image should be burned into the heart of every American; not so they hate but so they understand the nature of liberty’s arch enemy
The nature of Libertys Arch Nemesis is "fear" And shortly after 9/11 America succumbed to it...
The legacy of 9/11 is still unfolding. But it may go down in history as the beginning of the end of US world dominance - the day things began becoming unraveled. Sure hope not.
Hard to conceive China or Russia as being the home of WORLD DOMINANCE...... didn't we fight a few wars over this very concept?
All empires fade, none are perpetual.
Especially when their own people undermine those nations and aid their enemies, like the Democrats are doing to America for personal / party benefit...
God bless all who were effected by the evil attack that was perpetrated on the United States on this day 18 years ago. Bless those who were horrifically murdered in the attacks, those who bravely responded and lost their lives trying to save others, and those responders who were killed that day but did not realize it until years later. Bless the victims, the 1st responders, the soldiers, and all of their families.

May the American people remember back to that attack, remember the DAY AFTER when the nation came together in unity - BEFORE politicians and criminals and foreign countries began doubling-down on attempting to divide this nation, splitting it damn-near in half. May that memory bring common sense to Americans, wake them up, and to open their eyes and totally reject the true enemies within this country who seek to 'divide and conquer' instead of unite in strength as we were on 9/12/01.

I have pictures
I have one in a frame with my thumb on the lens
I didnt have film for the 35 mm pentax but i had 2 Kodak disposables in the kitchen junk drawer
I dont need governor homo to legislate a day of remembrance so we never forget that the muzz needs to be wiped off the face of the earth

I didnt even have anything on NOT even the radio I was getting ready to head into the city and when i came out of my shower i looked out the window one tower was a smoking chimney

I went out the fire escape door in my bedroom up to the roof up one floor one of my tenants was a professional photographer
And he was up there snapping pictures

Since everyone now had the day off it was like 1030 11 am
I headed over to the little local grocery to get stuff fer a sammich IT WAS PACKED
I think i felt what everyone else felt

I just had this weird ringing numbness ...it was un freakin real

people and neighbors were crying and someone on the checkout line broke out into god bless america ..people joined in
one women just completely lost it and started sobbing ...like hard
Swear to god
Allah is a fraud and the only good Muslim is one who is sent straight to Hell to burn with Atheists, and Godless Leftists!
Oh, they’ll never forget. That was the key moment America willingly traded freedom for security. It was the beginning of the end of the “Land of the free”. And they’ll live, and die under the shadow of that bad decision...

Truer words have never been spoken in these modern times.
Thanks for that man

God bless all who were effected by the evil attack that was perpetrated on the United States on this day 18 years ago. Bless those who were horrifically murdered in the attacks, those who bravely responded and lost their lives trying to save others, and those responders who were killed that day but did not realize it until years later. Bless the victims, the 1st responders, the soldiers, and all of their families.

May the American people remember back to that attack, remember the DAY AFTER when the nation came together in unity - BEFORE politicians and criminals and foreign countries began doubling-down on attempting to divide this nation, splitting it damn-near in half. May that memory bring common sense to Americans, wake them up, and to open their eyes and totally reject the true enemies within this country who seek to 'divide and conquer' instead of unite in strength as we were on 9/12/01.

I have pictures
I have one in a frame with my thumb on the lens
I didnt have film for the 35 mm pentax but i had 2 Kodak disposables in the kitchen junk drawer
I dont need governor homo to legislate a day of remembrance so we never forget that the muzz needs to be wiped off the face of the earth

I didnt even have anything on NOT even the radio I was getting ready to head into the city and when i came out of my shower i looked out the window one tower was a smoking chimney

I went out the fire escape door in my bedroom up to the roof up one floor one of my tenants was a professional photographer
And he was up there snapping pictures

Since everyone now had the day off it was like 1030 11 am
I headed over to the little local grocery to get stuff fer a sammich IT WAS PACKED
I think i felt what everyone else felt

I just had this weird ringing numbness ...it was un freakin real

people and neighbors were crying and someone on the checkout line broke out into god bless america ..people joined in
one women just completely lost it and started sobbing ...like hard
Swear to god
Can’t remember the victims
Without remembering the murderers who killed them and the Mooslim Cock sucking Jizz Gobblers who coddled and still
Defend these pieces of Shit even today!

And Obama was the biggest Jihadi Cock
Sucker of them all!

BEFORE politicians and criminals and foreign countries began doubling-down on attempting to divide this nation, splitting it damn-near in half. May that memory bring common sense to Americans, wake them up, and to open their eyes and totally reject the true enemies within this country who seek to 'divide and conquer' instead of unite in strength as we were on

Too bad you had to interject this divisiveness in your never forget statement. Couldn't just remember the victims.
The 9/11 attacks were a product of U.S. foreign policy. Period.

That's what should be taught to future generations.
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Allah is a fraud and the only good Muslim is one who is sent straight to Hell to burn with Atheists, and Godless Leftists!

Americans be so naive.

Satellite Photo Shows 9/11 Was Demolition

Aerial view of WTC complex taken on September 23, 2001, before clean-up operations had begun. For largest detail photo go HERE.

Close up of steel debris

Larger area

For largest detail photo go HERE.

One of the first things Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who coordinated the destruction of the steel evidence at Ground Zero, did after the attack was prohibit almost all photography at the site. Police and FBI agents were ordered to confiscate cameras on the spot, although inevitably, there were simply too many people swarming the crime scene for such a stricture to be successfully enforced.

One key piece of photographic evidence that did survive the government's attempts to keep the public in the dark about what happened that day was an aerial photo taken on Sept. 23, 2001, long before major clean-up operations had begun. Rescue workers and firefighters were still primarily concerned with searching for human remains and even long-shot survivors. The clash between police and firefighters which took place as Giuliani hastened to the "scoop and dump" phase of the operation was Nov. 2.

The aerial photo shows what no other photo could in such clear and convincing detail: that the towers did not collapse down through the line of gravity, but were blown outwards in all directions for two or three times as far as the towers were wide, leaving a carpet of cleanly-cut steel beams and perimeter wall sections across the entire WTC complex. No force imaginable in a downward gravitational collapse can explain the lateral ejection of steel sections with the weight of bulldozers for up to two football fields, at clocked speeds of up to 70 MPH.

As can be seen in the aerial photo, the steel beam pieces are mostly straight as arrows, un-deformed by heat, and cut neatly at the ends. The steel beams do not wind up in a mound, as one would expect, with the center of the tower's bases as the high point, but rather scattered uniformly across the entire World Trade Center complex, which consisted of seven buildings. Perimeter sections, which consisted of 15-inch wide beam assemblies covered with aluminum cladding, can be seen lying thickly across WTC 6, nearly two football fields away. Each one of these pieces weighed up to 20 or more tons.

The official NIST report explained dust ejections (what are obviously demolition squibs) by saying "compressed air" forced the dust out of breaking windows. But no amount of compressed air can lift 20-ton steel assemblies and hurl them laterally for 400 feet, at 50 to 70 MPH.

Hence the reason for Giuliani's ban on photography at Ground Zero. No amount of instruction in physics or fire temperature calculations would be as dangerous to the official "collapse" theory as plain visual evidence of demolition. One need only to believe what your eyes are telling you . Steel falls down, not outward for 200 feet and more, at speeds of up to 80 MPH.

The below video narrated by David Chandler gives one of the best views of cut steel beam shooting upwards and outwards, not falling down through the line of gravity. Keeping in mind the massive scale of the towers (nearly a football field wide,) it must be remembered that what seem like tiny sticks are 10 foot long pieces of two-foot wide steel beam and larger, of which even the smallest would weigh nearly one ton.

Here is another view of multi-ton pieces of cut steel beams spinning away from the building as if they were toothpicks.

Circled sections of steel beam are approximately 10 feet long, the height of one story

This rarely seen photo shows the width of the debris field and lateral ejections of steel and pulverized concrete debris, which can be explained only by high explosives.

Perimeter wall sections under construction

Core Beam

(Note: in satellite photo piece of perimeter assembly is mistakenly identified as having landed outside of WTC 4, shown leaning against it.)
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]Satellite Photo Shows 9/11 Was Demolition

Aerial view of WTC complex taken on September 23, 2001, before clean-up operations had begun. For largest detail photo go HERE.

Close up of steel debris

Larger area

For largest detail photo go HERE.

One of the first things Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who coordinated the destruction of the steel evidence at Ground Zero, did after the attack was prohibit almost all photography at the site. Police and FBI agents were ordered to confiscate cameras on the spot, although inevitably, there were simply too many people swarming the crime scene for such a stricture to be successfully enforced.

One key piece of photographic evidence that did survive the government's attempts to keep the public in the dark about what happened that day was an aerial photo taken on Sept. 23, 2001, long before major clean-up operations had begun. Rescue workers and firefighters were still primarily concerned with searching for human remains and even long-shot survivors. The clash between police and firefighters which took place as Giuliani hastened to the "scoop and dump" phase of the operation was Nov. 2.

The aerial photo shows what no other photo could in such clear and convincing detail: that the towers did not collapse down through the line of gravity, but were blown outwards in all directions for two or three times as far as the towers were wide, leaving a carpet of cleanly-cut steel beams and perimeter wall sections across the entire WTC complex. No force imaginable in a downward gravitational collapse can explain the lateral ejection of steel sections with the weight of bulldozers for up to two football fields, at clocked speeds of up to 70 MPH.

As can be seen in the aerial photo, the steel beam pieces are mostly straight as arrows, un-deformed by heat, and cut neatly at the ends. The steel beams do not wind up in a mound, as one would expect, with the center of the tower's bases as the high point, but rather scattered uniformly across the entire World Trade Center complex, which consisted of seven buildings. Perimeter sections, which consisted of 15-inch wide beam assemblies covered with aluminum cladding, can be seen lying thickly across WTC 6, nearly two football fields away. Each one of these pieces weighed up to 20 or more tons.

The official NIST report explained dust ejections (what are obviously demolition squibs) by saying "compressed air" forced the dust out of breaking windows. But no amount of compressed air can lift 20-ton steel assemblies and hurl them laterally for 400 feet, at 50 to 70 MPH.

Hence the reason for Giuliani's ban on photography at Ground Zero. No amount of instruction in physics or fire temperature calculations would be as dangerous to the official "collapse" theory as plain visual evidence of demolition. One need only to believe what your eyes are telling you . Steel falls down, not outward for 200 feet and more, at speeds of up to 80 MPH.

The below video narrated by David Chandler gives one of the best views of cut steel beam shooting upwards and outwards, not falling down through the line of gravity. Keeping in mind the massive scale of the towers (nearly a football field wide,) it must be remembered that what seem like tiny sticks are 10 foot long pieces of two-foot wide steel beam and larger, of which even the smallest would weigh nearly one ton.

Here is another view of multi-ton pieces of cut steel beams spinning away from the building as if they were toothpicks.

Circled sections of steel beam are approximately 10 feet long, the height of one story

This rarely seen photo shows the width of the debris field and lateral ejections of steel and pulverized concrete debris, which can be explained only by high explosives.

Perimeter wall sections under construction

Core Beam

(Note: in satellite photo piece of perimeter assembly is mistakenly identified as having landed outside of WTC 4, shown leaning against it.)

It didn't really explode. It turned to dust. Did not slam into the ground nor did it burn down, aside from the impact fires and they were localized.

I'm glad I saw your post before I closed outta the site, yours get moved quite a bit and I never see em again because when I click on new posts, it doesn't show the subby it gets moved to.
It didn't really explode. It turned to dust. Did not slam into the ground nor did it burn down, aside from the impact fires and they were localized.

I'm glad I saw your post before I closed outta the site, yours get moved quite a bit and I never see em again because when I click on new posts, it doesn't show the subby it gets moved to.

They didn't really explode except in the way standard demolitions explode, with each floor popping out in rapid sequence keeping up with the acceleration of the falling floors. Funny how in 20 years the media has never once reported these firefighters saying "it was just like a demolition" or any close-up view of the destruction. You'd think it would be a scoop.

Absolutely not one contradictory squeak that tells another story can be allowed onto TV, or too many people would smarten up real fast. Just a handful of truthers dig for youtubes you never see, then when they show them they get shunted to the conspiracy theory section. But the truth is coming out anyway.

“To hijack four big airliners within a few minutes and fly them into targets within a single hour and doing so on complicated flight routes! That is unthinkable, without backing from the secret apparatuses of state and industry.” - German intelligence official and Defense Ministry Secretary of State, Andreas Von Bulow, who wrote the book “The CIA and September 11.”

“The deathly precision of the attacks and the magnitude of planning would have required years of planning. Such a sophisticated operation would require the fixed frame of a state intelligence organization, something not found in a loose group, like the one led by the student Mohammed Atta in Hamburg.” - Eckehardt Werthebach, former president of Germany’s domestic intelligence service.

“Terrorists could not have carried out such an operation with four hijacked planes without the support of a secret service.” - Horst Ehmke, former coordinator of the West German secret services.
These were sick fundamentalists. Why else would someone volunteer to live this life to die a fiery death. A few years after 9/11, I went to live in a little town in Maryland. In it was the motel that housed one of the hijackers on the last night of his life. I would pass this motel and wonder why a person would spend the last night of his life in this sleazy place. I wonder what his last night was like. He must have known that he was going to die a fiery death in the morning. It's one thing to wish death on one's adversary, real or imagined, but to commit suicide in the morning?
They were sucked in by their "faith". Once you can convince someone that there is a heaven and that you know how they can get there - well, you pretty much own them. They'll do whatever you tell them, including dying a grisly death, if they think it will get them to the other side. That's especially true when their side is so shitty to begin with.

This is why I am against anyone following religious "leaders" of any faith. It seems that some faith leaders in various faiths (Christian, Muslim, Hindu, etc.) want to take control of people. We all have to stand up and declare that we humans will not be manipulated by other humans.
I vaguely remember a quote from Patton that the objective was not to die for your country, but to make some other poor bastard die for his. You remain alive. He dies. It must have been a long and lonely night for this guy in this motel. He was a mass killer. But he also chose to commit a ghastly suicide in the process. Why would anyone want to spend their last night on earth like this? Even if I went to war, for whatever reason, I would want to live and come home to my family.
It always makes me wonder how those who favor no background checks for firearms purchases much less expanded background checks are willing to let any member of an Islamic sleeper cell buy as many firearms as he wants no questions asked. Talk about not learning a lesson from 9/11.
I still have issues with how some of the buildings came down.
Why don’t you go investigate that in Afghanistan, join Ass Queda and report back to us.
Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11.

They provided a base of operations for the OBL.
Attacking Afghans for that is like attacking Italy because the mafia has their headquarters there.

Yep. And if the Mafia was responsible for 9/11, and they were obviously and openly operating out of Italy, Italy would be held accountable.
I still have issues with how some of the buildings came down.
Why don’t you go investigate that in Afghanistan, join Ass Queda and report back to us.
Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11.

They provided a base of operations for the OBL.
Attacking Afghans for that is like attacking Italy because the mafia has their headquarters there.

Yep. And if the Mafia was responsible for 9/11, and they were obviously and openly operating out of Italy, Italy would be held accountable.

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