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Remembering 9/11/01: May this country never forget the events of 9/11/01 and pass it on to our kids

Oh my GOD.....This communist anarchist is one of the dumbest bastards on USMB....ROTFLMFAO

Anarcho-communism, also referred to as anarchist communism, communist anarchism, free communism and libertarian communism, is a political philosophy and anarchist school of thought which advocates the abolition of the state, capitalism, wage labour and private property (while retaining respect for personal property, ...
So far you're the only pussy welcoming less freedom, and more power to the state. As for your post silly definition you offer up to be my position... Demonstrate your assertion with quotes from me that extoll these principles. Don't worry coward we'll wait.
You can wait all you want you showed you are a ANARCHIST and a communist anarchist at best... but you can keep going... you are our entertainment.... your DERANGEMENT will become legendary
You’ve got nothing. That’s a wrap. You can go back to hiding under the covers now...
Losers always say that same shit...LOSER! Says what about anarchism and communism....what a fucking know nothing!:321:
Get back to us when your writing skills improve, and you can back up your claim.
But LOSER....YOU proved EVERYTHING I said about you!
So far you're the only pussy welcoming less freedom, and more power to the state. As for your post silly definition you offer up to be my position... Demonstrate your assertion with quotes from me that extoll these principles. Don't worry coward we'll wait.
You can wait all you want you showed you are a ANARCHIST and a communist anarchist at best... but you can keep going... you are our entertainment.... your DERANGEMENT will become legendary
You’ve got nothing. That’s a wrap. You can go back to hiding under the covers now...
Losers always say that same shit...LOSER! Says what about anarchism and communism....what a fucking know nothing!:321:
Get back to us when your writing skills improve, and you can back up your claim.
But LOSER....YOU proved EVERYTHING I said about you!
Still waiting...
You can wait all you want you showed you are a ANARCHIST and a communist anarchist at best... but you can keep going... you are our entertainment.... your DERANGEMENT will become legendary
You’ve got nothing. That’s a wrap. You can go back to hiding under the covers now...
Losers always say that same shit...LOSER! Says what about anarchism and communism....what a fucking know nothing!:321:
Get back to us when your writing skills improve, and you can back up your claim.
But LOSER....YOU proved EVERYTHING I said about you!
Still waiting...
Wait until you get a brain, ANARCHIST
You’ve got nothing. That’s a wrap. You can go back to hiding under the covers now...
Losers always say that same shit...LOSER! Says what about anarchism and communism....what a fucking know nothing!:321:
Get back to us when your writing skills improve, and you can back up your claim.
But LOSER....YOU proved EVERYTHING I said about you!
Still waiting...
Wait until you get a brain, ANARCHIST
Still waiting yellow boy... post my quotes that prove your assertion.
Losers always say that same shit...LOSER! Says what about anarchism and communism....what a fucking know nothing!:321:
Get back to us when your writing skills improve, and you can back up your claim.
But LOSER....YOU proved EVERYTHING I said about you!
Still waiting...
Wait until you get a brain, ANARCHIST
Still waiting yellow boy... post my quotes that prove your assertion.
What's the matter Anti-American, psycho ANARCHIST you have another hard day being beaten by a patriot...as you always do....ROTFLMFAO

Sept. 12, 2001.
The hole in the sky.
Get back to us when your writing skills improve, and you can back up your claim.
But LOSER....YOU proved EVERYTHING I said about you!
Still waiting...
Wait until you get a brain, ANARCHIST
Still waiting yellow boy... post my quotes that prove your assertion.
What's the matter Anti-American, psycho ANARCHIST you have another hard day being beaten by a patriot...as you always do....ROTFLMFAO
Holy fuck your retarded...
But LOSER....YOU proved EVERYTHING I said about you!
Still waiting...
Wait until you get a brain, ANARCHIST
Still waiting yellow boy... post my quotes that prove your assertion.
What's the matter Anti-American, psycho ANARCHIST you have another hard day being beaten by a patriot...as you always do....ROTFLMFAO
Holy fuck your retarded...
Thou adulterate fool-born pumpion!..ROTFLMFAO
we dont need to be in a permanent war because of 9/11. we certainly dont need to turn against each other because of 9/11
Islamists in Iran chant “Death to America.”
But don’t talk about it because “Islamophobia.”




except there has never been a shread of evidence that it was muslins. the lamestream media has failed miserably to prove that.
I think that pretty well spells out your mission. "Lets all join hands and sing in unison our hatred for all the liberals who, as all Trumpublicans know, all supported the attackers." Got it.

Nice demonstration of how YOU are trying your damnedest to spin this as a 'partisan' thing instead of an 'America / American' thing....

I will try to type slower this time since you are having a hard time keeping up....

I never criticized Omar as a Liberal, a Democrat, a Socialist Democrat, or being affiliated with any other political party, snowflake. I pointed out a simple fact, that Ilhan Omar intentionally disrespected this nation, the horrific attacks on the US on 9/11/01, and the victims and their families by callously declaring 'someone did something'.

Your attempt to brand me as some partisan intending to attack someone affiliated with any political party is your pushing a LIE!

As an AMERICAN I am angered by her intentional disrespectful comments that at the same time seek to minimize the gravity and horrific results of those attacks.

You continue to be CONSUMED and driven by PARTY-1st Partisanship and seek to project that onto others, or at least me.

I did not join the military, serve for 30 years, and go to and fight in some of the worst parts of this world you will never see to protect the rights of CONSERVATIVES....or DEMOCRATS....or Socialists...etc.. I have and continue to serve my COUNTRY - not any party. I have and continue to serve to defend EVERYONE'S Constitutional Rights and freedoms, snowflake.

I was not devastated on 9/11/01 that terrorists killed Conservatives / Right-Wingers, who were among all the Democrats and others in those buildings and on those planes, you idiot. Holy Hell, you have allowed yourself to be indoctrinated into a Party-1st, Us-Democrats-Vs-Right-Winger mentality instead of remembering that we are all AMERCIANS 1ST ... US AMERICANS versus everyone else in unity 1st - something we saw on 9/12/01 but have obviously for gotten based on your comments.

My comments, again, regarding Omar has NOTHING to do with Partisanship, NOTHING to do with her being a Democrat, NOTHING to do with her political affiliation but EVERYTHING to do with the fact that this ungrateful Muslim Refugee given the incredible gift of being brought to this country - infinitely better than where she left - and given citizenship has not only refused to 'assimilate' (the big melting pot, ring a bell?) but has intentionally disrespected her new country and mocked the attacks and victims of 9/11/01.

Now, if you still can't comprehend that this has nothing to do with your false narrative about partisanship then, God help you, you are too stupid to get it or too partisan and intent on using this as a divisive tool to admit it.
You went and served in the army overseas to protect America ? How so? As far as we all know we go bomb, kill and occupy other countries and appoint puppets so that country can be loyal to us how is that protecting Americans freedoms back home ?
As if Iraq and Afghanistan were coming to enslave us and you went on to stop that.

Oussama was a friend and a trainee by the US so was al Qaeda, so one has to hold the right group responsible of what went wrong.
best damn post on this thread.could not have said it better myself.

Just LOL citing the government as proof that the Patriot Act saved lives.

second damn best good post on this thread.:beer:




except there has never been a shread of evidence that it was muslins. t the lamestream media has failed miserably to prove that.:rolleyes:

Not only do the Taliban deny to this day that bin Laden or AlQ had anything to do with it, just like bin Laden himself did. What a shItshow of maudlin self deception is put on every year this time. Americans would rather suck on a fairy tale than face up to big bad reality.

Washington Post: Even in the midst of Afghan peace talks, the Taliban still deny al Qaeda was behind 9/11

Bin Laden,
Pakistani Daily Ummat in September 2001:

"I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children, and other humans as an appreciable act."

On the other hand there are reams of evidence Israeli Mossad was involved, including police and FBI reports. IMAGINE if Arabs had been caught on the other side of the river filming the attacks just as they began, and then had their van test positive for explosives! They'd still be in Gitmo now getting waterboarded daily.

Everyone knows now that 9/11 was perpetrated by a cabal of foreign interests in conjunction with a network of US officials in the highest echelons of the Defense Department and other national security agencies, working to achieve a combination of Middle Eastern ambitions and new tools for domestic repression.

Evidence of Israeli Involvement in 9/11 — Steemit
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Islamists in Iran chant “Death to America.”
But don’t talk about it because “Islamophobia.”

While you are talking about that,WHY do you not bother to mention how there were some Israeli students arrested after 9/11 for jumping up and down when the towers fell down? those are the ones you are talking about obviously chanting- death to america.:rolleyes:

if we are going to remember 9/11.lets remember the REAL facts that happened like the fact the media failed to prove it was Muslims.:rolleyes:
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Why are there only two beams? Three skyscrapers fell. Hasn't anyone even heard of Building 7? Not hit by a plane. LOL anyone who believes NIST this was caused by fires.


nobody EVER has an answer for buillding 7.:abgg2q.jpg::lmao::laughing0301:

you TOTALLY took everyone to school here that muslims had NOTHING to do with 9/11.they can only cry in defeat.:2up:

Not only do the Taliban deny to this day that bin Laden or AlQ had anything to do with it, just like bin Laden himself did. What a shItshow of maudlin self deception is put on every year this time. Americans would rather suck on a fairy tale than face up to big bad reality.

Washington Post: Even in the midst of Afghan peace talks, the Taliban still deny al Qaeda was behind 9/11

Bin Laden,
Pakistani Daily Ummat in September 2001:

Evidence of Israeli Involvement in 9/11 — Steemit

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Islamists in Iran chant “Death to America.”
But don’t talk about it because “Islamophobia.”

While you are talking about that,WHY do you not bother to mention how there were some Israeli students arrested after 9/11 for jumping up and down when the towers fell down? those are the ones you are talking about obviously chanting- death to america.:rolleyes:

if we are going to remember 9/11.lets remember the REAL facts that happened like the fact the media failed to prove it was Muslims.:rolleyes:
i've always criticized all sides. pay attention
God bless all who were effected by the evil attack that was perpetrated on the United States on this day 18 years ago. Bless those who were horrifically murdered in the attacks, those who bravely responded and lost their lives trying to save others, and those responders who were killed that day but did not realize it until years later. Bless the victims, the 1st responders, the soldiers, and all of their families.

May the American people remember back to that attack, remember the DAY AFTER when the nation came together in unity - BEFORE politicians and criminals and foreign countries began doubling-down on attempting to divide this nation, splitting it damn-near in half. May that memory bring common sense to Americans, wake them up, and to open their eyes and totally reject the true enemies within this country who seek to 'divide and conquer' instead of unite in strength as we were on 9/12/01.

Those who seek to turn the tragedy of 9/11 into a political farce: Don't do it. I lived around the Pentagon that day, I was almost on the road by the Pentagon because it was my route to work. The explosion from the Pentagon shook the ground below my feet in my bathroom while I was brushing my teeth in a blast that I had never felt before. Then I did the best that I could. Which ended up only being handing out sandwiches and cold drinks to cops, giving a pint of blood, and volunteering to care for patients in the ER, but the hospital I was at did not have a burn unit and the victims were being transported to the level one trauma hospitals. That day I saw the strength of our diverse community in Northern Virginia. Whites, blacks, hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners all turned out to help in any way they could.

The tragedy of 9/11 cannot be used to divide our nation.

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