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Remembering 9/11/01: May this country never forget the events of 9/11/01 and pass it on to our kids

Some of this I can agree with, others is your usual leftist bullshit.....

With American military personnel now entering service who were not even alive on 9/11, this seems an appropriate time to reexamine the events of September 11, 2001 – the opaque motives for the attacks, the equally opaque motives for the counter-offensive by the United States and its allies known as the Global War on Terror, and the domestic fall-out for Americans concerned about the erosion of their civil liberties on the homefront.

Before venturing further, it’s worth noting that our appraisal is not among the most common explanations. Osama bin Laden, his lieutenants at Al-Qaeda, and the men who carried out the attack against the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon are not “crazy,” unhinged psychopaths launching an attack against the United States without what they consider to be good reason.

Nor do we consider then-President George W. Bush to be either a simpleton, a willing conspirator, an oil profiteer, or a Machivellian puppet whose cabinet were all too happy to take advantage of a crisis.

The American press tends to portray its leaders as fools and knaves, and America’s enemies as psychopathic. Keeping the narrative simple – “Black and white,” “good versus evil,” “right and wrong,” etc. – is intellectually easy, even with something as complex as the 9/11 attacks.

Instead, it is our considered opinion that the events of 9/11 and those that followed in direct response to the attacks – including the invasion of Iraq – were carried out by good faith rational actors who believed they were acting in the best interests of their religion or their nation.

This does not in any way absolve the principals from moral responsibility for the consequences of their actions. It does, however, provide what we believe to be a more accurate and nuanced depiction of events than is generally forthcoming from any sector of the media – because we see these principals as excellent chess players who, in the broad sweep of events, engaged in actions which are explicable....

Because the propaganda machine hammered away so heavily on the “cowardly men who hate our freedom” line, there was not much in the way of careful consideration of the actual political motives of the hijackers, the Petro-Islam that funded them, the ancient, antagonistic split between Sunni and Shi’a, the fall-out from the 1979 Iranian revolution or the 1970s energy crisis, the historical context of covert American involvement in the Soviet-Afghan War and the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s, nor the perceived “imperialist humanitarianism” of American military adventures of the 1990s in Muslim nations like Bosnia, Iraq, Somalia and Kosovo. Alone, none of these factors were deadly. Combined, they provided a lethal combination.

Which part of my answer did you did find to be left wingish?
The very first line to begin with.... Even REAL DEMOCRATS of the time joined in the Patriot act.....it did need to be amended but on a whole was right on.

The Patriot act was the greatest win for the terrorist.

It was the single biggest loss of rights in our history
WW is internment camps... .sorry....idiot!

Those, as bad as they were, affected a tiny percent of the population.

The Patriot act targets the entire population
As it should have seeing TERRORIST KILLINGS in all states!
See use a leftist cry and they MELT!
Not only are you too fool to know that one cannot possess fear; merely be possessed by it; your too dumb to know when you’re being openly mocked. Best go hide behind the children. After all they’re the ones who are going to pay the most for your cowardice.
The ANTI-AMERICAN who wants us to become communist has spoken....we KNOW who you are and what little scum like you are trying to do.....But please continue so decent people and patriots can see the enemy America faces!
What in the fuck are you blabbing about now? You’re Tourette’s doing your typing?
When you have been put down like the flea bag you are....divert!.....Did we blame all of Japan for Pearl Harbor....shall we blame muslims....
What the fuck disjointed nonsense is this? Is this your attempt at a relevant reply, to any post I've ever made? If so; please provide a quote or something, so you don't come off as nothing more than a blathering idiot.
Sorry, you already have filled that slot at USMB...but continue....entertainment is scarce today
Which part of my answer did you did find to be left wingish?
The very first line to begin with.... Even REAL DEMOCRATS of the time joined in the Patriot act.....it did need to be amended but on a whole was right on.

The Patriot act was the greatest win for the terrorist.

It was the single biggest loss of rights in our history
WW is internment camps... .sorry....idiot!

Those, as bad as they were, affected a tiny percent of the population.

The Patriot act targets the entire population
As it should have seeing TERRORIST KILLINGS in all states!
Not only are you a coward... You're insidiously traitorous to this nations founding principles of freedom. Go kill yourself.
Which part of my answer did you did find to be left wingish?
The very first line to begin with.... Even REAL DEMOCRATS of the time joined in the Patriot act.....it did need to be amended but on a whole was right on.

The Patriot act was the greatest win for the terrorist.

It was the single biggest loss of rights in our history
WW is internment camps... .sorry....idiot!

Those, as bad as they were, affected a tiny percent of the population.

The Patriot act targets the entire population
As it should have seeing TERRORIST KILLINGS in all states!

So, just admit you are cool with having less freedom and fewer liberties as long as you feel safe.

It is ok to be a coward, there are lots of them out there
I think that pretty well spells out your mission. "Lets all join hands and sing in unison our hatred for all the liberals who, as all Trumpublicans know, all supported the attackers." Got it.

Nice demonstration of how YOU are trying your damnedest to spin this as a 'partisan' thing instead of an 'America / American' thing....

I will try to type slower this time since you are having a hard time keeping up....

I never criticized Omar as a Liberal, a Democrat, a Socialist Democrat, or being affiliated with any other political party, snowflake. I pointed out a simple fact, that Ilhan Omar intentionally disrespected this nation, the horrific attacks on the US on 9/11/01, and the victims and their families by callously declaring 'someone did something'.

Your attempt to brand me as some partisan intending to attack someone affiliated with any political party is your pushing a LIE!

As an AMERICAN I am angered by her intentional disrespectful comments that at the same time seek to minimize the gravity and horrific results of those attacks.

You continue to be CONSUMED and driven by PARTY-1st Partisanship and seek to project that onto others, or at least me.

I did not join the military, serve for 30 years, and go to and fight in some of the worst parts of this world you will never see to protect the rights of CONSERVATIVES....or DEMOCRATS....or Socialists...etc.. I have and continue to serve my COUNTRY - not any party. I have and continue to serve to defend EVERYONE'S Constitutional Rights and freedoms, snowflake.

I was not devastated on 9/11/01 that terrorists killed Conservatives / Right-Wingers, who were among all the Democrats and others in those buildings and on those planes, you idiot. Holy Hell, you have allowed yourself to be indoctrinated into a Party-1st, Us-Democrats-Vs-Right-Winger mentality instead of remembering that we are all AMERCIANS 1ST ... US AMERICANS versus everyone else in unity 1st - something we saw on 9/12/01 but have obviously for gotten based on your comments.

My comments, again, regarding Omar has NOTHING to do with Partisanship, NOTHING to do with her being a Democrat, NOTHING to do with her political affiliation but EVERYTHING to do with the fact that this ungrateful Muslim Refugee given the incredible gift of being brought to this country - infinitely better than where she left - and given citizenship has not only refused to 'assimilate' (the big melting pot, ring a bell?) but has intentionally disrespected her new country and mocked the attacks and victims of 9/11/01.

Now, if you still can't comprehend that this has nothing to do with your false narrative about partisanship then, God help you, you are too stupid to get it or too partisan and intent on using this as a divisive tool to admit it.
You went and served in the army overseas to protect America ? How so? As far as we all know we go bomb, kill and occupy other countries and appoint puppets so that country can be loyal to us how is that protecting Americans freedoms back home ?
As if Iraq and Afghanistan were coming to enslave us and you went on to stop that.

Oussama was a friend and a trainee by the US so was al Qaeda, so one has to hold the right group responsible of what went wrong.
The very first line to begin with.... Even REAL DEMOCRATS of the time joined in the Patriot act.....it did need to be amended but on a whole was right on.

The Patriot act was the greatest win for the terrorist.

It was the single biggest loss of rights in our history
WW is internment camps... .sorry....idiot!

Those, as bad as they were, affected a tiny percent of the population.

The Patriot act targets the entire population
As it should have seeing TERRORIST KILLINGS in all states!
Not only are you a coward... You're insidiously traitorous to this nations founding principles of freedom. Go kill yourself.
Yes an Anti-American terrorist loving muslim sympathizer can try to say that...your previous posts assure people know exactly what a subversive you are!
You went and served in the army overseas to protect America ? How so? As far as we all know we go bomb, kill and occupy other countries and appoint puppets so that country can be loyal to us how is that protecting Americans freedoms back home ?
That's right, lil' snowflake, get it all out....let go.....just release all of that pent-up America-hating bile you carry around with you....what better day to do so than on THIS day?!

The very first line to begin with.... Even REAL DEMOCRATS of the time joined in the Patriot act.....it did need to be amended but on a whole was right on.

The Patriot act was the greatest win for the terrorist.

It was the single biggest loss of rights in our history
WW is internment camps... .sorry....idiot!

Those, as bad as they were, affected a tiny percent of the population.

The Patriot act targets the entire population
As it should have seeing TERRORIST KILLINGS in all states!

So, just admit you are cool with having less freedom and fewer liberties as long as you feel safe.

It is ok to be a coward, there are lots of them out there
And we understand you want to see many more Americans die....you truly are a communist piece of shit!

In fact, this report provides a mountain of evidence that the Patriot Act has saved lives. ... To let the Patriot Act's laser-guided tools sunset would be to disarm the FBI and rollback our ability to target terrorists here at home, and would return us to the vulnerabilities we faced before September 11, 2001.Jul 13, 2004

Department of Justice (.gov) › archive
The USA PATRIOT Act at Work - Department of Justice
As an AMERICAN, I am angered by the intentional disrespect given by this ungrateful Muslim immigrant who fled her own country and its violence / oppression to come here and continue to support the terrorists who perpetrated the attacks on 9/11/01.
easy, I sure wish you'd give this incident a little more thought. Consider the possibility that a lot of anger against her was ginned up by 'supremacists'. I ask because I do not see that statement as either disrespectful or ungrateful. Are her words more disrespectful that say..Joe Walsh. Her intent could be likened to a white supremacist saying that 'some black people were treated horribly, and now all us Caucasians are being blamed for something we never did'.
I read once about the granting of Roman citizenship back in the days of Roman glory. It was said that the honor was so great that the new citizens became the 'most Roman of them all!' This girl is using the rights granted to her to express what she sees as an injustice ..a most American custom.
The Patriot act was the greatest win for the terrorist.

It was the single biggest loss of rights in our history
WW is internment camps... .sorry....idiot!

Those, as bad as they were, affected a tiny percent of the population.

The Patriot act targets the entire population
As it should have seeing TERRORIST KILLINGS in all states!

So, just admit you are cool with having less freedom and fewer liberties as long as you feel safe.

It is ok to be a coward, there are lots of them out there
And we understand you want to see many more Americans die....you truly are a communist piece of shit!

In fact, this report provides a mountain of evidence that the Patriot Act has saved lives. ... To let the Patriot Act's laser-guided tools sunset would be to disarm the FBI and rollback our ability to target terrorists here at home, and would return us to the vulnerabilities we faced before September 11, 2001.Jul 13, 2004
View attachment 278679
Department of Justice (.gov) › archive
The USA PATRIOT Act at Work - Department of Justice

Oh the irony of someone that trades freedom for security calling someone else a communist!

Too bad you are too stupid to see the irony.
As far as we all know we go bomb, kill and occupy other countries and appoint puppets so that country can be loyal to us

Well, at very least, in the ME, their oil must be loyal to the almighty dollar.
As an AMERICAN, I am angered by the intentional disrespect given by this ungrateful Muslim immigrant who fled her own country and its violence / oppression to come here and continue to support the terrorists who perpetrated the attacks on 9/11/01.
easy, I sure wish you'd give this incident a little more thought. Consider the possibility that a lot of anger against her was ginned up by 'supremacists'. I ask because I do not see that statement as either disrespectful or ungrateful. Are her words more disrespectful that say..Joe Walsh. Her intent could be likened to a white supremacist saying that 'some black people were treated horribly, and now all us Caucasians are being blamed for something we never did'.
I read once about the granting of Roman citizenship back in the days of Roman glory. It was said that the honor was so great that the new citizens became the 'most Roman of them all!' This girl is using the rights granted to her to express what she sees as an injustice ..a most American custom.
Truly a snowflake's interpretation. How did you get like this?
The Patriot act was the greatest win for the terrorist.

It was the single biggest loss of rights in our history
WW is internment camps... .sorry....idiot!

Those, as bad as they were, affected a tiny percent of the population.

The Patriot act targets the entire population
As it should have seeing TERRORIST KILLINGS in all states!
Not only are you a coward... You're insidiously traitorous to this nations founding principles of freedom. Go kill yourself.
Yes an Anti-American terrorist loving muslim sympathizer can try to say that...your previous posts assure people know exactly what a subversive you are!
You're clearly drunk, or illiterate. Possibly both.
The Patriot act was the greatest win for the terrorist.

It was the single biggest loss of rights in our history
WW is internment camps... .sorry....idiot!

Those, as bad as they were, affected a tiny percent of the population.

The Patriot act targets the entire population
As it should have seeing TERRORIST KILLINGS in all states!

So, just admit you are cool with having less freedom and fewer liberties as long as you feel safe.

It is ok to be a coward, there are lots of them out there
And we understand you want to see many more Americans die....you truly are a communist piece of shit!

In fact, this report provides a mountain of evidence that the Patriot Act has saved lives. ... To let the Patriot Act's laser-guided tools sunset would be to disarm the FBI and rollback our ability to target terrorists here at home, and would return us to the vulnerabilities we faced before September 11, 2001.Jul 13, 2004
View attachment 278679
Department of Justice (.gov) › archive
The USA PATRIOT Act at Work - Department of Justice

Just LOL citing the government as proof that the Patriot Act saved lives.
I read once about the granting of Roman citizenship back in the days of Roman glory. It was said that the honor was so great that the new citizens became the 'most Roman of them all!' This girl is using the rights granted to her to express what she sees as an injustice ..a most American custom.
Criminal illegals and others no longer see entry into the US / being granted citizenship in the US as an 'honor' but more as a 'right'. In many cases the illegals want to just come here without being granted citizenship. Why would you want to become a citizen when as an illegal you are not taxed or treated poorly like Democrats are treating US citizens - instead they are being given health care, housing, education, food, and protected so they can stay indefinitely.

And as mentioned before, Omar is only exercising the 'plan' that has been carried out in many other countries for years - enter into a country, obtain citizenship, use the very laws / rights that country provides to slowly turn the country into a Muslim nation, ending the nation as it used to be. Take Britain, for example - there are now 'No-Go' zones within their own country where police / the government no longer goes but areas in which they have abandoned / forfeited control of those areas to Muslims and self-Sharia law / governance.

'Islam' is a peaceful religion' ... until they are no longer the minority and can exert their will / control.
WW is internment camps... .sorry....idiot!

Those, as bad as they were, affected a tiny percent of the population.

The Patriot act targets the entire population
As it should have seeing TERRORIST KILLINGS in all states!

So, just admit you are cool with having less freedom and fewer liberties as long as you feel safe.

It is ok to be a coward, there are lots of them out there
And we understand you want to see many more Americans die....you truly are a communist piece of shit!

In fact, this report provides a mountain of evidence that the Patriot Act has saved lives. ... To let the Patriot Act's laser-guided tools sunset would be to disarm the FBI and rollback our ability to target terrorists here at home, and would return us to the vulnerabilities we faced before September 11, 2001.Jul 13, 2004
View attachment 278679
Department of Justice (.gov) › archive
The USA PATRIOT Act at Work - Department of Justice

Oh the irony of someone that trades freedom for security calling someone else a communist!

Too bad you are too stupid to see the irony.
Yes saving just one life with the Patriot act was not worth it....BUT....

WW is internment camps... .sorry....idiot!

Those, as bad as they were, affected a tiny percent of the population.

The Patriot act targets the entire population
As it should have seeing TERRORIST KILLINGS in all states!

So, just admit you are cool with having less freedom and fewer liberties as long as you feel safe.

It is ok to be a coward, there are lots of them out there
And we understand you want to see many more Americans die....you truly are a communist piece of shit!

In fact, this report provides a mountain of evidence that the Patriot Act has saved lives. ... To let the Patriot Act's laser-guided tools sunset would be to disarm the FBI and rollback our ability to target terrorists here at home, and would return us to the vulnerabilities we faced before September 11, 2001.Jul 13, 2004
View attachment 278679
Department of Justice (.gov) › archive
The USA PATRIOT Act at Work - Department of Justice

Just LOL citing the government as proof that the Patriot Act saved lives.
Well then refute it...we are all interested in watching a monkey on a short rope!
WW is internment camps... .sorry....idiot!

Those, as bad as they were, affected a tiny percent of the population.

The Patriot act targets the entire population
As it should have seeing TERRORIST KILLINGS in all states!
Not only are you a coward... You're insidiously traitorous to this nations founding principles of freedom. Go kill yourself.
Yes an Anti-American terrorist loving muslim sympathizer can try to say that...your previous posts assure people know exactly what a subversive you are!
You're clearly drunk, or illiterate. Possibly both.
Yes, cant debate it so attack me....I'm ASSHOLE PROOF so continue!
Those, as bad as they were, affected a tiny percent of the population.

The Patriot act targets the entire population
As it should have seeing TERRORIST KILLINGS in all states!

So, just admit you are cool with having less freedom and fewer liberties as long as you feel safe.

It is ok to be a coward, there are lots of them out there
And we understand you want to see many more Americans die....you truly are a communist piece of shit!

In fact, this report provides a mountain of evidence that the Patriot Act has saved lives. ... To let the Patriot Act's laser-guided tools sunset would be to disarm the FBI and rollback our ability to target terrorists here at home, and would return us to the vulnerabilities we faced before September 11, 2001.Jul 13, 2004
View attachment 278679
Department of Justice (.gov) › archive
The USA PATRIOT Act at Work - Department of Justice

Oh the irony of someone that trades freedom for security calling someone else a communist!

Too bad you are too stupid to see the irony.
Yes saving just one life with the Patriot act was not worth it....BUT....

How many other rights are you willing to give up to save lives?

Give up guns and save a lot of lives.

Make the national speed limit 45 and save a lot of lives

Ban booze again and save a lot of lives.

How much freedom is a coward like you willing to give up to feel safe?
I would love to see a separate thread be created to discuss measures designed to combat terrorism that resulted from 9/11, to include the Patriot Act changes and how those changes / acts have helped versus how they have been abused...in a separate thread.

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