Remembering 9/11/01: May this country never forget the events of 9/11/01 and pass it on to our kids

I don't remember Cuck Schumer crying for the victims of the 9-11 Islamic mass murder attack
I remember right wingers saying it was a punishment from God for our immorality
Thank you for pointing out how moronic / ignorant some people's generic, made-up-on-the-fly terms are. Take your use of 'Right-Winger' in your pathetic attempt above to bash Conservatives / Republicans.

I have never seen the term 'Right-Winger' used in such a way to back religious extremists who would believe such a thing, especially since I know many Democrats / Liberals who are Christians, some of who in the past have shared the insane idea you brought up about 9/11 being a punishment from God. Those Democrats / Liberals sharing that view is evidence that you are an idiot, that such mentally disturbed beliefs are not restricted to one party over another....but again, attempting to point out common sense / reality / truth to you at times is like trying to pound a square peg into a round hole.

Let's just label this a HUGE FAILED ATTEMPT to insult Conservatives with a completely flawed attempted use of generalizations.

We are all DUMBER for reading that post.

The only obvious one attempting to run cover for a proven supporter of those who perpetrated 9/11/01 is you

More attempts to divide Americans with ludicrous accusations of supporting the 9-11 terrorist who attacked the greatest symbol of the alliance in the Western world, and the command center of the worlds most powerful military, on this most somber of days.
yea, YOU reach across the aisle all the time. it's a wonder you still have paws.
The only obvious one attempting to run cover for a proven supporter of those who perpetrated 9/11/01 is you

More attempts to divide Americans with ludicrous accusations of supporting the 9-11 terrorist who attacked the greatest symbol of the alliance in the Western world, and the command center of the worlds most powerful military, on this most somber of days.
yea, YOU reach across the aisle all the time. it's a wonder you still have paws.

Yeah? When was the last time I accused any one in any political debate of supporting the horrific crime perpetrated that day?
I remember right wingers saying it was a punishment from God for our immorality
Thank you for pointing out how moronic / ignorant some people's generic, made-up-on-the-fly terms are. Take your use of 'Right-Winger' in your pathetic attempt above to bash Conservatives / Republicans.

I have never seen the term 'Right-Winger' used in such a way to back religious extremists who would believe such a thing, especially since I know many Democrats / Liberals who are Christians, some of who in the past have shared the insane idea you brought up about 9/11 being a punishment from God. Those Democrats / Liberals sharing that view is evidence that you are an idiot, that such mentally disturbed beliefs are not restricted to one party over another....but again, attempting to point out common sense / reality / truth to you at times is like trying to pound a square peg into a round hole.

Let's just label this a HUGE FAILED ATTEMPT to insult Conservatives with a completely flawed attempted use of generalizations.

We are all DUMBER for reading that post.


So, you are saying that Jerry Falwell is not a right winger?

And Roy Moore is not a right winger?

And you are saying that Pat Robertson is a left winger?

Damn, that is some of the best spin I have seen in a long time.
More attempts to divide Americans with ludicrous accusations of supporting the 9-11 terrorist who attacked the greatest symbol of the alliance in the Western world, and the command center of the worlds most powerful military, on this most somber of days.
What is truly divisive is a lair and supporter of enemies of this nation who intentionally spins and spread propaganda in defense of those enemies of this nation.

Either you are too ignorant to know and too stubborn to do any research yourself to find the truth OR you DO know and are intentionally attempting to mislead the American people with your lies.

'Ludicrous accusations' about Omar, an extremely open intolerant anti-Semitic Muslim who supports terrorists and intentionally disrespected the US, 9/11 victims, and their families - the Democratic Party Politician who has already been rebuked twice by her own party for her radical, anti-Semitic comments and behavior?

Omar Holding Secret Fundraisers with Islamic Groups Tied to Terror

llhan Omar Speaks at CAIR Fundraiser

She's not naive: Ilhan Omar is on the road, raising money for extreme Islamist groups

Rep. Ilhan Omar faces hundreds of protesters outside CAIR fundraiser in California

As I stated, Americans need to come together to reject hate, anti-Semitism, and division - especially from one who supports and fund-raises for terrorists, like those who perpetrated 9/11/01. Your running to her defense and the defense of her message / what she stands for today of all days says a lot about you.
I remember right wingers saying it was a punishment from God for our immorality
Thank you for pointing out how moronic / ignorant some people's generic, made-up-on-the-fly terms are. Take your use of 'Right-Winger' in your pathetic attempt above to bash Conservatives / Republicans.

I have never seen the term 'Right-Winger' used in such a way to back religious extremists who would believe such a thing, especially since I know many Democrats / Liberals who are Christians, some of who in the past have shared the insane idea you brought up about 9/11 being a punishment from God. Those Democrats / Liberals sharing that view is evidence that you are an idiot, that such mentally disturbed beliefs are not restricted to one party over another....but again, attempting to point out common sense / reality / truth to you at times is like trying to pound a square peg into a round hole.

Let's just label this a HUGE FAILED ATTEMPT to insult Conservatives with a completely flawed attempted use of generalizations.

We are all DUMBER for reading that post.

didn't you just use a pic of someone to illustrate EVERYONE on the OTHER side yourself to bash "the other side" *RIGHT FUCKING AFTER* a call for unity?

you don't want unity. you want to be right.

those seldom go hand in hand.
I remember right wingers saying it was a punishment from God for our immorality
Thank you for pointing out how moronic / ignorant some people's generic, made-up-on-the-fly terms are. Take your use of 'Right-Winger' in your pathetic attempt above to bash Conservatives / Republicans.

I have never seen the term 'Right-Winger' used in such a way to back religious extremists who would believe such a thing, especially since I know many Democrats / Liberals who are Christians, some of who in the past have shared the insane idea you brought up about 9/11 being a punishment from God. Those Democrats / Liberals sharing that view is evidence that you are an idiot, that such mentally disturbed beliefs are not restricted to one party over another....but again, attempting to point out common sense / reality / truth to you at times is like trying to pound a square peg into a round hole.

Let's just label this a HUGE FAILED ATTEMPT to insult Conservatives with a completely flawed attempted use of generalizations.

We are all DUMBER for reading that post.


So, you are saying that Jerry Falwell is not a right winger?

And Roy Moore is not a right winger?

And you are saying that Pat Robertson is a left winger?

Damn, that is some of the best spin I have seen in a long time.
I am saying your definition of 'Right-Winger' expands, contacts, ignores, and / or encompasses anyone you want it to at the moment when you want to attack Conservatives, snowflake.

The horror of this image should be burned into the heart of every American; not so they hate but so they understand the nature of liberty’s arch enemy
The nature of Libertys Arch Nemesis is "fear" And shortly after 9/11 America succumbed to it... get burnt with a match fear is what PROTECTS you from getting. Burned love Liberty fear of it being taken away is very much like a protect yourself from things like the WTC from happening again Now I presume you being a smart fellow will quote Franklins often repeated line....Perhaps all should read this to understand what he was talking about and NOT what all think it is

Ben Franklin's Famous 'Liberty, Safety' Quote Lost Its Context In 21st Century
Vigilance is what is required to maintain liberty. Not fear. Cowards with your mindset, are what sold away the dream of liberty for generations to come.
Yes we see what vigilance has done for mass shootings....if you do not have a little fear, at least for your childrens safety, you are not a coward but a moron!
BEFORE politicians and criminals and foreign countries began doubling-down on attempting to divide this nation, splitting it damn-near in half. May that memory bring common sense to Americans, wake them up, and to open their eyes and totally reject the true enemies within this country who seek to 'divide and conquer' instead of unite in strength as we were on

Too bad you had to interject this divisiveness in your never forget statement. Couldn't just remember the victims.
there it is, the don't do that, I said so moment of a thread. it's you bringing attention to it, and no one else. sad you couldn't let a post stand on its merit. The facts are present as Omar has so traitorously stated. why are you afraid of facts anyway?
I remember right wingers saying it was a punishment from God for our immorality
Thank you for pointing out how moronic / ignorant some people's generic, made-up-on-the-fly terms are. Take your use of 'Right-Winger' in your pathetic attempt above to bash Conservatives / Republicans.

I have never seen the term 'Right-Winger' used in such a way to back religious extremists who would believe such a thing, especially since I know many Democrats / Liberals who are Christians, some of who in the past have shared the insane idea you brought up about 9/11 being a punishment from God. Those Democrats / Liberals sharing that view is evidence that you are an idiot, that such mentally disturbed beliefs are not restricted to one party over another....but again, attempting to point out common sense / reality / truth to you at times is like trying to pound a square peg into a round hole.

Let's just label this a HUGE FAILED ATTEMPT to insult Conservatives with a completely flawed attempted use of generalizations.

We are all DUMBER for reading that post.


So, you are saying that Jerry Falwell is not a right winger?

And Roy Moore is not a right winger?

And you are saying that Pat Robertson is a left winger?

Damn, that is some of the best spin I have seen in a long time.
I am saying your definition of 'Right-Winger' expands, contacts, ignores, and / or encompasses anyone you want it to at the moment when you want to attack Conservatives, snowflake.


So, is Jerry Falwell a right winger or a left winger...simple question

Is Pat Robertson a right winger or a left winger?

Is Roy Moore a right winger or a left winger?

Do you have the balls to answer?
didn't you just use a pic of someone to illustrate EVERYONE on the OTHER side yourself to bash "the other side" *RIGHT FUCKING AFTER* a call for unity?

well that's certainly how it came across. coupled with the rest of your conversation, you're doing EXACTLY what you're bitching about.

what again are you wanting to pass off to our children again??? nevermind. my apathy about this is now consuming me.
The horror of this image should be burned into the heart of every American; not so they hate but so they understand the nature of liberty’s arch enemy
The nature of Libertys Arch Nemesis is "fear" And shortly after 9/11 America succumbed to it... get burnt with a match fear is what PROTECTS you from getting. Burned love Liberty fear of it being taken away is very much like a protect yourself from things like the WTC from happening again Now I presume you being a smart fellow will quote Franklins often repeated line....Perhaps all should read this to understand what he was talking about and NOT what all think it is

Ben Franklin's Famous 'Liberty, Safety' Quote Lost Its Context In 21st Century

The purpose of a terror attack is to get your target to change their way of life, if the terrorost can cause that to happen they have won.

Since 9/11 we have given up freedoms and liberties.

What more could the terrorist have hoped for?
There is good change and bad change Look what you leftists have brought us..ANTIFA,, BLM, and radical muslims into our country who either shoot us or kill us with a car, or stab us to death, all in the name of supposed freedom for them....tell me how you tell a good muslim from one that wants to kill us.....I will use the GUN BAN that you leftist want...ban them all and we won't have to worry about radical muslims! We need guns to protect us....why do we need muslims?
I remember right wingers saying it was a punishment from God for our immorality
Thank you for pointing out how moronic / ignorant some people's generic, made-up-on-the-fly terms are. Take your use of 'Right-Winger' in your pathetic attempt above to bash Conservatives / Republicans.

I have never seen the term 'Right-Winger' used in such a way to back religious extremists who would believe such a thing, especially since I know many Democrats / Liberals who are Christians, some of who in the past have shared the insane idea you brought up about 9/11 being a punishment from God. Those Democrats / Liberals sharing that view is evidence that you are an idiot, that such mentally disturbed beliefs are not restricted to one party over another....but again, attempting to point out common sense / reality / truth to you at times is like trying to pound a square peg into a round hole.

Let's just label this a HUGE FAILED ATTEMPT to insult Conservatives with a completely flawed attempted use of generalizations.

We are all DUMBER for reading that post.


So, you are saying that Jerry Falwell is not a right winger?

And Roy Moore is not a right winger?

And you are saying that Pat Robertson is a left winger?

Damn, that is some of the best spin I have seen in a long time.
I am saying your definition of 'Right-Winger' expands, contacts, ignores, and / or encompasses anyone you want it to at the moment when you want to attack Conservatives, snowflake.

and i'm saying it's pointless to call for unity while you're still dividing people up into groups.

bwahaha and shit.
The horror of this image should be burned into the heart of every American; not so they hate but so they understand the nature of liberty’s arch enemy
The nature of Libertys Arch Nemesis is "fear" And shortly after 9/11 America succumbed to it... get burnt with a match fear is what PROTECTS you from getting. Burned love Liberty fear of it being taken away is very much like a protect yourself from things like the WTC from happening again Now I presume you being a smart fellow will quote Franklins often repeated line....Perhaps all should read this to understand what he was talking about and NOT what all think it is

Ben Franklin's Famous 'Liberty, Safety' Quote Lost Its Context In 21st Century
Vigilance is what is required to maintain liberty. Not fear. Cowards with your mindset, are what sold away the dream of liberty for generations to come.
Yes we see what vigilance has done for mass shootings....if you do not have a little fear, at least for your childrens safety, you are not a coward but a moron!
“Oh! But what about the children!?” Holy fucking cliche...
More attempts to divide Americans with ludicrous accusations of supporting the 9-11 terrorist who attacked the greatest symbol of the alliance in the Western world, and the command center of the worlds most powerful military, on this most somber of days.
What is truly divisive is a lair and supporter of enemies of this nation who intentionally spins and spread propaganda in defense of those enemies of this nation.

Either you are too ignorant to know and too stubborn to do any research yourself to find the truth OR you DO know and are intentionally attempting to mislead the American people with your lies.

'Ludicrous accusations' about Omar, an extremely open intolerant anti-Semitic Muslim who supports terrorists and intentionally disrespected the US, 9/11 victims, and their families - the Democratic Party Politician who has already been rebuked twice by her own party for her radical, anti-Semitic comments and behavior?

Omar Holding Secret Fundraisers with Islamic Groups Tied to Terror

llhan Omar Speaks at CAIR Fundraiser

She's not naive: Ilhan Omar is on the road, raising money for extreme Islamist groups

Rep. Ilhan Omar faces hundreds of protesters outside CAIR fundraiser in California

As I stated, Americans need to come together to reject hate, anti-Semitism, and division - especially from one who supports and fund-raises for terrorists, like those who perpetrated 9/11/01. Your running to her defense and the defense of her message / what she stands for today of all days says a lot about you.

I think that pretty well spells out your mission. "Lets all join hands and sing in unison our hatred for all the liberals who, as all Trumpublicans know, all supported the attackers." Got it.
The horror of this image should be burned into the heart of every American; not so they hate but so they understand the nature of liberty’s arch enemy
The nature of Libertys Arch Nemesis is "fear" And shortly after 9/11 America succumbed to it... get burnt with a match fear is what PROTECTS you from getting. Burned love Liberty fear of it being taken away is very much like a protect yourself from things like the WTC from happening again Now I presume you being a smart fellow will quote Franklins often repeated line....Perhaps all should read this to understand what he was talking about and NOT what all think it is

Ben Franklin's Famous 'Liberty, Safety' Quote Lost Its Context In 21st Century
Vigilance is what is required to maintain liberty. Not fear. Cowards with your mindset, are what sold away the dream of liberty for generations to come.
Yes we see what vigilance has done for mass shootings....if you do not have a little fear, at least for your childrens safety, you are not a coward but a moron!
“Oh! But what about the children!?” Holy fucking cliche...
See use a leftist cry and they MELT!
God bless all who were effected by the evil attack that was perpetrated on the United States on this day 18 years ago. Bless those who were horrifically murdered in the attacks, those who bravely responded and lost their lives trying to save others, and those responders who were killed that day but did not realize it until years later. Bless the victims, the 1st responders, the soldiers, and all of their families.

May the American people remember back to that attack, remember the DAY AFTER when the nation came together in unity - BEFORE politicians and criminals and foreign countries began doubling-down on attempting to divide this nation, splitting it damn-near in half. May that memory bring common sense to Americans, wake them up, and to open their eyes and totally reject the true enemies within this country who seek to 'divide and conquer' instead of unite in strength as we were on 9/12/01.
Apparently Minnesota forgot and elected an anti American "who cares what happened" congresswoman. Shame Shame.

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