Remembering 9/11/01: May this country never forget the events of 9/11/01 and pass it on to our kids

There are two dominant emotions in regard to what happened that day. One is "Ohhh woe is me. What did we do to make them want to do that to us?"

The other is an intense hatred for those who committed such an atrocity, and the the sick ideology that caused that.

I have no problem seeing my tax money going into killing them all and letting God sort them out.
There was a building right next to the towers that wasn't hit, yet it came down like in a demolition.
And your point is?

Years ago while overseas I was given a choice of 2 new assignments - 1 was in Oklahoma, and the other was in Georgia. I went home to think about it, and that night my wife and I turned on the see that Oklahoma had been hit by a record 100 (one hundred) tornados in 1 day.

Right outside the front gate of the base where I was offered an assignment was what was left of the local housing community. As far as you could se there was devastation - every house ripped from the foundation and scattered like confetti....EXCEPT FOR ONE! That house was untouched - complete with running water and electricity thanks to a generator.

Explain that one. (Rhetorical)

If I am not mistaken, the building you are talking about that was untouched next to the Twin Towers (across the street?) was a CHURCH. I visited the church when I went there for a visit before volunteering and deploying right after the attack Almost every other building nearby received some type of damage....but the church was almost completely untouched.

As I said, I don't waste a lot of time trying to wrap my head around why one thing was spared and why one was not. To me, the fact that 3,000 Americans were murdered makes that inconsequential.
So you don't care if the Mossad or the CIA... were involved?
Nope, just loved the irony of you of all people taking about unity. There is not a more blindly loyal partisan on the board than you. To you it is always party before country
The word you were looking for and failed to find was 'AMERICAN', not 'Partisan'. 'Partisan' infers to loyalty to one party over another. We're talking about 9/11/01 - an event in which 3,000 Americans lost their lives. For someone - especially a foreign immigrant who was 'rescued' and brought to the US, given Amnesty / allowed to become an American citizen - to callously say that on 9/11/01 'some people did something' is not just an ignorant slip of the tongue. It was intentional disrespect for those 3,000 Americans who were slaughtered, for the brave men and women 1st responders who sacrificed their lives to save others, to the military who went to war to make sure it never happened again.

As an AMERICAN, I am angered by the intentional disrespect given by this ungrateful Muslim immigrant who fled her own country and its violence / oppression to come here and continue to support the terrorists who perpetrated the attacks on 9/11/01.

It has nothing to do with politics or partisanship...but I would not expect someone so partisan, who embraces and supports criminals who have sought to divide this nation and undermine / overthrow our President and government.\, to understand that.

'American 1st'. It's not a 'partisan' thing.
The horror of this image should be burned into the heart of every American; not so they hate but so they understand the nature of liberty’s arch enemy
The nature of Libertys Arch Nemesis is "fear" And shortly after 9/11 America succumbed to it...
The legacy of 9/11 is still unfolding. But it may go down in history as the beginning of the end of US world dominance - the day things began becoming unraveled. Sure hope not.
Hard to conceive China or Russia as being the home of WORLD DOMINANCE...... didn't we fight a few wars over this very concept?
The horror of this image should be burned into the heart of every American; not so they hate but so they understand the nature of liberty’s arch enemy
The nature of Libertys Arch Nemesis is "fear" And shortly after 9/11 America succumbed to it... get burnt with a match fear is what PROTECTS you from getting. Burned love Liberty fear of it being taken away is very much like a protect yourself from things like the WTC from happening again Now I presume you being a smart fellow will quote Franklins often repeated line....Perhaps all should read this to understand what he was talking about and NOT what all think it is

Ben Franklin's Famous 'Liberty, Safety' Quote Lost Its Context In 21st Century
Vigilance is what is required to maintain liberty. Not fear. Cowards with your mindset, are what sold away the dream of liberty for generations to come.
Too bad you had to interject this divisiveness in your never forget statement. Couldn't just remember the victims.
Americans need to unite against our enemies, not rally around them and defend them like you and other snowflakes keep doing.

Thanks for expressing your hatred for Americans on this somber day of remembrance.
The horror of this image should be burned into the heart of every American; not so they hate but so they understand the nature of liberty’s arch enemy
The nature of Libertys Arch Nemesis is "fear" And shortly after 9/11 America succumbed to it...
The legacy of 9/11 is still unfolding. But it may go down in history as the beginning of the end of US world dominance - the day things began becoming unraveled. Sure hope not.
Hard to conceive China or Russia as being the home of WORLD DOMINANCE...... didn't we fight a few wars over this very concept?

Yeah. I'm not sure anyone else will take the mantle any time soon. Hopefully not.
The horror of this image should be burned into the heart of every American; not so they hate but so they understand the nature of liberty’s arch enemy
The nature of Libertys Arch Nemesis is "fear" And shortly after 9/11 America succumbed to it...
The legacy of 9/11 is still unfolding. But it may go down in history as the beginning of the end of US world dominance - the day things began becoming unraveled. Sure hope not.
Hard to conceive China or Russia as being the home of WORLD DOMINANCE...... didn't we fight a few wars over this very concept?

Yeah. I'm not sure anyone else will take the mantle any time soon. Hopefully not.
Rome went on as a superpower for millennia following its death as a “Republic”...
You wanna pass 9/11 onto our kids? That's kinda fucked up. :dunno:
No, Aaron, passing on the memory of how the United States was attacked from enemies abroad, how we must remember and pray for those who were killed, how me must remain vigilante and strong, how we must hold on to the lessons learned, and especially how unified we were the next day - how we need to be that way again buy can only be by rejecting all of the attempts by those outside and inside this country to continuously divide us is NOT 'F*ed Up'.
Thanks for expressing your hatred for Americans on this somber day of remembrance.
Sad. The only obvious one attempting to run cover for a proven supporter of those who perpetrated 9/11/01 is you, snowflake. Omar, like you in your post, continue to attempt to divide the country / to help those intent on dividing the nation. You seriously have a problem with 'threat recognition' / determining who is fried or foe.
The horror of this image should be burned into the heart of every American; not so they hate but so they understand the nature of liberty’s arch enemy
The nature of Libertys Arch Nemesis is "fear" And shortly after 9/11 America succumbed to it... get burnt with a match fear is what PROTECTS you from getting. Burned love Liberty fear of it being taken away is very much like a protect yourself from things like the WTC from happening again Now I presume you being a smart fellow will quote Franklins often repeated line....Perhaps all should read this to understand what he was talking about and NOT what all think it is

Ben Franklin's Famous 'Liberty, Safety' Quote Lost Its Context In 21st Century

The purpose of a terror attack is to get your target to change their way of life, if the terrorost can cause that to happen they have won.

Since 9/11 we have given up freedoms and liberties.

What more could the terrorist have hoped for?
There are two dominant emotions in regard to what happened that day. One is "Ohhh woe is me. What did we do to make them want to do that to us?"

The other is an intense hatred for those who committed such an atrocity, and the the sick ideology that caused that.

I have no problem seeing my tax money going into killing them all and letting God sort them out.

I only saw the latter in everyone that day and the days that followed. Considering GWB vast approval rating in the days that followed, I believe most of the county also felt that way as well. Kill um all and let God do the sorting.
I remember how the Left Wingers said that we deserved 9-11

Yeah. I remember that too. That's how the demagogues tried to spin it whenever anyone made any attempt to understand how and why 9/11 happened. Because, apparently, their version of patriotism is very thin-skinned and can't handle introspection or criticism. Kind of chickenshit pride I guess.
rings so very hollow when you call for unity then attack someone.
WHO attacked someone? I posted what Omar said about 9/11/01. It is amusing how emotionally 'soft' / manipulated people get so offended by FACTS and see pointing out facts as being 'attacks'.

....thus part of the reason for the term 'snowflakes' (which I am not calling you)
rings so very hollow when you call for unity then attack someone.
WHO attacked someone? I posted what Omar said about 9/11/01. It is amusing how emotionally 'soft' / manipulated people get so offended by FACTS and see pointing out facts as being 'attacks'.

....thus part of the reason for the term 'snowflakes' (which I am not calling you)
because - in short - you call for unity, then slam someone you see attacking it.

which are you after?
The only obvious one attempting to run cover for a proven supporter of those who perpetrated 9/11/01 is you

More attempts to divide Americans with ludicrous accusations of supporting the 9-11 terrorist who attacked the greatest symbol of the alliance in the Western world, and the command center of the worlds most powerful military, on this most somber of days.

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