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Remembering 9/11/01: May this country never forget the events of 9/11/01 and pass it on to our kids

God bless all who were effected by the evil attack that was perpetrated on the United States on this day 18 years ago. Bless those who were horrifically murdered in the attacks, those who bravely responded and lost their lives trying to save others, and those responders who were killed that day but did not realize it until years later. Bless the victims, the 1st responders, the soldiers, and all of their families.

May the American people remember back to that attack, remember the DAY AFTER when the nation came together in unity - BEFORE politicians and criminals and foreign countries began doubling-down on attempting to divide this nation, splitting it damn-near in half. May that memory bring common sense to Americans, wake them up, and to open their eyes and totally reject the true enemies within this country who seek to 'divide and conquer' instead of unite in strength as we were on 9/12/01.

Those who seek to turn the tragedy of 9/11 into a political farce: Don't do it. I lived around the Pentagon that day, I was almost on the road by the Pentagon because it was my route to work. The explosion from the Pentagon shook the ground below my feet in my bathroom while I was brushing my teeth in a blast that I had never felt before. Then I did the best that I could. Which ended up only being handing out sandwiches and cold drinks to cops, giving a pint of blood, and volunteering to care for patients in the ER, but the hospital I was at did not have a burn unit and the victims were being transported to the level one trauma hospitals. That day I saw the strength of our diverse community in Northern Virginia. Whites, blacks, hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners all turned out to help in any way they could.

The tragedy of 9/11 cannot be used to divide our nation.

The truth is not political. The best way to honor the victims is with the truth. Blood calls out from the grave for the true killers to be brought to justice. And it wasn't Muslims.
God bless all who were effected by the evil attack that was perpetrated on the United States on this day 18 years ago. Bless those who were horrifically murdered in the attacks, those who bravely responded and lost their lives trying to save others, and those responders who were killed that day but did not realize it until years later. Bless the victims, the 1st responders, the soldiers, and all of their families.

May the American people remember back to that attack, remember the DAY AFTER when the nation came together in unity - BEFORE politicians and criminals and foreign countries began doubling-down on attempting to divide this nation, splitting it damn-near in half. May that memory bring common sense to Americans, wake them up, and to open their eyes and totally reject the true enemies within this country who seek to 'divide and conquer' instead of unite in strength as we were on 9/12/01.

Those who seek to turn the tragedy of 9/11 into a political farce: Don't do it. I lived around the Pentagon that day, I was almost on the road by the Pentagon because it was my route to work. The explosion from the Pentagon shook the ground below my feet in my bathroom while I was brushing my teeth in a blast that I had never felt before. Then I did the best that I could. Which ended up only being handing out sandwiches and cold drinks to cops, giving a pint of blood, and volunteering to care for patients in the ER, but the hospital I was at did not have a burn unit and the victims were being transported to the level one trauma hospitals. That day I saw the strength of our diverse community in Northern Virginia. Whites, blacks, hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners all turned out to help in any way they could.

The tragedy of 9/11 cannot be used to divide our nation.

The truth is not political. The best way to honor the victims is with the truth. Blood calls out from the grave for the true killers to be brought to justice. And it wasn't Muslims.

yeah you documented and proved so very well in your post who it REALLY was with the aide of me as well of course.LOL
God bless all who were effected by the evil attack that was perpetrated on the United States on this day 18 years ago. Bless those who were horrifically murdered in the attacks, those who bravely responded and lost their lives trying to save others, and those responders who were killed that day but did not realize it until years later. Bless the victims, the 1st responders, the soldiers, and all of their families.

May the American people remember back to that attack, remember the DAY AFTER when the nation came together in unity - BEFORE politicians and criminals and foreign countries began doubling-down on attempting to divide this nation, splitting it damn-near in half. May that memory bring common sense to Americans, wake them up, and to open their eyes and totally reject the true enemies within this country who seek to 'divide and conquer' instead of unite in strength as we were on 9/12/01.

Those who seek to turn the tragedy of 9/11 into a political farce: Don't do it. I lived around the Pentagon that day, I was almost on the road by the Pentagon because it was my route to work. The explosion from the Pentagon shook the ground below my feet in my bathroom while I was brushing my teeth in a blast that I had never felt before. Then I did the best that I could. Which ended up only being handing out sandwiches and cold drinks to cops, giving a pint of blood, and volunteering to care for patients in the ER, but the hospital I was at did not have a burn unit and the victims were being transported to the level one trauma hospitals. That day I saw the strength of our diverse community in Northern Virginia. Whites, blacks, hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners all turned out to help in any way they could.

The tragedy of 9/11 cannot be used to divide our nation.

The truth is not political. The best way to honor the victims is with the truth. Blood calls out from the grave for the true killers to be brought to justice. And it wasn't Muslims.

These were sick fundamentalists. Why else would someone volunteer to live this life to die a fiery death. A few years after 9/11, I went to live in a little town in Maryland. In it was the motel that housed one of the hijackers on the last night of his life. I would pass this motel and wonder why a person would spend the last night of his life in this sleazy place. I wonder what his last night was like. He must have known that he was going to die a fiery death in the morning. It's one thing to wish death on one's adversary, real or imagined, but to commit suicide in the morning?
Let us never forget building don't come down like they did on 9/11 with out help from explosives.
Does anyone besides me recognize Muslim terrorist supporters when they lie or are muslim?

Bin Laden: Yes, I did it

By David Bamber

OSAMA BIN LADEN has for the first time admitted that his al-Qa'eda group carried out the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, the Telegraph can reveal.

In a previously undisclosed video which has been circulating for 14 days among his supporters, he confesses that "history should be a witness that we are terrorists. Yes, we kill their innocents".

In the footage, shot in the Afghan mountains at the end of October, a smiling bin Laden goes on to say that the World Trade Centre's twin towers were a "legitimate target" and the pilots who hijacked the planes were "blessed by Allah".

The killing of at least 4,537 people was justified, he claims, because they were "not civilians" but were working for the American system.

Bin Laden also makes a direct personal threat against Tony Blair, the Prime Minister, for the first time, and warns nations such as Australia, Germany and Japan to stay out of the conflict.

The video will form the centrepiece of Britain and America's new evidence against bin Laden, to be released this Wednesday.

The footage, to which the Telegraph obtained access in the Middle East yesterday, was not made for public release via the al-Jazeera television network used by bin Laden for propaganda purposes in the past. It is believed to be intended as a rallying call to al-Qa'eda members.

In the video, bin Laden says: "The Twin Towers were legitimate targets, they were supporting US economic power. These events were great by all measurement. What was destroyed were not only the towers, but the towers of morale in that country."

The hijackers were "blessed by Allah to destroy America's economic and military landmarks". He freely admits to being behind the attacks: "If avenging the killing of our people is terrorism then history should be a witness that we are terrorists. Yes, we kill their innocents and this is legal religiously and logically."

In a contradictory section, however, bin Laden justifies killing the occupants of the Twin Towers because they were not civilians - Islam forbids the killing of innocent civilians even in a holy war.

He says: "The towers were supposed to be filled with supporters of the economical powers of the United States who are abusing the world. Those who talk about civilians should change their stand and reconsider their position. We are treating them like they treated us."

Bin Laden goes on to justify his entire terror campaign. "There are two types of terror, good and bad. What we are practising is good terror. We will not stop killing them and whoever supports them."

He directly threatens the lives of President Bush and Mr Blair. "Bush and Blair don't understand anything but the power of force. Every time they kill us, we kill them, so the balance of terror can be achieved." He also calls on all Muslims to join him. "It is the duty of every Muslim to fight. Killing Jews is top priority."

Bin Laden warns other nations to keep out of the conflict, implying that they could face terror attacks if they do not.

In the video, he also claims responsibility for an unspecified terrorist outrage in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, which he claims was sparked by secret messages in one of his videos.

He admits for the first time using public pronouncements on video to whip up terrorism - a danger about which the British and American governments have warned broadcasters.

It is significant that throughout the video he uses the personal pronouns "I" and "we" to claim responsibility for the attacks. In the past, he has spoken of the attackers only in the third person.

Bin Laden has publicly issued four previous videos since September 11, always denying carrying out the atrocities.

He now claims to have access to nuclear and chemical weapons. Bin Laden made the claims on Friday night during an interview with the English language Pakistani newspaper Dawn.

He said: "If America used chemical or nuclear weapons against us, then we may retort with chemical and nuclear weapons. We have the weapons as deterrent."

Defence analysts dismissed these claims. They said that although bin Laden could have access to nuclear material through links with Pakistan or former Soviet republics, he was unlikely to have the technology to cause an explosion.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: "We know that he was looking for that capability. We believe he does not have it."

Emergency powers to imprison suspected international terrorists indefinitely using special closed courts will be announced this week. The measure, which will require exemption from human rights legislation, will be used to round up about 20 suspects hiding in Britain beyond the reach of existing laws.

Bin Laden: Yes, I did it

The muslim an ABNORMALS propaganda and lies never stop!
CNN accused right-wingers TODAY, of all days, as being the new terrorists.

They need their broadcasting license pulled!
God bless all who were effected by the evil attack that was perpetrated on the United States on this day 18 years ago. Bless those who were horrifically murdered in the attacks, those who bravely responded and lost their lives trying to save others, and those responders who were killed that day but did not realize it until years later. Bless the victims, the 1st responders, the soldiers, and all of their families.

May the American people remember back to that attack, remember the DAY AFTER when the nation came together in unity - BEFORE politicians and criminals and foreign countries began doubling-down on attempting to divide this nation, splitting it damn-near in half. May that memory bring common sense to Americans, wake them up, and to open their eyes and totally reject the true enemies within this country who seek to 'divide and conquer' instead of unite in strength as we were on 9/12/01.

Those who seek to turn the tragedy of 9/11 into a political farce: Don't do it. I lived around the Pentagon that day, I was almost on the road by the Pentagon because it was my route to work. The explosion from the Pentagon shook the ground below my feet in my bathroom while I was brushing my teeth in a blast that I had never felt before. Then I did the best that I could. Which ended up only being handing out sandwiches and cold drinks to cops, giving a pint of blood, and volunteering to care for patients in the ER, but the hospital I was at did not have a burn unit and the victims were being transported to the level one trauma hospitals. That day I saw the strength of our diverse community in Northern Virginia. Whites, blacks, hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners all turned out to help in any way they could.

The tragedy of 9/11 cannot be used to divide our nation.

The truth is not political. The best way to honor the victims is with the truth. Blood calls out from the grave for the true killers to be brought to justice. And it wasn't Muslims.

These were sick fundamentalists. Why else would someone volunteer to live this life to die a fiery death. A few years after 9/11, I went to live in a little town in Maryland. In it was the motel that housed one of the hijackers on the last night of his life. I would pass this motel and wonder why a person would spend the last night of his life in this sleazy place. I wonder what his last night was like. He must have known that he was going to die a fiery death in the morning. It's one thing to wish death on one's adversary, real or imagined, but to commit suicide in the morning?

So someone rated this "funny." Would YOU spend the night in some sleazy motel room and then go out and commit a fiery suicide in the morning? This is sickness. It is one thing to wish death upon an enemy, but on your own self?
God bless all who were effected by the evil attack that was perpetrated on the United States on this day 18 years ago. Bless those who were horrifically murdered in the attacks, those who bravely responded and lost their lives trying to save others, and those responders who were killed that day but did not realize it until years later. Bless the victims, the 1st responders, the soldiers, and all of their families.

May the American people remember back to that attack, remember the DAY AFTER when the nation came together in unity - BEFORE politicians and criminals and foreign countries began doubling-down on attempting to divide this nation, splitting it damn-near in half. May that memory bring common sense to Americans, wake them up, and to open their eyes and totally reject the true enemies within this country who seek to 'divide and conquer' instead of unite in strength as we were on 9/12/01.
Apparently Minnesota forgot and elected an anti American "who cares what happened" congresswoman. Shame Shame.

But Minnesota also elected Al Franken so their voting record leaves a lot to be desired.
These were sick fundamentalists. Why else would someone volunteer to live this life to die a fiery death. A few years after 9/11, I went to live in a little town in Maryland. In it was the motel that housed one of the hijackers on the last night of his life. I would pass this motel and wonder why a person would spend the last night of his life in this sleazy place. I wonder what his last night was like. He must have known that he was going to die a fiery death in the morning. It's one thing to wish death on one's adversary, real or imagined, but to commit suicide in the morning?
They were sucked in by their "faith". Once you can convince someone that there is a heaven and that you know how they can get there - well, you pretty much own them. They'll do whatever you tell them, including dying a grisly death, if they think it will get them to the other side. That's especially true when their side is so shitty to begin with.
The Language of Losing
In Afghanistan, we're fighting for something not worth winning, and we're losing. In Europe, Islam is fighting for something very much worth winning, and they're advancing. And, according to all the official strategists in Washington and elsewhere, these two things are nothing to do with each other.
TOM CLANCY WAS RIGHT: (Reposted from earlier today) And we're living one of his scenarios right now. Not much is known for sure, but it's obvious that the United States is the target of a major terrorist assault. There's a lot of bloviation on the cable news channels, most of which will turn out to be wrong or misleading later. Here, for your consideration, are a few points to be taken from past experience:

The Fog of War: Nobody knows much right now. Many things that we think we know are likely to be wrong.

Overreaction is the Terrorist's Friend: Even in major cases like this, the terrorist's real weapon is fear and hysteria. Overreacting will play into their hands.

It's Not Just Terrorists Who Take Advantage: Someone will propose new "Antiterrorism" legislation. It will be full of things off of bureaucrats' wish lists. They will be things that wouldn't have prevented these attacks even if they had been in place yesterday. Many of them will be civil-liberties disasters. Some of them will actually promote the kind of ill-feeling that breeds terrorism. That's what happened in 1996. Let's not let it happen again.

Only One Antiterrorism Method Works: That's punishing those behind it. The actual terrorists are hard to reach. But terrorism of this scale is always backed by governments. If they're punished severely -- and that means severely, not a bombed aspirin-factory but something that puts those behind it in the crosshairs -- this kind of thing won't happen again. That was the lesson of the Libyan bombing.

"Increased Security" Won't Work. When you try to defend everything, you defend nothing. Airport security is a joke because it's spread so thin that it can't possibly stop people who are really serious. You can't prevent terrorism by defensive measures; at most you can stop a few amateurs who can barely function. Note that the increased measures after TWA 800 (which wasn't terrorism anyway, we're told) didn't prevent what appear to be coordinated hijackings. (Archie Bunker's plan, in which each passenger is issued a gun on embarking, would have worked better). Deterrence works here, just as everywhere else. But you have to be serious about it. InstaPundit.Com : Archives Made the day of the attack...very frustrating
TOM CLANCY WAS RIGHT: (Reposted from earlier today) And we're living one of his scenarios right now. Not much is known for sure, but it's obvious that the United States is the target of a major terrorist assault. There's a lot of bloviation on the cable news channels, most of which will turn out to be wrong or misleading later. Here, for your consideration, are a few points to be taken from past experience:

The Fog of War: Nobody knows much right now. Many things that we think we know are likely to be wrong.

Overreaction is the Terrorist's Friend: Even in major cases like this, the terrorist's real weapon is fear and hysteria. Overreacting will play into their hands.

It's Not Just Terrorists Who Take Advantage: Someone will propose new "Antiterrorism" legislation. It will be full of things off of bureaucrats' wish lists. They will be things that wouldn't have prevented these attacks even if they had been in place yesterday. Many of them will be civil-liberties disasters. Some of them will actually promote the kind of ill-feeling that breeds terrorism. That's what happened in 1996. Let's not let it happen again.

Only One Antiterrorism Method Works: That's punishing those behind it. The actual terrorists are hard to reach. But terrorism of this scale is always backed by governments. If they're punished severely -- and that means severely, not a bombed aspirin-factory but something that puts those behind it in the crosshairs -- this kind of thing won't happen again. That was the lesson of the Libyan bombing.

"Increased Security" Won't Work. When you try to defend everything, you defend nothing. Airport security is a joke because it's spread so thin that it can't possibly stop people who are really serious. You can't prevent terrorism by defensive measures; at most you can stop a few amateurs who can barely function. Note that the increased measures after TWA 800 (which wasn't terrorism anyway, we're told) didn't prevent what appear to be coordinated hijackings. (Archie Bunker's plan, in which each passenger is issued a gun on embarking, would have worked better). Deterrence works here, just as everywhere else. But you have to be serious about it. InstaPundit.Com : Archives Made the day of the attack...very frustrating

Wow. "Nailed it!" doesn't even come close.
Does anyone besides me recognize Muslim terrorist supporters when they lie or are muslim?

Bin Laden: Yes, I did it

By David Bamber

OSAMA BIN LADEN has for the first time admitted that his al-Qa'eda group carried out the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, the Telegraph can reveal.

In a previously undisclosed video which has been circulating for 14 days among his supporters, he confesses that "history should be a witness that we are terrorists. Yes, we kill their innocents".

In the footage, shot in the Afghan mountains at the end of October, a smiling bin Laden goes on to say that the World Trade Centre's twin towers were a "legitimate target" and the pilots who hijacked the planes were "blessed by Allah".

The killing of at least 4,537 people was justified, he claims, because they were "not civilians" but were working for the American system.

Bin Laden also makes a direct personal threat against Tony Blair, the Prime Minister, for the first time, and warns nations such as Australia, Germany and Japan to stay out of the conflict.

The video will form the centrepiece of Britain and America's new evidence against bin Laden, to be released this Wednesday.

The footage, to which the Telegraph obtained access in the Middle East yesterday, was not made for public release via the al-Jazeera television network used by bin Laden for propaganda purposes in the past. It is believed to be intended as a rallying call to al-Qa'eda members.

In the video, bin Laden says: "The Twin Towers were legitimate targets, they were supporting US economic power. These events were great by all measurement. What was destroyed were not only the towers, but the towers of morale in that country."

The hijackers were "blessed by Allah to destroy America's economic and military landmarks". He freely admits to being behind the attacks: "If avenging the killing of our people is terrorism then history should be a witness that we are terrorists. Yes, we kill their innocents and this is legal religiously and logically."

In a contradictory section, however, bin Laden justifies killing the occupants of the Twin Towers because they were not civilians - Islam forbids the killing of innocent civilians even in a holy war.

He says: "The towers were supposed to be filled with supporters of the economical powers of the United States who are abusing the world. Those who talk about civilians should change their stand and reconsider their position. We are treating them like they treated us."

Bin Laden goes on to justify his entire terror campaign. "There are two types of terror, good and bad. What we are practising is good terror. We will not stop killing them and whoever supports them."

He directly threatens the lives of President Bush and Mr Blair. "Bush and Blair don't understand anything but the power of force. Every time they kill us, we kill them, so the balance of terror can be achieved." He also calls on all Muslims to join him. "It is the duty of every Muslim to fight. Killing Jews is top priority."

Bin Laden warns other nations to keep out of the conflict, implying that they could face terror attacks if they do not.

In the video, he also claims responsibility for an unspecified terrorist outrage in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, which he claims was sparked by secret messages in one of his videos.

He admits for the first time using public pronouncements on video to whip up terrorism - a danger about which the British and American governments have warned broadcasters.

It is significant that throughout the video he uses the personal pronouns "I" and "we" to claim responsibility for the attacks. In the past, he has spoken of the attackers only in the third person.

Bin Laden has publicly issued four previous videos since September 11, always denying carrying out the atrocities.

He now claims to have access to nuclear and chemical weapons. Bin Laden made the claims on Friday night during an interview with the English language Pakistani newspaper Dawn.

He said: "If America used chemical or nuclear weapons against us, then we may retort with chemical and nuclear weapons. We have the weapons as deterrent."

Defence analysts dismissed these claims. They said that although bin Laden could have access to nuclear material through links with Pakistan or former Soviet republics, he was unlikely to have the technology to cause an explosion.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: "We know that he was looking for that capability. We believe he does not have it."

Emergency powers to imprison suspected international terrorists indefinitely using special closed courts will be announced this week. The measure, which will require exemption from human rights legislation, will be used to round up about 20 suspects hiding in Britain beyond the reach of existing laws.

Bin Laden: Yes, I did it

The muslim an ABNORMALS propaganda and lies never stop!

Don't tell me you fell for the fake "fatty bin Laden" "confession" video which US forces just happened to "find" in Kandahar. The surprise isn't that it is fake, it's not even a good one. Broader forehead, higher cheekbones, different nose. We have been through a few fake OBLs none of them good. In one his beard even gets darker as he aged, not grayer, even though it is strictly haram to dye your beard with anything but henna.






Bin Laden died at Tora Bora or soon after. He was a diabetic who needed regular dialysis and a very sick man.

LOL they dumped him into the ocean so no DNA, no positive ID.

Last edited:
Does anyone besides me recognize Muslim terrorist supporters when they lie or are muslim?

Bin Laden: Yes, I did it

By David Bamber

OSAMA BIN LADEN has for the first time admitted that his al-Qa'eda group carried out the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, the Telegraph can reveal.

In a previously undisclosed video which has been circulating for 14 days among his supporters, he confesses that "history should be a witness that we are terrorists. Yes, we kill their innocents".

In the footage, shot in the Afghan mountains at the end of October, a smiling bin Laden goes on to say that the World Trade Centre's twin towers were a "legitimate target" and the pilots who hijacked the planes were "blessed by Allah".

The killing of at least 4,537 people was justified, he claims, because they were "not civilians" but were working for the American system.

Bin Laden also makes a direct personal threat against Tony Blair, the Prime Minister, for the first time, and warns nations such as Australia, Germany and Japan to stay out of the conflict.

The video will form the centrepiece of Britain and America's new evidence against bin Laden, to be released this Wednesday.

The footage, to which the Telegraph obtained access in the Middle East yesterday, was not made for public release via the al-Jazeera television network used by bin Laden for propaganda purposes in the past. It is believed to be intended as a rallying call to al-Qa'eda members.

In the video, bin Laden says: "The Twin Towers were legitimate targets, they were supporting US economic power. These events were great by all measurement. What was destroyed were not only the towers, but the towers of morale in that country."

The hijackers were "blessed by Allah to destroy America's economic and military landmarks". He freely admits to being behind the attacks: "If avenging the killing of our people is terrorism then history should be a witness that we are terrorists. Yes, we kill their innocents and this is legal religiously and logically."

In a contradictory section, however, bin Laden justifies killing the occupants of the Twin Towers because they were not civilians - Islam forbids the killing of innocent civilians even in a holy war.

He says: "The towers were supposed to be filled with supporters of the economical powers of the United States who are abusing the world. Those who talk about civilians should change their stand and reconsider their position. We are treating them like they treated us."

Bin Laden goes on to justify his entire terror campaign. "There are two types of terror, good and bad. What we are practising is good terror. We will not stop killing them and whoever supports them."

He directly threatens the lives of President Bush and Mr Blair. "Bush and Blair don't understand anything but the power of force. Every time they kill us, we kill them, so the balance of terror can be achieved." He also calls on all Muslims to join him. "It is the duty of every Muslim to fight. Killing Jews is top priority."

Bin Laden warns other nations to keep out of the conflict, implying that they could face terror attacks if they do not.

In the video, he also claims responsibility for an unspecified terrorist outrage in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, which he claims was sparked by secret messages in one of his videos.

He admits for the first time using public pronouncements on video to whip up terrorism - a danger about which the British and American governments have warned broadcasters.

It is significant that throughout the video he uses the personal pronouns "I" and "we" to claim responsibility for the attacks. In the past, he has spoken of the attackers only in the third person.

Bin Laden has publicly issued four previous videos since September 11, always denying carrying out the atrocities.

He now claims to have access to nuclear and chemical weapons. Bin Laden made the claims on Friday night during an interview with the English language Pakistani newspaper Dawn.

He said: "If America used chemical or nuclear weapons against us, then we may retort with chemical and nuclear weapons. We have the weapons as deterrent."

Defence analysts dismissed these claims. They said that although bin Laden could have access to nuclear material through links with Pakistan or former Soviet republics, he was unlikely to have the technology to cause an explosion.

A Foreign Office spokesman said: "We know that he was looking for that capability. We believe he does not have it."

Emergency powers to imprison suspected international terrorists indefinitely using special closed courts will be announced this week. The measure, which will require exemption from human rights legislation, will be used to round up about 20 suspects hiding in Britain beyond the reach of existing laws.

Bin Laden: Yes, I did it

The muslim an ABNORMALS propaganda and lies never stop!

Don't tell me you fell for the fake "fatty bin Laden" "confession" video which US forces just happened to "find" in Kandahar. The surprise isn't that it is fake, it's not even a good one. Broader forehead, higher cheekbones, different nose. We have been through a few fake OBLs none of them good. In one his beard even gets darker as he aged, not grayer, even though it is strictly haram to dye your beard with anything but henna.






Bin Laden died at Tora Bora or soon after. He was a diabetic who needed regular dialysis and a very sick man.

LOL they dumped him into the ocean so no DNA, no positive ID.

But The Surrender Monkey says he killed Bin Laden....

The horror of this image should be burned into the heart of every American; not so they hate but so they understand the nature of liberty’s arch enemy
The nature of Libertys Arch Nemesis is "fear" And shortly after 9/11 America succumbed to it...
The legacy of 9/11 is still unfolding. But it may go down in history as the beginning of the end of US world dominance - the day things began becoming unraveled. Sure hope not.
Hard to conceive China or Russia as being the home of WORLD DOMINANCE...... didn't we fight a few wars over this very concept?
All empires fade, none are perpetual.
Go Suck Obama Bin Lying’s Cock you goat humper.




except there has never been a shread of evidence that it was muslins. t the lamestream media has failed miserably to prove that.:rolleyes:

Not only do the Taliban deny to this day that bin Laden or AlQ had anything to do with it, just like bin Laden himself did. What a shItshow of maudlin self deception is put on every year this time. Americans would rather suck on a fairy tale than face up to big bad reality.

Washington Post: Even in the midst of Afghan peace talks, the Taliban still deny al Qaeda was behind 9/11

Bin Laden,
Pakistani Daily Ummat in September 2001:

"I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children, and other humans as an appreciable act."

On the other hand there are reams of evidence Israeli Mossad was involved, including police and FBI reports. IMAGINE if Arabs had been caught on the other side of the river filming the attacks just as they began, and then had their van test positive for explosives! They'd still be in Gitmo now getting waterboarded daily.

Everyone knows now that 9/11 was perpetrated by a cabal of foreign interests in conjunction with a network of US officials in the highest echelons of the Defense Department and other national security agencies, working to achieve a combination of Middle Eastern ambitions and new tools for domestic repression.

Evidence of Israeli Involvement in 9/11 — Steemit

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