Zone1 What Do Gods Really Want and Why?

have you tried the irregular heart beat "flip switch" technique ... they stop the heart and restart w/ an elect volt stimulator.

well, everything worked fine except heart did not reboot any differently - will give it another try 1st october. can hardly wait.

Is that the same as cardioversion?

Good luck!
and to think sour sue, the desert dwellers only have to ask the heavens for the remedy almost might give one another thought to reading their bibles of deceptions if in itself that would not cause their spirits to shrivel and die over time as proven throughout history and their posts in this thread.
I'm still trying to fathom why anyone would call Louie Gohmert to fix her toilet.

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I am inclined to accept the consensus of qualified plumbers regarding a plumbing problem, electricians regarding an electrical problem, or cardiologists regarding a heart problem.

That respect for expertise extends to virologists, and epidemiologists. While I am aware that none is infallible, I am disinclined to substitute the opinion of an ideologue, whether a politician or media entertainer, regarding plumbing, electrical, cardiological, virological or epidemiological problems.

Render unto Caesar, Mark 12:17:

Few religions ban vaccination...

There are hundreds of religions, but in one summary tally, about five religions ban vaccinations, compared with at least 24 that don’t.

Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s review of immunization and religions identified a small subset of Christian faiths that oppose vaccination on theological grounds. There are five, a group that includes the Dutch Reformed Church, Church of the First Born, Faith Assembly and Endtime Ministries. The Vanderbilt list is largely a topline overview, not a comprehensive study of all religions worldwide.
Many people might instantly think of Christian Scientists. While many Christian Scientists rely on prayer for healing, the Christian Science Church offered guidance to its members on vaccines in early 2019. It said that "for more than a century, our denomination has counseled respect for public health authorities and conscientious obedience to the laws of the land, including those requiring vaccination."
Church leaders impose no decision on church members, but they encourage them to recognize the seriousness of public health concerns.
"Church members are free to make their own choices on all life-decisions, in obedience to the law, including whether or not to vaccinate," the statement said.
Protestant faiths, Islam, Roman and Orthodox Catholicism, Judaism, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and more have no prohibition against vaccination.

And how did that work out for you, all those boosters and etc?

You might not know now, but will later. At any rate, you of all people should be last in line for questioning anyone's faith. My faith leads me to pray, read the Bible and go to church. Yours meant you had yourself INJECTED with God only knows what
And how did that work out for you, all those boosters and etc?
It is now generally accepted that the Covid vaccination saved millions of lives. As noted, I respect apolitical medical expertise, and ignore ideologically-driven politicians and media entertainers with no medical expertise.

As with anthropogenic climate change, it is difficult to cling to the steaming bs in the face of irrefutable empirical data:

There is a price to pay for ignorance:
You might not know now, but will later. At any rate, you of all people should be last in line for questioning anyone's faith. My faith leads me to pray, read the Bible and go to church. Yours meant you had yourself INJECTED with God only knows what
You seem confused. I have not questioned anyone's faith - except for the belief of those who fantasize that ideologues with crackpot notions concerning deadly viral infections know more about medicine that the consensus of qualified medical professionals - real virologists, immunologists, and epidemiologists - supported by the empirical data.

As noted, my acceptance of reality comports with that of most religions, rather than being antagonistic to those institutions:

Protestant faiths, Islam, Roman and Orthodox Catholicism, Judaism, Hinduism, Jainism,
Buddhism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and more have no prohibition against vaccination.
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You might not know now, but will later.

no, they would rather not -

Polio is a life-threatening disease caused by a virus that affects the nervous system and is usually spread from one person to another when stool (poop) or, less commonly, droplets from a sneeze or cough of an infected person gets into the mouth of another person.

CAIRO/GAZA, Sept 1 (Reuters) - The United Nations, in collaboration with Palestinian health authorities, began to vaccinate 640,000 children in the Gaza Strip on Sunday,


symptomatic of the desert religions, sue is right at home their bible of forgeries and fallacies so dear to their own wellbeing must be made obligatory for everyone - or ...

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